Карты на прохождение

Best Survival Maps


A challenging survival map from well-known creator SethBling, it’s based on the original Skyblock map. The world is made up of random environmental blocks forming a grid. Playable solo or with friends, set your own goals and see what you can create in this wacky world. Try not to fall off!

Well, it’s definitely a grid!

Recommended Version: 1.12.2Download Skygrid Map: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/skygrid-survival-map/

Wandering Isles

A massive 5,000 x 5,000 custom terrain map packed with unique biomes, caves, mob spawners, villages, and more. It’s your average vanilla survival experience, so you can play solo or with friends, but instead of Minecraft’s normal terrain generation you get to explore lands you’ve never seen before!

A beautiful tropical island

Recommended Version: 1.15.2Download Wandering Isles Map: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/survival-maps/wandering-isles

Skyblock Randomizer

The premise is simple: You start on 1 bedrock block floating in the sky. Every 30 seconds a random item appears in your inventory. It could be anything from a block of dirt, a diamond, or a wooden hoe — it really is random. Suitable for solo play or with friends, can you build your way up from the isolated bedrock block to create a world worth living in?

What item will you get first?

Recommended Version: 1.14.4Download Skyblock Randomizer Map: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/survival-maps/skyblock-randomizer


You’re trying to outrun some loan-sharks that are after you, so you sneak on to a random ship. 3 days later you wake up in the freezing cold of the Artic after the ship you were on crashed. It’s freezing cold, you have no food, it’s getting dark, and the landscape is very barren. Recommended as a multiplayer map but suitable for solo play, the creator has set out a long list of challenges for you to complete. Do you have what it takes to survive?

Sure is cold and lonely out here. At least you have sheep!

Recommended Version: 1.12.2Download ARCTIC Map: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/survival-maps/arctic

Le Monde

This absolutely stunning map is a massive 16,000 x 14,000 blocks and is filled with custom biomes and places to explore. Perfect to play solo or with friends, this will turn your normal survival experience into a continuously awe-inspiring experience.

A sky view of the entire map

Recommended Version: 1.8 (An edited 1.14 version is also available on the page)Download Le Monde Map: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/le-monde—a-16k-blocks-wide-gigantic-survival-world-map-18-ready/

Captive Minecraft

A super unique survival map based on you being, well, captive. You begin the map in a 1 block wide world border, and your goal is to expanded the world border to you can explore further. How do you do that? Well, the more Minecraft achievements you complete, the more of the world you have access to. Suitable for solo play or with friends, this is a fun twist on classic survival!

That’s all the space you get to start with

Recommended Version: 1.11Download Captive Minecraft Map: http://thefarlanders.com/captiveminecraft/

Как скачать карты для мобильного навигатора

Навигация нередко используется в мобильных устройствах. С помощью телефона можно быстро проложить маршрут во время поездки и не нужно брать с собой дополнительное GPS-устройство. Способ загрузки новых карт отличается в зависимости от установленного навигатора.

Вариант 1: Maps.Me

Мапс Ми – это бесплатный навигатор, который удобно использовать пешком и на автомобиле. Атласы содержат подробную информацию об интересных местах, магазинах, парках, кафе. С помощью приложения можно найти пляж или отель за границей, не включая интернет в роуминге.

Как скачать карты в Maps.Me:

  1. Нажмите на кнопку в виде трех полосок, выберите опцию «Загрузить карты».
  2. Тапните по клавише с плюсом, выберите страну или город из списка.
  3. Для загрузки кликните по нужному атласу, нажмите на «Загрузить карту» в появившемся окне.

Время загрузки атласа зависит от его размера и скорости интернета. Заранее скачайте нужные регионы, чтобы не тратить интернет-трафик в роуминге.

Вариант 2: Яндекс.Навигатор

Навигация от Yandex может работать в онлайн-режиме и загружать нужную карту через интернет. При движении за городом возможны проблемы со связью. В этом случае пригодятся заранее скачанные атласы, которые можно загрузить бесплатно.

Как закачать карты в навигатор Яндекс:

  1. Нажмите на кнопку вызова меню снизу справа, тапните по опции «Загрузка карт».
  2. Тапните по окошку поиска, напечатайте название города или региона.
  3. Для скачивания кликните по найденному результату, появится кнопка со стрелочкой, нажмите на нее.

Общий вес файлов зависит от выбранной местности. Не загружайте ненужные регионы, чтобы не переполнить память устройства.

Во время поездки офлайн-карты включаются автоматически. Если связь с интернетом восстановилась, навигатор переключится в обычный режим, загрузит информацию о пробках, камерах и дорожных событиях. Обновлять данные можно самостоятельно или настроить автоматическую загрузку файлов по WiFi.

Вариант 3: Google Карты

Скачать карту России для навигатора Google можно через меню. Для этого нужно подключить смартфон к интернету и выбрать нужный регион.

Установка карт в навигацию от Google выполняется следующим образом:

  1. Запустите навигатор, кликните по клавише меню сверху слева.
  2. Пролистайте список до пункта «Офлайн-карты», нажмите на клавишу со стрелкой и подписью «Выбрать карту».
  3. Выберите нужный участок с помощью рамки, тапните по кнопке «Скачать».
  4. Примерный размер атласа указан под рамкой.

С помощью рамки можно загрузить местность не только России, но и зарубежных городов.

Загруженные файлы могут занимать много места. Если в памяти устройства не хватает места, можно скачивание на флешку:

  1. Кликните по шестеренке сверху справа, включите автоматическое обновление с помощью кнопки.
  2. Кликните по строке «Хранение данных», выберите установленную флеш-карту.

Закачивать атласы для навигации Google можно бесплатно. Переключение в офлайн режим осуществляется автоматически при потере соединения с интернетом.

Спасение от скуки

Майнкрафт — это удивительная игра, которая чарует своей простотой и атмосферой. Она дает возможность создать свой собственный, неповторимый мир, в котором главный герой остается только наедине с собой и окружающим миром. При желании можно просто бродить по лесам, питаясь ягодами и пережидая ночи в пещерах, а можно построить настоящий дом или даже замок, засеять окружающие поля пшеницей или заняться скотоводством.

Некоторым нравится создавать оружие и идти в опасные подземелья, добывая ценные ископаемые и сокровища. Но все это со временем надоедает и в один момент приходит осознание того, что все вокруг уже изведано, а дом мечты — построен. Так что же делать, чтобы спастись от скуки? На помощь приходят карты на прохождение. Они созданы как раз для такой ситуации.


  • Use of the F1 key can allow the player to hold a map without blocking their view at all.
  • In Java Edition, a map created using can be any map by using the Map parameter to specify the map number desired. E.g. gives the specified player map_5. If no data value is supplied it defaults to map_0. If map_0 has not ever been crafted, it is centered on x=0, z=0.
  • The maps are stored separately as their own data () file as with (x) being the map number, see map item format for more info. By manipulating this number, players can organize their maps to suit them, or if they accidentally create a map in the same location, they can delete their extra map so as to save the number they make.
  • Certain programs can be used to make customized maps with images or text on them instead of actual maps, many people use these in adventure maps to show pictures or to tell a story.
  • Since all copies of a map are links to the same file, copying an unfinished map keeps it synchronized with the copy as the player fills it in. Thus, a copy stored in a chest can act as a remote backup.
  • A map that is in an item frame does not update itself until a player picks it up, lets it reload, and places it back again. However, if a player holds a clone of the map, both maps update.
  • Filled maps are the only items that make 90 degree rotations in item frames, and also the only items that can expand the item frame into full block wide.
  • On Legacy Console Edition, the player always spawns with a map in their inventory after creating a world. This was later added to Bedrock Edition as an optional feature in the world creation menu.
  • Maps on Legacy Console Edition always show the player’s current coordinates, as a substitute for the optional coordinate display in other editions.
  • A map cannot be created on New Nintendo 3DS Edition. Instead, the map is always displayed on the bottom screen along with the coordinates.

Minecraft city maps

Minecraft tourism has certainly rescued our wanderlust-riven wallets. Saving us money on transport, hotels, and food, Minecraft city maps allow us to explore bustling urban landscapes, both real and fantastical, without any jabs or travel insurance.

From loyal recreations of sunny Sao Paulo to the cities of the future, here are the Minecraft city maps in which you should have a wander and an espresso.


The ghostly region of Pripyat has been embedded in our minds ever since Call of Duty sent us running around the abandoned city of Chernobyl, avoiding pockets of radiation and sniping hapless ultranationalist soldiers. Now it has been painstakingly recreated in this Minecraft city map in which we can tentatively explore.

Future City

War of the Worlds is catapulted into the future as several planets have been attacked by a menacing enemy alliance. Future City is at the heart of these intergalactic troubles. It is a world of staggering scale with piercing skyscrapers and modern tech so, if you always wanted to experience Star Wars’ Coruscant without having to stomach the prequels, Future City should be your next destination.

World of Worlds

World of Worlds is a Minecraft city map for the player crippled by the unfortunate combination of wanderlust and a lack of funds. Travel the world through Minecraft’s block prism in this map, which features uncannily recreated buildings from 85 cities across the real world. Unless you are unusually well-travelled, there is certain to be new places for you to check out.


Atropos is an astonishing Minecraft city built atop a tortoise. Not just a whimsical idea, Atropos is also created in the steampunk art style: everything is adorned with brass pipes and clockwork gears. It is so detailed that, for example, the surface of the tortoise itself is a mass of interconnected metal plates and cogs.

What’s more, Atropos is huge. On its back is a full-sized city adorned with the same kind of elegant details that coat its exterior. The city descends into the belly of the beast; Atropos is as vast as it is impressive.

Imperial City

A quite astonishing collection of structures, Imperial City is an original creation that combines prominent architectural styles from the 19th and 20th centuries. Look around and you will find neo-classical, beaux-arts, and modern influences in its design. But while Imperial City’s buildings are its starring performers, it is their layout that provides the enduring backbone of this Minecraft map. Imperial City feels like a city; the spacing of the roads, the order of the buildings, and the river banks all contribute to a city that feels real.

Vertoak City

Vertoak City is what Minecraft city maps are all about: size and freedom. Without the burden of goals to complete or rules to adhere to, exploring this wonderful world is a freeform adventure of boundless possibilities. High streets are dense yet intricate, Copacabana-like beaches stretch for miles, and leafy suburbs are there as a relaxing retreat from the big smoke.

Tazader City

One of the biggest maps in Minecraft keeps getting bigger. Originally a Pocket Edition exclusive, Tazader City is continually updated with more skyscrapers, stadiums, and hotels. Aside from the hours you will lose to exploring and basking in detail of this city, you can relax in your plush new hotel room, discover forgotten backstreets, and play sport. All without any scraped knees.

Sun City

Cities are great and all, but amazing places like London can be ruined by bleak grey cloud and rainfall that is not torrential, but enough to ruin your day. Sun City, however, is an urban Minecraft map inspired by the sweltering Brazilian cities of Sao Paulo and Goiania. Sun City might not be the largest city map and without any objectives, but at least your blocky avatar will have the free time to get a much-needed tan.

Best Puzzle Maps

Secret Rooms

The map is split into 5 levels, and in each level there are 5 artefacts that you need to find. Sounds easy, right? Well, each artefact is cleverly hidden in its own unique way, so it’s not as simple as it sounds! Figure out the tricks and find the hidden spots to complete the map. You can do this solo or with any number of friends.

This castle dining hall hides a lot of secrets

Recommended Version: 1.11.2 Download Secret Rooms Map: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/puzzle-maps/secret-rooms

Shadow Runner Deluxe

This awesome puzzle map is inspired by the video game Portal, and has a texture pack to match! With 17 puzzling chambers to work your way through, you’ll have to figure out its custom forcefields, time looping, and more. This map is only suitable for solo play, which means it’s all up to you to figure out!

The custom resource pack and custom items are on full display

Recommended Version: 1.14.2Download Shadow Runner Deluxe Map: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/puzzle-maps/shadow-runner-deluxe

Confusing Cubes

In the words of the creators, this map is bound to test your knowledge, stamina, and sanity! Work your way through a series of 15 increasingly difficult to escape cubes solo or with friends and figure out who trapped you in the first place.

The map is split into 15 of these cubes, all with different escape methods

Recommended Version: 1.14.2Download Confusing Cubes Map: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/puzzle-maps/confusing-cubes

Don’t Take Damage

The name almost says all you need to know. Your goal is to work  your way through 8 levels, all you have to do in each is find a wooden button. But there’s a catch: you only have half a heart, and if you take any damage, you die. This map is only suitable for solo play.

An above view of the 8 different level boxes

Recommended Version: 1.12.2Download Don’t Take Damage Map: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/puzzle-maps/dont-take-damage-remastered

Which Doesn’t Belong

This map has a super simple concept and it’s all based on putting your Minecraft knowledge to the test. Work your way through a series of levels, each level faces you with a variety of Minecraft items, blocks, or mobs, and it’s up to you to figure out which one doesn’t belong.

Just click a button to find out if you’re right

Recommended Version: 1.12.2Download Which Doesn’t Belong Map: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/trivia-maps/which-doesnt-belong

That’s it! 34 of the best Minecraft maps of all time all in one convenient spot. There’s thousands more maps available across the internet, here’s where you can find more:

  • Minecraft Maps: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/
  • Planet Minecraft: https://www.planetminecraft.com/
  • Minecraft Forum: https://www.minecraftforum.net/

If you need a Minecraft server to play these cool maps on, why not check out our hosting options?

Best Horror Maps


In this spooky map based on a video game of the same name, Granny keeps you locked in her house and won’t let you leave. You have 5 days to escape by completing puzzles and while keeping an eye out for traps and other things lurking in the dark. But be careful, Granny hears everything. If you make even a little bit of noise she’ll be on her way to you and that means trouble.

Oh no, you’ve been found by Granny, run away!

Recommended Version: 1.12.2Download Granny Map: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/horror-maps/granny

Alien: A Crafters Isolation

Based on the video game Alien Isolation, which itself is based on the famous thriller movie Alien, this map is sure to get your heart pumping. With custom textures, custom sound effects, and an unpredictable Alien you’ll struggle to survive against what might be just around the corner…Suitable for 1-2 players.

A spooky corridor, but at least you’ve got your gun

Recommended Version: 1.8Download Alien Map: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/alien-a-crafters-isolation/

Black Light

Following a nuclear explosion you awake in an abandoned mental asylum in a now abandoned Russian city. As you try to figure your way out passed locked doors and collapsed ceilings, you start to question what might have happened. What’s that noise? Why are the walls scratched? Are you really all alone? The map is best enjoyed alone but is suitable for 1-3 players.

The eerily lit room really adds to the scary atmosphere

Recommended Version: 1.6.4Download Black Light Map: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/black-light—horror-adventure-map/

Dead by Minecraft

This map is a riff on the horror video game Dead by Daylight. Best enjoyed with 3-5 players, split yourself into two teams; Survivors or the Killer. The goals for both teams are simple: the Survivors need to work together to repair the generators and get the lights back on. The Killer’s job is to… well, kill. If the Killer can kill all of the survivors before the lights are turned on, they win. How sneaky are you? Put it to the test!

He’s behind you, get out of there!

Recommended Version: 1.12.2Download Dead by Minecraft Map: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/dead-by-minecraft—dead-by-daylight-in-minecraft/

Haunted Hotel

An infinitely tall hotel filled with creepy monsters and unique events. This map, built for solo play, let’s you use custom abilities and items to make your way through an infinitely tall hotel. The higher you get, the worse the monsters are. How many floors can you conquer?

Steve faces off against one of the monsters

Recommended Version: 1.12.2Download Haunted Hotel Map: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/haunted-hotel-3287186/

Minecraft multiplayer maps

It is no fun to go alone, so why not team up with friends, strangers, and enemies to cause a little chaos. There are plenty of great multiplayer servers out there, but what you really need is a bespoke Minecraft map map. They are all homages to other games but they recreate their mechanics expertly.

Payday 2: Endgame

Inspired by Overkill’s superb heist game, Payday 2: Endgame is a not at all copyright breaching Minecraft map with seven heists that are fully playable in co-op. Four will be familiar to Payday players, such as Framing Day One and Two, Big Oil, and Fire Starter – but the rest are original creations. Pacing is key and Endgame captures Payday’s stealth-to-panic curve competently. There are also security systems to sabotage and an effective trading system with which to kit out your mobsters.

Among Us Minecraft map

If, like us, you’ve spent countless hours lying, murdering, and joining little wires together in the social deduction game Among Us, you’ll understand why it’s become one of the most renowned indie games of all time.

For the unfamiliar, the premise is pretty simple – you’re stranded on a ship with a cohort of colourful crewmates – but some of you are dastardly impostors, on a mission to betray the other players, as you all run around the ship completing (or pretending to complete) vital tasks to ensure the safety of the crew. It’s a perfect candidate for recreation in the blocky world of Minecraft.

There are a few different Among Us Minecraft maps out there, but we like the version published by Minecraft YouTuber Phoenix SC, which is available to download from his website. It’s compatible with 1.16.4, and also requires a Minecraft resource pack to play, which is included in the download. It comes with Minecraft versions of the original three Among Us maps – The Skeld, Mira HQ, and Polus – and is broadly similar to the original, gameplay-wise, with a couple of changes; tasks are shared between players, and impostors’ behaviour is slightly different, but it’ll certainly give you the same thrill as a regular Among Us game.

It’s Better Together

This two-player adventure map is filled to bursting point with complex, Portal 2-esque co-op quandaries. Made with vanilla Minecraft players in mind, you and your friend will not have to endure a lengthy troubleshooting install before heading in.

Mine 4 Dead

Zombies will always be popular but they are even better with a spoonful of Valve. Mine 4 Dead is a classic zombie co-op-’em-up Left 4 Dead game recreated as a Minecraft map. Take in three friends with you (you’ll need them), and prepare to be swamped by shuffling smelly, rotting corpses.

Team Fortress 2 in Minecraft

In Minecraft’s Dustbowl, Team Fortress 2 is that bit more special. Indeed, this is one of the best examples of command block work you will see, with a fully-functioning control point system to capture the classic multiplayer action. This Minecraft map lifts the core classes, Red versus Blue teams, resupply lockers, and dispensers from TF2, and they work flawlessly. The fact that Dustbowl is a perfect visual replica of the original map is its least interesting feature.

FunLand 3

What do you need for a perfect day out with your friends? Hundreds of rollercoasters extending to the very limits of Minecraft’s sky box as far as the eye can see. This Minecraftian ode to the humble theme park is ideal for people who love roller coasters, but hate queues. We might not try it in VR, thanks.

Minecraft parkour maps

For many, Minecraft is about making and admiring inspiring, gargantuan structures. When it comes to Minecraft parkour maps, however, the art and majesty is in how these environments are traversed. Whether you are dashing, bouncing, or jumping through canyons or sky piercing mountains, you will almost certainly be going much too fast to stand and enjoy the view. Here are the best Minecraft parkour maps around.

Parkour School

Ever seen some hardcore parkour skillz on YouTube and worried you are just not up to snuff? Not to worry: everyone has to start somewhere, and Parkour School is the perfect Minecraft parkour map with which to start. Easing you in with a gentle difficulty curve, Parkour School teaches you the basics with a checkpoint system and themed zones. You will be blasting through the toughest parkour levels in no time.

Canyon Jumps

Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon and thought, ‘that’s great and everything, but wouldn’t it be better if I could jump across it in mid air, without a safety harness’. Of course not, because you are smart.

Canyon Jumps is a Minecraft parkour map that allows you to live out that terrifying and oddly specific dream nobody has ever had. With an emphasis on accuracy over speed, this is a jump ‘n’ run map that suspends your route in thin air amid a canyon setting of impressive scale. 48 challenges and an automatic in-game scoreboard system are in, too.

Hologram Parkour

An excellent, ethereal twist sets Hologram Parkour apart from the rest of the Minecraft parkour genre. You are faced with a map of two halves: one side features a route without blocks, while on the other side there are walls, creating a sort of asymmetrical mirror image. Using the other half to judge where to aim your jump, holographic blocks appear in front of you as you discover the correct path, as if by magic. Blending platforming and puzzle elements, Hologram Parkour is not to be missed.

Jump Escape

Jump Escape is essentially parkour meets Portal (Portalkour?). Well in aesthetic terms, that is. You transition between levels with an elevator that recalls Valve’s classic puzzler, but otherwise this is a strong and simple Minecraft parkour map. You might not be punished for slowness like in Time to Die, but the timer is always there to compel you to shave off every last second and show off to the rest of your blocky gang.

Assassin’s Creep

No prizes for guessing the series on which this map is based. Assassin’s Creep is heavily influenced by the stabby stealth games of Ezio and co. with help from the Assassini Costruttori texture pack. As opposed to tracking down those peskily hidden feathers from the earlier Assassin’s Creed titles, your mission here is to locate nine wool blocks – so turn on peaceful mode to prevent mobs from interfering. Each are at the top of tall historic towers, which is where your parkour skills come in. Hidden blades are optional, but recommended.

Potala Palace

If you fancy some virtual tourism, you can head to this creation of Potala Palace in Minecraft. In case you’re unaware, this hilly abode is the largest palace in Tibet and the residence of the last Dalai Lama. This one is ideal if you want a beautiful place to explore or, simply a cool new arena for your favourite game modes – we get how it goes.

Phew, that’s a lot of Minecraft maps. That will certainly keep you busy for a long time, but there’s even more to come from us when it comes to Mojang’s blocky adventure. Firstly, you’ll want to make sure your dazzling your online pals with your faultless fashion taste, so check out our list of the best Minecraft skins for that.

And, if you’re still itching for more exciting adventures, make sure to check in with our favourite Minecraft seeds and the finest Minecraft Pocket Edition seeds, if you’re playing Minecraft for Windows 10. Now, if you don’t mind, we’ll be retiring to our most comfortable castle map for a well-deserved rest.

{«schema»:{«page»:{«content»:{«headline»:»The best Minecraft maps»,»type»:»guide»,»category»:»minecraft»},»user»:{«loginstatus»:false},»game»:{«publisher»:»Mojang»,»genre»:»Survival»,»title»:»Minecraft»,»genres»:}}}}

Minecraft horror maps

How scary can animated blocks be? Phenomenally so, apparently. If you are looking to ruin some underwear then you need a chilling Minecraft horror map. Down the lights, affix your headphones, and prepare your nerves for a fright with angles you have never seen before.

Black Light

Channelling the frights of Outlast, Black Light is a chilling expedition to a Russian psychiatric hospital in the wake of a nuclear explosion. A specialised texture pack makes the place unnervingly filthy, complete with ominous graffiti and colour palette. Like the best Minecraft horror maps, it is the skilled use of lighting makes Black Light creepy.

The Asylum

Abandoned asylums are always a great place for spooks and thrills. Apart from performing a solid job of delivering blocky jump scares and plenty of chills, The Asylum’s borderline immortal mobs engender a sense of powerless terror. This is stripped-back Minecraft horror at its finest.

Survival Horror

Ah, the creepy mansion on the hill. How could such a horror trope not be the centre of a Minecraft map? Created by the ever-excellent Hypixel, Survival Horror asks you to survive 25 waves of increasingly tough ghouls and beasts using only the limited resources found lying around the mansion. A failing electric generator escalates the panic to deliver pure fright throughout.

Ruins of the Dead

Ancient underground temple? Check. Wave after wave of flesh-eating zombies? Check. Hidden chests of armour, weapons, and loot? Check.

Ruins of the Dead is an excellent zombie survival map thanks to its progressive loot game and increasing difficulty. There is even a deviously challenging final undead foe for anyone who can get through the 16 waves of increasingly challenging undead.


Rife with jump-scares and haunting from the first few steps, Wandering is an unforgettable Minecraft map. You play as Jack, a 30-year-old man returning home after a tiring day at work… only someone – or something – has followed you …

Что интересного в картах Minecraft на прохождение?

Каждая из них была заранее создана профессиональным игроком и несет в себе не только уникальный дизайн, но и глубокий смысл, цель. Обычно это необходимость разгадывать сложные загадки или решать головоломки, перепрыгивать через препятствия или убегать от разных монстров по лабиринтам.

Бывают и такие карты для Minecraft, где нужно справиться с армией врагов, под конец убив сильного босса. Из-за многообразия и неповторимости их сложно разделить по жанрам, выделив конкретные типы. Условное деление можно сделать по количеству участников: некоторые подходят только для одиночного прохождения, а другие еще и для коллективного, сетевого. В любом случае, игроку предстоит выполнять задания, заниматься поиском тайников и исследованием больших территорий.

Какие бывают карты?

Некоторые заставляют думать логически и не требуют торопливости, представляя собой сложные многоступенчатые головоломки. Другие же позволяют участвовать в PVP-сражениях или заниматься выживанием с какой-то конкретной целью и наградой в конце уровня.

Карты на прохождение в Minecraft обычно содержат одну гигантскую постройку, по которой и придется бегать игроку, или целый комплекс из зданий и строений. Некоторые из них даже становятся похожи на полноценную онлайновую игру: на улицах стоят персонажи, раздающие квесты, повсюду можно найти таблички с описаниями, а игроку доступно много консольных команд. Но чаще всего карты не выходят за рамки обыкновенных лабиринтов с одной лишь задачей — дойти до конца, используя навыки паркура, работая с кнопками и рычагами, ища верный путь к завершению уровня.

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