
Cleaning the Mop

Two buckets, one full, one empty, both dirty.

To clean a mop, it must be «used» on a source of clean water, normally a bucket (although toilet bowls may also be used). The player must take care not to knock over a bucket while cleaning a mop, as this will create a mess. 

Buckets with clean water can be obtained from the Slosh-O-Matic, and can be used to clean a mop as many as 6 times before becoming completely dirty.  Water inside a bucket will become progressively darker colored as it dirties, and stains will appear on the outside of the bucket.  These stains become darker as the water gets dirtier. 

When water is completely dirty, the bucket becomes a new source of mess, and must be disposed of. If the player uses a clean (or non-saturated) mop on a completely dirty bucket, the mop will become fully saturated with mess the color of the water in the bucket. This may also occur in the dirty water found in the trophy room of the Office or in the Waste Disposal level, as well as in bloody toilets in Evil Science, Revolutionary Robotics, or the Office.

Buckets containing water that has been used to clean a mop even one time are detected as organic trash by the Sniffer. Knocking over such a bucket will create the same mess as a fully saturated bucket of water.

Bob’s Note

Bob’s note can be found behind a stack of barrels near the welder, in the same area as the Artifact.

Bob 11/07/2184Junior Executive JanitorAfter a series of horrible flights in which I stowed away in cargo crates for months, I boarded a security transport and have finally reached this planet.

I had hoped to hide out down here, but something ain’t right.

I’ve seen people attacking eachother for no reason. They are miners though, so who knows.I have some really shitty luck!

Hopefully me and my things will remain hidden away and safe from these thugs.

I feel strangely drawn to the altar. Like that’s where my legacy should be. I have a bad feeling about this…

Three additional notes can also be found in the hidden room. Please refer to the «Bob» page for the content of these notes.

Data Logs

Date: 29/11/2184
Time: 09:31 GST
Identification: Mrs. Ruth Fielder
Title: Workforce Liason

It’s been three months since my appointment as liason.I was led to believe I’d be working with savages and degenerates, but it’s just not true.At first they were distrustful, but they soon opened up to me.These people suffer, I see it day by day.The work they do, it’s horrible!I can’t imagine having to clean up an alien’s digestive organs everyday, and without the slightest sympathy.The rumored tale of «Bob» seems to have done much to inspire them lately.I could hardly believe it at first, but it makes sense.They’ve let me in on their secret. A plan to get management’s attention. Something has to be done, I see that now…

Date: 03/12/2184
Time: 12:10 GST
Identification: Mr. Anderson
Title: Operations Manager

Yet again my department’s falling behind because of this damn sanitation crew I have to work with.They’re getting increasingly stubborn when assigned to one of the many incidents that come through my office.Things are getting fractious, I can feel it.I know what the guidelines say about signs of «discontent», but I just don’t have the time for a complete staff overhaul.The numbers don’t look good, so as long as they continue working, I’m not going to risk taking this higher up.

Date: 06/12/2184
Time: 13:45 GST
Identification: Adam Jefferson
Title: Office Worker

I had a rather…unpleasant encounter downstairs with one of those sanitation drones this morning.The office bathroom was fully occupied after last night’s office-party curry, forcing me to use the downstairs one.This filthy guy in his overalls starts shouting at me, asking all sorts of things I didn’t have the answers to, and throwing beer bottles at me.How the hell did they get beer?I really don’t like those damn guys being so close to us up here.Management must do something about this!

Date: 06/12/2184
Time: 16:32 GST
Identification: Elizabeth Whitehall
Title: HR Manager

What a day! First there was the aftermath of Mrs. Parawati’s curry, and now I’ve had multiple reports of «run-ins» with the sanitation personnel.Something is definitely up with them, and that does not bode well.Ugh, I suppose I’ll have to run this by their representative, Mrs. Fielder.Ever since she was employed as liason, she’s started to «identify» with the lot of them. It’s highly irregular.Well, I’ll just have to bite the bullet and run this through her. She better get them in line before the higher-ups hear about this, or we’re all in for it.

Date: 09/12/2184
Time: 14:52 GST
Identification: Mrs. Ruth Fielder
Title: Workforce Liason

I think I’ve made a mistake, a terrible mistake.Management hasn’t come, and it’s the third day already…I shouldn’t have thrown my lot in with these guys.Management has no intention of giving us what we want.I’ve been trying to mobilize everyone to secure the doors and stay alert, but they have no discipline.I fear it’ll make us easy pickings.What the hell was I thinking! I’m even wearing their goddamn outfits for christ-sake!Shit, there it is again. That noise…Fuck it, I’m getting downstairs. It’s way too exposed up here.


If you are having trouble stacking, the following tips may help:

Columns of stacked objects should not touch. That is, when viewed from the top there should be visible space between each stack. The reason is that bumping an object will cause it to collide with nearby objects, especially objects in direct contact with it. Accidentally bumping a crate at the front of the stacking area can cause a chain reaction that topples every crate in the zone.

Watch the selection highlight carefully. If this option is turned on in the options menu (as it is by default), then selected objects will be highlighted with a white outline. Watch for this indicator to be sure you are grabbing the object you intend to grab, and not the one behind it.

The J-HARM’s Advertisement.

A vendor has a small chance of giving an advertisement for the several items and objects, including the J-HARM, similarly to the Slosh-O-Matic when it is to dispense human remains. According to the advertisement, the company that produces the J-HARM called Crudson’s Automation. The advertisement reads as follows:

«Crudson’s Automation

Height-Assisted Relocation Mechanism Series 4!

A classic BlackWheel industrial device re-imagined by Crudson’s Automation; the J-HARM, or Height-Assisted Relocation Mechanism!

Why waste money on pointless safety? If it gets the job done for less, you’re a winner!

The all new Series 4 comes with less radioactive paint and catapulting than previous models.

Игра Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa’s Rampage

Симулятор уборщика. Вы смотрели фильм «Никита»? Вам наверняка запомнился сюжет о «чистильщике», задачей которого является ликвидация улик преступлений, включая отпечатки преступников, и тел самих жертв. Его задачей было подчистить всё, что может навести полицию на след исполнителей очередной мокрухи.


Авторы игры – создали неординарную ситуацию, где вам предстоит выступить в роли этого самого чистильщика. Оригинальность сюжета заключается в том, что вы не станете подчищать и исправлять огрехи какого-нибудь агента 007. Вы будете выполнять более ответственную миссию – ликвидировать следы преступления разбушевавшегося Санта Клауса, который по невероятным причинам потерял над собой контроль, и перебил несколько десятков своих приближённых эльфов.


Вам предстоит избавиться от улик и следов преступления главного любимца всех детей планеты. Не выдержав психологического давления всё возрастающих потребностей современных детишек, и обремененный давлением налоговых служб, Санта – принял критическую дозу алкоголя, и – это привело к весьма плачевным и трагическим событиям. Результатом того, что бравый старичок потерял над собой контроль – стала гибель многих его подчинённых. Пострадали даже всем известные летающие олени, не говоря уже о десятках трупов ни в чём не повинных эльфов. В игре Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa’s Rampage , скачать торрент которой возможно на нашем сайте, вам поручается миссия спасения имиджа Санты в глазах общественности, и в первую очередь – детей, которые ему доверяют.

Интересные факты

Очень неординарный и непохожий ни на что другое игровой проект. Эту игру можно смело охарактеризовать – не для слабонервных, поскольку в процессе уборки вам доведётся столкнуться с некоторыми анатомическими подробностями растерзанных в беспамятстве Сантой жертв. Не рекомендуется для пользования беременным женщинам.

Особенности Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa’s Rampage

  • Вы попадаете в дом самого Санты – это поистине уникальная возможность!
  • Вам следует ликвидировать все следы его преступления.
  • Используйте сверхмощные моющие средства, для ликвидации луж крови, оставленных на паркете и коврах.
  • Не забывайте о собственной защите. Используйте защитные резиновые перчатки, респираторы и прочие средства защиты от опасных химических веществ, к использованию которых вам придётся прибегнуть, в ходе протирания луж крови трупов эльфов и мозгов растерзанных оленей.

Системные требования

  • Операционная система: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
  • Процессор: 2.4GHz Dual core CPU
  • Оперативная память: 2 Гб
  • Видеокарта: 512MB Shader Model 3.0 Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT or AMD Radeon HD 3870
  • Звуковая карта: Совместимая с DirectX 9.0c
  • Свободное место на жёстком диске: 700 Мб

Об игре

  • Год выпуска: 2013
  • Жанр: Симуляторы
  • Разработчик: RuneStorm
  • Издатель: RuneStorm
  • Язык интерфейса: Английский
  • Язык озвучки: Английский
  • Таблетка (Кряк): Вшита (ALI213)
  • Платформа: на РС

Информация о торренте

  • Ничего не вырезано, не перекодировано;
  • Игра обновлена до поледней версии;
  • Простая и быстрая установка.
  • Тип издания: RePack


На крупной космической базе произошли кровавые сражения. Комические рейнджеры сражались с огромным количеством инопланетных существ. Произошла кровавая разборка, враг уничтожен, но теперь станция – это просто кошмар. Патроны, пятна крови по стенам, гильзы, мусор, осколки, разбросанные части тел врагов – это все поражает. Теперь в игру вступаете вы, как главное действующее лицо, то есть как уборщик. Берите метлы, швабры, ведра с водой, и начинайте вымывать все локации этой необъятной станции. Миссию нужно выполнить вовремя, поскольку вот-вот нагрянет проверка. А станция должна до их прихода быть вылизана. Надевайте космический костюм уборщика и начинайте вычищать базу.


  • A note found in the level Unearthly Excavation written by one of the miners stationed within the level prior to any devastating events mentions «…some guy in overalls sneaking around.» This is presumably Bob, which places Bob at this location much closer to the disastrous events that transpired than any other clue.
  • Bob is seen to be to some degree, insane. This is implied by Bob’s «collection,» a large storage room hidden in the back of the Office filled with several pieces of human remains, and the mutilated remains of one of Bob’s fellow janitors, Dave.
  • Several notes found alongside Bob’s remains in Unearthly Excavation suggest that at the time of his death, he was not in fact acting of his original self, and had instead become «sick» as a result of the Artifact; the same thing that caused the miners in Unearthly Excavation to murder each other. However, seeing as how this is the last place he visits before his death, it does not explain his earlier violent behavior, and it is likely the Artifact only made things worse.
  • In the Options menu, hovering over the View Bob option will display (along with the usual description) «If you do however find Bob, please inform security immediately!»

Bob’s trunk.

  • Bob’s trunk can be found in the hidden room along with his remains. It is identical in shape to the standard Janitor’s Trunk, but possesses different stickers and a bright-red colouration instead of blue.
  • In Bob’s Note found in Hydroponic Hell he says he is suffering withdrawal symptoms. According to the game’s developers, he was addicted to «spice», an illicit drug that is also referenced in one of the Ending Messages received after leaving unwelded bullet holes in a level. «Spice» is a reference to the addictive substance found in the movie Dune.

    Bob may also be addicted to «Nephliprine», and/or seeking it as a replacement for «spice». According to developers, Bob’s notes went through many revisions, and both interpretations are possible.

  • «The Aegis VII incident» is a reference to the first Dead Space game. It is the planet that the USG Ishimura is orbiting, and where the final act of the notoriously gory game takes place.

Primary Objectives

Cryogenic canister

  • Stack cryogenic canisters in the designated areas (there are two designated areas).
    • Although the level editor indicates that only 15 are required for full stacking credit (out of 37 canisters in the level), this is a primary objective, so failing to stack all 37 canisters will incur a loss of points toward level completion.
    • The player may still earn the Employee of the Month Award by cleaning everything completely and stacking 15 canisters. Upon punching out, the player will receive both the EotM award and an ending message indicating that canisters were left unstacked.

Интересные факты

Дойдите до самого последнего уровня игры успешно – и вы увидите необычную комнату, усеянную самым невероятным количеством мусора. Так что учитывайте, что чем дальше по уровням вы продвигаетесь, тем больше всякого разнообразного мусора вам нужно убрать.

Особенности Viscera Cleanup Detail

  • Экипировка уборщика. Вы как главный космический дворник получите в игре необычную защитную амуницию, чтобы кровь и грязь мерзких пришельцев не попала на ваше тело.
  • Красочные локации. Вы будете перемещаться по всей станции, вы даже сможете посещать красивые отсеки для отдыха, но там тоже много грязи, крови и пыли.
  • Скорее выполняйте миссию. Вы должны успеть вычистить базу до приезда космической инспекции. Проверять они будут тщательно, поэтому убирайте качественно – за это получайте бонусы для прокачки снаряжения уборщика и его, моющих и чистящих средств.
  • Грязная работа. Вы должны вычистить локации даже от трупов инопланетных существ. Их останки разбросаны по всей станции, поэтому приготовьтесь к грязной работенке. Но за это тоже вы будете получать игровые очки.
  • Подручные средства. Вы получите помимо метелок, веников и швабр еще и лопаты, ведь разгребать дымящиеся предметы руками – это просто невозможно.
  • Космические уборочные средства. Вы получите в свое распоряжение даже необычный лазер, который поможет вам также в уборке.

На этой странице по кнопке ниже вы можете скачать Viscera Cleanup Detail через торрент бесплатно.

Data Logs

Date: 16/05/2184Time: 19:44 GSTIdentification: Mr. Stout JohnsonTitle: Chief Mining Officer

I’m officially halting the mining today. We’ve found something down there that shouldn’t be. Our early scans indicated rich metal deposits, but we’ve stumbled upon something the scans didn’t pick up, some sort of stone architecture.I’m no archeologist, and I couldn’t care less, but if administration gets wind of this and we didn’t call it in, we’re all in deep shit!I’ve ordered the miners to start digging out the area, taking care to avoid harming the structures.Once we know what we’re dealing with I’ll call it in. There goes our god damn cut!

Date: 25/08/2184Time: 10:34 GSTIdentification: Mrs. Mildred AthalaxTitle: Archeologist

We’ve been studying the artifact for over a day now. From what we’ve learned so far, we can deduce that it was an item of great importance to the race that left it here. However, we cannot discern whether it was out of respect for it, or fear.We are getting some very strange reports about the mental state of the miners who dug out the area. I myself fear that my mental capacity is also dwindling, perhaps I just need a break from studying the artifact.

Date: 26/08/2184Time: 11:40 GSTIdentification: Dr. FrankenwurstTitle: Lead Archeologist

Given the importance of our discovery, I’m going to have a security gate installed on the tunnel to the main chamber.People keep coming and going, and I’m convinced at least one person has made off with some valuable piece of alien architecture.I don’t expect much of these miners, but better safe than sorry, therefore a 10 digit code should do the trick!Hmm, I think my sister’s birthdate and age will do; 1104214539

Date: 27/08/2184Time: 13:17 GSTIdentification: Ms. Lara KraftTitle: Archeologist

This ancient civilization is remarkable. Their architecture resonates with some paranormal energy, and based on the glyphs I’ve found so far I believe I know the purpose of this temple!As we suspected, the temple and artifact was of great importance to the civilization that left it here. They made it not for worship, but to seal away something they feared.They built the temple to contain the power of the artifact, and built stones to absorb its energies, then they left, hoping none would ever return to release the built up powers contained therein!What have we done…

Date: 27/08/2184Time: 14:16 GSTIdentification: Dr FrakenwurstTitle: Lead Archeologist

My initial joy at our wonderous discovery has turned sour. Increasing reports of psychosis among the earlier diggers is leading to less and less progress on our research. People are getting scared, and even I have begun seeing things I cannot explain.I have chosen to ignore these problems and remain determined to uncover the secrets of this ancient alien artifact. Lara tells me she is close to unlocking its secretsThe others do not understand its importance, I must be weary of them, they must not stop what is to come!

Date: 28/08/2184Time: 12:04 GSTIdentification: Dr. MerceroTitle: Chief Psychologist

My results are truly worrying.Most patients exhibit serious symptoms of mental capacital breakdown and psychosis within 72 hours of exposure to the heart of the digsite.One miner, Mr.Anderson, was able to escape his restraints and run straight into one of the mysterious ‘sand traps’ that appeared just the other day.We are not equipped to deal with a medical emergency of any kind. This simply can’t go on much longer, I’ve already had to restrain Mr.Johnson and over 7 other patients to girders, scaffolds, pipes and anything I can!

Date: 17/09/2184Time: 09:42 GSTIdentification: Samson SlaterTitle: Security Officer

Primary Objective:Find out what happened at the digsite.Secondary Objective:Lay down the law with bullets!————————-Communication with the excavation team ceased over a week ago. We want you to go down there and find out what’s going on!Be alert, as our last contact revealed some very unusual reports.

Image Gallery

Medical waste crates stacked in Caduceus

Stacked crates in Paintenance Tunnels

One of the Barrel Stacking Areas in Overgrowth

Barrrels stacked in Overgrowth

One of the Crate Zones in Overgrowth

One of the Crate Zones in Overgrowth

Crates stacked neatly in Overgrowth

Green Crate Stacking Area in Evil Science

Cryogenic storage canister Stacking Area in Evil Science

Wet-Floor Sign Stacking Area in Evil Science

Barrel Zone in Frostbite

Barrels stacked in Frostbite

Crate Zone in Frostbite

Boxes stacked in Revolutionary Robotics

Crates stacked in Revolutionary Robotics

Crate Zone in Unearthly Excavation

Crates stacked in Unearthly Excavation

Barrel Zones in Unearthly Excavation

Barrels stacked by color in Unearthly Excavation

Hidden Barrel Zone in Unearthly Excavation

Hidden Crate Zone in Unearthly Excavation

Crate Zone in House of Horror

Boxes stacked in House of Horror

Crate Zone in Waste Disposal

Barrel Zone in Waste Disposal

Tips and Trivia

The «Teleport to the furnace» tactic

  • The player can use «Teleport to the furnace» tactic in this level. This tactic requires one of the teleporters being stationed in front of the furnace. With this, the materials teleported via that teleporter will teleport straight to the furnace, making the job much easier.
  • The teleporter pads will occasionally malfunction (much like every other device in the game). When a teleporter malfunction occurs, a duplicate copy of the source material is created in-place and no teleport occurs.
  • The broom has an unique function in this level; it can be used to sweep up crystal dust to form them into small crystals that can be picked up by hand.
  • Take care when handling crystallized body parts; they can shatter on impacts, scattering crystals and crystal dust.
  • Teleporter malfunctions can be used to create more teleporters. See for further details.
  • This level makes several references to the Half-Life video game series.
    • Several characters are mentioned: Dr. Ellis Vance/Eli Vance, Dr. Zack Kleiner/Isaac Kleiner, Walter Bennet, Dr. Arne Magnusson, Dr. Stanley Rosenberg/Rosenberg (his first name being coined by a now defunct Half-Life mod), Dr. Simmons, Dr. Richard Kellar/Richard Keller and Dr. Gina Cross.
    • Several gameplay and story elements are also referencing the series:
      • the Resonance Cascade scenario.
      • the mini teleporter from Half-Life 2, which were tested on a cat with disastrous consequences.
      • the crystal sample discovered in the «Border World» by a survey team from Anomalous Materials.
      • the Lambda class teleporters refer to the Lambda Complex teleporter in Half-Life.
      • the Gluon Gun.
      • the Magnusson Device.
  • This level also makes a few references to the science fiction book and TV series The Expanse.
    • Dr. Lawrence Strickland and Juliette Mao are both characters from the series.
    • The Proto-Molecule also refers to the series, with the same blue color, self-conscious and morphing abilities as well as its infection and spread.

Загружаемый контент

17 июля 2015 года, на этапе раннего доступа к игре, RuneStorm выпустила DLC для Viscera Cleanup Detail , которое включает в себя полный саундтрек, который воспроизводится по внутриигровому радио в основной игре и в обоих автономных дополнениях.

29 октября 2015 года, всего через шесть дней после полного выпуска игры, в Steam был размещен Хэллоуинский DLC под названием Viscera Cleanup Detail: House of Horror с изображением места преступления в доме, где произошло нераскрытое массовое убийство, в то время как игрок может раскрыть его во время игры.

10 декабря 2018 года было выпущено новое DLC под названием Viscera Cleanup Detail: The Vulcan Affair , в котором игроки должны очистить секретное островное логово суперзлодея, чьи планы мирового господства только что были сорваны.


The office is comprised of several adjacent rooms connected by narrow doorways.

Main Room

The main room of the Office is where the player spawns when launching the game for the first time, as well as where they return after punching out of any level. It is a fairly large room containing:

  • The Office Trunk, Report Screen, and empty First-Aid Station

    A First-Aid Station, where the player spawns. The station is empty from the start, but as there is no Vendor in the Office, a First-Aid kit must be brought from one of the levels via the Janitor’s Trunk.

  • The Janitor’s Trunk, which can be moved to other locations in the Office.
  • The Report Screen, which allows players to view previous scores and any filed incident-reports.
  • The Office desk and BitterMan Computer

    A cluttered desk with the BitterMan 500 Computer on it.

  • Two standing shelves on each side of the far end of the room, sparsely stocked with extra janitor supplies (which simply act like regular objects).
  • A row of lockers at the back wall. The locker doors are not interactive, but the player can still carefully maneuver items onto the small shelves.

Foyer / Hub Room

The foyer/hub room

An open doorway in the main room leads to a small square space, which acts as a hub between the different parts of the Office. It contains a single standing shelf with a Big Banger Radio on the top shelf, as well as various objects including barrels, crates, and Wet-Floor Signs, all of which can be moved or disposed of. There is an open doorway to the left, and a locked door to the right which requires a 4-digit code to enter.

Equipment Room

View of the Equipment Room through the unlocked door

The locked door of the foyer leads to a large L-shaped room containing a Slosh-O-Matic Bucket Dispenser, a What A Load Bin Dispenser, a trapdoor used for item-disposal, and many crates, barrels, and trash. There is another locked door near the trapdoor and Bin Dispenser, which is protected by a 17-digit code.

Toilet Room

The door with the 17-digit code opens to a room with a toilet and remains of other janitors. A note from Bob can be found here, lying on a crate in the corner. Important: this note and Bob’s second note in the trophy room are the only «copies» of these notes the player will find in the game, unlike the ones brought back from other levels. It is advised to take caution and not destroy or dispose of these two notes, as they are needed later on in the «storyline». If the player does destroy or lose the notes somehow, the only way to get them again is to reset the Office contents (see Resetting the Office at the end of the article for more information).

Locker Room

The locker room

The open doorway of the foyer leads to a cluttered room containing two tall lockers against the wall, a Disposal Bin, crates, barrels, and other trash. Moving the lockers reveals another locked door with a 4-digit code.

Trophy Room

Part of the Trophy Room as viewed from the back wall

The hidden locked door opens into a short tunnel, which leads into a large, dingy, badly-lit storage area containing Bob’s «collection». The room is roughly T-shaped, containing many rows of standing shelves, and a set of stairs leading down to dirty water (which will fully saturate the mop if used, similar to the water in Waste Disposal). There is a curved tunnel to the left, blocked by a locked metal grate. To open this door, the player must find the Red Keycard. Once inside, player will find a small room containing a shelf with a shotgun and a green breast plate (two of the collectibles in the game), along with another one of Bob’s notes. At the very end is another gate leading to an inaccessible tunnel.

Secret Room

The Secret Room

Included with the v1.092 update, there is a secret area in The Office accessible by climbing on stacked objects, or by using console commands.

Note that some players (especially those who installed the game prior to v1.092) may need to reset the Office or update their game installation before this area will appear.

Level Briefings


Despite the catastrophic events that unfolded within this excavation site, you will perform your job with utmost delicacy and discretion.Unicorp officials will be inspecting the site this week, so work with haste to clean, sanitize and neaten the facility.Failure to complete your work here within the time frame will result in termination of your contract, possibly more…Do not be alarmed by any residual entities or artifacts that remain as a result of the events; it is your duty to conduct yourself professionally despite such obstructions.

Respawn Brief

You are being hired as a replacement for a deceased colleague.Your fellow employee is presumed to have been devoured by an unidentified lifeform, exercise caution when performing your assigned duties.Above all, avoid angering your co-workers, and ensure the facility is clean and orderly.Do this and you may yet join the permanent staff, however dangerous they may be.
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