Saints row: gat out of hell скачать торрент


Saints Row
Голос Актёр
1 Европеец / азиат Неизвестен
2 Афроамериканец Неизвестен
3 Мексиканец Неизвестен
Saints Row 2
Голос Актёр / актриса
1 Мужской 1 Чарльз Шонесси (Charles Shaughnessy)
2 Мужской 2 Кенн Майкл (Kenn Michael)
3 Мужской 3 Алекс Мендоза (Alex Mendoza)
4 Женский 1 Кэти Сэмин (Katie Semine)
5 Женский 2 Гилберт Боус (G.K. Bowes)
6 Женский 3 Ребекка Санабрия (Rebecca Sanabria)
Saints Row: The Third
Голос Актёр / актриса
1 Мужской 1 Трой Бэйкер (Troy Baker)
2 Мужской 2 Кенн Майкл (Kenn Michael)
3 Мужской 3 Робин Аткинс Даунс (Robin Atkin Downes)
4 Женский 1 Лора Бэйли (Laura Bailey)
5 Женский 2 Тара Платт (Tara Platt)
6 Женский 3 Ребекка Санабрия (Rebecca Sanabria)
7 Зомби Стивен Блум (Steve Blum)
Saints Row IV
Голос Актёр / актриса
1 Мужской 1 Трой Бэйкер (Troy Baker)
2 Мужской 2 Кенн Майкл (Kenn Michael)
3 Мужской 3 Робин Аткинс Даунс (Robin Atkin Downes)
4 Женский 1 Лора Бэйли (Laura Bailey)
5 Женский 2 Дайан Мишель (Diane Michelle)
6 Женский 3 Сумали Монтано (Sumalee Montano)
7 Нолан Норт

Нолан Норт (Nolan North)

King of Fighters 15. Файтинг «три на три»

King of Fighters — серия файтингов, первая часть которой вышла ещё в 1994 году. Её фишка в том, что она собирала на арене героев разных игр уже обанкротившейся компании SNK Playmore. Впрочем, западному игроку персонажи вряд ли знакомы, да и саму серию многие пропустили. King of Fighters 15 намерена исправить эту несправедливость.

Игра выделяется солидным набором бойцов, в который вошли 39 персонажей, и необычными режимами вроде драки трое на трое

Если шикарная Mortal Kombat 11 вам надоела, а стильная Guilty Gear Strive пришлась не по вкусу, обратите на King of Fighters 15 внимание. Релиз запланирован на 17 февраля 2022 года


  • Armored Truck .Co— An armored truck company from Saints Row and Saints Row 2.
  • Autobahn is a German car manufacturer which builds the Ant and Zircon.
  • Big Package Shipping .Co— A shipping company that uses the Mule.
  • Breton is a British Car, Boat and Motorbike manufacturer which builds the Churchill, Halberd, Infuego, Miami, Quasar, Rattler, Shard, Temptress and Topher.
  • Custom Coachbuilders manufacture The Job.
  • Dalton Moore is a luxury car manufacturer that builds the Baron, Justice and Zenith.
  • Dobson is a car and motorbike manufacturer. They build the Cavallaro, Destiny, Estrada, Hammer, Hollywood, Keystone, Status Quo and Stiletto.
  • Elephant is a vehicle manufacturer which makes the Backhoe, Bulldozer and Forklift.
  • Gravaton is a car manufacturer. they build the Eiswolf, Jackrabbit and Mockingbird.
  • HQN is a vehicle manufacturer which builds the Nelson and Vortex.
  • Millah is the largest vehicle manufacturer. They build the Alaskan, Ambulance, Anchor, Blaze, Cheetah, City Waste Truck, Compensator, Compton, Cosmos, DonoVan, Flatbed, Lockdown, Mag, NRG V8, Peterliner, Septic Avenger, Stilwater Municipal, Titan and Voyage.
  • Outpull Tractors is a vehicle manufacturer which builds the Bag Boy.
  • Rogue is a car manufacturer. They build the Alex-S (Five-O, Interest and Taxi), Beaurequat FBI, Nordberg, Swindle and Westbury.
  • Scorpion is a car, helicopter and motorbike manufacturer. They build the Blade, Criminal, Hammerhead, Hannibal, Raycaster, Sabretooth, Slingshot, Thorogood, Torch and Tornado.
  • Shaker Bros Movers is a moving company who uses the Mule.
  • Soul Eater manufacture the Quota.
  • Steer is a car manufacturer. They build the Bulldog, Capshaw, Gunslinger, Kayak, Venom, Venom Classic, and Wellington.
  • Stilwater National Mail — On the Newman. Stilwater has privatized mail delivery.
  • Sumi Yaka is a car, buggy, watercraft and quadbike manufacturer. They build the Aqua, Komodo, Mongoose, Shark and Toad.
  • TM is a car manufacturer. They make the Atlantica, Bezier, Emu, Fer de Lance and Neuron.
  • TS Motors is a car manufacturer. They build the La Fuerza, Vegas, Phoenix, Voxel and WakazashiSR2.
  • Wasabi is a car and motorbike manufacturer. They build the Go!, Kenshin, Knoxville, Sandstorm, Shogun, Traxx Master, Varsity, Zimos and Zomkah.
  • Zanin is the a car and motorbike manufacturer. They build the Atlasbreaker, Attrazione, Betsy, Bootlegger, Buffalo, Delivery Truck, Ethel, Goliath, Kaneda, Longhauler, Mix Master, Mule, Reaper, Scrubber, Shaft, Solar, TaxiSR3 and Wraith.


  • Dex’s pet peeve is people using the wrong terminology. Dex often states «It’s ‘The Carnales’ or ‘Los Carnales’, not ‘The Los Carnales'».
  • Dex and Julius are the only Saints who are not unlockable homies in Saints Row or Saints Row 2; and Playa has a deep hatred for both of them in Saints Row 2

    Julius can be unlocked as a homie in Saints Row IV. Therefore Dex is the only Saint to never become an unlockable homie.


  • Near the end of Saints Row, Saints may be heard saying «You aren’t worried Dex might pull some Warren Williams bullshit, are you?», foreshadowing him becoming an enemy of the Saints in Saints Row 2.
  • Dex’s hair, grammar, clothing style, and even voice, have changed dramatically from Saints Row to Saints Row 2. This suggests that he was very young in the first game, a teenager. This could also be due to his being in a well paid job and lifestyle, differing from being a gang member.
  • Dex’s Phone Number in Saints Row 2 is 555-2628.
  • Dex’s phone entry sometimes re-appears after completing «Revelation», and if he is called, the mission is sometimes unlocked again and can be played without using the Newspaper Clipboard.
  • In a livestream interview with Destructoid one week prior to the release of Saints Row: The Third, Steve Jaros, one of the writers of the Saints Row series, confirmed that Dex does not appear in Saints Row: The Third. Jaros further explained that Dex was to appear in another project which «never materialized», and Volition, Inc. did not want to put Dex in the game and alienate players who did not play Saints Row or the Saints Row 2 DLC Corporate Warfare.
    • Dex features in an unreleased spin-off titled Saints Row: Money Shot, where he is shot and killed by Cypher, a professional assassin working for Ultor. The mission is titled «Dex’s New Digs».
    • The unreleased Saints Row: Money Shot bridges some of the gap between the second and third games. If the events of this game occurred off-screen, then Dex is dead by the events of Saints Row: The Third and, as of Saints Row: Gat out of Hell, Johnny is the only original character who is still alive.
  • In the Saints Row IV mission «A Pleasant Day», Dex is referenced to by Playa’s «wife» in a simulation who says that Dex had called round but she didn’t recognize him so sent him away. Playa doesn’t react to this while they are eating pancakes.
  • There is a photo of Dex in the Saints Row Church in an virtual version of Stilwater.
  • Volition could not locate Jeffery Allen Qaiyum when developing Saints Row 2, so Pierce’s voice actor, Arif S. Kinchen, also provided the voice of Dex.
  • In the DLC Enter the Dominatrix for Saints Row IV, Donnie references how he knows how Dex feels in reference to being left out of Saints Row (as Donnie was cut from Saints Row IV).
  • In Gat out of Hell, Dex knows who Kinzie is, despite never having met her.
  • Dex betrays Playa, but despite their vow, Playa does not kill Dex.
  • Dex and Killbane are two major antagonists who survive the events of their respective games (Corporate Warfare and Saints Row: The Third), die «offscreen» and then return as minor characters in Saints Row: Gat out of Hell. Also, Playa expresses a deep hatred for both of them as enemies of the Saints.
  • Jane Austen mentions in the Shawarma cutscene that Dex’s retribution was long overdue. A reference to Dex’s absence from the series after Corporate Warfare.
  • The Gat out of Hell website promo image of Dex uses the Saints Row Wiki’s image of Dex in the Corporate Warfare Milestone Goal Failed cutscene without attribution.
  • Despite failing to carry out killing Dex, Playa still remembers him fondly (among other past characters) when in the simulation of the old Saints church in Saints Row IV.

Saints Row (2006)

К моменту релиза первой части линейки студия Volition уже зарекомендовала себя «марсианскими» шутерами с разрушаемостью Red Faction и очень смелым проектом The Punisher по одноименному комиксу, одной из главных фишек которого была зашкаливающая жестокость. Начиная с 2000 года, Volition принадлежала ныне почившему издательству THQ, которое и заказало ей игру, способную конкурировать с GTA.

Saints Row вышла в 2006 году, когда GTA: San Andreas уже два года как рвала чарты продаж, а игровые студии с переменным успехом пытались ей подражать, выпуская клонов разной степени паршивости (вроде Driver: Parallel Lines, Scarface: The World is Yours или True Crime: New York City). Первая Saints Row во многом тоже напоминала San Andreas, вплоть до сюжетной канвы, посвященной войне группировок, и открытого мира с обилием транспортных средств и оружием, а также свободой в выборе миссий.

Но было и кое-что отличное от культового детища Rockstar Games.

Например, полноценная система кастомизации персонажа, позволяющая вылепить уникального героя, которому предстояло вознести банду «Святых с 3-ей улицы» на вершину криминального Олимпа города Стилуотер. Или множество побочных заданий, которые необходимо было выполнять для улучшения репутации.

Наконец, более красивая графика и яркая картинка – что неудивительно, учитывая, что GTA: SA вышла на предыдущем относительно новинки от Volition поколении консолей.

Увы, оценить это могли не все: Saints Row была эксклюзивом конcоли Xbox 360. К РС в середине двухтысячных многие издатели относились как к рассаднику пиратства, а версия для PS3 после длительной разработки была отменена. Тем не менее игру ждали положительные отзывы и достаточные для запуска в производство сиквела продажи.

Где купить: игра изъята из продажи в официальных цифровых сервисах

Far Cry 6. Новый трейлер

Героиней Far Cry 6 станет Дани Рохас. Девушка живёт в тропическом государстве Яра, которым управляет тиран Антон Кастильо. В начале игры она хочет сбежать куда подальше, но жестокость правителя вынуждает её остаться и бороться за свободу жителей до последнего.

Новый трейлер больше рассказывает о безумствах Кастильо и приоткрывает завесу тайны над его мотивами. Оказывается, в Яре идёт разработка инновационного лекарства, которое способно избавить мир от рака. Увы, цена высока: ради продолжения исследований жителям приходится трудиться, как рабам.

Прав ли Антон или он заслуживает пули в лоб? Решить это удастся на релизе, который состоится 7 октября.


Saints Row 2 — игра студии Volition, Inc и THQ в жанре экшен с элементами гонок и аркады, выпущенная в 2008 году, продолжение игры Saints Row 2 2006 года.

Игровой процесс скопирован с серии игр Grand Theft Auto. В отличие от игр серии GTA, главный герой — это не определённый человек, а свободно настраиваемый, то есть по ходу игры можете изменить пол, расу, телосложение, внешность героя в специальной пластической хирургии. По ходу игры можно купить тот или иной магазин, который будет приносить прибыль (забрать её можно будет в жилище). Также в игре присутствуют различные хулиганства, подработки и трюки, за которые дается авторитет, необходимый для выполнения миссий. Подработки тоже весьма интересные и зачастую смешные. Также в игре присутствует совместное прохождение кампании (до 2-х игроков) и многопользовательский режим.


Several Downloadable Content packs are available to purchase.

Although classed as «Downloadable», 12 of these content packs are included on the game disc itself, and require additional payment to activate. The packs which are included on the disc are listed in the Xbox Marketplace with a filesize of 316 KB.


  • C — Clothing is included in the pack
  • V — Vehicles are included in the pack
  • W — Weapons are included in the pack
  • H — Homies are included in the pack
  • M — Missions are included in the pack
  • G — Gang customizations are included in the pack
  • L — Link to DLC
Name ID Order Files Release Date Size(xbox 360) Cost(MS points) C V W H M G
Initiation Station 2011-11-01 872.32 MB Free
Online Pass(Co-Op Mode) 10 10 Disc 2011-11-15 316 KB 800
Invincible Pack(Cheat Pack) 12 12 Disc 2011-11-15 316 KB 240
Funtime! Pack(Genki Pack) 13 13 Disc 2012-02-14 316 KB 240 X X X
Warrior Pack(Outfit Pack 01) 14 14 Disc 2011-12-20 316 KB 240 X
Z Style Pack(Bling Pack) 15 15 Disc 2011-12-06 316 KB 160 X X
Explosive Combat Pack(Grenade Launcher) 16 16 Disc 2011-12-06 316 KB 160 X X
Shark Attack Pack(Shark Pack) 17 17 Disc 2011-11-15 316 KB 160 X X
Penthouse Pack 18 65 DLC2 2012-05-22 261.37 MB 240 X
Nyte Blayde Pack 19 19 Disc 2012-04-10 316 KB 240 X X
Moneyshot Pack 20 20 Disc 2012-02-14 316 KB 160 X X X
Bloodsucker Pack(Unlock Pack 01) 21 21 Disc 2012-02-28 316 KB 160
Unlockable Pack(Unlock Pack 02) 22 22 Disc 2012-08-14 316 KB 160 X X X X
Steelport Gangs Pack(Gang Outfit Pack) 23 66 DLC2 2012-05-01 261.37 MB 240 X
Horror Pack(Halloween Outfit Pack) 24 64 DLC2 2012-07-24 261.37 MB 240 X
Special Ops Vehicle Pack(Saints Military Vehicles) 25 25 Disc 2012-04-10 316 KB 160 X
Viewer Pack The FirstVIEWER01 / DLC1 26 40 DLC1 2012-01-17 123.53 MB Free
Gangstas in Space 27 61 DLC2 2012-02-21 261.37 MB 560 X X X X X X
Viewer Pack The SecondVIEWER02 / DLC2 28 60 DLC2 2012-02-21 261.37 MB Free
Genkibowl VII(Genki Missions Pack) 29 41 DLC1 2012-01-17 123.53 MB 560 X X X X
Viewer Pack The ThirdVIEWER03 / DLC3 30 80 DLC3 2012-03-20 121.96 MB Free
The Trouble With Clones(Monster Mash) 31 81 DLC3 2012-03-20 121.96 MB 560 X X X X
Genki Girl Pack 32 63 DLC2 2012-07-03 261.37 MB 240 X
CheapyD 33 42 DLC1 2012-01-17 123.53 MB Free X
Witches and Wieners 34 82 DLC3 2012-06-12 121.96 MB 240 X X
Valve Clothing Pack DLC1 X


There are 80 Vehicles in Saints Row.

  • 23 do not appear in any other games, including both DLC vehicles.
  • 58 vehicles from Saints Row return in Saints Row 2

    25 of those return in Saints Row: The Third.


  • There are also 2 DLC vehicles which require additional payment to unlock.

When in Stilwater, driving a vehicle is faster and safer than walking. Vehicles are either two door or four which allows 3 passengers to accompany Playa. Most cars can be customized at Rim Jobs. Customizable features include body mods, rims, color changes, hydraulics and nitrous. Some vehicles cannot be customized as they are unique or not available for it. Vehicles are available through purchase at a car dealership, Cheats or stealing. Most cars have a specific location in places to obtain and some have certain times.

Saints Row 2 (2008)

Вторая часть последовала через два года, и вышла на всех актуальных для своего времени платформах – Xbox 360, РС и PS3. Игра продолжала сюжет предшественницы (вообще, вся линейка имеет сквозную историю, посвященную одним и тем же героям), предлагая игрокам снова завоевать Стилуотер. Главному герою предстояло собрать «Святых» и постепенно победить все банды, захватившие власть в районах города.

Сиквел снова отличался от игр серии GTA, копируя только общую концепцию – открытый мир со множеством активностей, возможность угонять транспорт и использовать большой арсенал оружия. Зато здесь игроки могли детально настроить внешность протагониста, включая выбор пола, выполнять интересные, часто очень смешные, побочные квесты, а также с головой погрузиться в сюжет, полный неожиданных, местами драматических, поворотов и приправленный щепоткой сумасшествия.

Наблюдать за гангстерской историей было интересно, но не всегда комфортно. На консолях Saints Row 2 показала себя хорошо, но РС-версия была далека от идеала. К тому же, по части картинки игра не смогла конкурировать с только-только вышедшей GTA IV – ситуация, обратная первой части. Впрочем, аудитории приглянулись абсурдные миссии и юмор, так что Volition наметила дальнейший путь развития серии.


  • Saints Row: The Third is the sixth game in the franchise.
  • The game’s story was originally going to be about an undercover cop infiltrating the 3rd Street Saints. which somewhat bears similarities to Troy’s role as an undercover cop who infiltrates the Saints.
  • Despite the heavy online integration of Saints Row: The Third, there is no online integration between different platforms. For example, it is not possible to upload a character on PC and download it on Xbox 360.
  • This is the first game where a gang has only 1 prominent member.
  • In May of 2012, THQ announced the development of a large expansion DLC pack for Saints Row: The Third titled Saints Row: The Third: Enter the Dominatrix. Originally falsified information released on April Fools’ Day, this major expansion pack was later confirmed to become a full-blown reality in September of that same year, and cost around $29.99. On June 20, 2012, Jason Rubin, THQ’s new president, stated that he and the developers at Volition had agreed to cancel the development of Enter the Dominatrix as a standalone expansion for the third game, and instead merge its assets with Saints Row IV

    More than a year after that statement was made, the subsequent bankruptcy of THQ, the acquisition of Volition and the Saints Row Franchise by Deep Silver, and the release of the fourth game, Enter the Dominatrix was finally released on October 22, 2013 as a DLC mission pack for Saints Row IV.


  • Saints Row: The Third is banned in the United Arab Emirates, likely due to sexual content and/or drinking.
  • In the CGI trailer for Saints Row: The Third, there is a part where Johnny Gat is shot in the chest, foreshadowing the fact that Johnny dies in the beginning of the game.
  • Saints Row: The Third was released as a free game for Xbox Live Gold members throughout the second half of May 2014.
  • The game was originally named Saints Row 3.
  • There was going to be a free running mechanic were you could jump across the roofs of cars.
  • There was a sunset time of day that featured a darkened orange/red sky.
  • Police officers had a completely different model than the one in the final game.
  • Brutes looked different and had Brotherhood inspired tattoos on them.
  • The Nintendo Switch port is the first Saints Row released on a Nintendo system, and the second announced Nintendo title after Saints Row: Drive-By.


  1. Microsoft store: Saints Row
  2. Xbox: Backward Compatibility Available Games
  3. Cutscene: The Streets of Stilwater
  4. Cutscene: Battlefield Promotion
  5. Mission: Stuffing the Ballot
  6. Mission: Hail to the Chief
  7. Cutscene: Saints and Martyrs
  8. Gamespot: volition repaving saints row
  9. Gamingtarget: 52 Games We’ll Still Be Playing From 2006
  10. Gamespot: saints row canonized platinum hits line
  11. Gamespot: saints row demo sets record
  12. gamespy: Official Xbox Magazine Demo Disc 61
  13. Engadget: Pre-order Saints Row, get the demo
  14. Note: Binary file comparison shows that the majority of each file is identical, with each having a different header section, and the pre-order version having additional differences much later in the file
  15. Saints Row website: Saints Row Title Update on Xbox Live
  16. Xbox marketplace: Mayhem Video Strategy Trailer
  17. Xbox marketplace: Insurance Fraud Video Strategy Trailer
  18. Xbox marketplace: Hitman Video Strategy Trailer
  19. YouTube: Saints Row trailer
  20. YouTube: The Secret History of Volition
  21. File:

    <Name>PC_old — not used</Name>

    — Line 22 of user_interface.xtbl

This article contains no references. See Help:Refs.

SIFU. Чьё кунг-фу сильнее

В 2017-м студия Sloclap выпустила Absolver. Игра цепляла приятным визуалом, трогательной атмосферой и навороченной боевой системой. Геймеры познавали сложные приёмы, колотили боссов и нещадно лупили друг друга. Теперь разработчики работают над Sifu. Акцент в игре вновь сделан на сложной боёвке, но концепция заметно похорошела. Поединки стали ещё эффектнее, а визуал — технологичнее.

В Sifu будет необычная механика старения. С каждым поражением персонаж становится старше, опытнее и мощнее. Уступать в бою слишком часто всё же не стоит — в конце концов герой может умереть навсегда. Это отправит геймера в самое начало игры.

Sifu планировали выпустить в этом году, но из-за пандемии Sloclap не успевает в срок. Оценить проект удастся лишь 22 февраля.


Dex is a member of the 3rd Street Saints created by Julius Little to try and rid the city of Stilwater gang violence at the hands of Los Carnales, Vice Kings and Westside Rollerz. During the events of Saints Row, Dex is appointed by Julius to take down Los Carnales and to also watch over Johnny Gat who offered to do the Vice Kings.

Dex appears to be the voice of reason amongst the other lieutenants and is a superb tactician and would rather plan than just going in guns blazing, which he tries to talk a trigger happy Johnny Gat out of doing. In the final mission for the Carnales, Dex and Playa take down Angelo Lopez, finally finishing the Carnales gang. He appears in the second epilogue mission when taking down corrupt police Chief Monroe who is holding Julius.

During Saints Row 2, Dex now works as the Head of Security for Ultor and is a successful millionaire, leaving behind his life as a gang member. He doesn’t appear in person during the game, but is mentioned a couple of times, and the player is required to phone him to unlock the mission Revelation, which leads to Dex betraying both Playa and Julius after luring them there. In the second DLC for the game Corporate Warfare, Dex attempts to have newly appointed CEO of Ultor Eric Gryphon killed, while partaking in illegal nuclear waste smuggling. In the end, he ends up having to flee Stilwater to an unknown location after Playa ruins his plans.

Dex doesn’t appear in Saints Row: The Third. In the unreleased spin-off Saints Row: Money Shot, he is assassinated by a female assassin working for Ultor named Cypher.

Dex is featured in the Revenge Diversion in Saints Row: Gat out of Hell as a husk wearing Dex’s visor cap from Saints Row.

Сюжетная линия

Вы попали в смертоносную ловушку, которую устроили вам инопланетные организмы. Теперь вы должны будете вернуться обратно в свой город и уничтожить всех пришельцев. Вы сможете легко перепрыгивать огромные здания, ваш главный герой проявит все свои таланты, чтобы бороться с ужасными и опасными врагами. Скоростные характеристики вашего главного персонажа просто поражают. Он сможет обгонять скоростные автомобили. По ходу игры вы сможете еще выполнять и побочные миссии, зарабатывая на этом хорошие игровые вознаграждения. Ваш главный протагонист вместе со своими напарниками сможет использовать инопланетное оружие. Но главная ваша способность, которую необходимо будет постоянно развивать – это навыки паркура. Вы сможете проходить сквозь стены, словно настоящий танк, уничтожая целые здания. Вы сможете также использовать любые подручные средства для борьбы с инопланетными организмами. Обычные стволы можно модернизировать, используя новейшие космические технологии.

Механика игры

Чтобы проходить успешно игровые миссии вам нужно будет научиться использовать все свои навыки. А это – вождение автомобилем или другим транспортным средством, а также вам необходимо будет вовремя реагировать на другие, побочные ситуации. Вам еще необходимо будет научиться управлять своим персонажем, вступайте в дискуссии с другими героями, и обязательно находите себе союзников. Скачать Saints Row 1 через торрент можете каждый пользователь нашего бесплатного игрового портала. Ищите для себя любые оптимальные варианты решений, чтобы успешно пройти миссии и завоевать для себя авторитет в таком американском преступном мегаполисе.



Main article: Missions in Saints Row: The Third

Missions provide the narrative of Saints Row: The Third. For the first time in the series, Respect is no longer needed to progress through the storyline.


Main article: Characters in Saints Row: The Third

A large cast of characters provide the driving force of the narrative of Saints Row: The Third. Both old and new characters are introduced.


Main article: Activities and Diversions in Saints Row: The Third

Activities award both unique rewards and Respect, a form of currency which is used to make various Upgrades, which are then bought using money.

Completing activities also results in «owning» the surrounding territory, which increases City Income.

Diversions return in Saints Row: The Third, such as diving off a building with a parachute.


Main article: Weapons in Saints Row: The Third

Weapons allow the player to engage enemies in combat, both offensively and defensively. Unlike the previous games, weapons can now be upgraded.


Main article: Vehicles in Saints Row: The Third

Vehicles allow the player to travel across the city of Steelport with efficiency. To aid in this, there is a large variety of vehicles, including cars, boats, planes, helicopters, tanks, VTOLs, and even hoverbikes.


Season Pass — $19.99
The exploits of the Third Street Saints continue! With the Saints Row: The Third Season Pass you gain access to three future mission packs — Genkibowl VII, Gangstas in Space, and The Trouble With Clones — for expanded gameplay with everyone’s favorite street gang. And as a bonus, you gain immediate access to all-new costumes and vehicles from Steelport’s #1 television drama — Nyte Blayde. Strap it on!

— Season Pass description
Downloading the packs separately costs around USD$24 (USD$6.99 per mission pack and USD$2.99 for the Nyte Blayde Pack). Which means the Season Pass saves 16.66%.
The Season Pass came free when pre-ordered by THQ’s website.
Purple Ops Pack — $6.99
Includes the Steelport Gangs Pack, the Explosive Combat Pack, the Special Ops Vehicle Pack, and the Warrior Pack.

— Purple Ops Pack description
Downloading the packs separately costs around USD$11.
Maximum Pleasure Pack — $6.99
Includes the Funtime! Pack, the Shark Attack Pack, the Invincible Pack and the Money Shot Pack. Dominate Steelport with the Mollusk Launcher, the Shark-O-Matic, the Ultor Interceptor Jetbike, tons of cheats and much, much more!

— Maximum Pleasure Pack description
Downloading the packs separately costs around USD$10.
Planet Saints Pack — $6.99
Includes the «Z Style Pack», the «Witches and Wieners Pack», the «Steelport Gangs Pack», and the «Horror Pack.

— Planet Saints Pack description
Downloading the packs separately costs around USD$11.
Tricks and Treats Pack — $3.99
Horror? Bloodsucking? Witches AND Wieners? This Halloween season, Saints Row: The Third has you covered. We’re bundling our most frightening DLC packs into one low-priced super pack that will have you burning at the stake with glee. Trick or treat? We say, why not both?

— Tricks and Treats Pack description
Downloading the packs separately costs around USD$8.


3rd Street Saints gang member: «I didn’t think the Rollerz pimped hos…«Lin hits him and looks around
Lin: «Any other comments?«Johnny Gat: «Yeah, when you punch, don’t throw your shoulder so much…«Lin: «Shut up, Johnny.»

— Lin, during her first appearance in the church.
Westside Rollerz gang member #1: «That’s a sweet ride, Lin.«Lin: «Uh huh.«Westside Rollerz gang member #2: «Who tuned it for ya?«Lin: «No one, I did it myself.«Westside Rollerz gang member #1: «The spoiler looks like Donnie’s work.«Westside Rollerz gang member #2: «No way, that underglow screams Ricky Liu.«Westside Rollerz gang member #1: «Yeah, I guess it does.«Lin: «What is this, fuckin’ third grade?«Westside Rollerz gang member #1: «Whaddya mean?«Lin: «Forget it, I’ll see ya tomorrow.«The Westside Rollerz walk away
Westside Rollerz gang member #2: «Dude, she totally wants you.«Lin: «Assholes. I swear to God, we’re not going to be able to kill these bastards fast enough.»

— Lin, detesting the company of the Westside Rollerz.
Lin: «What are you waitin’ for? Get in!«Donnie: «We gotta get out of here!«Lin: «I think you scratched my hood.«Donnie: «Look, I—«Playa shoots her vehicle
Lin: «Mother fucker.»

— Lin’s first encounter with Donnie.
Donnie: «Who are you?«Lin: «I’m Lin, and you’re welcome.»

— Lin introduces herself to Donnie.
Lin: «I’m Lin.«Donnie: «She totally saved my ass Mr. Sharp, she’s a helluva driver.«Lin: «I’m the best racer that ever came out of Chinatown.«Joseph Price: «How come I’ve never heard of you?«Lin: «Cause I got tits.«Joseph Price: «Is that what you call those?«Lin punches Price
Joseph Price: «Suppose I deserved that.«Lin: «Yeah, you did.«William Sharp: «My nephew has a…unique sense of humor.«Lin: «That was supposed to be funny?«Joseph Price: «I thought it was, until you hit me in the face.«Donnie: «Yeah, then it was hilarious.»

— Lin meets Joseph Price and William Sharp.
William Sharp: «So your plan is to go steal cars. You really know how to think outside the box, Donnie.«Lin: «Don’t talk to him like that.«William Sharp: «I’ll take your advice to heart.«Lin: «It’s not advice.«William Sharp: «A threat? How refreshing.«Lin: «Listen up, you—«Donnie: «Lin, (stutters) don’t worry ’bout—«Sharp and Lin: «Shut up, Donnie.«William Sharp: «You were saying?«Lin: «I was about to tell you to go fuck yourself.»

— Lin defends Donnie.
William Sharp: «Good girl.«Lin: «Go fuck yourself.»

— William Sharp and Lin, after Sharp forces her to lure Playa into a trap.
Did you hear that asshole Donnie? He said I was his girl.

— Lin’s final words.
Jack Armstrong: «Jack Armstrong in the newsroom. The body of an unidentified female was discovered this morning along the shores of Stilwater Bay. Her body was badly bruised and her clothes were missing. Police are hoping that you can help identify her. All they have to go on is that she was estimated to be between 25 and 30 years of age, 5’3″, approximately 105 lb, and was of Asian descent. If you have any information on this Jane Doe-san, please call the missing persons hotline at the Stilwater police barracks. From the newsroom, I’m Jack Armstrong.»

Audio Logs

Main article: Audio Logs

Although ultimately in Saints Row IV, Lin has three Audio Logs that can be found in the game data files. Like many Audio Logs, the first two are a reflection on past events, allowing insight from her perspective. The third audio log references events that never happened in the game.

Putting me in the Rollerz was a smart move on Julius’s part. We needed the intel, and I was the only tuner in the Saints. I knew when we staged that rescue at Donnie’s shop I was in. Price owed me one for saving his best friend and didn’t doubt me for a second. I probably should’ve been more careful about how often I passed the boss information, though…

— Lin Audio Log 1
I read Sharp wrong from the jump. I always knew he was coldhearted, but I just thought it was a lawyer thing. I didn’t realize how sadistic he was. I’ll never forget what he said to me: «I think it’s time to unwrap you.» I hope that bastard burns.

— Lin Audio Log 2
Donnie said I was his girl? Can you believe that? I mean, we were pretty close, but that never came up. We talked about engines, weight distribution, suspensions… But his girl? I never expected that. It was a nice surprise.

— Lin Audio Log 3


This section contains missing references

The game has received generally positive ratings. Although most critics have noted the striking similarities in gameplay that Saints Row shares with releases from the Grand Theft Auto series, they have also praised the game for the inclusion of new features and its improvement of existing ones from GTA. Saints Row has received ratings of 95/100 from GamePro, 8.75/10 from Game Informer, 80/100 from Official Xbox Magazine, 8.5/10 from IGN, 8.4/10 from GamerNode, and 8.3/10 from GameSpot. GamePro called it «the best reason to own an Xbox 360 this side of Oblivion», while IGN noted, «Hate it if you want to, snicker at its obvious me-too qualities, but don’t forget to recognize impressive, kick-ass gameplay as you walk out the door.» Saints Row has received an average critic score of 82% on Game Rankings and 81% on Metacritic.[reference?]

Most critics have praised the «Activities» and the online multiplayer, as well as the free-form control scheme. Common complaints about the game are over graphical problems, as well as forced, hit-or-miss humor. While the robust character creation mode was praised, several gaming publications also complained about the main character’s lack of dialogue.[reference?]

Although welcomed by critics and fans alike, the online multiplayer suffered from significant lag upon the game’s debut, making it difficult to play. This issue was mostly fixed by a patch that took 2 months to develop.

As of November 2006, Saints Row had sold more than 1 million copies.[reference?]

Saints Row received awards from GameSpot for «Most Surprisingly Good Game of 2006», as well as Gaming Target for one of 52 Games We will Still Be Playing From 2006 selection.

Saints Row has since joined the Xbox 360 lineup of «Platinum Hits» games, being rebranded and sold for US$19.99.

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