Южный парк палка истины скачать торрент

Game data[edit]

Configuration file(s) locationedit

System Location
Windows \Documents\My Games\South Park — The Stick of Truth\\
Steam Play (Linux) /steamapps/compatdata/213670/pfx/
stores the user specific configuration, in the user path. If the file is not present, you can copy typical contents from . Or if you simply change any one of the available settings in-game the game will then create a at the mentioned location.
stores the global configuration, in the install path.
stores the default configuration, in the install path.

Save game data locationedit

System Location
Windows \Documents\My Games\South Park — The Stick of Truth\save\
Steam Play (Linux) /steamapps/compatdata/213670/pfx/

The Girls

Audio files indicate that the girls were allied with the faction you choose for Attack the School.

«You’ll have to go into the boys’ bathroom without us! I’m sorry, you got it! Get into the classroom, we’ll head off the reinforcements.»

Other files and early gameplay revealed that originally, Kyle asked the New Kid to recruit the girls (possibly the cheerleaders or fairies) and the Glee Club as well as the goths to their side in the siege on South Park Elementary, so Gain New Allies once involved recruiting three factions, not one.

  • «There he is! Our spy returns.»
  • «A carrier raven has told me of your success in recruiting the girls, Goths, and Glee Club. Simply call them here and your dedication to the Drow Elves will be complete!»

«New Kid, you have our friendship. Take this fine Elven armor and dagger.»

Files in the builds show case that at one point the girls were to have fairy costumes, though they can still be in the cutscene on the attack inside Clyde’s Fortress.

The Girls had their own factions.

Archer girls

Bebe’s fairy model.

Wendy’s fairy model from the 2011 Game Informer Magazine Cover.


  • Game files were found referring to Douglas, Francis, and Kevin from «Summer Sucks» (one of the scrapped Facebook friends), as larper_douglas, larper_francis, and larper_kevin. Examination of their appearances shows that all three of them do seem to be dressed for roleplaying. However, in the actual game, Francis is building a snowman, Douglas is hiding in a building, and Kevin was cut altogether.
  • The file name of Leroy Mullens’ Facebook profile picture has his name as «Reginald».
  • Incredibly, the files for the pedophile in Photo Dojo are named for the Ghost of Human Kindness.
  • Originally, Jimmy’s song was «There once was a lady» instead of «There once was a maiden».
  • Porn magazines were going to be a collectable.
  • Call the Banners was originally called «Triforce».
  • Under THQ, the game was to be dubbed into several European languages (dubbed trailers were even released), using South Park’s voice cast for each language. When the assets were sold to Ubisoft, the foreign dubs were abandoned, although the game’s text and subtitles language can still be changed.

Randy Marsh, Herbert Garrison, and Mrs. Tucker injured in a shootout during a PTA meeting. (VGA 2012 trailer)

Mr. Garrison crushed to death.

Harrison Yates blowing up up the South Park police hall. (E3 2013 trailer)

The police station exploding.

At one point, Clyde was supposed to grow huge and destroy the town.

Unused Areas

Though they are significantly fewer than those for the locations included in the game, there are a scant few files labelled ‘hellspass’ and ‘evgames’ indicating at a very early point in production, Hell’s Pass Hospital and EV Games were intended for inclusion.

In addition, strings for the following locations were found:

<String ID="9 Henrietta Biggle's House</Value>
<ID>10</ID> <Value>Mike Makowski's House</Value>
<ID>11</ID> <Value>Heidi Turner's House</Value>
<ID>12</ID> <Value>Sparkle Chamber</Value>
<ID>28</ID> <Value>Wolf Security</Value>
<ID>43</ID> <Value>South Park Mall</Value>
<ID>48</ID> <Value>Mephisto's Lab</Value>
<ID>55</ID> <Value>The Dickless Mounty</Value>
<ID>56</ID> <Value>Maple Syrup Factory</Value>
<ID>60</ID> <Value>Gnome Village</Value>
<ID>64</ID> <Value>Hell</Value>
<ID>65</ID> <Value>Cave of the Winds</Value>
<ID>66</ID> <Value>Elven Forest</Value>

Henrietta Biggle’s House and Mephesto’s Lab (renamed as South Park Genetic Engineering Ranch) were eventually added for the sequel game.

Christmas Town

Official concept art from the site and Game Informer article show a Christmas-like town in the North Pole where the player could meet Mr. Hankey or Santa Claus. According to concept art by PJ Raines a crime scene with a dead Jesus was most likely to take place, along with Underpants Gnomes were to be involved. Fully rendered models for the Christmas Cops and their weapons exist in the files.

Similar concept art was made for a de-militarized zone between Crab People and Underpants Gnomes.


Чинпокомоны – это секретные предметы, спрятанные по всему миру Южного парка. Прототипом для них являются Покемоны – карманные монстры (популярный сериал и не менее популярная игровая вселенная).

Многие из чинпокомонов находятся в сюжетных миссиях, если вы пропустите их, то позже уже не сможете их собрать, так что чаще заглядывайте в прохождение сюжетных миссий.

За сбор всех 30 чинпокомонов получаем три достижения (за 5, 15, 30 чинпокомонов) и нового друга в соц. сетях.

Советы по нахождению чинпокомонов пронумерованы в той последовательности, в которой покемоны изображены в таблице внутри вкладки «Находки» игрового меню.

1. Между коричневым и красным домом стоит большое дерево, на его ветках есть секрет, но его нужно сбить вниз. Прицеливаемся луком, стреляем, подбираем чинпокомона Чу-чу Недзуми.

2. Справа от дома Кайла. Разрушаем сугроб, за елкой находим ченпокомон Мохнокот.

3. На Башне Мира на втором этаже. На правом балконе стреляем в подвешенную вещь, берём чинпокомон Овцетрон.

4. В доме слева от дома Картмана на втором этаже находим чинпокомона Мартых.

5. В прихожей Картмана осматриваем тумбочку, находим ключ от гаража. На улице в гараже находим чинпокомона Пингин.

6. На базе Клайда. С помощью зонда телепортируемся на самый верхний балкон, там находим чинпокомона Башмак.

7. В пресс-центре в центре города. Уменьшаемся, входим в вентиляцию справа от девочки, в трубе находим чинпокомон Бухгалтерыб.

8. Пройдя перекрёсток в сторону школы, вдалеке видим баскетбольную площадку. Телепортируемся в глаз на стене здания, а из него – на площадку. Берём чинпокомон Хрюпырь.

9. В клинике. Проходим в дыру, образовавшуюся в стене после взрыва. За стеной проходим влево, берём чинпокомона Эмбригуру.

10. В канализации, справа около дома Мистера Хэнки находим чинпокомон Жаба-полёвка.

11. В зале ФБР в шкафах слева и справа находим обычные вещи. В левом углу на вершине шкафа лежит секрет, стреляем в него, подбираем чинпокомон Обрезьяна.

12. В туалете родительского комитета за дальней левой дверью находим чинпокомона Хомякон.

13. Слева от здания администрации на высоком дереве висит фигурка, стреляем в неё, подбираем чинпокомон Змеекот.

14. В секретном обществе девочек. Проходим снизу от левого ряда парт, находим чинпокомона Мышьтик.

15. В школе в разрушенном коридоре. Выйдя из вентиляции, идём вправо, находим чинпокомона Пуделезавр Рекс.

16. Проходим в глубь гаражей. Открываем крайний правый гараж (ключ от него находим в одном из домов на нижней улице), внутри находим Логово хаоса. Поднимаемся наверх к трубе вентиляции. На трубе стреляем в фигурку, подбираем ченпокомон Робопетух.

17. В школе на кухне включаем газовую плиту слева, используем заклинание «Воню-Чары» на газ, от этого плита взрывается. Внутри забираем чинпокомона Ослотрон.

18. В доме Кайла поднимаемся на второй этаж. В спальне в комоде находим Ключ от гаража Брофловски. На улице открываем гараж, находим чинпокомона Стегмата.

19. Подходим к кинотеатру. На вершине будки видим секрет, стреляем в него из лука, подбираем упавший ченпокомон Жиродактиль.

20. Входим в гараж-ячейку учителя Маки. Наверху в красном тазу видим фигурку, стреляем в неё, получаем чинпокомона Фераснарф.

21. В школе на втором этаже идём в коридор справа. В шкафчике находим секрет, стреляем в него, подбираем чинпокомон Птерадакен.

22. В канализации в подземелье разрушаем камень с помощью Нагасаки. За ним находим чинпокомон Биберзавр.

23. Около Башни мира (Tower of Peace). Справа есть огненный фонарь и кусок льда. Используем заклинание на фонарь с левой стороны, из льда берём чинпокомон Броккори.

24. В левом открытом окне особняка видим покемона, стреляем в него, берём ченпокомон Велосирэппер.

25. Внутри пивного бара (слева от оружейного магазина Джимбо). Стреляем в левую полку на дальней стене, подбираем чинпокомон Флорапотам.

26. На летающей тарелке. Перед входом в кабину пилотов, на экранах справа стреляем в чинпокомона Жукобот.

27. Около озера на западе поселка. Около надписи «Stark’s Pond» телепортируемся в глаз, а оттуда в летающую тарелку под водой. Берём чинпокомон Тритонавт.

28. В полицейском участке на верхней полке лежит чинпокомон Технокролик.

29. В доме барда центре чердака на полу стоит чинпокомон Допигызун.

30. Около кофейни уменьшаемся, сбоку проходим под скамейку, берём Колпак ведьмы и чинпокомона Жуткорова.

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Системные требования South Park: The Stick of Truth

Второе, что стоит сделать при возникновении каких-либо проблем с South Park: Палка Истины, это свериться с системными требованиями. По-хорошему делать это нужно еще до покупки, чтобы не пожалеть о потраченных деньгах.

Минимальные системные требования South Park: The Stick of Truth:
Windows XP SP3, Процессор: Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2180, 2 Gb ОЗУ, 6 Gb HDD, nVidia GeForce 8800GT Видеопамять: 512 Mb

Посмотреть рекомендуемые требования

Каждому геймеру следует хотя бы немного разбираться в комплектующих, знать, зачем нужна видеокарта, процессор и другие штуки в системном блоке.

South Park: The Stick of Truth вылетает. В определенный или случайный момент. Решение

Играете вы себе, играете и тут — бац! — все гаснет, и вот уже перед вами рабочий стол без какого-либо намека на игру. Почему так происходит? Для решения проблемы стоит попробовать разобраться, какой характер имеет проблема.

Если вылет происходит в случайный момент времени без какой-то закономерности, то с вероятностью в 99% можно сказать, что это ошибка самой игры. В таком случае исправить что-то очень трудно, и лучше всего просто отложить South Park: Палка Истины в сторону и дождаться патча.

Однако если вы точно знаете, в какие моменты происходит вылет, то можно и продолжить игру, избегая ситуаций, которые провоцируют сбой.

Однако если вы точно знаете, в какие моменты происходит вылет, то можно и продолжить игру, избегая ситуаций, которые провоцируют сбой. Кроме того, можно скачать сохранение South Park: The Stick of Truth в нашем файловом архиве и обойти место вылета.

South Park: The Stick of Truth не запускается. Ошибка при запуске. Решение

South Park: The Stick of Truth установилась, но попросту отказывается работать. Как быть?

Выдает ли South Park: The Stick of Truth какую-нибудь ошибку после вылета? Если да, то какой у нее текст? Возможно, она не поддерживает вашу видеокарту или какое-то другое оборудование? Или ей не хватает оперативной памяти?

Помните, что разработчики сами заинтересованы в том, чтобы встроить в игры систему описания ошибки при сбое. Им это нужно, чтобы понять, почему их проект не запускается при тестировании.

Обязательно запишите текст ошибки. Если вы не владеете иностранным языком, то обратитесь на официальный форум разработчиков South Park: Палка Истины. Также будет полезно заглянуть в крупные игровые сообщества и, конечно, в наш FAQ.

Если South Park: The Stick of Truth не запускается, мы рекомендуем вам попробовать отключить ваш антивирус или поставить игру в исключения антивируса, а также еще раз проверить соответствие системным требованиям и если что-то из вашей сборки не соответствует, то по возможности улучшить свой ПК, докупив более мощные комплектующие.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Gold Edition (Русская версия)

В игре South Park: The Fractured but Whole тихий горный городок Южный парк окутала тьма. На битву со злом выступают новые супергерои – команда, ведомая падальщиком, поклявшимся навести порядок на помойке городских нравов. Дети хотели просто поиграть в супергероев, но Картман вознамерился сделать Енота и его друзей известнейшим в мире брендом. Его планам желает помешать Профессор Хаос – злодей, мечтающий уничтожить суперкоманду. Героям предстоит совместными усилиями положить конец ужасу и разрухе.Создатели Южного парка Трей Паркер и Мэтт Стоун представляют South Park: The Fractured but Whole, преемницу SouthPark: Палка истины, завоевавшую 25 наград от индустрии видеоигр. Игрокам вновь придется примерить маску Новичка. Для вступления в команду Енота и его друзей понадобится создать своего супергероя, заслужить признание союзников и, используя суперспособности, спасти Южный парк. Только тогда Енот и его друзья смогут получить звание Лучшая команда супергероев во всем мире и по итогам заключить контракт на съемку фильма об их группе. В городе цветущего хаоса только Енот и друзья могут посеять мир.Ключевые особенности игрыSouth Park: The Fractured But Whole. Gold Edition (Русская версия):- И пришел герой. У каждого героя есть родной дом: другая планета, фабрика высокотехнологичных чудес, лаборатория по выращиванию мутантов. Создавайте уникальный костюм, придумывайте историю, развивайте только те суперспособности, что точно помогут в деле спасения города.- И наступила ночь… Границы Южного парка расширяются, улицы наводняют новые персонажи, а с заходом солнца город погружается во мрак хаоса, ведь из своих укрытий вылезают самые мерзкие его обитатели. Ночью один мир сменяется другим, и наступает момент, когда только ваш герой благодаря своим навыкам способен восстановить порядок в городе.- И объединились енот и его друзья! В команду «Енот и его друзья» можно набрать до 13 персонажей: вербуйте Мистериона, Человека – Воздушного змея или даже самого пакостника Енота. Устраняйте любую помеху на вашем пути – одержите победу над злом, посмевшим прикоснуться к Южному парку своими мерзкими щупальцами.- И началось невероятное RPG-приключение. Новый динамический режим боя позволит эффективно управлять временем и пространством, а улучшенные системы добычи и создания предметов дадут возможность свободно выбирать и совершенствовать способности по мере прохождения игры. Ищите трофеи по всему городу. Внимательно читайте рецепты, чтобы изготовить снаряжение, гарантирующее победу в битве.- И возник настоящий Южный Парк. Долгожданная вторая часть серии будет в два раза больше, чем «SouthPark: Палка истины». SouthPark: TheFracturedbutWhole, созданная, написанная и озвученная Треем Паркером и Мэттом Стоуном, перенесет игроков в настоящий Южный парк, где царит безудержное веселье. Все здесь теперь больше, длиннее и достает до глубины души. В Южный парк держите путь, чтобы славно отдохнуть.Дополнения игрыSouth Park: The Fractured But Whole. Gold Edition (Русская версия):- South Park: The Fractured But Whole — Danger Deck- South Park: The Fractured But Whole — Season Pass- South Park: The Fractured But Whole — Relics of Zaron- South Park: The Fractured But Whole — Bring The Crunch- South Park: The Fractured But Whole — Towelie: Your Gaming Bud- South Park: The Fractured But Whole — From Dusk Till Casa BonitaМинимальные системные требования игрыSouth Park: The Fractured But Whole. Gold Edition (Русская версия):- Операционная система: Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 (64-bit versions)- Процессор: Intel Core i5 2400 / AMD FX 4320 or equivalent- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 / AMD Radeon R9 270- Оперативная память: 6 Гб- Звуковое устройство: Звуковое устройство, совместимое с DirectX 11- Место на жестком диске: 19,5 Гб

Жанр: Приключение / РПГ / ЭкшнЯзык интерфейса: Русский / Multi 9Инсталлятор (xatab)Размер: 14,9 ГбОблачное хранилище:пароль на архив: igrozoom.ruСетевое хранилище:

Жанр: Приключения / Сюжет / РПГ / Слэшеры / jRPG


The cover of the Game Informer issue detailing the initial announcement.

The following characters are seen on the cover for Game Informer:

  • Stan Marsh
  • Kyle Broflovski
  • Eric Cartman
  • Kenny McCormick
  • Butters Stotch
  • Wendy Testaburger
  • Craig Tucker
  • Clyde Donovan
  • Token Black
  • Tweek Tweak
  • Timmy Burch
  • Douchebag
  • Scott Malkinson
  • Ike Broflovski
  • Dougie
  • Satan
  • Jesus
  • ManBearPig
  • Mr. Hankey
  • Woodland Critters
  • Underpants Gnomes
  • Crab People

Characters who are seen in a trailer or on screenshots.

  • Mr. Garrison
  • Mr. Mackey
  • Sharon Marsh
  • Randy Marsh
  • Gerald Broflovski
  • Autumn Hankey
  • Liane Cartman
  • Carol McCormick
  • Chef
  • Thomas Tucker
  • Mrs. Tucker
  • Richard Tweak
  • Mrs. Tweak
  • Jimmy Valmer
  • Bebe Stevens
  • Red
  • Annie Knitts
  • Kevin Stoley
  • Nichole Daniels
  • Lola
  • Heidi Turner
  • Millie Larsen
  • Esther
  • Jason
  • DogPoo Petuski
  • Bill Allen
  • Fosse McDonald
  • Harrison Yates
  • Mr. Slave
  • Tuong Lu Kim
  • Skeeter
  • Priest Maxi
  • Jimbo Kern
  • Ned Gerblansky
  • Mayor McDaniels
  • Francis
  • Nelly
  • Jenny Simons
  • Peter Mullen
  • Karen McCormick
  • Kal
  • Kelly Pinkerton-Tinfurter
  • Emily
  • Beth
  • Meagan Ridley
  • Lisa Berger
  • Girl with Blonde Hair
  • Girl with Pink Sweater
  • Molly
  • Tammy Nelson
  • Kelly P. Gardner
  • Douglas
  • Mike
  • Boy with Red Shirt and Blue Pants
  • Filmore Anderson
  • Sally Bands
  • Al Gore
  • South Park Vampire Society
  • Hippies
  • Mongolians
  • Ginger Separatist Movement
  • Goth Kids
  • Sparky
  • Moses
  • Visitors

Scrapped Costumes

Some of the costumes were likely earlier versions of the ones that made it into the game.

This costume set is eventually included in the game via the Ultimate Fellowship Pack DLC.


There is supposedly a different version of the Jew costume, resembling Hebrews in ancient times rather than what it is now.

The initial Jew outfit returns to the game as the «Holy Defender» costume.

The Witch outfit DOES appear in the game, but with a different look.

The file is named Knight, but this is basically Clyde’s costume.


Bling, part of this set, is in the game in the South Park police station, and the Du Rag can be bought from the roadside merchant.

Файлы, драйверы и библиотеки

Практически каждое устройство в компьютере требует набор специального программного обеспечения. Это драйверы, библиотеки и прочие файлы, которые обеспечивают правильную работу компьютера.

  • Скачать драйвер для видеокарты Nvidia GeForce
  • Скачать драйвер для видеокарты AMD Radeon

Driver Updater

  • загрузите Driver Updater и запустите программу;
  • произведите сканирование системы (обычно оно занимает не более пяти минут);
  • обновите устаревшие драйверы одним щелчком мыши.

существенно увеличить FPSAdvanced System Optimizer

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Unused Factions

In the game’s files and previous trailers, multiple groups of enemies can be found that were scrapped in the final version.

Vampire Kids

The Vampire kids were shown fighting the main characters in the Land of the Death, also known as the Cemetery, a scrapped area that was going to lead up to the Monster Lab, according to a map drawn by Cartman in the VGA 2012 trailer. Both the Cemetery and the Vampire kids still exist in the game’s data.

Upon defeat, Vampire Kids would drop items such as:

<String ID="638" Tag="Plastic Vampire Teeth" />
<String ID="94" Tag="Grandpa Vampire Wig" />
<String ID="640" Tag="Hot Topic Catalog" />

They also would use Clamato juice as a weapon.


Not much is known about this group because there was never any footage of them shown in-game, other than their brief appearance in the game’s introduction. What we do know, according to a wallpaper featuring Jimmy Valmer, was that they were kids dressed up as well, and a battle would take place between them and the elves at Stark’s Pond.


In the 2012 trailers of the game, we can see Hippies fighting the main characters with protest signs in what appears to be a cave in Crab City. Their files still exist in the game’s data, as well as files for Hippies in fourth grade.

Crab People

Crab People were going to play a large role in the game, and were going to have some kind of connection to the Underpants Gnomes. In the footage shown of them, it’s shown that they’re taller than the main characters, most likely because of a situation similar to the Gnome Dust.

Their files still exist in-game, and apparently the Crab King was going to be fought. He also has an unused Facebook icon. Something interesting to note is that in the beta versions of the game, the Gnomes and Crab People shared a Facebook profile.

In addition to those four, the Underpants Gnomes and Visitors were supposed to play a larger role in the story. Something interesting to note is that the original posters had some of the main characters fighting enemies that they had some kind of connection to on the show – Butters was shown fighting the Vampire kids, Stan was shown fighting the Woodland Critters, Kyle was shown fighting the Crab People, and Cartman was shown fighting the Visitors.

An unused friend icon of a Visitor. At some point in the game, a Visitor could be a Facebook friend, but this was removed in the final game.

Scrapped Equipment

The Goad, Sparkle Wand, Laser Sword, Axe, Cattle Prod and Sword Breaker were eventually added into the game as for the game’s .



Cop Car

Underpants Gun

Jesus’ Glaive

Potato Gun

Sparkle Wand (AKA Star Wand, Mage)

Unicorn Wand


Demon Staff

Chris Donnely’s Sword

Federation Staff

Laser Sword (Fighter)

Otter Spear

Golden Axe

Saw Pole


Conch Staff

Fluorescent Light


Seal Club

Stun Gun

Wooden Katana (related to Sweet Katana)


10 Ball

Molotov Cocktail




Tennis Ball

Toy Car (also a junk item)

Pee Balloon





Strange Tamer (also a junk item)

Cattle Prod


Sword Breaker (Thief)


Dawn Mower


PVC Ruler

Nazi Sword (Found By Nazi Zombies)


General settings.

Graphics feature State Notes
Widescreen resolution Letter-boxed by default to 16:9. See .
Ultra-widescreen See .
4K Ultra HD
Field of view (FOV)
Borderless fullscreen windowed See the glossary page for potential workarounds.
Anisotropic filtering (AF) See the glossary page for potential workarounds.
Anti-aliasing (AA) See .
Vertical sync (Vsync) See .
60 FPS and 120+ FPS Unlockable but broken; see .
High dynamic range display (HDR)

Widescreen resolutionedit

Enable additional aspect ratio support[citation needed]
  1. Go to the .
  2. Open .
  3. Find the following settings:
    support_aspect_ratio_16_10 = false
    support_aspect_ratio_4_3 = false
    support_aspect_ratio_custom = false
  4. Change all of these to
  5. Afterwards make sure the following settings match your monitor:
    full_screen_height =
    full_screen_hz =
    full_screen_width =


If any of the options are missing from the , copy them in.


Modify a game file[citation needed]
  1. Search for as hex.
  2. Replace it with for 2560×1080 or for 3440×1440.


Due to the game being designed around 16:9, some HUD elements might be misplaced and graphics not meant to be seen might be visible.

Anti-aliasing (AA)edit

Modify anti-aliasing settings[citation needed]
  1. Go to the .
  2. Open .
  3. Change according to your liking. (Between )


is the default, turns off anti-aliasing. Higher values cause blurring.

High frame rateedit

The setting is also responsible for frame rate limiting.
Manually disable vsync[citation needed]
  1. Go to the .
  2. Open .
  3. Set to .


Unlocked frame rate causes gameplay issues including slow character movement and severe cutscene video delay. Problems persists even when capping FPS at e.g. 60 or forcing vsync through driver.


The game world is two-dimensional, but divergent paths take the player into the foreground or background, allowing greater freedom of movement while preserving the two-dimensional feel of the show. Jumping was trialed, but ultimately shelved early on in development.


An example of combat in the game.

Main article: Combat in South Park: The Stick of Truth

The game features turn-based combat similar to the kind seen in the Paper Mario and Final Fantasy games. However, fighting also has a timing component to it, with well-timed successive inputs resulting in larger combos or more successful defending.

Weapons can also be augmented in a style similar to Final Fantasy VII, through different upgrades such as «fire», «electricity» or «gross-out».

There is also a summoning system, allowing the player to summon other characters to help in battle, such as Jesus and Mr. Slave. Most battles involve the player and his buddy against a group of enemies. Players control both the main character and the active buddy so that they can remain in control throughout combat.

Fitting in with the theme of South Park, many weapons, armor, and gear look as if they were created or found by children. For example, one can expect to see weapons such as rolling pins and wooden swords, and armor such as football helmets. The combat of the game is described as, in essence, «kids being kids» (i.e. «little bastards»), with lots of «juvenile violence» with «unsafe toys» — including used tampons, gardening implements and ninja stars.

Character Customization

Eric Cartman guides the player through the character creation process.

The game starts off with the player creating his or her avatar and later choosing a class with the help of Eric Cartman. As the game is a role-playing game, there are multiple ways to customize one’s character.

One definitive aspect is what class the player chooses, which informs the approach the player takes to combat. There are four classes:

  • Fighter — A class that utilizes high armor and powerful weapons, Fighters focus on brute force and single-target attacks to get through battles.
  • Mage — A class that, despite being physically weak, makes up for it in special attacks to inflict a multitude of status effects and AoE attacks.
  • Thief — A class that specializes in status effects, this class utilizes things such as bleeding, grossed out, fire, and stuns to inflict large amounts of damage over time and immobilize opponents.
  • Jew — A paladin/monk type class invented by Cartman. Described as being «high risk, high reward», the player becomes more powerful the closer they are to death.


Because the game aims to emulate the South Park style, typical role-playing quests wherein the player is sent to a cave to retrieve some lost artifact are not thematically appropriate. Quests will be more grounded within the South Park canon, with one example being busting Craig Tucker out of detention. In this capacity, Stone and Parker have taken a direct role in the direction of the game’s plot and general atmosphere.

Smart Phone

A smart phone that is carried by the player character acts as the main menu for the game. The smart phone contains a -like app where the player can see their inventory as well as any active quests. It also tracks how many friends the player has made, as well as messages received from other characters in the game.


Items include «health and mana potions» such as sodas, junk food, and speed-augmenting items such as Tweek’s coffee. Weapons include hammers, bow and arrows, crutches, baseball bats, staffs, dodgeballs, swords, shovels, etc. Items can be picked up from fallen enemies, bought, and taken from other things. There are multiple collectables throughout the game, such as Chinpokomon dolls, weapons, and costumes. Some never-before-seen Chinpokomon toys that were cut from the show are also featured in the game.

Unused Class?

Within the string mapping files, the following lines can be found:

<String ID="109094" Tag="GUI_CLASS_FIGHTER" />
<String ID="109095" Tag="GUI_CLASS_CLERIC" />
<String ID="109096" Tag="GUI_CLASS_MAGE" />
<String ID="109097" Tag="GUI_CLASS_THIEF" />
<String ID="109098" Tag="GUI_CLASS_JEW" />
<String ID="139923" Tag="GUI_CLASS_FIGHTER_SUB" />
<String ID="139924" Tag="GUI_CLASS_CLERIC_SUB" />
<String ID="139925" Tag="GUI_CLASS_MAGE_SUB" />
<String ID="139926" Tag="GUI_CLASS_THIEF_SUB" />
<String ID="139927" Tag="GUI_CLASS_JEW_SUB" />

Four of these correspond to classes the player can choose, but the Cleric class only appeared in early footage.

There are also unused class descriptions, including one for Cleric:

    <Value>Kicking ass in the name of religion, the Cleric channels his faith to heal the wounded and smite the wicked. The Cleric's strong combination of prolific healing and defensive spells make him, without a doubt, the best class in the game.</Value>

Because of this, it is possible that Cleric was cut for balancing issues.


If controller is present game defaults to it, disables most keyboard buttons, changes mouse behavior in menus and HUD will show 360 controller prompts. Simply unplug or disable controller if playing with keyboard and mouse.
Keyboard and mouse State Notes
Remapping See the glossary page for potential workarounds.
Mouse acceleration
Mouse input in menus
Mouse Y-axis inversion
Controller support XInput only.
Full controller support
Controller remapping See the glossary page for potential workarounds.
Controller sensitivity
Controller Y-axis inversion Edit
Controller types
XInput-compatible controllers
Xbox button prompts
Impulse Trigger vibration
DualShock 4 controllers See the glossary page for potential workarounds.
Generic/other controllers See the glossary page for potential workarounds.
Additional information
Button prompts
Controller hotplugging
Haptic feedback
Simultaneous controller+KB/M

Unused Voiceovers

Audio files were found for Big Gay Al reacting to getting hit.

«Hey! Oh, honey, no!»

Butters Stotch

In the 2013 gameplay trailer , Butters Stotch mentions a line after healing Cartman during the quest The Bard.

«My king!»

Dr. Doctor

Audio files were found for Dr. Doctor, usually seen at Hell’s Pass Hospital or his own practice, in reaction to the player farting.

«That colon’s gone spastic!»

Kelly («Rainforest Schmainforest»)

Audio files were found for Kelly from «Rainforest Schmainforest».

«I’m emotionally damaged. Let’s be Facebook friends instead of having a real relationship.»

«Just message me if you want to talk!»

Audio files were found for Bridon Gueermo in reaction to the player farting.

«Whatever makes you happy.»


The pedophile praises your fighting abilities. He was apparently originally intended to be represented by The Ghost of Human Kindness instead of a new character.

Wow, good job kid. You’re quite the fighter!»

Sergeant Yates

Sergeant Yates was originally planning on blowing up the Police Station, presumably to get rid of Nazi Zombies.

«Let’s torch these fuckers!»

Tweek has an extra line during The Bard .

«AAHHH! The music! Where is it coming from?»


Originally, there were a few «eunuchs» in the attic of the Giggling Donkey, defending the Bard.

  • «Your traps won’t work on us, we’re eunuchs, loyal to the Bard!»
  • «Yeah, yeah, we’re eunuchs. Does that…does that make us gay?»
  • «Yeah, we’re gay eunuchs!»

Cartman’s Attackers

Several audio files were found for the elves who attacked Cartman during The Bard. Originally, the New Kid had to rescue Cartman as well as Kenny.

  • «Take that!»
  • «Die, wizard!»
  • ‘I saw him move. Keep beating on him!»
  • «Elves are better. Say it!»
  • «Not so tough when you get ambushed, huh?»
  • «Pathetic!»
  • «This is awesome!»

Class System

When the original Game Informer article was released, five classes were indicated: Adventurer, Rogue, Wizard, Paladin and Jew. These classes were revised over development to become the final class system, which included Fighter, Thief, Mage and Jew.

Files similar to those for the other four classes were also included for a Cleric class not available in the final game for reasons suggested in the below strings:

    <Value>Kicking ass in the name of religion, the Cleric channels his faith to heal the wounded and smite the wicked. The Cleric's strong combination of prolific healing and defensive spells make him, without a doubt, the best class in the game.</Value>

Original Cleric Costume first model from 2011-12.

Unused Areas

There are multiple locations that never made it to the final version, but can be found in trailers and the game’s data.

Hell’s Pass

The aforementioned map drawn by Cartman in the VGA 2012 trailer shows that players were originally going to be able to visit Hell’s Pass, a location on the show most known for the hospital it has. A mountain is on Cartman’s map as well, along with what presumably is the dragon from the GameSpot poster. Unused audio for a character in Hell Pass Hospital called «Dr. Doctor» exists.


Served as a hangout spot for the Goth Kids — various cutscenes would have taken place here.

(Source: BADPLACE)

City Sushi

City Sushi was once an enterable interior. In the final game, we can see that fire has been set to the building, leaving it in ruins.

(Source: BADPLACE)

Land of the Dead

A location called Land of the Dead leading up to the Monster Lab was shown in the trailers, and featured the Vampire Kids guarding it.

Crab City

Crab City was also to make a appearance, and was a tiny kingdom full of the Crab People. Similar to the Underpants Gnomes, the player would have to shrink down to get in.

(Source: BADPLACE)

Underpants Gnome’s Mine

Not much is known about this location other than the concept art, as well as that it had some kind of connection to the Crab People.


Unfortunately, there aren’t files for all of the scrapped locations, and only strings exist.

<String ID="9 Henrietta Biggle's House</Value>
<ID>10</ID> <Value>Mike Makowski's House</Value>
<ID>11</ID> <Value>Heidi Turner's House</Value>
<ID>28</ID> <Value>Wolf Security</Value>
<ID>43</ID> <Value>South Park Mall</Value>
<ID>48</ID> <Value> Mephisto's Lab</Value>
<ID>55</ID> <Value>The Dickless Mounty</Value>
<ID>56</ID> <Value>Maple Syrup Factory</Value>
<ID>60</ID> <Value>Gnome Village</Value>
<ID>64</ID> <Value>Hell</Value>
<ID>65</ID> <Value>Cave of the Winds</Value>
<ID>66</ID> <Value>Elven Forest</Value>

Summons & Allies

Liane Cartman

Examination of the game’s coding reveals that Liane Cartman was supposed to be one of Cartman’s Abilities. During this ability, Cartman would whine and Liane would bring him and the New Kid various recovery items, including Small Health Potions, Speed Potions, and Revive Potions. It’s not known why this attack was removed, but it’s likely that it was removed for being overpowered, as players could continuously switch Cartman out to refill his PP and generate an unlimited amount of items.

Beary Summon

Beary the Bear was originally going to be a summon using his satanic powers. In the actual game he got reduced to a Facebook friend for unknown reasons.

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