Pillars of eternity — крепость редрика: карта и побочные квесты

6 Выберите класс, соответствующий вашему стилю игры

В играх Pillars of Eternity есть широкий выбор классов и подклассов. Вы можете быть грозным варваром или могущественным волшебником. В первой игре доступно 11 классов:

  • Варвар
  • Чантер
  • Шифр ​​
  • Друид
  • Боец
  • Монах
  • Паладин
  • Жрец
  • Рейнджер
  • Разбойник
  • Мастер

Важно решить, какой тип игрового процесса вы ищете в данном конкретном прохождении. Если вы хотите быть в большей степени вспомогательной ролью для своей группы, возможно, выберите Чантера, Жреца или Друида

Если вам не терпится попасть под удар в пылу битвы, выбирайте варвара, бойца, монаха или паладина. Хотите вызвать хаос на расстоянии? Возможно, поеду с Рейнджером. Хотите сосредоточиться на управлении толпой с помощью магии, выберите Шифр ​​или Волшебника. Если вам нужна хитрая тактика, Rogue — ваш лучший выбор.

Не торопитесь на этом этапе создания персонажа. Нет спешки. Прочтите различные льготы, перечисленные для каждой роли, подумайте об их классовых способностях и сделайте то, от чего, по вашему мнению, вы получите больше всего удовольствия, в зависимости от того, как вы обычно любите играть.


ID Objectives
Secrets of the Tacan
10000 Zahua has requested that we consume some «special herbs» together in Whitestone Hollow so that we can pursue a spirit lion he believes may represent his dead master Ixepillo.

The secret of becoming an enlightened Nalpazca warrior, the anitlei, died with Ixepillo. If Zahua can recover this knowledge, he may yet be able to free his people from slavery.

Alternate descriptions
40001 Zahua has asked that we travel into the wilderness east of Stalwart, where he encountered a place that resonated with his soul. He hopes there might be answers there that might help him fulfill his vow to free his peopel from slavery.
1 Search for and pursue the spirit lion.
10001 The lion seems to be leading us somewhere. We must catch up with it if we are to find answers.
3 Retrieve the spirit’s gem.
10003 The lion led us to a spirit that is trying to retrieve a gem it left on a pedestal nearby.

The bodies around the pedestal, which would seem to all belong to the spirit, may indicate the retrieval is less simple than it appears.

20000 I have recovered the gem from the pedestal.
4 Draw sap to help protect the antelope.
10004 We encountered a wounded antelope that would make an easy target for predators.

There is a great tree to the north whose sap gives off a smell that supposedly keeps other animals at bay.

Coated with this sap, the antelope stands a better chance at surviving until its wounds heal.

20001 I was able to draw the sap that the antelope requested.
5 Fill the waterskin with water from the waterfall.
10005 A man suffering from great thirst begged us to bring him water from a nearby waterfall, claiming that no other water will slake his thirst.
20002 The waterfall appeared to boil my flesh as I attempted to fill the waterskin, but later proved to be an illusion. I have the water the man asked me for.
9 Explore the island.
10009 The pond at the center of Whitestone Hollow drained, revealing a small island in its center. We should see what lies in store for Zahua there.
11 Travel to Whitestone Hollow.
10011 Zahua mentioned a place called Whitestone Hollow east of Stalwart that he felt had some spiritual significance to him.

He requested that we explore it.

End states
30000 Zahua seems to have freed himself from the grips of a past he has denied for many years.
Failure — Left
30001 Zahua has left the party in pursuit of his quest, and I can no longer help him.
Failure — died
30002 Zahua has died with his journey unfulfilled.


When players create a priest character, they select a deity. Each choice highlights two types of behavior that are celebrated and two types of behavior that are condemned. For priests played as the main character, their Holy Radiance power will shift based on their behavior. Reinforcing their deity’s preferred behavior will gradually increase their power, while playing against type will cause a small diminishment in their power. These changes are not dramatic, but reflect a measure of dissonance between the character’s stated faith and how they choose to conduct themselves.

Deity Favored dispositions Condemned dispositions Favored weapons
Berath / Gaun Stoic, Rational Cruel, Passionate Mace, Great sword
Eothas Honest, Benevolent Cruel, Shady / Deceptive Flail, Morning star
Magran Aggressive, Clever Passionate, Diplomatic Sword, Arquebus
Rymrgand Rational, Honest Diplomatic, Benevolent Hatchets
Skaen Cruel, Shady / Deceptive Aggressive, Benevolent Stiletto, Club
Wael Deceptive, Clever Rational, Honest Quarterstaff, Rod
Woedica Rational, Cruel Diplomatic, Benevolent Unarmed

2 Обдумайте настройку вечеринки

Во время вашего приключения вы можете выбрать из 11 замечательных товарищей, и вы сможете организовать группу из шести человек, которые присоединятся к вам. У каждого из них есть своя уникальная история, навыки и способности. Этих товарищей можно найти в мире или нанять в зале искателя приключений.

Убедитесь, что у вас есть отличная композиция для вечеринки. Например, если вы, вероятно, захотите, чтобы в вашей команде был Эдер — человек-боец, то играть за бойца самому может быть немного излишним. Во время игры вы столкнетесь с множеством проблем, поэтому убедитесь, что вы готовы ко всем. Убедитесь, что у вас есть кто-то, кто подходит для исцеления, а другой — для того, чтобы принять на себя основную тяжесть урона.

Пользователи Magic тоже всегда жизненно необходимы. Подумайте о группе, которую вы хотели бы иметь, например, от D&D party, и помните об этом при создании своей первоначальной роли. Таким образом, вы можете быть уверены, что ваши будущие товарищи хорошо дополнят ваш стиль игры.

Дополнительный совет по созданию персонажа — убедиться, что основные цвета каждого члена группы довольно различны. Это позволит вам выделить ваших персонажей во время битвы и вам будет легче отслеживать их всех.

Руководство по классам

Приятным плюсом является наличие нескольких классов — каждый игрок сможет выбрать тот вариант, который подходит ему лучше всего.

  • Авантюрист — использует скрытые атаки, быстро нанося врагам максимальный урон.
  • Боец — ориентируется на ближний бой, выполняя мощные атаки надежным оружием.
  • Варвар — безжалостный персонаж, одолеть которого сложно благодаря запасу здоровья.
  • Волшебник — тактик, отличающийся острым умом. Применяет мощные заклинания, позволяющие победить любого противника.
  • Друид — меняет облик, превращаясь в животных или мифических персонажей.
  • Монах — обладают богатым набором приемов для уничтожения врагов вблизи.
  • Паладин — воин, преданный святому делу, готовый достичь цели любой ценой.
  • Певчий — вдохновляет своих союзников балладами, повышая их боевой дух.
  • Рейнджер — применяют оружие дистанционного боя. Путешествую с дрессированными животными-спутниками, атакующими противника на малой дистанции.
  • Сайфер — гипнотизирует людей, способен манипулировать ими.
  • Священник — выполняют роль лекарей, накладывая на союзников полезные заклинания.

1 эксперимент и развлекайтесь

Хотя вы можете оказаться в более неспешном приключении, если внимательно обдумаете персонажа, которого вы создаете, может быть не менее забавным повозиться с вариантами. Игра предлагает увлекательную задачу, но она достаточно сбалансирована, чтобы гарантировать, что у вас всегда будет шанс на успех, независимо от того, какого персонажа вы создадите.

Так что не переживайте слишком много над созданием персонажа. Идите против стереотипов. Сделайте глупого или необычного персонажа, если хотите. Или просто придерживайтесь стиля персонажа, который вам нравился в прошлом. В конце концов, все ролевые игры — это личное самовыражение и потеря персонажа и истории.

Pillars of Eternity — фантастическая изометрическая ролевая игра, которую стоит переигрывать снова и снова, пробуя новые классы и стили игры. Посмотрите, что лучше всего подходит для вас, а затем снова пройдите игру с совершенно другим творением.


The Steward of Caed Nua informs you that a conflict at a nearby keep has boiled over. Torn Bannermen have begun to attack an old archmage, Concelhaut, in an attempt to retrieve an artifact. The Steward suggests that you learn more about these groups, in the event the fight reaches Caed Nua. The quest requires the Watcher to visit Crägholdt Bluffs, a relatively challenging map for when the Watcher first receives the quest.

It is later discovered that Llengrath, one of the other Archmages, hired the Torn Bannerman to stop Concelhaut from achieving immortality. Llengrath believes that Concelhaut’s Engwithan phylactery poses a threat to mankind and could be able to live forever by wrongly using the phylactery. Llengrath believed he outsmarted his rival by achieving immortality in a different way. He preserved his knowledge and trained a worthy successor, so he could become the new Archmage. Thus, Llengrath became a «title» that is passed on to his apprentices: the current Llengrath is not the first one, nor will she be the last.


Note: Pillars of Eternity only

  • Interdiction – Condemns the priest’s foes, Dazing any enemies in the area of effect.
  • Empowered Interdiction – The priest’s condemnations of an enemy become more apt, increasing the Accuracy of his or her Interdiction ability.
  • Untroubled Faith (Priest) – The priest’s ability to inspire becomes more than just a sum of his or her actions, negating Reputations that negatively influence Holy Radiance.
  • Painful Interdiction – Priests are able to channel their fury through Interdiction, adding a painful Weakening affliction to the attack.
  • Brilliant Radiance – Enemies take Burn damage from the priest’s Holy Radiance (vessels take increased Burn damage)
  • Inspiring Radiance – Allies gain an Accuracy bonus from the priest’s Holy Radiance.
  • Aggrandizing Radiance – Allies gain less healing from the priest’s Holy Radiance, but the priest gains a bonus to all Attributes and Movement.
  • Bonus 1st Level Spell – Gain an extra spell cast of level 1 spells.
  • Bonus 2nd Level Spell – Gain an extra spell cast of level 2 spells.
  • Bonus 3rd Level Spell – Gain an extra spell cast of level 3 spells.
  • Bonus 4th Level Spell – Gain an extra spell cast of level 4 spells.

The following talents are available only to priests of specific deities:

  • (Berath): The Pallid Hand – Accuracy bonus with Mace and Great Sword. Can cast special version of Concelhaut’s Corrosive Siphon.
  • (Magran): Inspired Flame – +10 Accuracy with Sword and Arquebus. Can cast a limited version of Burst of Summer Flame.
  • (Eothas): Hope Eternal – Accuracy bonus with Flail and Morning Star. Can cast healing spell that shortens Frightened and Terrified.
  • (Skaen): Prey on the Weak – Accuracy bonus with Stiletto and Club. Adds Baby Sneak Attack.
  • (Wael): Incomprehensible Revelation – Accuracy bonus with Quarterstaff and Rod. Can cast a weaker version of Arkemyr’s Dazzling Lights.

Прохождение побочных квестов Beast of Winter

Те, что наверху

Как начать: поговорите с Бриде.

Брида попросит нас решить вопрос с паломниками, которые сделали лагерь неподалеку и мешают пройти в храм. Как только мы подойдем к ним, идя в гору, они сразу же набросятся на нас. К сожалению, мирным путем закончить эту миссию нельзя.

Разбираемся со всеми врагами (не забываем о белых мишках), а потом идем обратно к квестодателю. После окончания квеста стоит разговорить Бриде, чтобы она поведала о своей сестрице – это запустит новое задание.

Вознаграждение: 5 тысяч единиц опыта и 3,5 тысячи меди.

Последнее паломничество

Как начать: поговорите с Бриде.

Проходим по маршруту, который описан в миссии «Восход и падение», а потом идем в Заиндевелый храм, воспользовавшись восточным проходом. Убиваем противников, идем в помещение с левой стороны и встречаем Эрис. Уговорить ее не становится Хранителем, не получится. Поэтому помогаем барышне, чтобы впоследствии она провела нас вглубь подземелья до саркофага, в котором находится щит «Зимний оплот».

По дороге к вышеуказанному предмету, замечаем ледяную глыбу, стоящую в углу коридора. Уничтожаем ее с помощью Ледобоя и получаем доступ к сундуку с отличными вещицами. Далее проходим в пещеру, обезвредив все ловушки, и натыкаемся там на замерзшего беса. Пробуем достать из его рук вещицу, а затем видим, как тот оживает. Мы можем приобрести у него Око Римгранда за 20 тысяч меди или просто прибить его.

Идем обратно к Бриде и сообщаем ей, что мы смогли отыскать ее сестру.

Вознаграждение: 6 тысяч единиц опыта и 5 тысяч меди.

Нектар мертвых

Как начать: поговорите с Нивадиром.

Для начала добираемся до Заиндевелого храма, воспользовавшись маршрутом, указанным в миссии «Восход и падение». Спустившись по веревочке, находим в правом уголке сломанного заледенелого конструкта. Изучаем его и выливаем жидкость. Это создание потом тут же нападет на нас.

Эта жидкость может быть также получена нами в квесте «Последнее паломничество». Помогаем Эрис и ждем ее превращения в конструкта. Затем обыскиваем ее труп и получаем нужный предмет. Потом относим его Нивадиру. Далее мы можем либо уничтожить это ядовитое вещество (получим лишь опыт) или выбрать в качестве награды 4 тысячи меди вместо магического колечка. В последнем случае Нивадир даст опробовать новое пиво персонажу, стоящему неподалеку, и тот тут же умрет.

Вознаграждение: 2 тысячи единиц опыта, 4 тысячи меди или кольцо «Зов окончательности».


In Pillars of Eternity

  • At character creation, priests must select one deity, and automatically learn the ability Holy Radiance (the effects of which scale with their deity’s favoured disposition — or with their level in the case of NPCs).
  • A priest’s selected deity grants them one unique talent that can be learned at any time (see below).
  • As spellcasters, priests learn all spells at each new tier, but are limited to the amount of casts that can be made per rest at each tier (see the table below).
  • At every odd level (1, 3, 5, etc.), the next tier of spells are unlocked.
  • Spell Mastery allows the spellcaster to pick a single spell to switch to «per encounter» restoration. This occurs at level 9, 11, 13, and 15, for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th level (or lower) and spells respectively.
  • As with other classes, priests learn one talent at every even level (2, 4, 6, etc.).
Characterlevel Ability levellearned Maximum casts by ability level / tier Spellmastery
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
1 1st 2
2 3
3 2nd 4 2
4 4 3
5 3rd 4 4 2
6 4 4 3
7 4th 4 4 4 2
8 4 4 4 3
9 5th 4 4 4 4 2 1st
10 4 4 4 4 3
11 6th 4 4 4 4 4 2 2nd
12 4 4 4 4 4 3
13 7th 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 3rd
14 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
15 8th 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4th
16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3

In Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

  • At character creation, priests must pick a deity, select one 1st level spell (active only), and automatically learn the ability Holy Radiance. This does not change for multiclass characters. A priest’s subclass automatically grants them one spell at every power level.
  • As with other classes, priests pick 2 spells/abilities at every level where a new power level is unlocked excluding the first (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 19), and one spell/ability at all other levels (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20). Ability points may be spent on active or passive abilities, and on any currently-unlocked power levels.
  • As spellcasters, priests are limited to the amount of spell casts that can be made per encounter at each tier, though this scales with their level (see the table below).
  • As with other classes, new ability power levels are learned every second level from level 1 (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13), then every third level from level 13 (16, 19).
Ability points at each level
Level Power level learned Points available
Single Multi Single Multi
1 1 (I) 1 (I) 1 1+1
2 1 1
3 2 (II) 2 1
4 2 (II) 1 1+1
5 3 (III) 2 1
6 1 1
7 4 (IV) 3 (III) 2 1+1
8 1 1
9 5 (V) 2 1
10 4 (IV) 1 1+1
11 6 (VI) 2 1
12 1 1
13 7 (VII) 5 (V) 2 1+1
14 1 1
15 1 1
16 8 (VIII) 6 (VI) 2 1+1
17 1 1
18 1 1
19 9 (IX) 7 (VII) 2 1+1
20 1 1
Max spell casts at this power level
Powerlevel Character level Ability power level
Single Multi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 (I) 1 1 2
2 (II) 3 4 2 1
3 (III) 5 7 2 2 1
4 (IV) 7 10 2 2 2 1
5 (V) 9 13 2 2 2 2 1
6 (VI) 11 16 2 2 2 2 2 1
7 (VII) 13 19 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
8 (VIII) 16 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
9 (IX) 19 25 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1


Woedica is usually depicted with burned and withered skin, having been cast from her rightful seat by war and burned in Magran’s fire. Nevertheless, she retains her dignity and plots her «rightful» revenge. She has no allies among the other gods, believing they owe her fealty. However, Skaen is associated with her, though the exact nature of their relationship is unclear.

Woedica manifests in the world as the Strangler, a leathery-skinned old woman, always clad in tattered finery, who appears on an empty road or abandoned alleyway to murder those who break a solemn oath. According to those few that claim to have seen her, she is supernaturally agile and quick while possessing the strength to strangle a full grown aumaua. Woedica’s avatar is believed to have slain several usurpers in Dyrwoodan history, though it is possible that the real murderers merely blamed the goddess. For this reason, oath breaking is punished by strangulation in many cultures.

Points of interest[]

The White March — Part I
  • You enter the village as it is attacked by a war party of crag ogres. To properly meet the denizens, you need to find Darzir, the leader of the ogres, and turn him into kibble.
  • After the attack, the hut to the west is on fire. You can interact with it for a chance to save two villagers. See Durgan’s Battery for details.
  • To the southwest, just next to the fishery, a villager runs away from a basket full of fish. Interact with it to meet Zahua, one of two companions available in the snowy wastes.
  • To the southeast is the Temple of Ondra. Approaching it will trigger a short cutscene with Ista and Okrun.
  • Yduran and his merchant cart is near the entrance to the village. Just a short way north is Thyrsc’s House.
The White March — Part II
  • The village inherits much of its layout from the previous expansion, as expected. The notable changes are that the Temple of Ondra is replaced by the Temple of Abydon, the ruined houses are replaced with yurts, with the northern of the two becoming Hamond’s Emporium, and that the Stalwart Mines in the northeastern corner are reopened.
  • As you enter the village, you are automatically caught in a cutscene, with Deryan calling upon the people of Stalwart to confront the Iron Flail, a Readceran army massing outside the town. They are, obviously skeptical.


Priest presents the best choice for sole healing. Depending on how well your group’s front line holds things together, you may find your character either healing some or a lot. Priest very much defines what a back line healer consists of, but their spells easily reach any where. If someone goes below half health, a priest can quickly cast a Withdraw spell to temporarily take them out of battle for some seriously huge healing. The default AI tends to be somewhat intelligent about this, especially with Xoti. As a side note, Xoti performs best as a Contemplative (Priest + Monk multiclass). Otherwise, you may find the character passing out a lot as she tries to «reap» those souls from your enemies at the front line. This will tend to draw much aggression her direction that leads to her spells never going off, and no healing means you may quickly lose the battle.

Priest offers some of the best aggressively defensive spells available. This may involve laying down spell traps in the form of seals that damage your enemies as they walk through them. However, the class’ direct damage spells lack much of the oomph seen in several other classes. A properly built Cipher or Wizard will out-perform well in that area given a long battle. If you want to engage often in melee with your opponents as a single class Priest, then you should learn to focus on Blessing and Dire Blessing. You can use the Withdraw spell for emergencies.

As mentioned earlier with Xoti, Monk makes a fantastic Multi Class option if you prefer mixing it in with melee on the front line in battle.


Modwyr’s conversation portrait

  • You can ask Modwyr what she thinks about your companions.
    • Eder: Poor guy’s none too bright, but those MUSCLES mmh.
    • Xoti: I half expect Xoti to crawl into your tent when you’re not looking.
    • Aloth: Iselmyr asked me if she could buy me a drink — I told her I only thirst for blood. Almost made Aloth pee his pants.
    • Aloth: If Aloth wants anymore scars, let him know I volunteer to help.
    • Serafen: I asked him which of us he thinks is taller. Now he won’t talk to me.
    • Tekehu: Fishboy’s so self-satisfied, it’s a wonder he has time for anything else.
    • Tekehu: He wants Rekke to touch his hair. I can tell.
    • Konstanten: Konstanten and I have an understanding. The nature of that understanding is none of your business.
    • Fassina: Fassina’s probably the smartest person in this merry band of idiots. Other than me, obviously.
    • Rekke: Do you think Rekke got that scar from doing something noble or stupid? Actually, never mind — I know the answer.»
  • Modwyr will comment on the soulbound mace Magistrate’s Cudgel if you take her to the Subterranean temple north of Poko Kohara (if the soul is still in the sword of course) calling it «really really stupid».
  • Finding Kith enemies could be difficult depending on your progress, but you can always attack ships and start deck-to-deck combat.
  • After completing each requirement, you have to talk to Modwyr in order to advance to the next stage. During the dialogue, she has unique interactions with each of the members of your party. After level 2, you can ask her about what she thinks of each member of your party.
  • You can skip level 3 by going straight to Dunnage to find Yngfrith.
  • The final dialogue with Yngfrith determines Modwyr’s ultimate fate, ranging from freeing the bound soul (if Xoti is present during the dialogue) to handing it over to Yngfrith, to keeping it, as well as some options in-between.
    • Keeping the soul in Modwyr: the sword can still talk, the description is the same as when you first found it.
    • Releasing the soul from Modwyr: the sword stop talking, the description is changed to a new one, describing the change after the soul is gone.
    • Either way, it loses Jealous and soulbound function entirely and can be enchanted like a normal unique sword. Of course, you can’t see these changes if you give Modwyr away.
    • You can also attack Yngfrith, the result is that you lose Modwyr forever.


Flanked by a host of guards, all of whom regard you with mute hostility, Lord Raedric VII observes you from his throne, clad in ornate plate. His eyes have a hollow quality, and there is a pallor to the man’s gaunt face that leaves his features showing stark against his dark and unkempt hair. There is a dagger discarded upon one stone arm of the throne. A thin, crimson rivulet worms its way down from the blade and past Raedric’s fingers, even as he leans forward to regard you with a piercing gaze.

Raedriv VII is the descendant of the proud Aedyran house of Raedric that allied itself with the Dyrwood during the War of Defiance, receiving Gilded Vale and surrounding lands as their own. He was once a stern, but benevolent ruler and a devout follower of Eothas. However, the events of the Saint’s War have turned him away from his faith. Worse, the wheat blight and the Hollowborn plague convinced him that the utter destruction of Eothasian followers was necessary, turning him into a bloodthirsty zealot.

As expected, his rule became tyrannical, with the mighty tree in the heart of the village turned into an improvised gallows. As time passed and the crisis worsened, more and more people wound up hanging from its branches, for a variety of transgressions the lord deemed worthy of capital punishment. When his wife, Ygrid, became pregnant, his madness reached a critical point. Moving heaven and earth to somehow ensure his wife gave birth to a healthy child with an intact soul, he wound up attracting all manner of animancers… Nearly all of whom were hanged when they couldn’t provide a reliable solution. His cousin, Kolsc, decided to kill his cousin and establish a more reasonable ruler over the domain of the Vale.


You cannot imagine the power bestowed upon me. I feel the touch of the gods. My faith is a font from which I draw life. My wrath is a sweeping flame. And you will burn this day.

An armored figure strides forward. In place of its eyes, great flames burn, emanating heat and light. In that orange glow you can see that the face beneath has succumbed to rot — the cheeks sunken, the lips pulled back over gray gums and decaying teeth. But it is unmistakably Raedric who stands before you. If the Watcher disposed of Raedric, then Berath will return him to this world as a death guard in return for his zeal and faith. The resulting monster will set about putting things to rights, unless the Watcher intervenes and kills him. Again.


Priestesses of the Exiled Queen serve as lawyers and judges in towns and urban centers, and the most prominent among them are advisers to kings and lords. They are of particular importance in the Empire of Aedyr, where by tradition, business contracts always require their endorsement. Her devotees are typically found in the upper classes, but any conservative person who longs for a vanished past will find a place in her faith. «When Woedica takes back her throne» is a common saying amongst her followers, signifying a utopian future when society will be properly ordered once again, and she will take her rightful place as ruler of the gods.

Woedican clergy rely on local authorities to maintain the law, though they maintain a connection to the Paladin order known as the Steel Garrote.


As with other soulbound weapons, the in-game description of The Unlabored Blade is only gradually revealed. The description starts as just two paragraphs, and more are added each time the weapon is upgraded.

Level 1

«Simple» might be as specific as one can be when describing this dagger. Its handle is leather-wrapped and plain. Its blade is bronze. It has no markings, no filigree, no gems or fancy metalwork. It appears well made, but it is so unremarkable that it is a challenge to judge.

There is a sense in holding it that there must be something more there, if only because it is difficult to believe any craftsman would take so little pride in his work.

Level 2

It is difficult to say for sure, but the blade seems to have picked up tarnish with use, despite the relatively light usage it has seen since you acquired it. It is hard to imagine that the blade was made so cheaply that it is already near the end of its lifespan, yet it does not appear to be far off.

A single rune is visible along the blade. At first it looked more like a scratch. It seems impossible to remember now whether that rune had always been there.

Level 3

The leather on the handle has become brittle and begun to crack. The blade’s original luster has dulled, and the reflections cast into it are hazy and indistinct.

A second rune appears next to the first. But the blade seems altogether worse despite the new detail.

Level 4

The edge of the blade has lost much of its original sharpness. Every slice is a labor, and it seems increasingly better suited to break the seal on letters than to pierce flesh. The grip has started to fray considerably.

There is a third rune on the blade now. Perhaps it is the symbol for «dull.»

Level 5

The blade appears to be coated with a dense fog, its shine no more than a memory. There are deep scratches across it now, and it seems that all but the softest materials leave their mark upon it. Blobs of rust are spattered across the blade, and seem to spread from one moment to the next. They eat at the metal like a wasting sickness. The leather on the handle has begun to slough off entirely, and it needs to be secured in the palm to ensure a good grip before every use.

Four runes are visible along the blade. It seems increasingly likely that it is some kind of apology in a dead language.

Level 6

The blade has undergone a complete metamorphosis. The dagger is in every respect extraordinary — it seems like some transcendent realization of what a dagger would be in its purest, most perfect form.

Five runes grace the blade now, and their meaning seems to trickle into your mind as you look at them:

«Weather, die, and be born anew, free of old labors.»


+ Теперь в игре есть красивый графон с клёвыми спецэффектами и потрясающим океаном. Но с загрузками та же беда, что в Tyranny. Помогает только перенос игры на SSD. Квесты с беготнёй из одного дома в другой превращаются в сплошное нудное мучение. Во время прогрузки крупных локаций можно смело отходить на чаепитие. Да ещё и в массовых замесах, например, при абордажах больших кораблей, из-за обилия вспышек и прочих заклинаний fps проседает даже на топовых конфигурациях. На слабых машинах игра превращается в слайдшоу с непредсказуемым концом.

+ Убрали отвратительный менеджмент замка, похожий на браузерную игру. Добавили не менее убогий менеджмент корабля. Впрочем, всё равно чуть интереснее. Те, кто не видел Sid Meier’s Pirates! в восторге.

+ Абсолютно все диалоги (за исключением так называемых «интерактивных вставок» в игре озвучены. Озвучены неплохо, хотя одинаковый акцент вайлианцев и повсеместное ЭКЕРА начинают раздражать уже к десятой минуте. Но локализация сосёт эклер. Она ужасна. Английская речь персонажей и её русский перевод в диалоге отличаются иногда настолько радикально, что становится физически больно.

+ Диалоги, как и текстовые квесты-вставки, написаны красиво и вкусно. Но локализация сосёт самый большой эклер в мире. Серьёзно, это просто отвратительно. Ни в какие ворота.

+ Описания уникальных предметов достаточно хороши. Но их иконки несоизмеримо малы и неудобны.

+ Бестиарий пополнился новыми чудовищами. Например, появились наги. Но остались и все старые. Иногда перекрашенные.


If you talk to Nedyn on the street outside of the Sanitarium entrance in the Brackenbury district of Defiance Bay, she’ll ask you to steal a valuable book (the Theorems of Pandgram) for her.

Travel to the Copperlane district, enter the Hall of Revealed Mysteries in the Northwest, and find Grimda. The book is in a room to the left of her (the «Elder Archives»), but it is locked.

You now have three options:

Earn your access to the Elder Archives
Talk to Grimda, but don’t tell her about Nedyn. Instead, get the quest The Parable of Wael from her. Complete that quest, then report back to Grimda. She’ll now give you access to the Elder Archives, where you can take the Theorems of Pandgram without anyone noticing.

Break into the Elder Archives
Either kill Grimda and take the key to the Elder Archives from her body, or pick the lock (Difficulty 5). In the first case, the entire Hall turns hostile. You can grab the Theorems of Pandgram and fight your way out. In the second case, you can safely pick the lock and then enter the room as long as you’re in scouting mode — even if the icon shows you are visible to the nearby NPC.

Report Nedyn to Grimda
Grimda will thank you, and the quest completes immediately.
Also, you’ll no longer find Nedyn in Brackenbury — instead, you’ll encounter her hostile in Woodend Plains. (After the battle, you can loot the Ring of Eternal Funding from her body.)

Unless you betrayed Nedyn, return to her. If you say the reward is not enough, she will add the Ring of Eternal Funding.

3 Обратите внимание на рекомендуемые атрибуты

Ваши атрибуты являются важной частью создания персонажа. Есть шесть атрибутов, с которыми можно поиграть:

  • Могущество (Ваша физическая и духовная сила)
  • Телосложение (Ваше здоровье и выносливость)
  • Ловкость (Ваша скорость и координация)
  • Восприятие (ваша способность замечать мельчайшие детали)
  • Интеллект (ваша логика и воля)
  • Решимость (ваша решимость и концентрация)

При выборе атрибутов важно учитывать, какой тип персонажа вы создаете. Экран создания персонажа в этом действительно полезен

Он выделит около трех из шести характеристик, которые рекомендуется выбрать в зависимости от вашего класса. Принять к сведению эти рекомендации — отличная идея. Вы даже можете забрать очки, чтобы переехать в другое место, если чувствуете, что есть характеристика, которая будет мало полезна для вашего конкретного класса и сборки.

Независимо от того, на чем вы специализируетесь, вы всегда должны следить за тем, чтобы не пренебрегать своей Конституцией. Каждому классу требуется хорошее телосложение, чтобы быть уверенным в том, что вы сможете пережить опасные испытания, с которыми вам предстоит столкнуться.

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