Классы (pillars of eternity)


Skills come to play in a variety of different contexts and partially determine
how the player character or their followers can interact with the world around them.

Notably, only the Watcher’s skills are taken into account in dialogue (i.e. a dialogue option that requires 8 Lore won’t be available to a Watcher with 7 Lore, even if they have Durance with 12 Lore in the party). Other party members can use their skills in regular gameplay (the game will automatically select the character with the highest applicable score whenever eg. Mechanics are used) and scripted interactions where it’s possible to select a character to carry it out (i.e. retrieving the dragon egg during Nest Egg, where you can pick a character with a high Athletics score).


Skill Purpose Gameplay effect Use in interactions and conversations(based on the in-game description)
Stealth allows characters of any class to attempt to avoid being seen or heard Can stay close to NPCs in scouting mode for a longer period without being seen
Athletics Once per encounter, characters with Athletics can use the Second Wind ability to recover lost Endurance. A higher Athletics score increases the effect of Second Wind Used in interactions that require physical exertion, such as climbing, jumping, running, or swimming.
Lore A character’s accumulated miscellaneous knowledge and trivia, often of occult or esoteric topics

Lore allows characters to use scrolls. Which level is available is determined by dividing the Lore score by 2 (with a minimum of 1). As such:

  • Rank 1 can use level 1 scrolls
  • Rank 4 can use level 2 scrolls
  • Rank 6 can use level 3 scrolls
  • Rank 8 can use level 4 scrolls
  • Rank 10 can use level 5 scrolls (the highest scroll level in Pillars of Eternity without expansions)
  • Rank 12 can use level 6 scrolls (the highest scroll level in Pillars of Eternity: The White March — Part II)
For picking up on relevant historical or cultural contexts, contributing general knowledge, or using own mastery of lore in conversation.
Mechanics Makes it easier to open locks, find and disable traps, and place traps of your own.

Also needed to find hidden loot and switches, as neither Perception nor Stealth do this.

This skill allows you to disarm traps and pick locks. If the difficulty level is equivalent or lower than the Mechanics rating, it’s free. If it’s one level higher, it costs a variable amount of lock picks (the higher the level, the more lock picks it needs). Anything above and picking or disarming is not possible.

Each level of mechanics also grants +3 accuracy for own traps per level.

For any mechanical purposes, such as interacting with machines, disarming and arming traps or mechanisms, etc.
Survival Allows characters to choose from a variety of long-term bonuses each time they camp. The first six ranks grant the following bonuses:

  • Rank 1 — Damage Reduction
  • Rank 2 — Received Healing Multiplier
  • Rank 3 — Bonus Movement
  • Rank 4 — Accuracy Bonus vs. Creature Type
  • Rank 5 — Increased consumable duration
  • Rank 6 — Bonus Damage vs Flanked Enemies

Note: After 6th rank, the previously earned bonuses become more powerful in the same order they were received (for a max of 3 levels of bonuses).

Used in wilderness challenges, and for contributing specialized knowledge of nature or alchemy.


Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire was released on May 8, 2018 (exactly 1 year, 2 months and 13 days from the completion of the Fig campaign) on Windows, Linux and macOS, via Steam, GOG, Origin and the Mac App Store.

Czech-based developer Grip Digital was sub-contracted to develop a port to console platforms (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One). The port would address adapting Pillars’ traditionally mouse-based UI to work for touch and gamepad-based input, and would include a number of performance optimizations for the hardware. While the project was originally scheduled for completion in Q4 2018, it saw a number of significant delays. Upon the release of The Forgotten Sanctum in December 2018, Obsidian announced that the game would ship to consoles some time in 2019. However this was eventually pushed back on December 9, 2019, when publisher Versus Evil announced that the game would finally be coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on January 28, 2020, with the Nintendo Switch version following «later in the year.» This comes almost 2 years after the original PC release. The announcement detailed that the console version will be distributed both digitally via the Microsoft Store, PlayStation Store, and Nintendo eShop, as well as physically through a partnership with publisher THQ Nordic. The physical release will come in the form of a Standard release and an Ultimate Collector’s Edition, which bundles in a number of physical bonuses. As announced, the game was released to consoles on January 28, 2020.


On PC, Mac and Linux, three different editions of the game are available for purchase — Digital Standard, Deluxe, and Obsidian editions. These editions are only available on Steam and GOG, and provide additional digital and in-game content on top of the base game. The expansions, season pass, and the Explorer’s Pack can also be purchased individually.

On consoles, the release is consolidated to a single «Ultimate Edition», including the base game and its expansions up to patch 5.0, but no digital bonus content. The console release also includes a «Ultimate Collector’s Edition», which contains a few physical bonuses that were previously only available during the .

Features PC / Mac / Linux Console
Standard Edition Deluxe Edition Obsidian Edition Ultimate Edition Ultimate Collector’s Edition
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (Base game)
Explorer’s Pack
Official Pillars of Eternity II Soundtrack
In-Game Pet
Special In-Game Item
PoE Pen and Paper RPG Starter Guide
High Resolution Game Map
Digital Guidebook Vol. II
Season Pass
Beast of Winter
Seeker, Slayer, Survivor
The Forgotten Sanctum
Physical content
Physical copy
Premium box:

  • Od Nua Statue
  • Metal sticker
  • Key chain

1 эксперимент и развлекайтесь

Хотя вы можете оказаться в более неспешном приключении, если внимательно обдумаете персонажа, которого вы создаете, может быть не менее забавным повозиться с вариантами. Игра предлагает увлекательную задачу, но она достаточно сбалансирована, чтобы гарантировать, что у вас всегда будет шанс на успех, независимо от того, какого персонажа вы создадите.

Так что не переживайте слишком много над созданием персонажа. Идите против стереотипов. Сделайте глупого или необычного персонажа, если хотите. Или просто придерживайтесь стиля персонажа, который вам нравился в прошлом. В конце концов, все ролевые игры — это личное самовыражение и потеря персонажа и истории.

Pillars of Eternity — фантастическая изометрическая ролевая игра, которую стоит переигрывать снова и снова, пробуя новые классы и стили игры. Посмотрите, что лучше всего подходит для вас, а затем снова пройдите игру с совершенно другим творением.

Points of interest[]

  • You enter the area from the eastern side. Just to the south is a wounded winter wolf, which you can choose to kill, heal, or ignore it (see The Hunter’s Favor for more details). After the interaction you receive a Silver Arrow in return for the effort, used to create the soulbound hunting bow, Stormcaller.
  • To the southeast is the Russetwood crater, with a feral druid and several winter wolves near its western edge. Just beyond a small rocky outcropping is a hunter’s camp, where, after sparing the druid wolf in the cave to the north, you can find the hunter’s totem needed to bring back Thyrsc’s son.
  • Defala and her group of slave trackers can be found in a clearing in the center of the area. Just north of her is the ice patch where Qexetl dumps the Giftbearer trinkets (see Regrets Worth Trading for details).
  • To the southwest lies an abandoned camp with a soul and a hidden rock containing the tattered map. Interact with the soul to meet archmage Ninagauth.
  • Near the western edge of the map is Felisa, with her band of undead cannibals. Just north of that area is the entrance to the encampment of the crag ogres: Flames-That-Whisper caverns. The overlook has a half-buried crate with supplies. If The Ogre Matron is completed without killing the ogres, Morug will setup shop outside the cavern afterwards.
  • Greyjaw is an unique bear boss in the clearing just next to the entrance to the caves. The bodies have a journal page on them and the Coil of Resourcefulness.
  • Next to it is a clearing with the wolf cave. The cave itself is small and contains Suldrun spiritshifted into a wolf (see The Hunter’s Favor for details). The far side has the unique wand Curoc’s Brand on a corpse frozen to the wall.
  • In the northeastern corner are several encounters. Northeast of the lake, Vamrel leads a group of pale elf slavers struggling with an ogre slave. She drops the unique sabre Bittercut. Further north, there is a body buried in a landslide (pilfer it for a pair of Boots of Speed). A shrine to Galawain in the extreme north-eastern corner is guarded by an Ice Troll.
  • If you have the bounty, Laenric will spawn northeast of the lake.


► Тип схватки/боя — Исключительно дистанционные.

► Основные характеристики — Интеллект и Сила.

► Вторичные характеристики — Ловкость.

► Основная особенность — «Магия на любой вкус и цвет».


Этот класс может сеять хаос и разрушение на поле битвы, но вот может умереть даже от обычной простуды, поэтому очень важно следить за балансом своей группы. Это мы говорим о балансе атакующих и так же защитных заклинаний

Кроме этого, каждый играющий может запутаться в процессе колдовства. Первое, что следует запомнить, играя Волшебником: прежде чем применить заклинание, его необходимо выучить; далее выученное заклинание необходимо переместить в специальную волшебную книжку — это может быть гримуар;  теперь колдуйте!

Если вы мучаете своего Волшебника и не даёте ему отдыхать, тогда учтите то, что он будет иметь ограниченное (сильно) количество применяемых заклинаний, но вот более «продвинутые» маги умеют восстанавливать некоторые заклинания сразу же после схватки. Помимо этого, вместительность волшебного гримуара так же будет ограничена (по четыре заклинания каждого уровня), поэтому не взирая то, что волшебный гримуар является многоразовым и заклинания каждый раз можно менять, лучше всё-таки иметь несколько таких книжек. Стоит помнить, что Волшебник не для новичков, так как для его управления вам потребуются определённые навыки.


► Тип схватки/боя — Абсолютно любой.

► Основные характеристики — Интеллект.

► Вторичные характеристики —  Ловкость и Сила.

► Основная особенность — «Огромное влияние на разум».


Сайфер — это самый гибкий и интересный класс в игре! Он имеет огромное количество самых разных навыков, которые будут влиять на разум вашего врага. Сайфер может стать как воином ближнего боя, так и дальнего, а его средоточие на интеллекте помогает ему атаковать ментальными умениями. При помощи этих умений вы можете сводить своих врагов с катушек, уничтожать и калечить их здоровый рассудок, вводить в ступор, обездвиживать и даже подчинять своей воле!

Если посмотреть на этот класс с другой стороны, то его  сила и ловкость вполне позволяет создать прекрасного бойца ближнего боя, который владеет любыми видами оружия и не важно, двуручная пика это или же небольшой кинжал, а может даже и рапира. Несмотря на всё, он даже в самом начале игре может сразиться одновременно с несколькими противниками сразу: парализуя одного, контролируя другого и сражаясь с другим! В общем, полезный и универсальный класс во всех смыслах

Несмотря на всё, он даже в самом начале игре может сразиться одновременно с несколькими противниками сразу: парализуя одного, контролируя другого и сражаясь с другим! В общем, полезный и универсальный класс во всех смыслах.

2 Обдумайте настройку вечеринки

Во время вашего приключения вы можете выбрать из 11 замечательных товарищей, и вы сможете организовать группу из шести человек, которые присоединятся к вам. У каждого из них есть своя уникальная история, навыки и способности. Этих товарищей можно найти в мире или нанять в зале искателя приключений.

Убедитесь, что у вас есть отличная композиция для вечеринки. Например, если вы, вероятно, захотите, чтобы в вашей команде был Эдер — человек-боец, то играть за бойца самому может быть немного излишним. Во время игры вы столкнетесь с множеством проблем, поэтому убедитесь, что вы готовы ко всем. Убедитесь, что у вас есть кто-то, кто подходит для исцеления, а другой — для того, чтобы принять на себя основную тяжесть урона.

Пользователи Magic тоже всегда жизненно необходимы. Подумайте о группе, которую вы хотели бы иметь, например, от D&D party, и помните об этом при создании своей первоначальной роли. Таким образом, вы можете быть уверены, что ваши будущие товарищи хорошо дополнят ваш стиль игры.

Дополнительный совет по созданию персонажа — убедиться, что основные цвета каждого члена группы довольно различны. Это позволит вам выделить ваших персонажей во время битвы и вам будет легче отслеживать их всех.


We all have to wake up.
~ Edérin the Campaign Launch Trailer

On November 14, 2017 the Backer Beta was released.

Current development stage: Production – During the «Production Stage», initial development of the software is underway and designs and characters are being brought to life.

  • February 19, 2017: Companion relationships are in the game, due to reaching the milestone of $3,000,000!
  • February 18, 2017: By reaching 25,000 backers, Fulvano’s Voyage has been expanded again.
  • February 17, 2017: $2.8M reached – 5,000 followers on : Fulvano’s Voyage expanded – $3.25M stretch goal announced: sidekicks
  • February 14, 2017: The next stretch goal is announced, together with the presentation of two new companions; for details see .
  • February 13, 2017: $2.6M are reached, Berath’s Blessing.
  • February 10, 2017: Information about visuals in the game and announcement (with video) of the next stretch goal; for details see below.
  • February 9, 2017: The $2.4M mark is reached. In addition to the Korean localization and doubled voice-over the Pillars of Eternity Pen-and-Paper RPG is announced.
  • February 7, 2017: Similar to the Stronghold from Pillars of Eternity a «backer-unlockable» is announced, the island chain Fulvano’s Voyage, which will be expanded step-by-step with each additional 1,500 backers from today. Furthermore: some insights into game lore and the next stretch goal; for details see below.
  • February 7, 2017: The next stretch goal is hit, the developers say «Grazie!» For details see below.
  • February 2, 2017: The story continues; stretch goal #4 with $2,000,000 reached, and #6 announced; for details see below.
  • January 31, 2017: Stretch goal #3 reached, #5 and further updates announced; for details see below.
  • January 30, 2017: Stretch goal #2 is reached, one more revealed; for details see below.
  • January 29, 2017: The next two stretch goals are announced; for details see below.
  • January 28, 2017: The first stretch goal is reached, sub-classes are confirmed.
  • January 27, 2017: The crowdfunding campaign reached it’s goal of $1,1M in less than 24 hours. Stretch goals have been announced which will introduce further features to the game, with the first one – at reaching $1,4M – being Sub-classes.
  • January 26, 2017: The backer campaign starts on Fig: Video Game Crowdfunding.
    • Link to campaign
    • Goal: $1,100,000 on February 25th, 2017
    • Several different editions, partly limited, are made available with varying possibilities of backers’ involvement in the game, starting from being credited, up to the creation of a Soulbound item.
    • Estimated release: First quarter of 2018
  • January 26, 2017: Obsidian Entertainment announces the sequel in the official forum.
  • May 16, 2016: Development on the game had begun by May, 2016. Feargus Urquhart has speculated that it will once again use Kickstarter to obtain funding.


This character is a party member.
This character starts quests.


Xoti is found at Port Maje at the Dawnstar encampment if you haven’t searched the Engwithan Digsite, or at the Temple of Gaun in Neketaka. Simply talking to her and revealing that you are a Watcher following Eothas will earn her faithful service. She starts with the unique hatchet, Xoti’s Sickle, and Xoti’s Lantern.

  • The class options available to Xoti are the priest subclass , the monk subclass , or a multiclass of the two (Contemplative).
    • is Xoti’s unique priest subclass that grants Hatchet proficiency and a selection of protective Eothas spells as well as druid-like plant spells.
    • is Xoti’s unique monk subclass with buckler proficiency, +3 Wounds per kill, but +1 Wound ability cost.


  • Xoti likes:
    • Pro-Eothasians: Supports the followers of Eothas.
    • Lighthearted: Appreciates jokes and levity in life, even in the darkest of circumstances.
    • Impassioned: She is a passionate person and responds well to people with similarly strong emotions.
    • Worldly: Appreciates a cosmopolitan lifestyle and outlook on life.
  • Xoti dislikes:
    • Antireligious: Believes the gods and religions serve a useful purpose for mortals and dislikes irreverence or insults directed at them.
    • Irresponsibility: Finds it distasteful when others do not take their duties seriously or attempt to evade their rightful responsibilities.
    • Skullduggery: Takes a dim view of people who employ underhanded and deceptive tactics to get their way.


  • As a fellow follower of Eothas, Xoti is infatuated with Edér from the moment they first meet.
  • Xoti’s religious zeal causes Edér to keep his distance, but this can be addressed through specific companion banter.
    • After the banter that begins with «You’re a follower of the light?», Edér will seek advice from the Watcher.
    • Any response results in a resolution between Xoti and Edér, allowing them to become friends instead.
  • If this situation plays out (or not), it will be reflected in Xoti’s end-game slides.
  • Xoti and Maia can form a relationship through their mutual reputation likes.
  • The Watcher learns about this through banter and conversations with Maia.
  • Their relationship/breakup will reflect in Xoti’s end-game slides.

The Watcher

Xoti can be romanced if your reputation with her is positive 2 or higher. More ‘intimate’ dialogue options are available after she wakes up from the nightmare.

Buffs in Pillars of Eternity[]

In addition to a character’s base Survival, there are various ways to gain further bonuses. Some of these buffs are permanent or can be activated for as long as desired, while others must be enabled and then expire after their duration runs out. Some can only applied to the character themselves, while others apply to allies. Some buffs stack, others are mutually exclusive.

A character’s Survival score for a certain attack can benefit from the given number of bonuses from each of the following tables at the same time.

Unlimited – Permanently active once learned

Talent Classes Modifier
Rymrgand’s Boon All +1


One only – While equipped

Slot Item Modifier
Armor Jack of Wide Waters +2
Armor Sanguine Plate +2
Neck Mantle of the Excavator +2
Head Rugged Wilderness Hat +2

One only – Duration: see table

Item Modifier Duration
Rite of the Untamed Wild +3 120 s


One only – Duration: see table

Area Inn Room Modifier Duration
Copperlane Goose and Fox Vixen’s Burrow +1 2 rests
Hearthsong The Celestial Sapling Wanderer’s Reprieve +1 2 rests
Caed Nua Brighthollow Warden’s Lodge +2 3 rests

Setting and story[]

The game takes place in a brand new fantasy world, Eora. It is roughly based on 16th century medieval technology levels, where magic and power is determined by the quality of a person’s soul. The story takes place in a small nation in the world’s southern hemisphere called the Dyrwood (DEER-wood). The Dyrwood is a heavily forested, coastal region where colonial powers from across the ocean have settled and formed an uneasy relationship with the local residents, the Glanfathans, tribes of orlans and elves who are protective of the ancient ruins of Eir Glanfath on the forest’s interior. Eir Glanfath was the home of the Engwithans, an ancient melting pot of races that built elaborate, often massive, structures out of a living shell-like substance called adra. Though the fate of the ancient Engwithans is unknown, their dangerous and complex ruins show evidence they possessed extensive knowledge of how souls work. For this reason, all of the surrounding colonial powers aggressively fight for the chance to explore and plunder Engwithan ruins, often bringing the local tribes into conflict with their relatively new neighbors and the neighbors into conflict with each other.

The central character in the story is a newcomer to the Dyrwood, caught up in a bizarre supernatural phenomenon. This event puts them in a difficult position, where they must explore the new world to solve a series of problems that have been thrust upon them.

External links[]

  • Official site
  • Official forum
  • Backer portal
  • Crowdfunding campaign

Social media

  • The World of Eternity on Twitter
  • Obsidian Entertainment’s Twitter
  • The World of Eternity on Facebook
  • Obsidian Entertainment on Twitch
  • Obsidian Entertainment on YouTube


  • Pillars of Eternity 2: story, setting, companions and more — everything we know – Interview with Josh Sawyer on PCGamesN
  • Pillars of Eternity — The RPG Files — Pillars of Eternity II: Welcome to the Deadfire — MMORPG.com – Interview with Josh Sawyer on MMORPG
  • Obsidian announces Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire | PC Gamer – Article on PC Gamer


The cult of Ondra takes on many forms, the most noticeable of which are Ondra’s Giftbearers. They are a group which collects trinkets, love notes, and other objects from people that live far from the sea in exchange for a small fee. These objects are then cast into the ocean or dropped in a particularly deep spot during a special ceremony. There have been some cases of Giftbearers abusing their responsibility, which led to them being mistrusted or even attacked in some areas.

Of note is the secretive Abbey of the Fallen Moon, a remote cloister in the White March. Unknown to all but the highest ranking members of the cult and Giftbearers, it is built around the corpse of Abydon, the smithing god. It houses both the Salt Well, where the greatest burdens are forgotten, and the orders of High and Low Tides: the most revered ranks of Ondra’s faithful, dedicated to memory and forgetting. The order of the High Tide is responsible for the day-to-day operations and defense of the Abbey, as well as preparing for the Low Tide’s vows. The Low Tide is composed of Giftbearers who inhabit the Halls of Silence beneath the Abbey, where they submit to slow erasure of memory. Ultimately, they are sacrificed in the ritual of the Rising, where the Tidecaster selected by the Conclave arrives to drown them all and allow members of the High Tide to take the vows and inhabit the Halls below. Notably, many members of the Low Tide later regret their choices and the slow disintegration of their minds. Thus, the ritual is designed to prevent them from ever leaving the confines of the Abbey and revealing their secrets to the world beyond.


The ritual of sprinkling holy water is one of the most important traditions in the Ondrite church. For Ondra’s followers, it signifies not only a sanctifying of the church, but the actual presence of the Lady of Lament herself. All Ondrite holy water comes from the ocean, and those pilgrims who convey the water from the sea are held in great esteem among Ondra’s faithful.

Melee weapons[]

Different melee weapons will have different attack speeds, but for most weapons will be categorized by their relative handedness and speed (Fast One-Handed, Large One-Handed, and Two-Handed). Fast one-handed weapons attack more frequently than large one-handed weapons. Two-handed Weapons are almost universally hard-hitting weapons, that can deal more damage per-hit than their one-handed counterparts, but you cannot use a shield with them or use a second weapon.

Fast one-handed weapons are particularly effective against enemies with low damage reduction and two-handed weapons are particularly effective against enemies with high damage reduction.

Fast one-handed

Fast one-handed Base Damage Damage Type Speed Interrupt Weapon type bonus Weapon Focus / Specialization
9-13 Slash Fast 0.35 sec (Weak) Noble
9-13 Slash Fast 0.35 sec (Weak) Peasant
9-13 Pierce Fast 0.35 sec (Weak) Noble
9-13 Pierce Fast 0.35 sec (Weak) Ruffian
9-13 Crush Fast 0.35 sec (Weak) Ruffian
9-13 Crush Fast 0.35 sec (Weak) Adventurer
Monk Fists 10-15 Crush Fast ? Bonus damage & accuracy from Transcendent Suffering LvL 1/4/7/10/13 Peasant

Large one-handed

Large one-handed Base Damage Damage Type Speed Interrupt Weapon type bonus Weapon Focus / Specialization
11-16 Crush Average 0.5 sec (Average) Noble
11-16 Crush / Pierce (Best) Average 0.5 sec (Average) Soldier
11-16 Pierce Average 0.5 sec (Average) Peasant
11-16 Slash / Pierce (Best) Average 0.5 sec (Average) Knight
11-16 Slash Average 0.5 sec (Average) Knight
11-16 Slash Average 0.5 sec (Average) Ruffian


Two-handed Base Damage Damage Type Speed Interrupt Weapon type bonus Weapon Focus / Specialization
14-20 Pierce Slow 0.75 sec (Strong) Adventurer
14-20 Pierce Slow 0.75 sec (Strong) Soldier
14-20 Slash / Pierce (Best) Slow 0.75 sec (Strong) Soldier
14-20 Slash / Crush (Best) Slow 0.75 sec (Strong) Adventurer
14-20 Crush Slow 0.75 sec (Strong) Peasant
14-20 Crush Slow 1.0 sec (Stronger) Knight


A trader from the Aedyr Empire, Heodan left home to expand his family’s mercantile enterprise, which had been taken over by his brothers. He decided for the Dyrwood, as being a former colony of his homeland, and chose the caravan of Odema to start with his efforts. Though he is the only one of his family who had to leave to build an existence, he doesn’t see himself in a disadvantage, and in his eyes all the siblings are working together for business’s sake.

Challenged by life on the road in a larger way than he expected, and constantly remembered by the «prickly locals» of the Dyrwood’s independency from the Aedyr, the simply but neatly clothed rogue’s trying to make the most of things by selling basic traveling supplies to the caravanners.


Pillars of Eternity

  • Skaen is unseen for most of the game, but his cultists are, especially at Dyrford. He appears near the end game, interceding on Woedica’s behalf and suggesting empowering her.
  • Effigy’s Resentment — The Watcher can sacrifice a companion to the blood pool to gain a talent. This carries over to Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire.

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

  • Skaen appears as part of the council of gods trying to figure out what to do with Eothas.
  • A shrine to Skaen can be found in Fort Deadlight, Deadlight Court.
  • The Wāpau Jungle encounter is a similar interaction to the Skaen blood pool in Pillars of Eternity
    • If you sacrifice a companion, you will be given an effigy doll. A trinket which casts Summon Effigy of Skaen
    • If you fight and kill the cultists, you will find Pathfinder’s Boots.
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