The best modpacks for minecraft 2019


Take a look at these graphics!

OptiFine is a god-send for all Minecraft players who cannot afford a top-tier gaming device. It allows the game to run significantly smoother no matter the age, model, or brand of computer you use. It also includes high-quality textures and a bunch of animations that are not in the vanilla version. 

OptiFine’s Features:

  • You will see an FPS boost. OptiFine reduces lag spikes and polishes gameplay, which may double the FPS your device is capable of supporting. The mod includes 34 animation and detail options, allowing you to turn on or off specific visual effects of your choosing that may increase FPS further.
  • OptiFine supports HD textures. These give you the chance to install resource packs and experience them to the fullest. From custom lighting to custom font characters, this mod covers every visual effect a player is looking for. OptiFine increases your device’s render distances as well. This allows you to see even more of the beautiful textures you have installed.
  • The most underrated feature of OptiFine is the ability to zoom in and out with a press of a button. You can now see up to 3x further in your creative and survival worlds. This may make your gaming experience much more pleasurable. Make sure to use this feature to look for creepers on the way to your base!
  • OptiFine gives you the option to alter how the day cycle changes. You are given three options: default (night and day), day only, or night only. Choose your preference and live in your customized world! Sadly, this feature is currently only available in creative mode and is impossible to be used by those of you who aspire to be Bear Grylls .
  • Shaders are known for their game-crashing effects on Minecraft but OptiFine lets the game fully support the shaders you wish to use. Your builds will look more like eye-candy than a pile of blocks when using a shader pack!

Download OptiFine here.


Одной из самых оригинальных сборок для игры Майнкрафт по достоинству можно назвать IneffableWar. Создатели постарались на славу и добавили в нее моды, которые позволяют геймерам использовать большое количество пистолетов, дробовиков, снайперских винтовок, гранат и другого оружия, а также военной техники.

Во время сетевой игры пользователи смогут разделиться на команды и погрузиться в увлекательный мир Майнкрафт. Для геймеров здесь предусмотрены практически неограниченные возможности. К примеру, можно построить собственный замок и в нем обороняться от врагов или поменять камуфляж своему персонажу.

В этой сборке военная техника может использоваться не только для того, чтобы передвигаться по миру самому, но и перевозить своих союзников, которые во время движения смогут воспользоваться пулеметом, чтобы отстреливаться от врагов. Особый сюрприз ждет поклонников Звездный войн. В игру добавлен специальный мод с оружием и другими вещами из фантастической саги.

SkyFactory 4


Skyfactory 4 is a Skyblock themed Modpack that literally has a total new experience in playing survival Minecraft.

There is a vast amount of different world types to choose and challenge yourself into surviving especially the well-known survival challenges like SkyGrid.

SkyFactory contains mods that give you varieties of content from tech or magic to explore on and craft for your needs while you survive in the sky.

I recommend this modpack as it does have a long-term playability and has always been enjoyable for the community.

Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons

Another dungeon exploration based Minecraft modpack, RAD is all about exploring, fighting, and looting. With 9 different dimensions to explore all with unique dungeons and bosses, as well as airships, wizardry, quests and tamable dragons you’re set for an inimitable experience. As you complete quests and grow stronger, so too will the world’s monsters, so there’s no time to relax on this adventure!

Just some of the long list of creatures available in this modpack!

Download Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons:

That’s it! Those are what we think are the 10 best Minecraft modpacks of all time, you should definitely check them out. We’ll keep updating the list as time goes on, so make sure to check back here for updates.

And remember all of these modpacks are available as a one-click install on our servers, making it incredibly easy for you to play with friends, so don’t forget to check out our hosting options.

Valhelsia 3

Most modpacks are running on older versions of Minecraft, however Valhelsia 3 runs on Minecraft 1.16 which is the latest version of the game (as of Feb 2021, when this article was last updated). This means that you will have more up-to-date content in Minecraft, but some popular mods will be missing since they run on older versions. For example, some popular mods missing from this pack include: Draconic Evolution, Tinker’s Construct, and EnderIO.

You will still find a lot of great mods in this pack, including some of my favorites: Botania, Biomes O’ Plenty, and Immersive Engineering. If you are wanting to try out a more updated version of Minecraft while still having mods, Valhelsia 3 is a great option for you. This modpack can be downloaded on the CurseForge launcher or on their CurseForge page here.

Stoneblock 2 (FTB)

Stoneblock 2 (SB2) is similar to skyblock or SkyFactory, but it’s kind of the opposite. Instead of building in a totally empty world in the sky, you are building in a world filled with stone and you have to carve out a base.

It can be annoying mining the stone in the beginning, but once you get an RFTools Builder it gets much easier to dig out massive amounts of stone. Personally, I have found this to be a very fun modpack to play and definitely recommend trying it.

This pack makes use of the Project E mod, which can be somewhat overpowered as it lets you trade most items for other items (using the EMC system). For example, you can exchange 100 stone for 100 EMC, then use this EMC to purchase other items like diamonds or iron. The pack also includes Draconic Evolution, which unlocks a ton of end-game content to keep you busy.

Once you accumulate a lot of EMC, the game feels a bit like creative mode since you can instantly obtain nearly all items in the game. However, the EMC system can be nice because it allows you to trade your “junk” for EMC and buy more valuable things like diamonds.

A very cool idea for a base in this game is to use the Builder to hollow out a big dome, then use the luminous blocks to make a fake sky, clouds, and sun. This process is fully automated with the Builder block, and you don’t have to manually break and place all the blocks.

If you’re asking yourself Which Minecraft modpack should I play in 2021, I highly recommend Stoneblock 2. As one of my favorite modpacks, I have also made a nifty Stoneblock 2 guide to help you with some starter tips. To play this pack, download the using the official FTB launcher on their website.

SkyFactory 4

The dragon sits next to these technological farms.

SkyFactory 4 adds such a huge variety content to Minecraft that you likely won’t ever get to play it all! With new world types, a progression system and unique blocks, there is so much to do when playing with this modpack. Jump in now and see for yourself!

SkyFactory 4’s Features:

  • There are over 30 world types to choose from when generating a new world. Do you want to play skyblock while surrounded by bedrock? Or maybe play entirely underwater? SkyFactory 4 offers so many creative possibilities to make your world different that you can’t get bored! 
  • Resource trees provide a built-in progression system that lets the player choose the resources they want to produce. This is instead of a randomized system that has been featured in past versions of SkyFactory. 
  • Unlike some of the other modpacks on this list, SkyFactory 4 does not require you to complete quests to get more stuff. There is an optional game mode that does, however, which we will look at next!
  • A prestige System gives you the chance to unlock new blocks and tools. Prestige points can be gained by finishing advancements in the game by finding, crafting or killing new things. Each time you do this, you can unlock something new!
  • Join servers to play SkyFactory 4 with friends and the Minecraft community!

You can download this modpack here.

CrazyCraft 4

As you may have been able to infer from the name, this modpack is well and truly crazy. Perhaps best described in the words of the creator this modpack «focuses on taking your Minecraft knowledge and throwing it out the window». With a whooping 88 mods including Orespawn, TragicMC, Witchery and many many more, you’ll always have something new to do or to discover. And yes, that is a giant Pac-Man that will try to kill you.

Killer Pac-Man is just one of many crazy mobs that are added to Minecraft with this pack!

Download CrazyCraft 4:

Questing Mayhem

This questbook is just one of two in Questing Mayhem.

Questing Mayhem is designed to suit you whether you are a hardcore or casual player. Quests range in difficulty but there are plenty to go around! These objectives are used to lead you towards awesome things hidden in the modpack that you may find inspiring.

Questing Mayhem’s Features:

  • 82 mods are incorporated in this modpack. Although this is not as many as some of the other modpacks listed in this compilation, all 82 add a lot of content. They all relate to the quests and challenges they provide you; there is so much to do!
  • There are 2 quest books with a total of 800 quests. These quests are related to every part of the game, including PVP, farming, mining and more! No matter what kind of player you are, you will find quests geared towards you.
  • Questing Mayhem is advertised as being updated regularly. With each major update, new quests will be added to the game. This adds more variety to your gaming experience!
  • Look for loot bags across the map by killing any kind of mob. You can find all kinds of goodies in these and they only take up one inventory space!
  • Make sure to watch your step when running through a swamp! Slimes love to leave puddles scattered throughout the terrain. These can be destroyed by your hand for a slime ball, which undoubtedly will be useful down the road.

Start conquering Questing Mayhem’s quests here.

SevTech: Ages

Одна из самых популярных сборок Майнкрафт как в России, так и за рубежом. Геймеру предлагается пройти увлекательный путь от каменного века и до современного времени. При этом можно наблюдать последовательность человеческого прогресса, начиная от стадии добычи огня с помощью трения палок и заканчивая полетами в космическое пространство.

У каждого пользователя появится возможность побывать в шести эрах: каменном и бронзовом веках, средневековье, в эпохе индустриализации, в новом и новейшем времени. Для того, чтобы перейти на следующий уровень и увидеть другую эпоху, следует выполнить несколько заданий, которые помогут открывать и изучать новые предметы. Вместе с этим на каждом уровне геймера поджидают разные мобы, открываются новые измерения, в которых можно увидеть разнообразные механизмы и даже руды.

Большое количество модификаций не даст заскучать даже опытному геймеру. Игровой процесс в течение всех эпох занимает достаточно большой временной промежуток, что не может не радовать. Игровой процесс сопровождается системой достижений, заставляющей совершенствоваться и узнавать много нового.

Эта сборка Майнкрафт не требует инсталляции и работает без лицензии. Пользователь может играть с друзьями на сервере и осваивать новую уникальную систему прогресса.

Antimatter Chemistry

Intricate systems automate your farms and more!

Antimatter Chemistry is a quest and progression based modpack. Here, you are stranded in the “antimatter dimension.” You will have to use your basic starter gear as you attempt to find your way back to the overworld dimension.

Antimatter Chemistry’s Features:

  • A huge network of quests is at your disposal to help you. These quests teach you the roots of using the complex mods that are in Antimatter Chemistry. 
  • This modpack has difficult recipes and systems you will need to construct. When playing it, everything has to be thought through to avoid bigger mistakes later. This level of strategy is unique in comparison to other modpacks but does make it tougher. This makes it perfect for anyone looking for a challenge!
  • New interactive blocks are in Antimatter Chemistry. Each has a specific use and placement while you are creating awesome contraptions! You may find watching a youtube series will help guide you through this process.
  • Craft generators to make resources for you! As you are stranded in the “antimatter dimensions,” there won’t be any cobblestone, wood, dirt, or standard blocks laying around. Use these generators to gather the resources you need to craft mechanisms and build cool objects!
  • This modpack includes alchemistry, which is a mod designed to break items down into the elements it’s made out of. You can recombine these pure elements in different ways to create new resources and elements!

You can download this modpack here.

SevTech: Ages

Awesome storage systems and more are in this modpack!

SevTech: Ages is a huge modpack created to give you a purposeful long-term progression experience that a lot of modpacks don’t offer. As you keep playing, new content continues to be unlocked. You will never get bored playing SevTech: Ages!!

SevTech: Ages’s Features:

  • Dynamically hidden items and recipes are unlocked based on progress. If you have not unlocked an item, you won’t be able to pick it up or sometimes see it. This feature is both unique and cool.
  • SevTech ages still has the vanilla advancement system but with new quests. This emphasizes the importance of in-game content. The developers don’t want your the main focus to be completing quests but to be playing Minecraft and building awesome things!
  • This modpack still lets you have the normal sandbox experience. Some packs bring so much new stuff into the game that you forget what real Minecraft is really like…  not SevTech: Ages though! You will still that taste of normal Minecraft that made you fall in love with the game in the first place!]
  • There are hundreds of custom advancements that unlock new “ages.” This unique progression style unlocks chunks of new items in the game. It is much like real life history as eras continue to change!
  • There are some new tools, more types of trees, and interactive blocks. This adds another level to the game. You can upgrade your home with the different colors and style of these items.

Start unlocking SevTech advancements here.

Farming Valley

In heavy contrast to most of this list, this is one of the best Minecraft modpacks for people that just want to chill. Based on the game Stardew Valley your goal is to start a small town and progress through the pack by farming, harvesting, selling your resources to local NPCs, then using that money to purchase more things. The modpack has the traditional four seasons, each with special crops to plant and sell. It even has the actual music from Stardew Valley!

Make your house as cute as this one with the money you earn from farming

Download Farming Valley:


Эту сборку смогут по достоинству оценить опытные игроки, которые знают толк в техническом прогрессе. Основной ее особенностью является то, что клиент запускается из любой папки, независимо от места ее расположения.

Для инсталляции сборки Hi-Tech достаточно просто запустить автоматический установщик. Лицензия для запуска этого проекта не потребуется. Создатели использовали 62 мода, причем наиболее их количество – индустриальные.

Разработчики постарались выбрать самые полезные моды, благодаря которым даже у самых привередливых геймеров не появится желание настроить игру под себя.

Life in the Village


As the title says this Modpack is heavily focused on how villages work, of course it has additional features for exploring and quest-like gameplay on top of that.

The two known big mods that are contained in this pack are Millenaire and Minecolonies, changing how village systems work and also giving you the ability to create your own colony to prosper, all under your very control.

Additional features, as what I said are mostly exploration, agricultural and quest related content, with new Mobs, new content for your agricultural task and Daily quest with leveling to keep you entertained in your Minecraft world.

Life in the village is a relatively small Modpack with features just to make things feel more alive.

Pixelmon Generations

Whether you’re a die-hard Pokemon fan or you’re someone who’s barely touched the Pokemon universe yet, this Minecraft modpack is perfect for you. It has every Pokemon from Gen 1 all the way through Gen 8, over 130 different biomes, 42 naturally spawning structures, and so much more, there’s enough content to keep even the most knowledgeable Pokemon fans engaged. It’s not overwhelming for newcomers either, with an expansive Wikipedia and lots of helpful in-game tools!

All Pokemon designs are detailed and well crafted to give you the best experience

Download Pixelmon Generations:

SevTech: Ages


There are a lot of Modpacks that I would consider as a top 1 but SevTech takes the place due to its concept, playability and enjoyment.

When a modpack has a start and end goal, it attracts players who aim to achieve things in the game.

SevTech fulfills that by allowing the player to have a goal, not just 1, but multiple sub-goals to achieve and progress throughout the gameplay to achieve end game.

In this pack, you start with nothing (the stone age), to grind to the point where you accomplish superior advancements in technology (Space).

That is what makes this modpack standout as it has that playability for the player to grind and find a reason to keep playing because they want to achieve great lengths with this pack.

Further Reading:

  • 10 things to do when you’re bored in Minecraft
  • Need more light? Top 10 Best Light Sources in Minecraft
  • Here how to get more xp in minecraft fast

15 Best Dances in Fortnite That You Need
The 8 Best Assassin in Wild Rift to Dominate Rank
All NPC locations Fortnite That You Should Know (40+ NPCS)
11 Best Fortnite Live Events That Ever Happened

FTB StoneBlock 2


If you like survival challenges with grinding and goals to aim for. Stoneblock is just the right pack for you.

Similar to Skyblock being in the sky with a small blocky island, Stoneblock places you in a world full of stone, surrounded by stone, you need to find a way to survive, craft, mine, create and conquer the stone world.

Stoneblock is another one of those kitchen-sink modpacks, meaning it’s heavyweight, be prepared for a big download size and a lot of content to entertain you along the way in your survival journey surrounded by stone.

SkyFactory 4

SkyFactory 4 (SF4) is definitely one of the most fun modpacks you can play in Minecraft. It is skyblock on steroids, and from the name you can probably guess what you will be doing. Building a factory in the sky of course!

You will start on a small chunk of land with a tree, which is standard for all skyblock maps. Next, you’ll have to progress through the pack to expand your island and obtain all the other items in the game. The progression will take you from getting resources from special trees, making a mob farm, and generating power.

It’s quite different from Sky Factory 3 (SF3), for example there is no more sifting for resources. The majority of resources are obtained from trees in this version and there’s also no draconic evolution. There are many different variations of skyblock, however SkyFactory 3 and 4 are the most popular variants.

SkyFactory 4 is definitely worth checking out if you want to play a Minecraft modpack in 2021. For more information on Sky Factory 4, the makers of Minecraft have made a nice post going over it. The official download page can be found here, or you can use the CurseForge launcher to download and play it.

List of Best Minecraft Modpacks


SevTech Ages

SevTach Ages is a massive Minecraft massive mod packs packed with content and progression. It merely focuses to provide players with a long term progression experience with purpose. For some SevTech Ages could be tedious but it has plenty of exciting toys to play around with and it is undoubtedly best for those who miss the old Tekkit days but want something more advanced and in-depth for the modern Minecrafter.

Advanced Wizardry


At the other end of the tech, the spectrum is Advanced Wizardry, but it almost runs directly into Clarke’s Law: any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, specifically the corollary to that.

You hit similar ends to in-depth tech mods by the end of this modpack’s progression, with a more magical flare. What, in the end, is the difference between a conveyor belt staffed by robots and a magical material fabricator ferried along by golems?

Also Read | Minecraft House Ideas: Some Cool Minecraft House Ideas For Your Next Build

FTB Academy


If you are new to the modding scene, then FTB Academy is the best mod for you. This mod helps you how to use and what the primary aim of a lot of the most common mods (which many modpacks include as a matter of course, like NotEnoughItems). This is regarded as the best resource, as well as a solid modpack in its own right.


Dragon Power is one of the best anime themed mods available in Minecraft. While immensely grindy, it is an incredibly fun power fantasy mod, now with a nice mod pack to bolster it up and making it easy to play around with.

FTB MageQuest

It is one of the best magic modpacks. Despite it has not been updated for many years, it is still a great pack that has a lot of fun elements instead of hyper-focusing on the progression aspects of magic like Advanced Wizardry does.

Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons

It is a fun questing and RPG mod that adds external goals to Minecraft instead of providing the internally focused ones the base game needs you to come up with.

All The Mods 3

If you are one of those Minecraft players who loves everything to play at the same time, All The Mods 3 is one that modpack that provides somewhat of a Vanilla+ experience. Nothing fundamentally changes the gameplay loop; it just provides additional toys to your sandbox to play with, which is perfectly fine.

Dungeons, Dragons and Space shuttles


This is a relatively new mod, though it has been accumulating popularity over the years due to its RPG aspects, hence the title of the modpack.

I mean, who doesn’t want Dungeons, Dragons and Space shuttles in Minecraft? The modpack is a heavy-duty pack meaning it requires a bit more resources from your PC to run smoothly though in the end, it will be worth it as the content and features this pack throws at you is unlimited, plentiful hours of gameplay just for you to have fun and explore in the world and experiment on new available content.

How to Install Minecraft Modpacks

In order to install Minecraft Modpacks on your server, you all just have to do is to log in to Multicraft, and select and stop your server. Once you have done this, then now its time to follow the below-mentioned steps.

  • Download the server files for the desired Modpacks. For example. You can find The Tekkit Classic files HERE. On the very right side of the screen, you will  “Technic Launcher” and “Tekkit Classic Server” You want to download the server files.  The same applies to all Minecraft modpacks.
  • Unzip the .zip file to your computer and upload all the files inside, to your server via FTP (i.e. FileZilla)
  • Once uploaded rename the “modpack.jar” file to “custom.jar”
  • Be sure your server is ready to use a custom jar. You can find this dialogue under your “change server type” menu.
  • Add a new world and click save.
  • Start a new world on your server after installing a Minecraft Modpack is highly recommended. It will allow for mods that change world generation and orespawning to enhance your Modpack experience. Otherwise, new ones and world gen will only take place on newly generated chunks.
  • Start your server and enjoy your Minecraft modpack to the fullest.

If you still confused or have been facing issues while uploading your modpack, we would suggest you make a support ticket to the modpacks department.

Regrowth (FTB)

Regrowth is a themed pack with a questline that guides you through the objectives of the pack. The general theme is that you start in a wasteland world and you have to progress to “regrow” the world back. This pack can be a unique twist for players who like to “rebuild” the world, like in skyblock packs.

Progression in this pack is definitely a bit slower and the mobs can be stronger, so this pack can be more challenging to play through. Since the progression is slower than most other packs, you’ll also get more hours of entertainment out of this pack. It will also be more difficult to defend yourself against monsters since it will be slower to get the proper equipment to defend yourself.

Regrowth is a Feed The Beast (FTB) Modpack, and can be played using the launcher downloaded from their website.

Что такое сборки в Minecraft?

Сборкой в Майнкрафт называют подобранный набор модов определенной тематики, например моды с ноткой индустрии или оружием. Установка новой сборки позволяет добавить в игровой мир реалистичности, а также разнообразить впечатления от такой визуализации.

Стандартный Майнкрафт чаще всего используют только начинающие пользователи. Набираясь опыта, геймеры понимают, что им хочется чего-то нового. В этом случае они приступают к поиску и установке дополнительных модов и текстур, тем самым улучшая игровой мир Майнкрафт.

На просторах интернета можно найти тематические и современные оптимизированные сборки. Более опытные пользователи предпочитают такие варианты, в которых много всего интересного. Неожиданный микс модов поможет весело провести время и получить много положительных эмоций от игры.

Awakening — Classic

Sites like this will become very familiar in this modpack!

Download Awakening — Classic and be prepared to find a totally new game! This modpack changes everything; say goodbye to mining those same ores over and over. You’ll have so much fun exploring your worlds and finding new resources everywhere!

Awakening — Classic’s Features:

  • Over 800 quests are in Awakening — Classic. These quests will keep you busy as you get used to all the different features.
  • Unique biomes are all over your world! Rivers are wider and can be found underground while caves have been revamped to give you more space to build in them. Let your creative edge flow and recreate these natural scenes into magnificent builds!
  • Your mining experience will be like nothing you have ever done before. With 96 new mineable blocks (not including new grass, dirt, stone, sand and gravel types), you will never get bored on a mining expedition. Be prepared to need more storage space, though!
  • Custom dungeons are lurking with new mobs … not only in the overworld but in the nether, too! Every mob in the game has been changed to drop special loot. 
  • New blocks with unique textures are in Awakening — Classic to make your builds look the best they can! There are also mods included that give you interior decorations to give each build a different vibe.

This modpack is available here.

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FTB Infinity Evolved

Это одна из самых удачных сборок от FTB, которая пользуется популярностью у многих игроков Майнкрафт. При ее создании было использовано более 170 модов. Однако, чтобы успешно установить и запустить эту сборку необходим довольно мощный ПК. Однако если технические характеристики уступают рекомендуем параметрам, то можно выбрать вариант со встроенным лаунчером и удобным установщиком, который поможет инсталлировать софт за считанные минуты.

Для тех, кто решил установить сборку версии FTB Infinity Evolved v.2, полезно будет узнать, что она максимально оптимизирована для геймеров. В ней были обновлены 18 модов и добавлено 3 новых. Пользователи смогут оценить новый текстурпак, мини-карту и жирный шрифт. Максимальное количество модов теперь переведено на русский язык.

Надпись , которая была в первой версии в левом верхнем углу экрана и раздражала большинство игроков, теперь полностью удалена. Создание резервной копии мира осуществляется каждые 30 минут, что достаточно удобно для начинающих и опытных геймеров.

Для более слабых компьютеров разработчики создали упрощенную версию Light, в которой были удалены самые требовательные и наиболее бесполезные моды, а конфигурации основных 120 настроены для оптимальной работы.

Life in the Village

Osamu is happily axing away.

Life in the Village really makes the village life an important part of Minecraft. What used to be a useful supply of random materials and villagers is now much more! It’s an experience all in itself that is rewarding and enjoyable! 

Life in the Village’s Features:

  • This modpacks is considered Vanilla+ for its close-to-vanilla experience. Despite more crafting options and villager features, the overall feel is close to regular Minecraft. The new and improved village features do not take away from the original game. 
  • There are immersive buildings and settlements that will make you feel like a villager yourself! With new passive mobs, such as deer, butterflies, and birds, it will really feel like you’re in a village lost in the woods.
  • Simple machinery to process and craft materials have been added to make Minecraft more fun. Spinning windmills and waterwheels are just two of the machines added to the game; use these to craft new food recipes. Other machines have also been brought into the game to double resources and more!
  • Colonize and find new cultures to help them grow. A reputation system has been added so you can eventually buy a property inside the village! Points are gained by collecting resources for villagers and trading with them. You can even start your own village!
  • Build an airship to make traveling easier. This cool feature adds a whole new twist to the game. Fly above the clouds for a great view of the villages you have colonized!

Jump into the village life here to explore these features.

Agrarian Skies 2 Modpack

Agrarian Skies 2 (AS2) is a quest and objective based skyblock. If you are brand new to Minecraft mods, this pack would be great to learn the basics. The quest book will guide you through the progression step by step.

A major difference between this pack and SF4 is that there is no Mystical Agriculture mod. That makes this pack a bit more difficult and less overpowered. With Mystical Agriculture in SF4, you can “grow” nearly all items in the game, including diamonds, obsidian, wither skeleton skulls, etc. In this pack, you will have to do it the old fashioned way and get your diamonds from sifting and obsidian from lava and water.

This is not a FTB pack, so you will need to download the Minecraft modpack here or use the CurseForge launcher.

Revelation (FTB)

Revelation is another “kitchen sink” pack, similar to the Infinity Evolved pack. This is a newer pack which runs on the 1.12 version of the game (whereas infinity evolved runs on 1.7), so the mods will be different. It includes newer mods that might not have been around when Infinity Evolved was made, and doesn’t include older mods that were not updated for the 1.12 version.

It is the largest modpack made by FTB, with over 200 mods included. You may need a more powerful computer to fully enjoy this pack and all the mods it offers.

This pack is good if you’re looking for an all-purpose pack that doesn’t have limitations on what you can do. However, if you’re new to modding, the 200 mods may be overwhelming and make it difficult to learn how to play.

As this is a Feed The Beast (FTB) modpack, it can be played and downloaded using the official FTB launcher.

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