Madness: project nexus (classic)

MADNESS: Project Nexus выдает ошибку об отсутствии DLL-файла. Решение

Как правило, проблемы, связанные с отсутствием DLL-библиотек, возникают при запуске MADNESS: Project Nexus, однако иногда игра может обращаться к определенным DLL в процессе и, не найдя их, вылетать самым наглым образом.

Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, нужно найти необходимую библиотеку DLL и установить ее в систему. Проще всего сделать это с помощью программы DLL-fixer, которая сканирует систему и помогает быстро найти недостающие библиотеки.

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Story Mode

Uncover the secrets of Project Nexus in the Story Mode. It includes 19 stages and 6 hub worlds:

  • The Outskirts

    • The Escape
    • Power Play
    • Road to Nexus City
  • Industrial Sector

    • Warehouse Raid
    • The Boom Factory
    • The Station Fortress
  • Residental Sector

    • Inner City
    • Beat the Streets
    • The Scenic Route
  • Commercial Sector

    • Seeking Asylum
    • Sleeper Labs (M:PN)
    • Deep Storage
  • Mining Sector

    • Flood Control
    • Chasms
    • The Last Leg
  • Science Tower

    • Base Jumping
    • Shakedown
    • Climb
    • The Rush

There are multiple playable characters, such as:

  • Hank J. Wimbleton

    • Hank P. Wimbleton
    • Hank W. Wimbleton
    • Hank P. and Hank W. are Co-Op exclusive characters in stages where only Hank J. is present.
  • Sanford
  • Deimos
  • 2BDamned — Co-Op exclusive character in stages with Sanford and Deimos
  • Victor — Co-Op exclusive character in stages with Sanford and Deimos
  • Dr. Jebadiah Christoff/Savior/Jeb

Arena Mode

Crack the Mandatus Code with the help of 2BDamned, build your own agency and empire in the Nevada Central. Train your own custom Madness combatant to be the most deadly killing machine in Nevada.

Complete contract missions to advance the story, fight in multiple different stages with different sub-gamemodes, such as:

  • Battle Rooms — classic arena experience
  • Siege — defend objectives from waves of enemies
  • Infiltration — Clear the room out of all enemies and proceed to the next room

Arena mode currently offers 4 different stages and 2 contract mission, with more content on the way. In future, you will be able to customize your blood color, face textures, change names of your hirelings and more.

When creating a new character, you have a choice of choosing one of the many origins:

  • Undercover agent
  • Noob
  • Experiment
  • Patient
  • Disquieted
  • Massive
  • Mercenary
  • Tinkerer

Origins affect your playstyle, and each origin has pros and cons, as well as one unique ability (with the exception of Noob). Origins have skill tree focuses and weaknesses. In the focus skill tree, you can gain all the skills and with each skill you learn you get double points to your attributes. In the weakness skill tree, you don’t get any attribute points and you can’t learn the 3 last core 3 skills from that tree.

Playground Mode

Ever wondered who would win in a fight between a mag agent and 300 grunts? Now you can find out yourself!

Spawn all enemies you can meet in the game (with the exception of a few bosses), arm yourself with different weapons of your choosing, become your favorite character and play some nice music to accompany you in your crazy playground adventures. In playground mode, you can spawn different characters, morph into characters, spawn weapons and play music.


  • He is the first Madness Combat character to have a Hispanic name.
  • Judging by a mail sent by a MERC Laborer to the Nexus Core in The Boom Factory, Church and Jorge were part of a trade or request between the two factions at some point in time before Hank and co. started their mission to take down Project Nexus.
  • It is currently unknown whether he and Church are cloned or revived after they are taken down. Church claims that they’ll «Come back forever» while also claiming that they are «Generation-03, limited model» during their Flood Control speech, possibly hinting to the cloning process, explaining how they keep coming back.
  • Based on a poster found in the G03LM shower/changing room-looking location in the science tower, Church & Jorge are not permitted to be on the property for an unknown reason. Knowing this, it’s likely that their transfer to work for the MERC faction was simply to get rid of them, as the Nexus Core deemed them unruly.


Деймос, как Сэнфорд и Хэнк, очень искусен в бою, как того требует его профессия. Однако, в отличие от более подкованного в ближнем бою Сэнфорда, Деймос предпочитает использовать огнестрельное оружие и даже взрывчатку. Этот навык был особенно полезен в их более раннем участии в истории, где Деймос должен был защитить раненого Сэнфорда, пока он не сможет восстановиться. Пик его мастерства в огнестрельном оружии находится в точке, где он может точно стрелять из двух штурмовых винтовок G36 или MG-42 от бедра с легкостью, задача, которая была бы очень трудной для большинства. Его мастерство во взрывчатых веществах часто видит его оснащенным таким оружием, как M203, flashbangs или бомбы с часовым механизмом.

В целом, его мастерство с дальнобойным оружием и взрывчаткой позволило ему поддерживать более высокий уровень убийств, чем Сэнфорд, вплоть до его смерти. Его боевой стиль обычно предполагает, что он берет на себя инициативу и атакует, пренебрегая стратегией. Учитывая, что этот стиль очень похож на боевые стили, используемые подразделениями A.A.H.W, вполне вероятно, что боевой стиль Деймоса был изучен с его времени в агентстве. Еще один недостаток, который он, возможно, получил от агентства, — это его иногда медленное время реакции, что позволило ему ослепнуть от светозвуковой гранаты.

Самая полезная способность Деймоса — это его знания в области технологий. Начиная с Безумия 7.5, Деймос будет оснащен гарнитурой, рюкзаком связи и КПК. КПК использовался для получения инструкций для команды, а его гарнитура использовалась в Безумии 9, чтобы подтвердить с неизвестным человеком, что они обнаружили Хэнка. С его прежней работой и опытом работы в A.A.H.W, Деймос оказывается полезным, когда речь заходит о доступе к их технологии, наблюдая за вводом кода для разблокировки ворот с шипами, используя терминал для получения направлений вокруг объекта и даже будучи способным использовать камеру увеличения агента для оживления и улучшения Хэнка. Деймос также часто является водителем, управляя их кабриолетом, грузовиком и даже способен управлять вертолетом. Он также, кажется, обладает несколько невероятной удачей, избегая четырех почти смертельных сценариев: быть раздавленным летающим зданием, почти быть раздавленным другим зданием, почти быть застреленным в голову инженером, который стрелял в Сэнфорда, и случайно уклоняясь от двух потенциально смертельных выстрелов из A.T.P. солдатов после ослепления вспышкой.


Tricky’s control of the Improbability Drive seems to have made him insane, or at least more twisted than he was originally. Starting off as an assassin, Tricky’s mind became more and more warped as he drew more power from the Improbability Drive, leading him to become a vicious, malevolent, power-hungry, and powerful foe.

He seems to like music and sometimes serves as a DJ. He also seems to “play” with Hank, reviving him when he died (and then murdering him again) several times throughout the Tricky arc, showing an extremely sadistic and vengeful way of thinking. He also armed Hank once during Madness Combat 6: Antipathy and never fought him while he was unarmed, presumably finding it more «sporting», he also waited for Hank to finish killing all of the Agents in Madness Combat 7: Consternation before chasing him in his demon form.

Despite apparently being a psychotic killing machine, Tricky has been shown to display civility at times, as he did not attack anybody at all or fight back against Hank during Madness Combat 4, and near the end of Antipathy, he was seen calmly buying a hotdog without attacking or even terrorizing the vendor.

As of Madness Combat 11, it can be gathered through his seeming desperation at losing the halo that Tricky has become dependent on having power and improbability on his side, as without it he appears noticeably weaker and frantically seeks to reclaim it. It may also be that the halo, like the Improbability Drive, is necessary for Tricky’s continued survival. Tricky’s more playful side of tormenting his foes is shown as well, evidenced by him tapping Sanford on the shoulder from behind.

Tricky also shows a “playful” type of guy since toying with Hank and seeming to play with the Auditor.

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  1. Madness Combat 2: Redeemer — Shot to death with his own M16 after attempting to kill Hank with it.
  2. Madness Combat 3: Avenger — Impaled with the streetsign, then shot by Hank with a desert eagle.
  3. Madness Combat 5: Depredation — Tricky appeared from the ground and got shot to death. He revives and Hank slices off a piece his head with the dragon sword.
  4. Madness Combat 6: Antipathy — Stabbed in the head with a battle axe then shot multiple times with a P90 by Hank.
  5. Madness Combat 7: Consternation — Sliced with Jesus’ binary sword after his Improbability Drive was destroyed.
  6. Madness Combat 9.5 — Shot with a desert eagle, struck by lightning.
  7. Madness Combat 11: Expurgation — In Hell, he was impaled against a beam of light with Hank’s dragon sword. This caused his skeletal body in Nevada to explode and collapse.


  • Tricky is seen having zombie teeth in episodes beyond Madness Combat 4. However, in MC3 and MC4, he has his clown smile, but in the beginning of Madness Combat 4, he didn’t get zombie teeth before Krinkels put zombie teeth on the new zombies when the text said «NO REASON». He just put a mask on, so it is unknown how he got the current zombie look though it was most likely just an error on Krinkels’ side.
  • Tricky has never died in a non-canonical animation.
  • Due to an animation oversight, the bullet wounds Tricky sustained in Apotheosis are much larger at the start of Depredation and also has a larger hole in his mask.
  • The bullet wound on his glabella is possibly there to represent a clown nose.
  • Tricky, Jesus, and Dr. Hofnarr are the only characters to visibly have hair.
  • Tricky (only in Tricky Madness 2), Jesus, the Auditor, the Sun, Demon, and enhanced and are the only characters to have visible eyes.
  • Tricky, the Sun, Jesus, Sanford, Demon, Deimos (in SACRIFICE.fla, ANAMNESIS.fla, and POWERLESS.fla), Hank (in Antipathy and Consternation), and zombies (from Apotheosis onward) are the only characters to have a visible mouth.
  • Tricky’s online social name in Madness Combat 6.5 is «TriKurrDurr». This appears to be a pun on «tricorder», a fictional device in the Star Trek franchise. This could also be a reference to the internet slang «hurr durr».
  • Krinkels revealed in one of his twitch streams that Tricky’s skeletal form in MC11 is based on the final boss Mr. Big from the arcade game NARC, specifically his second form.
  • Krinkles stated that Tricky is the most intelligent character in Madness Combat. This shows with Dr. Hoffnarr, Tricky’s old identity, who was a higher ranked scientist then Jedediah Christoff.

Powers and Abilities

Deimos, like Sanford and Hank, is very skilled in combat, as his profession requires him to be. However, unlike the more melee-savvy Sanford, Deimos prefers to use firearms and even explosives where he can. This skill was especially useful in their earlier involvement in the story, where Deimos had to protect an injured Sanford until he could recover. His skill in firearms is at a point where he can accurately fire dual-wielded G36 assault rifles or an MG-42 from the hip with ease, a task that would be very difficult for most. His skill in explosives often sees him equipped with such weapons as the M203, flashbangs, or time bombs. All-in-all, his proficiency with ranged weapons and explosives allowed him to maintain a higher kill count than Sanford up until his death. His fighting style typically involves him taking the lead and charging in, without very much strategy. Given that this style is very similar to the fighting styles utilized by AAHW units, its likely that Deimos’s fighting style was learned from his time on the agency. Another flaw he may have gained from the agency is his occasionally slow reaction time, which allowed for him to be blinded by a flashbang, «Sanford» to be shot by an ATP Soldat, and even failing to react to an entering the room in time, the latter would prove ultimately fatal for him.

Deimos’s most useful ability is his knowledge in the field of technology. From Madness Combat 7.5 onward, Deimos would be equipped with a headset, communications backpack, and PDA. The PDA was used to receive instructions for the team, and his headset and com-pack was utilized in Madness Aggregation to confirm with an unknown person that they had located Hank. With his former employment and experience in the AAHW, Deimos proves useful when it comes to accessing their technology, having been observed to input a code to unlock spike gates, using a terminal to get directions around a facility, and even being capable of using an Agent Magnification Chamber to revive and enhance Hank. Deimos is also often the driver of the two, driving their , a , and even being capable of . He also seems to possess somewhat incredible luck, escaping four near-death scenarios: being crushed by the Flying Party, nearly being crushed by another building, nearly being shot in the head by the engineer that shot Sanford, and accidentally dodging two potentially fatal shots from an A.T.P. soldat after being blinded by a flashbang.

Initially Deimos, like Sanford, contained no special powers. He, along with Sanford, were ordinary grunts who just handed Hank a weapon. However in the spin-off series Dedmos Adventure, which chronicles his experience in Purgatory, Deimos changes significantly in the final episode, DedmosRebuilt.fla. After having his body continually broken down for the prior four episodes, it is renewed with stone covering his jaw, chest, and hands. This enables him to deliver especially harder-hitting punches, capable of leaving severely deforming and often fatal marks on bodies bigger than his own. He also gains magic abilities, able to summon stone spikes from the ground, or even magnify people, as he might have done accidentally with FellowD9. His endurance has significantly boosted, as he can now get up and fight fine after being slammed into walls hard enough to leave a crater. His agility and perception were also increased, as he is seen dodging punches, blows, chains, and delivering hard hits with extreme ease. He is able to throw around enemies larger than him, spin/bicycle/drop-kick, and even slam or stomp enemies hard enough to firmly embed them into walls or floors. With all of this, Deimos’ overall abilities in hand-to-hand and melee combat put him up to a level comparable to, if not greater than . However, given that this all occurs in Purgatory, it is unknown if these powers and abilities transferred with Deimos when he was brought back to Nevada.


  • Weapons like the minigun or the urinal can be obtained through hacking the save file.
  • In the first level of Episode 1, at some point the tutorial will talk about the TAC-Bar. If you stay in the room and let the text say all it has to say, you will unlock a secret medal.
  • In Arena Mode, there is a medal «Slaughter Rank: Genocider» which is achieved when you kill 53,594 enemies. This is a reference to the Dead Rising Zombie Genocider achievement in which you kill the entire population of Willamette, Colorado being 53,594 people.
  • In Arena Mode of Madness: Project Nexus (Classic), Jesus’ halo is missing. However, The-Swain, the main programmer, has stated that it was merely a mishap.
  • In the four screen terminals of Episode 1.5 the two bottom screens shows various flashes of Smile.jpg, one of the few well known internet creepypastas.
  • At level 1, squadmates start out with 3 skills/perks (for each section) where as Subject 1v02P 6 (the character you play in arena) does not, making grunts of the same level more skilled/powerful than you.
  • You can easily subdue Phobos by rapidly firing Magic Bar to him.
  • When Krinkels was asked who’s idea it was to the Slaughter Rank: Genocider achievement, he replied with: «I am an enormous Dead Rising fan, what can I say?»
  • The M249’s description has a misspelling: «Extreme capacity! Reloading is a pain in the ass, but chances are that everone will be dead before you even need to reload.»

G03LM Mk2

The G03LM Mk2 units first appeared in the stage of Madness: Project Nexus (Classic). They also appear in waves 37+ of Arena Combat Mode. They wear the same armor as the original G03LMs, but colored black with a red trim and much more durable.

They can be killed the same way as the G03LM Mk1, but are much harder to do so. G03LM Mk2s are equipped with any weapon as a primary weapon (the one in Story Mode uses a mega hammer and minigun as a secondary weapon.) Their helmets are much more sturdy and secure than the Mk1 versions, as they are about six times as strong (The Mk1 helm taking 5 hits and the Mk2 helm taking 8 hits for each of the 3 times it cracks). However, any time the G03LM Mk2’s mask is cracked, the G03LM will stumble for a moment. Additionally, their unarmored bodies are more resilient to those of their Mk1 counterparts, requiring more damage to be taken down.

Strangely, any visible damage done to the G03LM Mk2 helmet disappears when it is knocked off.


  • Church, Hofnarr, Jesus, Tricky, as well as the Merczerkers, are the only Madness Combat characters to physically have hair.
  • Judging by a mail sent by a MERC Laborer to the Nexus Core in The Boom Factory, Church and Jorge were part of a trade or request between the two factions at some point in time before Hank and co. started their mission to take down Project Nexus.
  • Their Defibrillator gloves are similar to a Combo Weapon in Dead Rising called the Shocker.
  • It is currently unknown whether they and Jorge are cloned or revived after they are taken down. Church claims that they’ll «Come back forever» while also claiming that they are «Generation-03, limited model» during their Flood Control speech, possibly hinting to the cloning process, explaining how they keep coming back.
  • Church is said to be a cut above the average G03LM in terms of physical strength, while Jorge is as strong as a regular G03LM.
  • Church possesses no formal combat training, and is «Just excited about hurting people» according to Krinkels.

Church may use they/them pronouns, as in the previously shown height chart, they are described as «tries their best.» This would also align with Krinkels’ statement that gender is for interpretation.

MADNESS: Project Nexus

Story Missions

The Escape · Power Play · Road to Nexus City · Warehouse Raid · The Boom Factory · The Station Fortress · Inner City · Beat the Streets · The Scenic Route · Seeking Asylum · Sleeper Labs · Deep Storage · Flood Control · Chasms · The Last Leg · Base Jumping · Shakedown · Climb · The Rush


Hank J. Wimbleton · Dr. Christoff · Tricky · Sanford · Deimos · Victor · Doc · Hank W. Wimbleton · Hank P. Wimbleton

Main Antagonists

Phobos · The Sheriff · Church · Jorge · Dr. Crackpot · Gestalt


A.A.H.W. · NEXUS Core · Bandits · MERC · Fanatics · Environment · Zeds · S.Q. · Toughs · Vampires · Vendevice · TwoShoes · Test Characters · N51

Story Mode

Church and Jorge are first encountered by their soon-to-be rivals Sanford and Deimos near the end of the stage The Boom Factory, being their ultimate obstacle in their quest for the explosives to use on the Sheriff’s Station Fortress gate. In this fight Church is equipped with a a pair of electrified gloves that resemble defibrillators.

Church returns in The Scenic Route, making a surprise appearance by breaking through the ceilings of the sewers. This time Church and Jorge have equipped themselves with plates of armor for extra protection, although unlike their companion Jorge, who is now wielding a flamethrower and a riot shield instead of his rifle from last time, Church continues to use the same electrified gloves they used in the last battle. However, this time around they are capable of shooting electric charges from their electrified gloves, serving as their ranged attack.

Church’s third appearance is in Flood Control, where they make yet another surprise appearance, leaping out of the water while equipped with diving suits. Unlike the last two fights, Church and Jorge challenge Sanford and Deimos to a fair tag-team battle, simply because they and Jorge are «bored». During this battle Church is equipped with an electrified trident, which they can extend to grab/attack targets from afar much like Sanford’s Hook, as well as their electric knuckles.

Church’s final appearance is in The Rush. Once more revived, they are now armored like Tower Guards, with Church wielding a hi-tech Heavy Machine Gun and some type of Grenade Launcher, both powered by Dissonant Reality energy, given their purple lights. However before the fight can begin they are crushed to death by Mag Agent: Gestalt. During the credits, Church and Jorge are shown being revived yet again by MERC (M:PN).


Madness Combat 1

Madness Combat 1 is the episode that kicked off the Madness Combat series. It depicts the chaos that ensued over a boombox playing the «Chicken Dance.» Hank, the protagonist, fights many contenders for the boombox, including Jesus, who becomes his archenemy in the later episodes.

Sheriff Arc

The Sheriff Arc consists of the episodes Madness Combat 2: Redeemer and Madness Combat 3: Avenger. During these episodes, Hank, for unknown reasons, seeks to assassinate the Sheriff, who is under the protection of Jesus.

Tricky Arc

The Tricky Arc includes the episodes that take place after the Sheriff’s death: Madness Combat 4: Apotheosis, Madness Combat 5: Depredation, Madness Combat 6: Antipathy and Madness Combat 7: Consternation. In these episodes, Hank targets Tricky the Clown, a minor character from the previous episodes that has become a powerful adversary. Jesus remains a primary antagonist to Hank, though he becomes less active in this role after Madness Depredation.

Auditor Arc

The Auditor Arc occurs after the death of Tricky the Clown and consists of the episodes Madness Combat 8: Inundation, Madness Combat 9: Aggregation and Madness Combat 10: Abrogation. Unlike the other arcs, the Auditor Arc does not completely focus on Hank as the protagonist. Jesus assumes this role in Madness Inundation, while Sanford and Deimos do so in Madness Aggregation. All these characters, including Hank, have a common mission to defeat the Auditor, a powerful new foe.

Sanford & Deimos Arc

The Sanford & Deimos Arc is a series of filler episodes that run parallel with the main story. It follows the story of Sanford and Deimos after the events of Madness Depredation. This arc is comprised of the episodes Madness Combat 5.5, Madness Combat 6.5 and Madness Combat 7.5. These episodes show the duo’s battle against the A.A.H.W. and the milestones that eventually lead up to the plot of Madness Aggregation.

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