Halo: the master chief collection

To add someone as an Xbox friend on a PC:

  1. While in-game or on your PC’s desktop, press Windows Key + G to bring up the Game bar overlay (the Windows Key is the one with the Windows logo between Ctrl and Alt in the bottom left of most keyboards.)
  2. Click the Xbox Social window within the Game bar overlay.
  3. In the Xbox Social window, click the search bar below your own profile picture and type in your friend’s gamertag, then press the Enter.
  4. Find your friend’s name in the list and click the big + (plus sign) button next to their gamertag.

You are now friends with that person on the Xbox network!

There are many ways to add people as friends on your Xbox account, so if you’re having issues with these methods, check the Xbox Support article How to add new Xbox friends for more options.

До Мастера Чифа

Компания Microsoft решила выпускать коллекцию не целиком, а по одной игре, чтобы каждая из них была как можно лучше отшлифована для ПК. При этом очередность появления будет выстроена на основе сюжетной хронологии, а не порядка выхода оригиналов. Решение похвальное: судя по всему, издатель действительно радеет за качество каждого отдельного порта, а не просто хочет по-быстрому «срубить бабла» на очередном ремастере.

Именно поэтому первой стала доступна Halo: Reach — приквел всей франшизы в целом и Halo: Combat Evolved в частности. В ней даже Мастера Чифа нет. Вместо него элитный отряд спартанцев «Ноубл-шесть», прибывший на отдаленную планету, чтобы защитить колонистов от экспедиции Ковентанта. Однако, как это часто бывает, спасательная операция быстро переросла в крупный военный конфликт, развитие которого продолжается на протяжении следующих частей серии Halo.

Прохождение Halo: Reach разбито на одиннадцать больших миссий, каждая из которых во всех подробностях рассказывает историю отряда от лица бойца-новичка. Сейчас, спустя девять лет после первоначального релиза на Xbox 360, история уже не кажется такой интересной. Однако хороший вкус разработчиков к постановке кат-сцен никуда не делся, равно как и отличный сценарий милитари-драмы в духе Sci-Fi. Эту игру стоить пройти всем, кто любит шутеры с крепко сбитым сюжетом.

Other changes

  • Players can now see their armor customizations in first-person in Halo 3.
  • The Create menu has been renamed to Creative.
  • Added support for replacement of Halo: Combat Evolved maps with maps made for Custom Edition.
  • Added XP and progression rank information when viewing a remote user’s Player Details.
  • Added options to Invite and Join players when viewing their Player Details from the post-game carnage report.
  • The Halo 4 loadouts menu is now more consistent with the other customization menus.
  • Increased the Forge palette budget on the Halo: Reach map “Breakneck.”

Resolved issues

Many improvements come from Halo Insiders feedback and Halo Support tickets submitted by our community. Thank you for participating and please keep submitting tickets! Below is a breakdown of fixes in this update:

  • Reorganized the Video Settings tab on PC:
    • Graphics Settings header has been removed
    • General Settings header has been added to group all the top-level options
    • UI Graphics Quality has been moved under the top-level options alongside UI Gamma
  • Fixed a bug that caused Halo: The Master Chief Collection to occasionally crash on launch if the Monitor setting was set to a currently unplugged secondary display.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some buttons to become unresponsive after reducing and saving the Scale Resolution in the Video Settings menu while using two monitors.
  • Fixed a bug that caused switching between Fullscreen and Borderless mode in Video Settings while using two monitors to move the game to the other monitor.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Main Menu button in different game launch screens to return to the previous screen instead of all the way to the main menu.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Russian keyboard layouts from binding the tilde (~) key to any action.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the chat window to close if the player clicked it using a mouse.
  • Fixed a bug that caused all gamertags to display as “Player Found” when viewing the Pause menu roster.
  • Fixed an inconsistency where Halo 2: Classic was listed in the Customization menu as “Halo 2” unlike other menus with lists of games.
  • Shortened the names of several help bar items in the Network tab to prevent overlap when the aspect ratio is set to Windowed 5:4.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Player ID menu to occasionally take a long time to load.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a short delay when entering the Season Rewards menu for the first time after launching Halo: The Master Chief Collection on some consoles.
  • Various localization fixes and updates in non-English languages across titles.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the secondary splitscreen user’s Player Details to incorrectly display them as remote users and not include various options that would be expected for a local user.
  • Fixed navigation and focus bugs that could occur when multiple Kills tabs were present on the Campaign or Firefight.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Killed Most and Killed Most By widgets to always appear black in FFA games.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the ODST Firefight maps “Rally (Night)” and “ONI Alpha Site” to not display in the View Maps section of their Playlist
  • Fixed a bug that caused a player’s Steam presence to show them in a Campaign mission rather than the associated Firefight map when playing ODST Firefight.
  • Fixed a bug that caused excessive data broadcasting to squad members while the leader navigated the custom game lobby which could lead to disconnects.
  • Fixed a bug that made players unable to rebind the key for Change Loadout.

Looking Ahead

This first update is a huge milestone that dramatically improves and enhances MCC – but the team isn’t planning to stop. An oft-requested feature, a Custom Game Browser, is on the agenda as are a variety of additional quality of life improvements and additional fixes (based on both current known issues and new issues that arise after this update is out in the wild). We’ll be monitoring game data and feedback regularly so please let us know what you think!

And yes, when it comes to future features, the team is definitely aware that many, many players are very eager to see Halo: Reach added – we don’t have anything to announce or commit to right now, but it’s on the long list of things the team is constantly evaluating and thinking about for possible future updates.


  1. GameStopHalo: The Master Chief Collection for Xbox One
  2. YouTubeXbox E3 2014 Media Briefing: Halo
  3. Xbox WireHalo: The Master Chief Collection Adds Remnant and Halo 3: ODST Today
  4. YouTubeNew Halo: Master Chief Collection Info and Gameplay — E3 2014
  5. YouTubeE3 2014: Halo: The Master Chief Collection — Bonnie Ross Interview 4:11
  6. NeoGAFHalo Master Chief Collection: H1-4. H2 full remaster. 1080p60. $59.99 Nov 11 Xbox One View Single Post
  7. IGNThe Horse You Rode In On (A Master Chief Collection Story)
  8. Halo WaypointThe Halo Bulletin 6.19.2014
  9. IGNE3 2014: Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Halo 5 Beta Announced for Xbox One
  10. YouTubeFull Halo Gamescom Panel 2014 (Halo 5, Halo Collection, Ect.) 6:34
  11. Halo WaypointThe Halo Bulletin: Assault on the Controller Settings
  12. IGNHalo: Spartan Strike Announced for Windows Devices and Steam
  13. Halo WaypointThe Halo Bulletin 6.25.15
  14. Microsoft StoreBuy Halo: The Master Chief Collection for Xbox One
  15. Beyond EntertainmentHalo: The Master Chief Collection — Pre-order Bonuses
  16. ShopToHalo: The Master Chief Collection Inc Exclusive Bonded Pair
  17. — GAME
  18. Xbox WireHalo: The Master Chief Collection: We are Golden
  19. YouTubeRhys, Bonnie Ross confirms a Halo: The Master Chief Collection update
  20. Reddit/r/halo — Halo MCC: What Happened and What Happens Next
  21. Halo Waypoint — MCC Development Update
  22. Halo Waypoint — MCC Development Update #2
  23. GameSpot Game Review: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
  24. IGNHalo: The Master Chief Collection Achievements
  25. EurogamerHalo: The Master Chief Collection’s massive day one update shrinks to 15GB
  26. Halo WaypointA Thank You to Our Fans from Bonnie Ross

Halo: Combat Evolved mod tools and client support

For the first release of MCC’s Halo: Combat Evolved modding tools, we are including four different programs. Modders may be familiar with a few, but this release includes the most powerful tools available for Halo: Combat Evolved (for advanced users only!)

On top of that, we are releasing zip files of Halo: Combat Evolved’s level scripts and all the tag files that went into building the campaign and multiplayer levels.

These tools and files are being provided as-is, but we plan to make updates over time to address issues we see discussed in the mod community.

You can download these tools on Steam. Within the Steam app, set your Library filter to include «Tools,» locate “Halo: CE Mod Tools” and install. You can also use the run command «steam://run/1532190» to install them. The full blog post on Steam goes into more detail about these tools and how to access them. 

Resolved issues

Many improvements come from Halo Insiders feedback and Halo Support tickets submitted by our community. Thank you for participating and please keep submitting tickets! Below is a breakdown of fixes in this update:

MCC: Updated, Enhanced, and AVAILABLE WITH Xbox Game Pass

The latest update, which will automatically begin downloading the next time you log in to MCC, is the culmination of months of work by the team here at 343 in close partnership with the MCC Insider community. Together, via extensive player feedback and public flighting, we’ve been working to bring these new features and improvements to MCC which can now be enjoyed and experienced with Xbox Game Pass. 

And to our MCC Insiders, who have played, tested and provided feedback over the past weeks and months, THANK YOU! Your passion and participation have been a critical part of the process and this simply wouldn’t be possible without your support.

Whether you’re an existing MCC veteran or a newcomer excited to experience the Master Chief saga for the first time via Xbox Game Pass, the definitive classic Halo experience is now better than ever. If you’ve been following along with us on this journey and are already familiar with this update, skip to the bottom for the official patch notes. For everyone else, read on for a breakdown of what’s new and noteworthy with this latest release.

Reception and Criticism[]

When The Master Chief Collection launched, it was rife with game-breaking bugs, most notably multiplayer matchmaking barely working (and sometimes not working at all) for days and weeks after launch.[citation needed]

Frank O’Connor lamented the game’s poor launch, saying, «the MCC launch was one of my lowest ebbs, professionally. Every angry mail I received, I took to heart. I felt like I had personally let our fans down. I have not spent a single day since the night the game fell down in matchmaking where I didn’t think about it.» He went on to explain the main reason for the failure: «fundamentally it was because we were testing it in an environment that we had set up incorrectly and with some (as we discovered later) faulty assumptions. And unlike some of our other normal testing cycles, we weren’t testing for gameplay balance and stuff that the original releases already contained so our test process was radically different, and we made mistakes in some of the scenarios we asked for.»

Привет из прошлого

В геймплейном плане тоже все хорошо. Оригинальная версия в свое время получила крайне высокие оценки, однако тогда ее рассматривали, в первую очередь, как консольный шутер. На ПК даже тогда, в 2010 году, стандарты были немного другие, и потому сейчас игровой процесс Halo: Reach оценивать еще сложнее. Прежде всего потому, что разработчики в целом почти ничего не поменяли, только адаптировали управление под связку из клавиатуры и мыши.

Сейчас, впрочем, играть тоже интересно — в основном благодаря отличному дизайну уровней и сбалансированной сложности. Перестрелки с пришельцами не надоедают до самого финала благодаря разнообразию противников и наличию большого количества уникальных ситуаций. Все-таки Bungie не зря ели свой хлеб: стрелять в Halo: Reach весело даже сейчас, в 2019 году. Многие их решения живут и по сей день в дилогии Destiny.

Reach имеет как минимум одно существенное отличие от классических частей Halo — почти всегда игрока сопровождают другие спартанцы, что влияет на восприятие игры. Это чувствуется и сейчас: в игру так и просится кооператив, который сейчас добавляют везде, где только можно. Однако его тут нет, и потому на протяжении всей игры придется довольствоваться туповатыми ботами. Это большое упущение со стороны аж трех студий, которые занимались портированием.

Впрочем, кооператива в оригинале не было, поэтому критиковать игру за его отсутствие как-то странно. К тому же помимо одиночной кампании в Halo: Reach есть весьма годный мультиплеер. И вот его довольно сильно переработали. Прежде всего в глаза бросается новая система прогрессии, улучшенная кастомизация персонажа, а также большой набор из двух десятков карт.

Режимы классические, но позже разработчики обещают добавить поддержку редактора Forge. А это значит, что пользователи смогут еще долгие годы играть на картах большого сообщества серии, которое зародилось еще на самом первом Xbox.

Matchmaking Playlists

As part of the update, MCC’s Matchmaking Playlist offerings are receiving a significant overhaul based in large part on player feedback over the course of the MCC Insider Program. Playtests, surveys, polls and forum discussions all led to the creation of an initial spec of 14 playlists that will launch following the update.

Since it will take time for this massive game update to propagate and broadly roll out, the initial playlist offerings will be limited to help ensure that players can still find matches and have a positive experience.

Initial MCC Matchmaking Playlists (updated 8/29*):

  • Social Slayer (crossgame playlist)*
  • Halo: CE Team Doubles
  • Halo 2 Classic Team Arena
  • Halo 2 Anniversary Team Arena
  • Halo 2 Team Hardcore*
  • Halo 3 Team Arena
  • Halo 3 Team Hardcore*
  • Halo 3 Big Team Battle*
  • Halo 4 Team Arena

Activity and match times in these playlists will vary depending on which game(s) players choose to install and how quickly the update makes its way across the player base. Based on our public flight data we generally expect Halo 2 to be the specific title most players will install first/most often, which should result in better matchmaking experiences in that playlist compared to Halo 4 Team Arena, which is generally sees a smaller niche player base. In general, please be prepared for potential longer than ideal match times until a critical mass of players in each region have the required content installed and jump into matchmaking.

In the coming days, as more players install the update, the title arrives on Xbox Game Pass, and the online population grows — MCC’s Matchmaking Playlists will expand to the following:

Social Playlists

  • Team Slayer (H1 – H4 Team Slayer)*
  • Action Sack*
  • Crossplay BTB (H1 / H2C & H2A / H4)*
  • Halo: CE Team Arena
  • Halo 3 BTB
  • Halo 3 FFA
  • Halo 4 Team Arena

Ranked Playlists

  • Halo: CE Team Doubles
  • Halo 2 Team Arena
  • Halo 2 Team Hardcore
  • Halo 2: Anniversary Team Arena
  • Halo 3 Team Doubles
  • Halo 3 Team Arena
  • Halo 3 Team Hardcore

*These playlists include cross-game offerings and require all four titles to be installed in order to join/play.

Later next month, the team will kick off a regular cadence of rotational playlists with different short-term experiences popping up for days or weeks at a time. Fan favorite niche game modes such as Infection, SWAT, Snipers and more are all slated to rotate in over the coming weeks and months.

The team is working out the final details and will share the plan here on Halo Waypoint in the near future. In the meantime, please share your feedback and playlist ideas and suggestions with us via the MCC Forum.

Ranked Matchmaking

With this patch, Ranked Matchmaking will now match players based on a +/-10 rank threshold — so a level 10 player will match with/against players down to rank 1 or up to rank 20. Additionally, Party matching has been abled to help ensure a more fair playing field by matching pre-made teams against pre-made teams. The 343 development team will be monitoring these systems closely and as always, feedback is welcomed.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR RETURNING PLAYERS: Due to the extensive nature of this update and major changes to playlists, all prior playlist rankings have been reset. All Spartans will now start fresh so party up and get to it!

Game data[edit]

Configuration file(s) locationedit

System Location
Microsoft Store \AppData\LocalLow\MCC\
Steam \AppData\LocalLow\MCC\
Steam Play (Linux) /steamapps/compatdata/976730/pfx/
Local settings are shared between the Steam and Microsoft Store versions.

Save game data locationedit

System Location
Microsoft Store \Packages\Microsoft.Chelan_8wekyb3d8bbwe\SystemAppData\wgs\
Steam \userdata\\976730\remote\\Saves\
Steam Play (Linux) /steamapps/compatdata/976730/pfx/
Saves cannot be transferred between the versions.

Save game cloud syncingedit

System Native Notes
Used to save Mid-Mission Checkpoints in Campaign and Playlists.
Xbox Cloud Progress will transfer between the Xbox One and PC versions (Mid-Mission Checkpoint progress is not retained as not compatible).



Halo: The Master Chief Collection contains every Campaign level from the included games playable in their original engines. All missions are unlocked from the start. The 15 Halo 2 Campaign missions were remastered for Halo 2: Anniversary. Each game runs at 1080p and 60 frames per second, with the exception of the Halo 2: Anniversary Campaign, which runs at 1328×1080 as a result of running two rendering engines at the same time.

The Collection supports both split-screen, on console, and online cooperative play. Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary and Halo 2: Anniversary supports a maximum of two players while Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo Reach and Halo 4 supports a maximum of two players locally and four players online.

The Campaign system features Mission Playlists, which contain mixes of missions within the same Campaign or mixes of missions spanning multiple Campaigns.

On May 30, 2015, the Halo 3: ODST campaign was added as add-on DLC for $4.99. Players who had played Halo: The Master Chief Collection on or before December 19, 2014, received a free download code.

Campaigns included in The Master Chief Collection:

  • Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary
  • Halo 2: Anniversary
  • Halo 3
  • Halo 3: ODST (DLC)
  • Halo 4
  • Halo Reach (DLC)


Halo: The Master Chief Collection contains every official multiplayer map, including DLC and PC-exclusive maps, from the included games playable in their original engines. Six Halo 2 multiplayer maps were remade in a modified engine for Halo 2: Anniversary. Each game runs at 1080p and 60 frames per second.

The Master Chief Collection supports online matchmaking with dedicated servers and a 1-50 skill ranking system. Some matchmaking playlists will be dedicated to a specific game while others will contain voting options across multiple games.

Forge and Theater modes are available for Halo Reach, Halo 2: Anniversary, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST and Halo 4 multiplayer.

All fifty Spartan Ops missions were added in the .

Multiplayer engines included in The Master Chief Collection:

  • Halo: Combat Evolved
  • Halo 2
  • Halo 2: Anniversary
  • Halo 3
  • Halo 4
  • Halo Reach


In-game keyboard and mouse control settings.

In-game general gamepad settings.

Keyboard and mouse State Notes
Remapping Pause function can not be rebound (by design).
Mouse acceleration Mouse Smoothing also supported.
Look, Vehicle, and Zoomed Mouse Sensitivity values.
Mouse input in menus
Mouse Y-axis inversion Separate values for Look and Flight.
Controller support
Full controller support
Controller remapping Limited to presets, see .
Controller sensitivity
Controller Y-axis inversion Separate values for Look and Flight.
Controller types
XInput-compatible controllers
Xbox button prompts
Impulse Trigger vibration
DualShock 4 controllers See the glossary page for potential workarounds.
Generic/other controllers
Button prompts
Additional information
Controller hotplugging
Haptic feedback
Simultaneous controller+KB/M


  1. ↑ Verified by User:Aemony on 2019-12-03
  2. Verified by User:Aemony on 2019-12-03

    Verified the presence of the option on both Steam and the Microsoft Store versions of the game.
  3. Verified by User:Aemony on 2019-12-03

    Verified by launching both versions and seeing what settings carried over.
  4. Verified by User:Aemony on 2019-12-03

    The saves of each version uses a separate file structure from the other version.
  5. Verified by User:KingKrouch on 2020-07-28

    Tested by editing Engine.ini config.
  6. Verified by User:Aemony on 2019-12-03

    Determined by using Special K and Razer Surround; basically through the process that is described .

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Впервые в истории серия, навсегда изменившая мир консольных игр, станет доступна на ПК. Шесть легендарных игр выйдут в продажу одна за другой. Фанаты Halo ждали этого давно! Halo: Reach, Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Halo 2: Anniversary, Halo 3, кампания Halo 3: ODST и Halo 4 теперь оптимизированы для игры с использованием мыши и клавиатуры, с разрешением до 4K UHD и поддержкой расширенного динамического диапазона (HDR).Но это еще не все! «Коллекция Мастер Чифа» позволит игрокам совершить собственное увлекательное путешествие по стопам легендарного героя саги Halo. Игры будут выходить в сюжетном порядке: начиная с подвига героического отряда «Ноубл-шесть», описанного в Halo: Reach, и заканчивая появлением нового грозного врага в Halo 4. Всего вас ждет 68 заданий кампании, собранных из всех шести игр серии.Кроме того, с каждой игрой в коллекции будут появляться новые сетевые карты, режимы и типы игр, что сделает сетевую игру ещё увлекательнее и разнообразнее. В общей сложности игроки могут рассчитывать на более чем 140 сетевых карт (включая оригинальные карты из Halo: Combat Evolved) и карт из «Спартанских операций», а чуть позже — на безграничные возможности созданного пользователями Кузницы контента.Дополнения (состав) игрыHalo: The Master Chief Collection:- Настройки/оптимизация для ПК: Halo: Коллекция Мастер Чифа оптимизирована для игры на ПК с использованием мыши и клавиатуры, поддержкой специальных возможностей ПК, разрешения до 4K UHD и расширенного динамического диапазона (HDR) с частотой не менее 60 кадров в секунду.** Многие игры, входящие в коллекцию, также поддерживают сверхширокоэкранные режимы, неограниченную частоту кадров, адаптивную синхронизацию, настройку поля зрения и многое другое.- Кампания: Объединяя кампании Halo: Reach, Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Halo : Anniversary, Halo, Halo: Кампания ODST и Halo, «Коллекция Мастер Чифа» отправит игроков в увлекательное путешествие по главам эпической саги. Игры будут выходить в сюжетном порядке: начиная с подвига героического отряда «Ноубл-шесть» из Halo: Reach и заканчивая появлением нового грозного врага в Halo. Полная сага о Мастер Чифе охватывает 67 миссий кампании.- Сетевая игра: Кроме того, с каждой игрой в коллекции будут появляться новые сетевые карты, режимы и типы игр. Полная коллекция предложит самый широкий выбор возможностей для сетевой игры и будет насчитывать свыше 120 сетевых карт.- Программа предварительной оценки Halo: С помощью программы предварительной оценки Halo поклонники серии и участники сообщества помогают 343 Industries делать наши игры, продукты и службы лучше. Участники программы предварительной оценки Halo могут участвовать в тестировании рабочих версий Halo и делиться отзывами с командой разработчиков. Станьте участником программы предварительной оценки Halo и помогите нам выпустить остальные игры «Коллекции Мастер Чифа» для ПК в наступающем году.Минимальные системные требования игрыHalo: The Master Chief Collection:- Операционная система: WINDOWS 7, 8, 10 (64-BIT Required)- Процессор: AMD Phenom II X4 960T ; Intel i3550- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ- Видеокарта: AMD HD 6850 ; NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450- Свободное место на жестком диске: 28,7 GB

Жанр: Экшн / ШутерЯзык интерфейса: Русский (частично) / АнглийскийЯзык озвучки: АнглийскийИнсталлятор. Версия игры: 17.11.2020Размер: 33,8 ГбОблачное хранилище:пароль на архив: igrozoom.ruСетевое хранилище:

Жанр: Экшн / Шутеры


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