Вид от первого лица в san andreas

Questions About the First Person

Is our first person? Yes, our is one of the first person pronouns.

Are you coming to our wedding?

Is you first person? No, you is a second person pronoun.

You are a great friend.

Is we first person? Yes, we is a first person pronoun.

  • We are great friends.
  • We polled this group of political observers and activists each week prior to the Iowa caucuses to produce the USA TODAY GOP Power Rankings and went back to them this week to ask who is the best choice for Trump’s running mate. –USA Today

Is my first person? Yes, my is a first person pronoun.

My glasses are broken.

Is they first person? No, they is a third person pronoun.

  • They can’t find parking.
  • For frugal travelers, there are some smart alternatives if they are willing to do a bit of homework. –The New York Times

Is us first person? Yes, us is one of the first person pronouns.

The president congratulated us.

See Through Your Eyes

Computer graphics was unexplored country in the 1970s. Once systems moved from punchcards to pixels on a screen, programmers started figuring out ways to make those pixels do interesting things.

Historians agree that the first real attempt at a first-person shooter came in 1973 with Maze War for the Imlac PDS-1 computers installed at the NASA Ames Research Center. Steve Colley was the first credited developer, and in the game multiple users could walk through a 3-D maze one “tile” at a time, shooting other players (represented as eyeballs) on sight. It was clunky, but nothing like it had ever been tried.

1974 saw Spasim, short for “Space Simulator,” on networked PLATO computers. This put you in control of a spaceship, not a human, but it rendered a 3D world in wireframe. Lest you think people were having fun with these early games, it’s important to note that the hardware of the time was so primitive that the screens would refresh once a second—a truly abysmal framerate. Later iterations of the game would become Panther, a tank simulation that would make the jump to the arcades a few years later.

Summary: What is the First, Second, and Third Person Perspective?

Define first person: The definition of first person is the grammatical category of forms that designate a speaker referring to himself or herself. First person pronouns are I, we, me, us, etc.

Define second person: The definition of second person is the grammatical category of forms that designates the person being addressed. Second person pronouns are you, your, and yours.

Define third person: The definition of third person is the grammatical category of forms designating someone other than the speaker. The pronouns used are he, she, it, they, them, etc.

If this article helped you understand the differences between the three main English points of view, you might find our other article on English grammar terms helpful.

You can see our full list of English grammar terms on our grammar dictionary.


The Waiting Game

In the early days, companies pumped out games fast and furious. The pause between Wolfenstein 3D and Doom wasn’t even a year. But as designers got more ambitious and technology got more complex, FPS titles took longer and longer to make. The industry entered a period of long delays and release dates being postponed over and over.

John Romero tried to hop on the narrative wagon with 2000’s much-hyped, much-delayed Daikatana. Originally intended to be completed from start to finish in seven months and released for Christmas 1997, the project already looked dated and had to switch to the Quake II engine midway through development, a task that took over a year in itself. Throw in an E3 demo that ran at 12 frames per second and you got a game that wasn’t worth the wait.

3D Realms intended Prey to be at the cutting edge of technology when they started development in 1995, serving as the linchpin for the company’s own proprietary engine. Unfortunately, they couldn’t finish the job and the game was shelved in 2000, only to be brought out of hibernation and eventually released to solid sales. The 2017 franchise reboot is pretty much unrelated but still very solid.

The king of first-person vaporware for many years was Duke Nukem Forever, which was announced in April of 1997 and finally released in 2011 – a development period of 14 years. During that time, the game shifted engines multiple times and when it came out was pretty harshly savaged by critics, putting the final nail in the franchise.

The only title that FPS gamers have been waiting longer for is Valve’s Half-Life 3, which may never happen in our lifetimes. Valve is notoriously closed-mouthed about internal development projects, and the series hasn’t seen a new game since Episode 2 in 2007.


  • In GTA V, the speedometers contradict vehicle speeds stated in-game. For example, the Adder is stated to go 250 mph in game, but the speedometer only reads up to 200 mph, and the car can only reach around 140 mph. This is most likely a developer oversight.
    • These speeds can only be exceeded by the use of cheats, or Franklin’s special ability; however, once the cheat/ability finishes, the speed will dramatically drop.
    • Even digital speedometers (ones that are prominently used on industrial vehicles and vans such as the Burrito) only read up to 200 mph. Since these vehicles cannot normally reach these speeds even with Franklin’s ability, this can be seen with the use of modding the handling line or with other vehicle mods.
  • While playing GTA V in First Person, rotate the camera to the point you can fully see your shadow. Walk a little, then stop. The player’s body will stand in a 60 degree rotation, with the protagonist’s head looking forwards. While stopping the player will move his arms lazy. The «stop walk» animation looks very similar to GTA IV «stop walking» animation, as they both did rotate their body 60 degrees on right and their arms moving freely. Possibly the anims are reused, with some changes.
  • In first person mode and standing still, the player model turns slightly to the right while still looking forward, and holds weapons like pistols in one hand while the left arm is frozen down to the character’s side. This is best seen in sunlight and observing the character’s shadow.
  • While driving in First Person mode, if another character is in the car with you, when you move the camera so that you look at them, they will actually look back at you, even while they are talking.
  • While on foot in First Person, the playable character automatically runs (in a similar fashion to the 3D era games), but while running the player can press shift and the character will start walking normally.
  • In GTA V and Online, the character’s legs would seemingly clip through the steering wheel when driving certain vehicles.

What Are First Person Pronouns?

First person pronouns always refer to the speaker himself. These pronouns are only used when the speaker is making a statement about himself or herself.

First Person Pronoun List:

Here is a list with examples of the first person words we use in writing and speech.

  • I/we (subject, singular/plural)
    • I prefer coffee to hot cocoa. (First person singular)
    • We prefer burgers to pasta. (First person plural)
  • me/us (object, singular/plural)
    • Jacob embarrassed me.
    • Jacob embarrassed us.
  • mine/ours (possessive, singular/plural)
    • The hat is mine.
    • The hat is ours.
  • my/our (possessive, modifying a noun, singular/plural)
    • That is my hat.
    • That is our hat.

Team Up

One of the most enduring multiplayer Quake mods is Team Fortress, which was originally released in 1996. The game let players pick one of nine different classes, each of which used their own weaponry and had varying movement speeds, health pools and the like. The focus on cooperation instead of “every man for himself” deathmatch play was immediately popular, and Valve bought the team who made the mod and put them to work on both a conversion for the Half-Life engine, as well as 2007’s Team Fortress 2. That sequel polished every element of the first game and added a cartoony art style that brought it all together into one of the most consistently popular FPS titles of the last decade.

Valve also put together Left 4 Dead, which popularized asymmetric survival-based multiplayer – gamers could either control armed humans fending off the undead or powerful zombies. The game was tuned for cooperative play, with an artificial intelligence “director” that would adjust the pacing to keep things fresh. A sequel followed, and the team went on to create the similar Evolve, which replaced zombies with monsters that gained new abilities over time.

Overwatch is probably the apotheosis of the team-based shooter for the time being, a candy-colored explosion of richly detailed characters with exciting abilities that intersect in all kinds of strategically interesting ways. Developer Blizzard hadn’t done much in the FPS space before this game, but they’ve shown they have what it takes to create a polished, clever take.

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Основная статья: POV-персонаж

Популярный приём вести повествование от лица главного/второстепенного героя. Часто использовался для создания псевдодокументальных произведений, пока искушённый читатель в массе своей не утратил доверия к этому стилю изложения.

  • Классические произведения о Шерлоке Холмсе — записи, которые ведутся от лица его помощника, доктора Ватсона

    Романы Рекса Стаута, наследующие традицию Конан Дойла, написаны от лица Арчи Гудвина, помощника детектива Ниро Вульфа.

    . Кстати, несмотря на просвещённый век, приём сработал: множество читателей восприняло мистера Холмса как реального человека.

  • Все романы Дика Фрэнсиса.

Кино и телесериалыправить

  • «Хардкор» — боевик весь от первого лица! До этого фильма в боевиках были «от первого лица» лишь отдельные сцены.
    • Впрочем, ещё до него вышел малобюджетный фильм «Отель Инферно». Хотя этот фильм является любительским трэшем, который совмещает в себе два жанра — фильм ужасов и боевик — в нём всё действие происходит исключительно от первого лица.
    • «Bunker of the Dead» — боевик и фильм ужасов от первого лица.
  • «Леди в озере» (1947) — классика нуара

    Первая треть фильма-нуара «Темная полоса» (Dark Passage) снята от первого лица. Затем вид меняется, но герой Хамфри Богарта будет ходить в бинтах после пластической операции. Полностью его лицо будет видно только на 62 минуте фильма.

    по Раймонду Чандлеру. Целиком снят от первого лица, ГГ видно, только когда он смотрит в зеркало. Очень оригинальный фильм.

  • «Карты, деньги, два ствола» — сцена ухода Эдди после проигрыша.
  • «Матрица» — выбор пилюли, красная или синяя.
  • «Монстро» — весь фильм снят камерой героя по имени Хад.
  • «Брат 2» — сцена отстрела охраны бара. Ну, тут-то просто откровенно пародируются компьютерные стрелялки с «видом из глаз».
  • «Doom»: ГГ получает чудо-укол и убивает 95 % нечисти на базе.
  • «Маньяк» — фильм 2012 года с Элайджей Вудом. ~95 % экранного времени мы видим глазами главного героя.
  • «Хэллоуин» (1978) — убийство девушки в начале, взгляд через прорези в маске.
  • Первая серия первого сезона «Глухаря» начинается с того, что зритель впервые в жизни видит ОВД «Пятницкий», причем глазами какого-то персонажа (вскоре выясняется, что Коли Тарасова).
  • Нередко что-то показывают глазами робота (киборга) с соответствующим восприятием мира:
    • «Терминаторы» (и многочисленные отсылки к ним и пародии на них).
    • Робот-стрелок из «Западный мир»/«Мир Дикого Запада» (англ. Westworld, 1973). Для съемок даже специальную программу для ЭВМ создавали.
    • Робот Читти в некоторых сценах индийского х/ф «Робот».
    • Запись «чёрного ящика» андроида Кальдера из «Дознания пилота Пиркса».
  • Фильмы жанра «мокьюментари

    «Ведьма из Блэр» — съёмка от первого лица с камерой, удерживаемой в руках оператором.

    » можно также считать «от первого лица»

  • Часто используется вид от лица персонажа, который просыпается или приходит в сознание после обморока.
  • Одна из фишек фильмов и сериала про «Зловещих мертвецов» — летающая камера «в роли» Зла. Как именно выглядит само Зло, нам не показывают, но это явно что-то невообразимо ужасное.


  • Анимационная короткометражка Осаму Тэдзуки «Jumping»/«Прыжок» (1984) — полностью от первого лица.
  • «Пластилиновая ворона», новелла-песня «Игра» — почти все показано глазами деда и внука. Сами же дед и внук появляются в кадре на несколько секунд — практически в конце новеллы.


«Городок» «фильм-ужасов» — «Тварь» (скетч 1997 г.). Почти все действо идет от первого лица кого-то. Как бы не монстра, в свете закадрового голоса-предисловия. Кто это — большой спойлер.


  • Клип The Weeknd — «False Alarm».
  • Клип MiyaGi & Эндшпиль — «Кайф».
  • Клип MiyaGi & Эндшпиль — «Без обид».
  • Скандально известный клип группы «Prodigy» на композицию «Smack My Bitch Up». Такой способ повествования позволяет провернуть неожиданную развязку в конце:

HD Universe

In Grand Theft Auto IV, the player’s camera phone can be used to look around in a first-person view. Like previous iterations in the series, sniper rifles require the player to aim down the scope in first-person, however they can be blind-fired from cover. It also returns as an available view for vehicles.

First-person view is available in Grand Theft Auto Online for PS3 and Xbox 360. However, this feature requires being a passenger of a vehicle. Vehicles such as the Police Riot and the Mule allow first person view when pressing B on Xbox 360 or O on PS3.

Idling in Grand Theft Auto V can cause game to switch to first-person view. The player will be able to randomly look around and also focus view on pedestrians, cars and sometimes random actions, like police chases, reminiscent of GTA San Andreas’ idle camera.

Enhanced Version

This article or section refers to «enhanced version» content in the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC renditions of Grand Theft Auto V and/or Grand Theft Auto Online, that is absent on the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 versions.For a complete list of the features of the «enhanced» version of Grand Theft Auto V, please see .

Aiming Down Sights in GTA V.

First-person view has been expanded upon in the enhanced version of Grand Theft Auto V. The game can now be played entirely from first-person, with the addition of depth of field, motion blur, and an Aim Down Sights (ADS) system when firing weapons. Vehicles can be driven from a cockpit perspective with dynamic gauges and enhanced interior textures. Sunglasses and helmets with visors provide a polarizing filtered view. In first-person view, the lens flare effect seen in the game is removed. It can be best noticed when looking at the sun in both first and third-person views.


  • Собственно, многие шутеры. Ибо стрелять с такой камерой намного проще, чем от третьего лица.
  • РПГ: вид от первого лица зачастую присутствует как альтернативный режим, обычно камера висит над головой персонажа. Более популярен вид от первого лица в гибридах РПГ и шутера — тех экшн-рпг, в которых боёвка стрелковая, а не рукопашная. Исключение — серия The Elder Scrolls, где боёвка всё же больше рубильная, чем стрелково-колдовательная (хотя это зависит от стиля игры конкретного игрока), а режим первого лица считается дефолтным.
  • Гонки и прочие симуляторы: хардкорные игроки всегда играют именно от первого лица, а некоторые любители авиасимов даже строят вокруг себя подобие настоящего боевого кокпита, как у настоящего авиатренажёра, в то время как казуалы любят играть в основном от третьего лица, считая, что так легче и «красивее» (потому что вид «киношный»), а полноценной симуляции предпочитают аркады. Некоторые из игроков, не являющиеся настоящим хардкорщиками, при сохранении вида от первого лица убирают загораживающий часть экрана кокпит, делая это с целью получить максимальный обзор (для сравнения, при виде от третьего лица экран загораживает не кокпит, а сам симулируемый аппарат). В некоторых симуляторах, где симулируется большой боевой корабль с многочисленным экипажем (например, Silent Hunter III и StarTrek: Bridge Commander]) присутствует не «вид из кабины», как в других симуляторах, а вид из глаз капитана корабля, который отдаёт приказы старшим офицерам от первого лица, общаясь с ними.
  • Также такой вид встречается в гибридах стрелялки и квеста, например в Hexen, зачастую относимыми к экшн-адвенча/экшн-квест (относят часто, но не всегда: например, считать ли S.T.A.L.K.E.R. просто шутером с квестами или экшн-квестом — предмет жарких споров).
  • Иногда используется в некоторых играх жанра Survival Horror. Классический пример — лицехват в Aliens vs Predator

    Хотя на самом-то деле вид от первого лица является самым востребованным приёмом во многих современных хоррорах. Потому что камера от первого лица лучше всего справляется с задачей погружения игрока в атмосферу, а для такого жанра это очень важный пункт.

    , который в полной темноте, едва освещаемой тусклым фонариком, может неожиданно напугать, внезапно прыгнув в лицо, когда его не ожидали, так что игрок, упавший от страха вместе со стулом, — обычное дело (для максимального эффекта рекомендуется играть в полной темноте с surround sound и 3D-очках).

  • Есть и совсем уж необычные вещи, но полюбившиеся и запомнившиеся геймерам. К примеру, игра Mirror’s Edge — симулятор, на секундочку, паркура. И тем не менее — от первого лица. Бежать вдвойне веселей, драки вдвойне реалистичней, а падать вдвойне страшней.
  • VR-игры. Ну тут уже без комментариев.

Consoles Strike Back

Halo led the way for a first-person shooter renaissance on consoles, as developers finally figured out workable replacements for the traditional keyboard and mouse.

2000 saw the PlayStation 2 launch with an FPS – a first for consoles. TimeSplitters, created by Free Radical – a studio made up of ex-Rare employees who worked on their last-gen shooter – was a critical hit, and the sequel was even better. The introduction of a level editor gave the the game a ton of replayability.

One of the biggest risks in the genre came in 2002, when Nintendo handed over the reigns of their traditionally side-scrolling Metroid series to an American developer, Retro Studios. The resulting GameCube game, Metroid Prime, took the franchise in an exciting direction, emphasizing exploration and movement over shooting willy-nilly. Two sequels followed, with the Switch getting ready to host a third as I write this.

Let’s Get Experimental

As the first-person shooter genre became codified into one of gaming’s best known, flourishes of experimentation started to crop up around the edges. Teams began to question the tropes of the genre and ask if they had to have gruff protagonists, deathmatch or even guns.

2007’s Portal is credited for opening the floodgates. Armed with a “weapon” that opens holes in space between one location and another, protagonist Chell must escape a research facility stocked with deadly experiments by flaunting the laws of physics. The sequel added even more elements, and both games sang with smart, snarky humor.

That same year, EA released Mirror’s Edge, which was ostensibly a first-person shooter but one that prioritized movement over gunplay. Yes, protagonist Faith could wield firearms, but the meat of the game was running parkour-like through a massive world of rooftops, pipes and shafts with incredible freedom. It was a cult hit that inspired a 2016 sequel.

One stunning recent example is Superhot, an abstract shooter that takes the frenzied pace of a typical FPS and twists it: time only moves when you do. Stand still and bullets will hang in mid-air, but make one wrong move and they’ll plow right into your face. Each level is a tense ballet of split decisions and polygonal carnage and there’s nothing quite like it on Earth.

Other indie FPS games are going minimal. Devil Daggers keeps players in a single arena and overwhelms them with a tidal wave of demonic enemies, any of which can kill with a single hit. Players are scored simply on how long they can survive, and it’s a tense and unique experience that distills the genre down to its core.

Other interesting FPS experiments include PS3 title The Unfinished Swan, which starts in a completely white space that the player must fill with ink to explore, the abstract Lovely Planet and the hyper-realistic gun simulator Receiver that requires players to painstakingly perform each and every step of loading and prepping their weapons.

Console Party

First-person shooters became one of the leading reasons to game on a PC. Sure, the Super Nintendo saw a decent port of Doom, but without networking features the experience was pretty lacking. That didn’t stop some people from trying it, and a very unlikely developer managed to make a console FPS that cemented itself in the pantheon.

Early takes on the concept included 1994’s Battle Frenzy for the Genesis, Metal Head for the Sega 32X and Super 3D Noah’s Ark for the Super Nintendo – that one a Wolfenstein reskin with a Biblical theme that managed to be the only unlicensed SNES game ever released.

Rare was a British company primarily known for their Nintendo titles, including the criminally difficult Battletoads. Over three console generations, they’d proven their value to the big N and were selected with handling a game based on the James Bond license for the Nintendo 64. That game would be Goldeneye, and it would prove that a console-exclusive FPS could play with the big boys.

Goldeneye got over the limitations of the N64 (no online play, for one) with clever technical hacks. Although the game wasn’t terribly impressive graphically, even by the standards of the day, it was smooth as butter and offered a wide selection of maps and weapons.

They followed it up with Perfect Dark, which was an improvement in many ways with better graphics, tighter enemy AI and more multiplayer options. Unfortunately, the N64 simply wasn’t able to handle everything the game wanted to do and framerates suffered – a common problem on the underpowered consoles of the day.

Publisher Acclaim, notable for their investment in licensed titles, dipped a toe in the genre with Turok for the Nintendo 64. It became one of the most successful third-party games on the system, with developer Iguana Software pushing the machine to its limits, as well as challenging Nintendo’s reputation for family-friendly games.

Other first-person shooters on early home systems included the odd Jumping Flash, a Japanese game starring a robot rabbit who could perform massive vertical hops, Kileak: The DNA Initiative and an absolutely dismal South Park game for the PlayStation and the Nintendo 64.

First, Second, and Third Person in Writing

In writing, the writer may choose to write from different points of view. The point of view he or she chooses is evident through his or her use of pronouns.

Writing in first person: Literature in the first person point of view is written from the speaker’s perspective. This point of view uses first person pronouns to identify the speaker/narrator. First person point of view is generally limited in that the audience only experiences what the speaker/narrator himself experiences.

Writing in third person: Literature in third person point of view is written from an “outside” perspective. This point of view uses third person pronouns to identify characters. In third person writing, the narrator is not a character in the text. Because of this, he can usually “see” what happens to all of the characters.

Writing in second person: In non-fiction writing, a speaker will often switch between pronouns. Writers do this only for effect. For example, if a speaker wants to be clear and “get through” to the audience, he might say “you” (second person) throughout the text even if the text is mostly in third person. Again, this is strictly for rhetorical effect. Experienced writers use this as a literary tool.

Hungry Like The Wolf

We’re almost a thousand words into this and we haven’t even hit Doom yet. Stay calm, buddy. Now’s the time when we meet the guys who would transform the world of first-person shooting forever.

iD Software was founded by John Carmack, John Romero, Tom Hall, Adrian Carmack, all employees of publisher Softdisk. John Carmack’s technical genius enabled the team to wring incredible performance out of the PCs of the day, starting with 1990’s side-scrolling Commander Keen. When Carmack figured out a way to render 3D environments just as quickly as 2D ones, it energized the newborn company to innovate once more.

Carmack developed the concept of raycasting with an earlier title called Catacomb 3D– making the computer only draw what the player could see, rather than the whole world around him – and it unshackled 3D gaming from the world of flight simulators and other niche wonk stuff.

1992 saw the shareware release of iD’s Wolfenstein 3D, the unofficial sequel to classic adventure game Castle Wolfenstein. While that game put players in a 2D elevated view, this new title embedded them right in the skull of Allied spy William “B.J.” Blazkowicz, massacring Krauts inside a Nazi prison. John Romero and Tom Hall pushed the experience to be fast and visceral, keeping players constantly on their toes unlike the slower-paced fare of the time.

The game saw 200,000 copies sold in a year, with publisher Apogee commissioning sequels and even releasing a collection of 800(!) player-made levels for the game. It was a tremendous hit and single-handedly created a new genre.

And then, eighteen months later, there was Doom.

What Are Second Person Pronouns?

Second person pronouns always refer to the addressees of the speaker himself.

When you are writing, a good way to think about the second person’s point of view is that it addresses the reader (as I just did in that sentence).

Second person pronouns are only used when the speaker is making a statement to the addressee, i.e., to someone.

Second Person Pronoun List:

Here is a list with examples of the second person words we use in writing and speech.

  • you (subject, singular/plural)
  • you (object, singular/plural)
  • yours (possessive, singular/plural)
  • your (possessive, modifying a noun, singular/plural)

Note: In each of these examples, “you” can be an individual (singular) or multiple people (plural).

Hear The Call

The Call Of Duty franchise started with the World War II game boom of the early 2000s. Published by Activision, the first few installments in the series were competent, realistic infantry simulators that put the focus on AI squadmates. But 2007’s Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare marked a turning point for the franchise that would make it one of the most popular on the market.

The game took players into the world of asymmetric warfare, facing off against terrorists and insurgents across the Middle East and Eastern Europe. A potent storyline with some unexpected emotional beats, combined with innovative and responsive multiplayer, made it the year’s best-selling game.

The franchise continues to chug onwards, with recent installments moving it into the future and outfitting soldiers with superhuman movement abilities. It’s ironic that a series that started with realism has become what it has, but that doesn’t stop the games from selling.

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