

This article gives technical information about the shareware Doom data file. For level information and walkthroughs, see Knee-Deep in the Dead.

DOOM1.WAD is the IWAD used by the shareware version of Doom. It is a cut-down version of DOOM.WAD which contains only the first episode. Later on, «Doom 1» became a retronym for Doom after the release of Doom II.

Latest version of Shareware Doomedit

Version 1.9 is 4,196,020 bytes in size, is dated 1995-02-01, and contains 1,264 entries. It has the following hashes:

Hash type Hash code
MD5 f0cefca49926d00903cf57551d901abe
SHA-1 5b2e249b9c5133ec987b3ea77596381dc0d6bc1d
CRC-32 162b696a

Older versionsedit

Version File date Size (bytes) Entries MD5 SHA-1 CRC-32
1.0 1993-12-10 4,207,819 1,270 90facab21eede7981be10790e3f82da2 fc0359e191bd257b3507863ae412ef3250515866 eedae672
1.1 1993-12-15 4,274,218 1,270 cea4989df52b65f4d481b706234a3dca 9a24a7093ea0e78fd85f9923e55c55e79491b6a1 289f4d3f
1.1 1993-12-16 4,274,218 1,270 52cbc8882f445573ce421fa5453513c1 d4dc6806abd96bd93570c8df436fb6956e13d910 981dcebb
1.2 1994-02-17 4,225,504 1,241 30aa5beb9e5ebfbbe1e1765561c08f38 77ef34de7f13dc36b792fb82ed6805e9c1dc7afc bc842626
1.25 1994-04-21 4,225,460 1,243 17aebd6b5f2ed8ce07aa526a32af8d99 72caf585f7ce56861d25f8580c1cc82bf50abd1b 225d7fb1
1.4 1994-06-28 4,261,144 1,256 a21ae40c388cb6f2c3cc1b95589ee693 b4a8e93f1f9544210a173035a0b04c19eb283a2a f5c2708d
1.5 1994-07-08 4,271,324 1,256 e280233d533dcc28c1acd6ccdc7742d4 b559ba93d0a96e242eb6ded9deeedbd6f79d40fc 8653b0eb
1.6 1994-08-03 4,211,660 1,256 762fd6d4b960d4b759730f01387a50a1 1437fc1ac25a17d5b3cef4c9d2f74e40cae3d231 f26dcad8
1.666 1994-09-01 4,234,124 1,264 c428ea394dc52835f2580d5bfd50d76f 81535778d0d4c0c7aa8616fbfd3607dfb3dfd643 505fb740
1.8 1995-01-20 4,196,020 1,264 5f4eb849b1af12887dec04a2a12e5e62 c6612ac5a8ac2e2a1d707f9b2869af820efb7c50 331ebf07
  1. An identical file published on 1994-08-30 exists, correlating with the different of that date.

Почему играть в Doom все еще интересно

Появившаяся еще в прошлом веке игра для ПК быстро завоевала популярность за счет плавного и динамичного экшена. При этом та эпоха еще ничего не знала о графических ускорителях. Захватывающая оригинальная атмосфера, реки крови, темные темы, возможность создания модов и карт, инновационная поддержка сети не могли остаться без внимания в нарождающемся сегменте компьютерных игр. Критики отмечали первоклассный опыт игры в Doom за счет отличных на то время графики, звука и непосредственно самого процесса прохождения. Каждый последующий шутер от первого лица пытался следовать ставшим уже классикой рецептам.

С тех пор в области графических технологий произошло немало качественных скачков – просто посмотрите на Doom Eternal 2020 года! Но и оригинальная версия игры все еще интересна. Тем более, что классика от id Software все еще кажется более доступной и понятной, чем большинство современных шутеров от первого лица. Это связано с относительно простым управлением. В игре нет прыжков или взглядов вверх и вниз, тут сохраняется истинное чувство аркады, которое теперь редко где встретишь.

С бесплатной обновленной версией игрового движка вы легко можете потестировать оригинальную игру на своем ПК или Mac. При этом поддерживается как сеть, так и современные игровые контроллеры. Самое интересное, что вы можете поиграть в высоком разрешении и даже на широкоформатном мониторе с соотношением сторон 21:9, если он у вас есть.

How to play or start PWADS

You need to identify which IWAD is required to play the mod. The Doom series contains four different IWADs: Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, TNT: Evilution and Plutonia. Most Doom mods are made for Doom 2 but some were made for one of the other games in the series. The other Doom engine games, Heretic, Hexen, Strife and Chex Quest, each have only one relevant IWAD (although registered Strife, along with the map IWAD, also has a voices WAD). You cannot normally run mods with the shareware or demo IWADs.

You need then to identify which port, if any, is required for the mod. While many mods can be run in the original engine, some make use of advanced features or cannot run within the limits of the original exe. See the comparison of Doom source ports for further informations.

Command line

The same command line parameters apply for all Doom engine games and for most ports. Some ports have alternative file loading options, such as Chocolate Doom’s -merge command; consult the port’s documentation if needed. In this example, we load the mod «mymap.wad» with the IWAD doom2.wad in the old source port Boom. All files are in the same directory, which is the current working directory for the command window.

boom.exe -iwad doom2 -file mymap.wad

Selecting the iwad is unecessary if you have only one in the executable’s directory. If the files are not in the same directory, you need to give their paths. For example, here we have separated the engines, IWADs and PWADs in different directories:

C:/Games/Doom/Ports/boom.exe -iwad C:/Games/Doom/doom2.wad -file C:/Games/Doom/Mods/mymap.wad

If you are familiar with command lines, you probably already knew that. Note that the original Doom game does not support the -iwad parameter and will instead choose the first it finds in this list: plutonia.wad, tnt.wad, doom2.wad, doom.wad. To play in the original engine, you will need to place each IWAD in its own directory, with a copy of doom(2).exe.


Most frontends will have an option for starting a PWAD when you launch the game. For example:

In DOOM Legacy
Start Doom in Single Map mode, and select a PWAD in the «Additional Files» area.
In ZDaemon
Start a local game and select the PWAD from there.
In ZDoom, GZDoom or Skulltag
Drag and drop the PWAD over the ZDoom executable, and it will load it. You can also associate the port with the .wad extension and then use right-click -> Open With, or add a shortcut to it in your SendTo folder and use right->click -> Send To.

There are plenty of other frontends to use, and PWAD loading should be simple to do.


The directory associates names of lumps with the data that belong to them. It consists of a number of entries, each with a length of 16 bytes. The length of the directory is determined by the number given in the WAD header. The structure of each entry is as follows:

Offset Length Name Content
0x00 4 filepos An integer holding a pointer to the start of the lump’s data in the file.
0x04 4 size An integer representing the size of the lump in bytes.
0x08 8 name An ASCII string defining the lump’s name. Only the characters A-Z (uppercase), 0-9, and — _ should be used in lump names (an exception has to be made for some of the Arch-Vile sprites, which use «\»). When a string is less than 8 bytes long, it should be null-padded to the eighth byte. Values exceeding 8 bytes are forbidden.

Tools should not assume the lump-order in the WAD to be sorted by their byte offset into the WAD.

«Virtual» lumps (such as F_START) only exist in the directory, having a size of 0. Their offset value therefore is nonsensical (often 0).

It is possible for more than one lump to have the same offset value, as well as having offsets that overlap other lump data.

When a modder imports lumps into a WAD from other files, file extensions are not included. Doom’s executable examines only the name field to determine whether all required entries are present at launch. This means, for example, that the encoding of a music track may not be immediately obvious if the WAD’s intended port supports multiple formats.

Typical wad file:

Lump Data
Names and pointers of Lumps

Где брать файлы с эпизодами (WAD)?

С современными исходными портами Doom есть нюанс. Большинство из них не поставляются с файлами игровых данных или WAD. Оригинальные карты, графика и звуки Doom все еще защищены авторским правом и недоступны в открытых источниках. Вы должны найти для себя созданные кем-то другим WAD для использования с исходными портами, аналогичными GZDoom.

К счастью, есть много вариантов получения Doom WAD, включая следующие:

  • Условно-бесплатная Doom (Shareware). Изначально Doom поставлялась в условно-бесплатном варианте с одним бесплатным эпизодом. Вы все еще можете вполне легально скачать и использовать этот эпизод. Файл, который вам нужен, обычно называется DOOMWAD.
  • Freedoom. В рамках этого проекта интернет-фанаты работают над бесплатным набором графики, звуков и карт с открытым исходным кодом для движков Doom. Вы можете скачать набор бесплатно, и он хорошо работает с GZDoom.
  • Freedoom + другие WAD. Freedoom дает вам возможность использовать множество других WAD, созданных фанатами. Многие из карт являются результатом чьего-либо собственного уникального игрового опыта. Freedoom заменяет потребность в оригинальных WAD-играх Doom или Doom II за счет созданных игроками карт с графическими и звуковыми ресурсами.
  • Коммерческая Doom. При желании можно приобрести оригинальный Doom и установить игру на Windows. Просто зайдите в каталог с игрой и скопируйте файл DOOM.WAD для использования с портом источника, таким как GZDoom. Вы можете сделать то же самое с другими играми, включая Doom II и Final Doom. Если у вас есть оригинальные физические копии игры на дискете или компакт-диске, вы можете скопировать файлы DOOM.WAD с оригинального носителя. Вы также можете найти эти файлы WAD в Интернете. Однако, как и загрузка ПЗУ ретро-видеоигр, загрузка оригинальных файлов WAD с неавторизованных веб-сайтов фактически считается нарушением авторских прав.

The Adventures of SquareEpisode 1:Cornered by Circles

Game: The Adventures of Square (standalone game)Year: 2014Source Port: ZDoomSpecs: E1A1-E1A10, TRAININGGameplay Mods: All new everything!!Author: James Paddock aka “Jimmy” et alhomepage | doomwiki | onemandoom 

Doctor Octagon has been kidnapped by the Circle Jerks and the cigar-chomping Square is out to rescue him. The two-dimensional hero must battle through a number of enemy strongholds in Shapeland before reaching the transfer point to his next destination — the moon.

The Adventures of Square is basically a brand new game in the ZDoom engine. You’ll see some similarities to Doom’s equipment and monsters, but only because when you’ve played so much Doom, you start noticing parallels everywhere. It’s got tons of wonderful colors, plenty of monster types, and lots of unique destinations. I was kind of expecting more cheesy BUILD jokes, but the only thing I was really promised was a glut of cheesy puns, so I guess we’re good. If this is only the first episode — “Squareware” — I’m waiting to see what other madness the mappers can fabricate. Note that this is pretty dang hard on the UV equivalent; those cannon balls have a way of sneaking up on you…

использованная литература


  • Джозеф Белл, Дэвид Скреде: The Doom Construction Kit: Mastering and Modification Doom , Waite Group Press (1 апреля 1995 г.), ISBN  1-57169-003-4
  • Ричард Х. «Хэнк» Лейкарт, III: Руководство хакера Doom , Mis Press (1 марта 1995 г.), ISBN  1-55828-428-1
  • Стив Беннер и др .: 3D Game Alchemy for Doom, Doom II, Heretic and Hexen , SAMS Publishing (1996), ISBN  0-672-30935-1
  • Кушнер, Дэвид: Мастера судьбы: как два парня создали империю и преобразовали поп-культуру , издательская группа Random House 2003, ISBN  0-375-50524-5 ; страницы 166–169
  • Ларсен, Хенрик: FAQ по неофициальным мастер-уровням для Doom II , версия 1.02 (получено 4 октября 2004 г.)


The directory associates names of lumps with the data that belong to them. It consists of a number of entries, each with a length of 16 bytes. The length of the directory is determined by the number given in the WAD header. The structure of each entry is as follows:

Offset Length Name Content
0x00 4 filepos An integer holding a pointer to the start of the lump’s data in the file.
0x04 4 size An integer representing the size of the lump in bytes.
0x08 8 name An ASCII string defining the lump’s name. Only the characters A-Z (uppercase), 0-9, and [] — _ should be used in lump names (an exception has to be made for some of the Arch-Vile sprites, which use «\»). When a string is less than 8 bytes long, it should be null-padded to the tight byte.

Tools should not assume the lump-order in the WAD to be sorted by their byte offset into the WAD.

«Virtual» lumps (such as F_START) only exist in the directory, having a size of 0. Their offset value therefore is nonsensical (often 0).

It is possible for more than one lump to have the same offset value, aswell as having offsets that overlap other lump data.

Type of file is not stated in the lump’s data.

Typical wad file:

Lump Data
Names and pointers of Lumps


This article gives technical information about the Doom II data file. For gameplay information and walkthroughs, see Doom II.

DOOM2.WAD is the IWAD used by Doom II.

Latest versions of Doom IIedit

Version 1.9 is 14,604,584 bytes in size, is dated 1995-02-01, and contains 2,919 entries. It has the following hashes:

Hash type Hash code
MD5 25e1459ca71d321525f84628f45ca8cd
SHA-1 7ec7652fcfce8ddc6e801839291f0e28ef1d5ae7
CRC-32 ec8725db

The BFG Edition version is 14,691,821 bytes in size, contains 2,935 entries, and has the following hashes:

Hash type Hash code
MD5 c3bea40570c23e511a7ed3ebcd9865f7
SHA-1 a59548125f59f6aa1a41c22f615557d3dd2e85a9
CRC-32 927a778a

A version of Doom II from packaged with the vanilla engine contains a modified IWAD with similar resources as the BFG Edition. It is 14,603,212 bytes in size, contains 2,919 entries, and has the following hashes:

Hash type Hash code
MD5 97573aaf26957099ed45e61d81a0a1a3
SHA-1 f1b6ba94352d53f646b67c01d2da88c5c40e3179
CRC-32 62fd057f

Older versionsedit

Version File date Size (bytes) Entries MD5 SHA-1 CRC-32
1.666g 1994-08-29 14,824,716 2,934 d9153ced9fd5b898b36cc5844e35b520 a4ce5128d57cb129fdd1441c12b58245be55c8ce c08005f7
1.666 1994-08-29 14,943,400 2,956 30e3c2d0350b67bfbf47271970b74b2f 6d559b7ceece4f5ad457415049711992370d520a e2a683bd
1.7 1994-09-21 14,612,688 2,919 ea74a47a791fdef2e9f2ea8b8a9da13b 78009057420b792eacff482021db6fe13b370dcc 47daeb2e
1.7a 1994-10-18 14,612,688 2,919 d7a07e5d3f4625074312bc299d7ed33f 70192b8d5aba65c7e633a7c7bcfe7e3e90640c97 952f6baa
1.8f 1994-12-01 14,607,420 2,914 3cb02349b3df649c86290907eed64e7b d510c877031bbd5f3d198581a2c8651e09b9861f 27eaae69
1.8 1995-01-20 14,612,688 2,919 c236745bb01d89bbb866c8fed81b6f8c 79c283b18e61b9a989cfd3e0f19a42ea98fda551 31bd3bc0

Console versionsedit

Port Size (bytes) Entries MD5 SHA-1 CRC-32
Doom Classic Unity port 1.0 14,668,180 2,920 e7395bd5e838d58627bd028871efbc14 9b39107b5bcfd1f989bcfe46f68dbc1f49222922 897339a7
Doom Classic Unity port 1.1 14,685,607 2,920 7895d10c281305c45a7e5f01b3f7b1d8 b723882122e90b61a1d92a11dcfcf9cbf95a407e 22c291c8
Xbox 360 BFG Edition 14,677,988 2,931 f617591a6c5d07037eb716dc4863e26b b7ba1c68631023ea1aab1d7b9f7f6e9afc508f39 1350e452
XBLA standalone 14,685,034 2,931 43c2df32dc6c740cb11f34dc5ab693fa 55e445badd63d8841ebea887910c26c62c7f525e 3f2b4852
Xbox Resurrection of Evil 14,683,458 2,931 a793ebcdd790afad4a1f39cc39a893bd 1c91d86cd8a2f3817227986503a6672a5e1613f0 218030c8
PlayStation Network 14,599,800 2,919 4c3db5f23b145fccd24c9b84aba3b7dd ca8db908a7c9fbac764f34c148f0bcc78d18553e 7755acfc
Tapwave Zodiac 14,639,397 2,923 9640fc4b2c8447bbd28f2080725d5c51 2cda310805397ae44059bbcaed3cd602f4864a82 541a97c2


The BFG Edition variant of the DOOM2.WAD file is inappropriately marked as a PWAD and the TITLEPIC lump is missing. This will cause some source ports to malfunction or to issue warning messages when using it.

The Nintendo Switch version is the same as the Unity 1.0 version.

Doom Eternal includes a copy of the version of DOOM2.WAD (along with the PlayStation Network version of DOOM.WAD) under its install directory, in base/classicwads.



The following files are mostly of historic interest.

This is the latest source code for ZDoom’s version of ACC. It includes both a makefile for GCC and a project file for Visual C++ 6, so you can build a Windows, DOS, or Linux version. It is also available on its .

This version of ACC is only if you’re old-school and using WadAuthor or a DOS-based editor like ZETH.

ZDoom supports using for MIDI playback. To use it, extract libfluidsynth.dll to the same directory as zdoom.exe and then configure it from within ZDoom. FluidSynth is bundled with GZDoom since v3.1.0, so this separate download is only useful for older versions.

ZDoom supports using for MIDI playback. To use it, extract timidity.exe and timidity.cfg and read the instructions. TiMidity++ has become an internal player integrated within GZDoom since v3.3.0, so this separate download is only useful for older versions.

This is the source code for ZDoom’s custom version of TiMidity++. Alternatively, a with the custom changes can be downloaded and applied on the original TiMidity++ source code.

Contains a wcf file for use with WadAuthor.

This is the source code for ZDBSP 1.19. The build system uses CMake, so you can generate project files for any version of Visual C++ from 6 up or several other IDEs, or you can create Makefiles as well. It is also available on its .

A DETH-based editor for ZDoom that runs in a DOS box. Comes with minimal documentation. If you don’t already know how to use DETH, you should go find a good that explains it. If you plan on doing any ACS scripting, you should be sure to also download ACC below.

This is the source code for ZETH. Hopefully somebody will find it useful.

Shows off some of the features that were new as of ZDoom 1.22.

Downloadable copy of the Editing Reference for offline viewing. This has only been updated for ZDoom 1.22. For ZDoom features added since then, you should consult the wiki documentation instead.

Bloody Steel

Game: Doom IIYear: 2014Port: Boom-compatible (GLBoom or GZDoom preferred)Specs: MAP01-MAP10Gameplay Mods: NoneAuthor:

Big Memka

idgames | onemandoom

A secret UAC facility hidden beneath a steel mill is jeopardized following the outbreak of a deadly plague that makes way for demonic occupation, which shouldn’t come as any surprise when the research being conducted is as usual matters of time and space. It’s up to you to defend the very fabric of reality from being rent asunder by demonic aims…

Bloody Steel’s realistic environments shine, with the bulk of it taking place in a dystopian industrial complex, followed by field trips to what look like 18th century France and 3rd century Rome. The gameplay is a mix of styles, from open-air free roaming to cover shooter, corridor shooter, Eternal Doom, slaughtermap, and all parts in between. Expect a healthy dose of claustrophobia, too, when battling stronger enemies in close quarters.


Для Doom доступно множество редакторов уровней . Первоначальная утилита редактирования Doom (DEU) была перенесена на ряд операционных систем , но со временем потеряла значение; многие современные редакторы Doom все еще уходят корнями в DEU и его парадигму редактирования, включая DETH, DeePsea, Linux Doom Editor и Yadex. К другим редакторам уровней относятся WadAuthor, Doom Builder (выпущен в январе 2003 г.) и Doom Builder 2 (выпущен в мае 2009 г. как преемник Doom Builder). Некоторые редакторы уровней Doom , такие как Doom Builder и Doom Builder 2, имеют режим 3D-редактирования. На данный момент эти два были прекращены, но был выпущен и регулярно обновляется более новый форк, известный как GZDoom Builder.

Многие специализированные редакторы Doom используются для изменения фрагментов графики и звука, такие как XWE, SLADE, Wintex и SLumpEd. DeHackEd исполняемые латания утилита модифицирует монстр, предметы и поведение оружия. В ZDoom пользователи могут создавать новых монстров, оружие и предметы с помощью языка сценариев под названием DECORATE, предназначенного для устранения многих недостатков DeHackEd, таких как невозможность добавлять новые объекты и невозможность далеко отклоняться от поведения. оригинального оружия и монстров.


Game: Doom IIYear: 2013Port: Boom-compatibleSpecs: MAP01Gameplay Mods: NoneAuthor: “Shadowman” idgames | doomwikionemandoom

Khorus is the name of the world where the Inquisitor series takes place, but that’s about the only relation

Shadowman has an unusual aesthetic that blends wilderness and ancient ruins with Russian folk music. Personally, I like the tracks, and I enjoyed some of the puzzle play. I quickly tired of the grid 64 mazes, though, a common theme of Shadowman’s levels, and some of the maps are overwhelming. “Sepulchre” has an amazing atmosphere but you’re harried from all sides with little or no relief.

Latest version of Shareware Doom[edit]

Version 1.9 is 4,196,020 bytes in size, is dated 1995-02-01, and contains 1,264 entries. It has the following hashes:

Hash type Hash code
MD5 f0cefca49926d00903cf57551d901abe
SHA-1 5b2e249b9c5133ec987b3ea77596381dc0d6bc1d
CRC-32 162b696a

Older versionsedit

Version File date Size (bytes) Entries MD5 SHA-1 CRC-32
1.0 1993-12-10 4,207,819 1,270 90facab21eede7981be10790e3f82da2 fc0359e191bd257b3507863ae412ef3250515866 eedae672
1.1 1993-12-15 4,274,218 1,270 cea4989df52b65f4d481b706234a3dca 9a24a7093ea0e78fd85f9923e55c55e79491b6a1 289f4d3f
1.1 1993-12-16 4,274,218 1,270 52cbc8882f445573ce421fa5453513c1 d4dc6806abd96bd93570c8df436fb6956e13d910 981dcebb
1.2 1994-02-17 4,225,504 1,241 30aa5beb9e5ebfbbe1e1765561c08f38 77ef34de7f13dc36b792fb82ed6805e9c1dc7afc bc842626
1.25 1994-04-21 4,225,460 1,243 17aebd6b5f2ed8ce07aa526a32af8d99 72caf585f7ce56861d25f8580c1cc82bf50abd1b 225d7fb1
1.4 1994-06-28 4,261,144 1,256 a21ae40c388cb6f2c3cc1b95589ee693 b4a8e93f1f9544210a173035a0b04c19eb283a2a f5c2708d
1.5 1994-07-08 4,271,324 1,256 e280233d533dcc28c1acd6ccdc7742d4 b559ba93d0a96e242eb6ded9deeedbd6f79d40fc 8653b0eb
1.6 1994-08-03 4,211,660 1,256 762fd6d4b960d4b759730f01387a50a1 1437fc1ac25a17d5b3cef4c9d2f74e40cae3d231 f26dcad8
1.666 1994-09-01 4,234,124 1,264 c428ea394dc52835f2580d5bfd50d76f 81535778d0d4c0c7aa8616fbfd3607dfb3dfd643 505fb740
1.8 1995-01-20 4,196,020 1,264 5f4eb849b1af12887dec04a2a12e5e62 c6612ac5a8ac2e2a1d707f9b2869af820efb7c50 331ebf07

Console versions[edit]

Port Size (bytes) Entries MD5 SHA-1 CRC-32
Doom Classic Unity port 1.0 14,668,180 2,920 e7395bd5e838d58627bd028871efbc14 9b39107b5bcfd1f989bcfe46f68dbc1f49222922 897339a7
Doom Classic Unity port 1.1 14,685,607 2,920 7895d10c281305c45a7e5f01b3f7b1d8 b723882122e90b61a1d92a11dcfcf9cbf95a407e 22c291c8
Xbox 360 BFG Edition 14,677,988 2,931 f617591a6c5d07037eb716dc4863e26b b7ba1c68631023ea1aab1d7b9f7f6e9afc508f39 1350e452
XBLA standalone 14,685,034 2,931 43c2df32dc6c740cb11f34dc5ab693fa 55e445badd63d8841ebea887910c26c62c7f525e 3f2b4852
Xbox Resurrection of Evil 14,683,458 2,931 a793ebcdd790afad4a1f39cc39a893bd 1c91d86cd8a2f3817227986503a6672a5e1613f0 218030c8
PlayStation Network 14,599,800 2,919 4c3db5f23b145fccd24c9b84aba3b7dd ca8db908a7c9fbac764f34c148f0bcc78d18553e 7755acfc
Tapwave Zodiac 14,639,397 2,923 9640fc4b2c8447bbd28f2080725d5c51 2cda310805397ae44059bbcaed3cd602f4864a82 541a97c2


Before the expansion’s release and before the name The Ultimate Doom was chosen, the game was referred to as The Definitive Doom Special Edition. References to the original name can be found in the source code and in the DOS installer of the game, which features the shortened name DOOM: Special Edition on the titlebar and suggests DOOM_SE as the default installation directory.

In the 2015 Doom source data release, an early version of the Ultimate Doom executable is included in the DoomMapsSE folder of the file. When run, its startup displays the title «DOOM System Startup 1.9 Special Edition» in black characters on a cyan background, instead of «The Ultimate DOOM Startup v1.9» in dark gray on light gray background.

Console versions[edit]

Port Size (bytes) Entries MD5 SHA-1 CRC-32
Doom Classic Unity port 1.0 12,468,955 2,307 232a79f7121b22d7401905ee0ee1e487 f770111ca9eb6d49aead51fcbd398719b462e64b 46359dfb
Doom Classic Unity port 1.1 12,468,955 2,307 21b200688d0fa7c1b6f63703d2bdd455 08ab2507e1d525c4c06b6df4f6d5862568a6b009 346a4bfd
Xbox 12,538,385 2,318 0c8758f102ccafe26a3040bee8ba5021 1d1d4f69fe14fa255228d8243470678b1b4efdc5 ff1ba733
PlayStation Network 12,474,561 2,307 e4f120eab6fb410a5b6e11c947832357 117015379c529573510be08cf59810aa10bb934e 3f646587
Xbox 360 BFG Edition 12,474,561 2,307 7912931e44c7d56e021084a256659800 d6a9f0172eca101471128ec61be975361f2ad28e 6010fd43
XBLA standalone 12,475,196 2,307 72286ddc680d47b9138053dd944b2a3d 37de4510216eb3ce9a835dd939109443375d10c5 b8583cd5
Doom for Pocket PCnamed doom1.wad 14,445,632 2,305 3e410ecd27f61437d53fa5c279536e88 1d3c00534c452e266012e28ddc399ffe4d9ac8ed b5353911
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