Мод wither storm 1.0.8/1.0.0

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Alive characters appear in green. Deceased characters appear in red.

Unknown characters appear in blue. Determinant characters appear in purple.


Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuationdistance
Wither angers ? ? ? ? 16
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Zombie_breaks_door.ogg Wither attacks ? ? ? ? 16
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Wither_death.ogg Wither dies ? ? ? ? 16
Wither hurts ? ? ? ? 16
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Wither_shoot.ogg Wither attacks ? ? ? ? 16
https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/File:Wither_spawn.ogg Wither released ? ? ? ? 16 (technical) / ∞ (effective)
Explosion ? Explosions created by wither skull ? (<1.0) 16

Summoning a Wither Storm

A Wither Storm can be created with the same materials and same fashion as a normal variant. The difference, however, is that the middle soul sand must be replaced with a Command Block that immediately functions as its heart. Once brought to life, a Wither Storm will at first have a typical Wither-like form, but once it assimilates any objects around it, it evolves into a floating behemoth with long, powerful tentacles, 3 heads, glowing purple eyes, and large teeth. At the end of episode 3, the failed attempt to destroy the Wither Storm created by Ivor caused it to evolve and separate into 3 pieces, 2 that bear resemblance to the original Wither Storm, and one with a giant head.


Как оказалось такой монстр привёл к всего 2 смертям, но эти смерти были горячо любимыми героями. И если иссушающая буря кого-либо-съест он не убьёт его, а иссушит и оставит внутри себя.

3 эпизод:

Магнус/Эльгорд в зависимости от того чьи доспехи выберет игрок.

Смерть Магнуса в 3 эпизоде

Был откинут щупальцем Иссушающей Бури и если игрок выберет его доспехи, то он погибнет.



Смерть Эльгорд:

Смерть Эльгорд в 3 эпизоде

Была откинута щупальцем Иссушающей Бури и если игрок выберет её доспехи, то она погибнет.




Смерть Рубена после падения в 4 эпизоде

4 эпизод:


После того, как Джесси роняет его/её зачарованное оружие, Рубену велено было принести его, однако, после того как Рубен отдал его Джесси, Иссушающая Буря схватила его за задние лапы. Несмотря на попытки Джесси спасти Рубена, он падает независимо от её/его действий. Падение настолько велико, что он умирает.


When created, the wither storm appeared to be a regular Wither with a Command Block within its chest. Though as it began to pull in the surrounding blocks, it quickly transformed into a gigantic, black creature with long, powerful tentacles along with three heads. Each head has one purple, glowing eye and a large set of mandibles. When it picks up blocks to build its body, they turn into an ash-like block that is absorbed into it. The interior is similar with the exception of purple and gray variants of the blocks or mobs it has absorbed.

While the wither storm still held some of the similarities as a normal wither, it contained a few enderman-esque qualities as well. This is likely either due to the command block being used to erase the Ender Dragon out of existence or withering being similar to the corrupted-like state the End represents. Some examples being the tractor beam being able to pull blocks and objects towards itself which can be compared to the abilities of the Endermen picking up blocks. Both are able to manipulate a block’s location without tools or breaking it. The wither storm’s tractor beam and certain absorbed objects were also purple; the associated color of the End and corruption. It also has visual similarities to Heart of Ender, though it was created after Minecraft Story Mode.

At the end of «The Last Place You Look», the wither storm was split into three separate entities. They all had only one head, but later in «A Block and a Hard Place» each of them grew two more heads. Two of them were quite smaller than the main larger one who also had the Command Block within.


The difference between the ender dragon’s boss bar and the wither’s boss bar.‌[Java Edition only]

When spawned, the wither grows larger in size as its health bar fills up. While in this state, the wither is invulnerable, and neither moves nor attacks. When this state ends (after 10 seconds), the wither creates a large explosion centered on itself, destroying nearby blocks and dealing up to 99 × 49.5 damage to nearby mobs/players. This explosion has a blast power of 7, more than that of a charged creeper or an end crystal. It is accompanied by a loud gruesome sound that can be heard equally from across the map and in all dimensions‌[JE only]. After this, the wither attacks nearby mobs and can take damage.

The wither is immune to fire, lava, drowning damage and freezing. Suffocation is usually ineffective because, upon taking damage, the wither breaks any block it touches. However, it cannot break bedrock, end gateway blocks, end portal blocks, end portal frames, command blocks, structure blocks, jigsaw blocks, barriers or moving pistons. Accordingly, it can be suffocated in the exit portal or end gateway, for example. Like other undead mobs, the wither is harmed by the Instant Health effect and healed by the Instant Damage effect as well as affected by weapons with the Smite enchantment. It is immune to all other status effects, like the ender dragon.

The wither has a dash attack‌[Bedrock Edition only] that deals damage to nearby mobs and breaks all blocks surrounding it.

The wither has the highest health in the game with 300 × 150 in Java and 600 × 300 in Bedrock.

The wither is hostile toward all mobs except:

  • Undead mobs

    • , , , Zombies and their variants
    • , , Skeletons and their variants
    • Zombified piglins
    • , Zombie Horse And Skeleton Horse
    • Phantoms
    • Zoglins
    • Other withers.
  • Ghasts
  • Mobs spawned with the Invulnerable NBT tag.

If the wither is idle, it simply hovers and is unable to gain altitude. On Normal or Hard difficulty, it fires blue skulls in random directions until it finds a target.

The wither has a dark purple‌[Java Edition only] or pink‌[Bedrock Edition only]boss health bar that appears only when a player is looking in the wither’s direction, including through walls. When looking at the wither, the world gets slightly darker. All withers display a boss bar on the screen. Renamed withers display the changed name above its boss bar. The sky darkens when the wither spawns (a kind of fog).

Java Edition

The wither attacking a villager.

Upon noticing a mob, the wither hovers above it and rapidly shoots black wither skulls. Each head fires independently, allowing a wither to attack up to three different mobs/players at the same time. However, the wither will not actually target the player until damaged by them. The main head controls the wither’s movement and has a 0.1% chance to shoot a blue wither skull instead of the default black one.

Whenever a wither kills another mob, a wither rose is planted if the ground is grass, or otherwise dropped as an item at that mob’s location; however, it may be destroyed by other wither skulls.

The wither has a passive regeneration rate of 1 every 20 ticks (1 second), and a direct killing blow on a target instantly heals 5.

When its health drops below half (150 × 75), the wither gains a natural «wither armor» effect, which makes it immune to damage from arrows and thrown tridents and causes it to fly at the same height as the target. The armor disappears if it regenerates above half health.

Bedrock Edition

Upon noticing a player or mob, the wither flies to a random location and hovers in place. It shoots 3 black wither skulls and one blue wither skull before flying to another location. On Normal difficulty or higher, if the wither has targeted an entity but cannot find a location to path find to, it shoots random blue skulls in a random direction along with the skulls directed toward the target.

At half health, it causes a large explosion that spawns 3–4 wither skeletons (except on Easy difficulty), as well as gaining wither armor. Instead of flying to a random location, it dashes toward its target, destroying blocks and damaging mobs in its path. It also fires up to 4 skulls per burst: three black skulls followed by one blue skull.

It has different spawn and death animations, both of which involve the wither exploding. Wither roses always drop as an item when the wither kills a mob. The wither rose inflicts the Wither effect for a couple of seconds when stepped on.

The sky light level drops to 11 and dark clouds appear from the moment the wither spawns until it is dead, preventing zombies, skeletons, and drowned from burning in sunlight.

On easy difficulty, the wither does not give you the wither effect, or summon wither skeletons.


Официальный выпуск Java Edition
1.4.2 12w34a Добавлен иссушитель, на тот момент непризываемый в игре.
Иссушителя можно призвать только с помощью спаунеров, модификаций или сторонних программ, способных привести к сбою виртуальной машины Java.
12w34b Когда здоровье иссушителя уменьшается до половины, он становится неуязвимым к стрелам.
Увеличена скорость стрельбы снарядами и скорость передвижения иссушителя.
? Йенс Бергенстен во время игрового мероприятия Penny Arcade Expo рассказал, что иссушителя можно будет призвать с помощью тотема.
12w36a Иссушителя можно призвать с помощью песков душ в форме буквы «Т» и черепов
После смерти иссушитель оставляет после себя 20 опыта и одну Звезду Нижнего мира.
12w37a После восстановления здоровья, иссушитель создаёт взрыв около себя.
Иссушитель, при потере цели из виду, стреляет синими черепами, способными разрушить любой слабый блок.
12w38a У разрушения блоков иссушителем есть уникальный звук.
12w42b После смерти иссушитель оставляет после себя 50 опыта.
1.4 Добавлены новые звуки для иссушителя.
1.4.4 1.4.3 Исправлено исчезновение тотема при призыве иссушителя на мирном уровне сложности.
Иссушитель не может разрушить рамку портала Края.
1.5 13w05a Иссушитель не может ездить на вагонетке.
1.7.2 13w37a Добавлены достижения, выдаваемые игроку при призыве и убийстве иссушителя.
1.7.10 ? Иссушители могут ломать обсидиан.
1.8 14w04a Иссушителя можно призвать с помощью раздатчика.
14w11b Изменён хитбокс иссушителя.
14w20a Иссушитель не может ломать барьеры.
14w25a Иссушитель перемещается, будучи неуязвимым.
Тотем для призыва босса может быть сделан в вертикальном, горизонтальном и перевёрнутом положении.
? Иссушитель снова может ломать барьеры.
1.8.1 pre3 Иссушитель снова не может ломать барьеры.
1.9 15w46a Иссушитель снова не перемещается, будучи неуязвимым.
15w49a Иссушитель не может перемещаться между измерениями с помощью порталов.
? Индикатор здоровья у иссушителя имеет тёмно-фиолетовый цвет.
1.11 16w32a Изменён идентификатор иссушителя с «WitherBoss» на «wither».
Изменён идентификатор черепа с «WitherSkull» на «wither_skull».
16w38a Иссушитель не может сломать структурные блоки и пустоты.
16w40a Удалены теги «xTile», «yTile», «zTile», «inTile» и «inGround» из данных сущности черепа.
Тег «life» больше не используется, однако по-прежнему сохраняется и читается.
1.12 pre3 Иссушитель не может сломать работающие поршни и блоки врат Края.
1.14 18w43a Изменена текстура иссушителя.
На месте умершей цели иссушителя вырастает роза иссушения, либо выпадает как предмет.
18w44a У иссушителя есть таблица добычи.
1.16 20w07a Иссушителя можно призвать с помощью почв и песков душ.
0.16.0 build 4 Добавлен иссушитель.
Если иссушитель будет иметь меньше половины здоровья, он создаст взрыв около себя и призовёт четырёх скелетов-иссушителей.
Иссушитель имеет уникальное ведение боя, отличающееся от Java Edition, и в два раза больше здоровья.
1.0.2 Череп можно отразить мечом.
1.1.0 alpha Изменён идентификатор иссушителя с «WitherBoss» на «wither».
Официальный выпуск Bedrock Edition
1.10.0 beta Изменена текстура иссушителя.
1.13.0 beta На месте умершей цели иссушителя выпадает как предмет роза иссушения.
1.16.0 beta Иссушителя можно призвать с помощью почв и песков душ.
Legacy Console Edition
Добавлен иссушитель.
Изменено поведение иссушителя.
Если иссушитель будет иметь меньше половины здоровья, он создаст взрыв около себя и призовёт четырёх скелетов-иссушителей.
После смерти иссушитель перестает перемещаться и начинает медленно увеличивается в размерах и белеть, пока не взорвётся.
Иссушитель может восстанавливать здоровье.
PlayStation 4 Edition
Изменена текстура иссушителя.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
1.3.12 Добавлен иссушитель.


Wither build configuration. Soul soil can be used interchangeably with soul sand.

Wither when spawned with its blue shield.

The wither is spawned by placing 4 blocks of soul sand and/or soul soil in a T shape (see image on the right in the «Behavior» section), and putting 3 wither skeleton skulls on top of the three upper blocks. The last block placed must be one of the three skulls and can be placed by the player or a dispenser. Air blocks are required on either side of the base soul sand or soul soil under the upper blocks (non-solid blocks such as grass and flowers prevent the wither from spawning). The building pattern can have any orientation (including horizontal and upside-down) as well as the skulls; the wither always spawns at the foot of the pattern. When the wither has successfully spawned, it is angered and creates an explosion around itself.

Like all other hostile mobs, the wither despawns when the difficulty is changed to Peaceful. Building the wither spawning structure in Peaceful difficulty does not spawn anything.


  • According to Jeb, the wither was inspired by Terraria, which has a summonable boss mechanic. The name itself is inspired by a poison spell in another game made by Jeb called Whispers in Akarra.
  • There is a painting showing the soul sand and wither skeleton skull formation needed to spawn a wither.
  • If the wither is damaged by the Void, it frantically attempts to fire blue skulls.
  • Above half health, the wither always attempts to stay a few blocks above the mob it is targeting. This means that attempting to build or climb up to hit the wither using a sword is essentially impossible.
  • Although the wither is 3.5 blocks tall, 3 blocks wide, and 1 block thick, its hitbox is only 3.5 blocks tall, 1 block wide, and 1 block thick.
  • The wither appears on the four sides of chiseled red sandstone.
  • Withers have the greatest natural health of all vanilla mobs in Minecraft, making it brawnier than even the ender dragon. The wither, however, is slower and deals less damage than the ender dragon.
  • The wither’s smaller heads shoot targets slightly slower than the main head. The interval for smaller heads is 2–3 seconds, while the main head’s always 2.
  • An enemy called the wither storm appears in Minecraft: Story Mode. It was created by replacing the center block of soul sand with a command block.
  • Despite not having visible feet, withers are still capable of making footstep sounds.
  • In Java Edition 3D Shareware v1.34, withers drop red keys.
  • According to Quinn, Marketplace Partner Manager, the wither’s name is «Simmons?», similar to the ender dragon’s name being «Jean?»

    The name is a pun for «summon», as the wither is spawned in by the player.

  • Wither skulls spawned through do 5 magic damage upon a direct hit, as opposed to the usual 8 mob attack damage.
  • The wither skulls can give Wither, but only if the skulls get a direct hit.
  • A wither skull can be deflected by shooting an arrow at it.‌[Bedrock Edition only] If a deflected wither skull hits the wither, the wither takes damage.‌[Bedrock Edition only]


Иссушающая Буря являлась созданием Айвора, который «хотел преподать урок всему миру» и показать всем, каков Орден на самом деле, ведь на самом деле они использовали командный блок, чтобы победить Дракона Края. Иссушающая Буря была запрограммирована на преследование амулета Габриэля.

ᅠ  В 1 эпизоде в подземелье Аксель смотрит на зелье и говорит что он видел такое во сне, и что бы ему не сказать, он всё равно возьмёт зелье и заменит его на другое. Позже, когда Айвор создаст Иссушающую Бурю и она со временем выйдет из под контроля, он бросит заменённое зелье. Аксель передаст Джесси настоящее зелье, и игрок бросит зелье в командный блок, но будет уже поздно — Иссушающая Буря загородит командный блок. Позже она полностью выходит из под контроля и начинается хаос.


The wither storm is a very powerful creature. It gained its extraordinary capabilities with the help of the Command Block. Its powers were:

  • Wither skulls: In its first form, the wither storm is able to shoot wither skulls the same way the ordinary Wither does.
  • Suction: In its first form, the wither storm is able to suck only objects while it didn’t had its Tractor Beam.
  • Flaming Wither Skulls: The wither storm in its final form was able to shoot a stronger, flaming variation of the Wither Skulls that the Wither and itself used to shoot, their explosions are bigger and leave fire behind.
  • Tractor Beam: The wither storm was able to a create a Tractor Beam from each of it’s head’s eyes,
  • Wither Sickness: The wither storm had an enhanced and more deadly variation of the Wither (effect) that the ordinary Wither has, The enhanced Wither effect was called Wither Sickness. It is believed that one of the ways of being infected is being too long in the creature’s tractor beam.
  • Tentacles: The wither storm has several long tentacles that it uses to attack, capture preys and to destroy blocks around to help it get to its destinations. These tentacles were strong enough to destroy even Obsidian.
  • Durabilty: The wither storm had an absurd durability as it was able to survive the Formidi-Bomb even when it was exploded into pieces due to the Command Block withstanding it and getting the wither storm to wake up after a while.
  • Regeneration: All the wither storm’s wounds could be easily Regenerated by absorbing objects and creatures.
  • Splitting: After the wither storm survived the Formidi-Bomb, it was able to make its three separated parts gain life on their own. The bigger main one was the one who had the Command Block within, after it was killed with the Command Block’s destruction, the other two parts also died.
  • Limbs’ generation: The wither storm has the ability to grow tentacles and additional heads during its transformation while absorbing blocks and growing larger. In «A Block and a Hard Place» it is shown that the wither storm is able to grow them even inside its own body so it can protect the Command Block.
  • Order of the Stone’s Amulet’s Tracking: The wither storm is able to track the Order’s Amulet as long it is not in the Nether or in the End.


  • The Wither Storm is the first major antagonist in the series and the first antagonist to be created by a person.
    • The second antagonist created by a person is PAMA

      Although it’s possible PAMA was the first one to be created chronologically.


    • It is also the first non-human major antagonist, the second being PAMA.
  • The Wither Storm cannot be built in normal Minecraft, though all of the materials needed to build one exist.
  • The terms «Witherstorm» and «Wither Storm» are interchangeable; in fact, both terms were used to refer to it in Minecraft: Story Mode. The former was used in episodes 1 and 2, and the latter was used in episodes 3, 4, and 5.
  • When the Wither Storm’s middle head mutated, its eye color changed to cyan, in contrast to its main color, purple.
  • In «Hero in Residence«, several posters of The Wither Storm are seen throughout Beacontown.
  • The Wither Storm is the first antagonist to have an antagonistic role for more than one episode, the other being Romeo.
  • The Wither storm is the only main antagonist with no dialogue.
  • In some of the TV spots for the 2021 film, Venom: Let There Be Carnage, Cletus Kasady’s symbiote, Carnage, uses roars of the Wither Storm.


Основная статья: Система достижений

Значок Достижение Описание Задача Доступность Очков Xbox Тип трофея (PS)
Xbox PS Bedrock Nintendo
Охотник на монстров (Monster Hunter) Убейте любого монстра. Убейте враждебного моба или одного из нейтральных: странник Края, зомби-свиночеловек, паук, пещерный паук. Xbox One Да Да Да 15G Бронзовый
Xbox 360 Альт. 20G
Нездоровится (Feeling Ill) Одолейте вызывателя. Да Да Да Да 30G Серебряный
Это добром не кончится (I’ve got a bad feeling about this) Убейте капитана мародёров. Нет PS4 Да Нет 20G Бронзовый

Основная статья: Система достижений (Java Edition)

Значок Достижение Описание Предок Задача (если отличается) Идентификатор
Приключения Приключения, исследования, воровство и сражения Убейте сущность или умрите от неё.
Добровольное изгнание Убейте главаря разбойников. Может, стоит пока держаться подальше от деревень!.. Приключения
Охотник на монстров Убейте злобного монстра Приключения Убейте одного из этих 33 монстров.
Точно в цель Выстрелите в кого-нибудь из лука Охотник на монстров
Зверобой Убейте по одному монстру каждого вида Охотник на монстров Убейте каждого из этих 34 монстров.
Свет в конце тоннеля Воспользуйтесь тотемом бессмертия, чтобы перехитрить смерть Охотник на монстров Получите смертельный урон, держа в руке тотем бессмертия.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least Low 7-C, likely 5-C, possibly High 3-A

Name: Wither Storm

Origin: Minecraft, Minecraft: Story Mode

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown (Recently Created)

Classification: Command Block-powered Wither, Living Storm

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Telekinesis (Manipulates disattached blocks from its body to swirl around it like a tornado to cause confusion and a hard time navigating to a person who is stuck in its wake), Likely all the abilities from a Command Block, Matter Manipulation (Absorbs Organic Matter and blocks to grow larger), Regeneration (Likely Low-High via Matter Manipulation), Death Manipulation via Wither Sickness, Memory Manipulation (People who survive being eaten by a Wither Storm may suffer from amnesia), Fire Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation (Turns the sky dark wherever it goes just like a common wither), Body Control (It can create tentacles out of the matter it absorbs and control the blocks inside its body) and Duplication (If its heads are broken off its body but the Command Block is intact, each head turns into a separate Wither Storm)

Attack Potency: At least Small Town level (Destroyed Redstonia/Boomville in a short time. Vastly superior to a regular Wither, is capable of destroying obsidian which requires an explosion this powerful to destroy), likely Moon level (Powered by and absorbed a Command Block), possibly High Universe level (Was going to absorb and eat all of the Minecraft world, which has been constantly referred to as infinite. Made the sky of the whole world dark)

Speed: Athletic Human with Subsonic combat and reaction speed (Comparable to the original Wither)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: At least Small Town Class

Durability: At least Small Town level (Scaled from AP. Much more durable than the Wither), likely Moon level, possibly High Universe level for the Command Block (Hinted that only another Command Block or something with equal strength to it could destroy it, almost impossible to break)

Stamina: Limitless

Range: Several Kilometres (Tractor Beams can reach far distances)

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Mindless (The Command Block powers the Wither to do one thing: follow whoever holds the Order of the Stone’s Amulet)

Weaknesses: Can be destroyed if the Command Block is tampered with, disabled, or otherwise stopped by an equal force, due to the fact the Command Block is the most indestructible block to any normal tool or weapon in the game. As well as Endermen, as they often pick up or move blocks and the Wither Storm’s composition is mainly flesh-like blocks, Endermen can slow down the storm by ripping off parts of its body.


Destroyed several towns easily, was an extreme threat to the whole Minecraft world.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Tractor Beams: A beam capable of pulling in beings and blocks into itself, absorbing them and causing it to grow.
  • Wither Sickness: When living beings fight it for a prolonged period of time, they may suffer this Wither sickness, capable of slowly wearing out their strength.
  • Regeneration: If the main body of the Wither Storm is destroyed, the Command Block will reassemble the surrounding matter into itself, rebuilding the Wither Storm, if blown up to pieces it can split into multiple beings

Character Statistics

Tiering: 2-B, possibly 2-A

Verse: Minecraft 

Name: Wither Storm

Gender: Unknown 

Age: Hard to pinpoint (The Wither Storm was birthed through a Wither absorbing The Command Block) 

Classification: Mutated Wither, Elderitch Beast 

Special Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Telekinesis, Likely all the Abilities from a Command Block, Matter Manipulation, Regeneration (Low-Godly; was able to sustain its soul and come back from death), Death Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Has the ability to absorb and break down any form of mass, Biological Manipulation (Was able to grant itself with three heads and tentacles), Darkness Manipulation (Turned the entire Minecraft world into darkness), Size Manipulation, Can absorb additional matter and attacks to grow. 

Destructive Ability: Multiverse Level (The Wither Storm was capable of absorbing and devouring all of Minecraft itself, which includes millions of universes as confirmed of The End-Game Poem, the same source also confirms each game sold is its own universe equating to countless universes. Powered by The Command Block, which is able to edit and freely warp every world and sever in Minecraft. Was stated by the narration to be a threat to all of existence), possibly Multiverse Level+ (The number of universes Minecraft has is implied to be infinite and unending) 

Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Should be much faster than an average Wither. It should be comparable to Steve in speed as well.)

Lifting Ability: Class G (powerscaling from Steve) 

Striking Ability: Multiversal (Is repeatedly stated to be a massive threat to Minecraft as a whole. Which likely includes a multitude of alternate universes that are confirmed to exist within The End-Game Poem itself. Powered by The Command Block), possibly Multiversal+ (Can affect the entire Minecraft reality, which may possibly be infinite based on several statements)

Durability: Multiverse Level (It is heavily implied that nothing short of another Command Block or something enchanted by it can fully kill The Wither. It is also supposedly is capable of surviving the destruction of existence based on implications.) 

Stamina: Limitless

Range: Several Kilometers. Possibly Multiversal

Intelligence: Essentially Mindless 

Weaknesses: Should its source of power be affected (The Command Block), then The Wither will also be effected in the same way.

Notable Feats: 

  • Was stated to be a threat to Minecraft itself by The Narration and various characters
  • Turned all of Minecraft’s world into a dark oblivion


The Wither Storm, until it fully pulls together in its Destroyer phase, acts like a normal Wither, apart from only the main head shooting skulls only. It attacks in creative mode but it won’t do any damage and instead, they give wither and nausea. Plus it plays the same music that played in Minecraft Story Mode when it was made. It plays the music over and over and over again. (Which is pretty annoying)

While its command block is exposed, any healing potion will do massive damage to it before the cycloptic stage, due to it being an undead mob because the the wither is also damaged by healing potions.


This is the stage it starts in. The Wither Storm starts at 300 hp (150 hearts), it’s similar to a wither but has a command block in its rib-cage, shoot flaming wither skulls, and only shoots skulls from its main head. It can only eat items.It can destroy the ghaster.


The wither will gain a small mass on it’s back, this will happen at 1000 hp (500 hearts), it will become immune to arrows in this stage and have a slightly larger hitbox. But still, it can only suck in items. The Wither Storm was created in Minecraft: Story Mode. Ivor created The Wither Storm


The back will grow larger and its middle head will become a Wither Storm head. After it eats more blocks, it will cover its command block and gain its tractor beam. Once it covers the block, it is immune to potions, and once it gains the beam, it can eat Mobs (this happens at 6000 health)(3000 Hearts). At 8000 health (4000 Hearts), it gains a small tentacle out of its left side.


This is the larger version of The Wither Storm that has multiple tentacles and heads that can spit multiple flaming skulls and eat multiple mobs at once as well. Just before this stage, it quickly reassembles it’s body in the Cycloptic stage, turning giant while doing so. Once it is fully assembled, all 3 heads become Wither Storm heads and can eat mobs independently, usually happens around 12.5K hp, It grows 5 giant tentacles that can slap mobs nearby. The Command Block can now be found in its core.


Grows a huge mass on the top of it leaning down back at 50K hp, it grows 2 larger tentacles with 200 health , damage, and range. It also can sever if dealt with over 5K explosive damage, losing a lot of mass in the process


The final stage of The Wither Storm now can summon bigger Severed Wither Storms, covers almost all of the sky and causes a thunderstorm that lasts forever until killed, health 250K+ hp

The maximum health a Wither Storm can have is 2,200,000,000 hp (2.2B) it will lag your game a lot and most likely crash it.


A variant of The Wither Storm. Spawn when either The Wither Storm gets large enough, or it hit by a very powerful explosion in the Devourer stage and up. Has 1000-1500 health, Less damage, and less armor, and doesn’t attract things (Though it can still suck in mobs). The main Wither Storm spawns in one about every 3 mins once at around 1M+ hp.


  • Костюм Эндермена (Ранее)
  • Бомба для уничтожения иссушающей бури (Ранее)
  • Зачарованное оружие (или инструмент) для уничтожения иссушающей бури. (Временно)
  • Амулет (Ранее)
  • Картофель (ранее и определитель)
  • Зачарованный Алмазный Меч
  • Торт (Ранее)
  • Две Зачарованные Алмазные Кирки
  • Зачарованный Кремень и Кресало
  • Белая Тыква
  • Корона Вечного источника
  • Эндер Перлы
  • Сердце Красного Камня
  • Рычаг (Временно)
  • Ножницы
  • Кремень и Кресало
  • Атлас (ранее и временно)
  • Каменный меч (Ранее)
  • Зачарованный щит
  • Другие Предметы для Крафта
  • Зачарованный Алмазный Топор
  • Золотой меч (раннее и определяющий)
  • Железный меч (ранее и временно)
  • Призмариновая перчатка (Ранее)
  • Структурный блок (Ранее)
  • Датчик дневного света (определитель и временно)
  • Лук
  • Стрелы
  • Удочка
  • Печенье (определитель и ранее)
  • Грибное рагу (Определитель и ранее)
  • Зачарованный Железный меч (Определитель)
  • Гнилая Плоть (Определитель)
  • Фейерверк (Ранее)
  • Железная кирка (Ранее)
  • Кровать Ксары (раннее и определяющий)
  • Дневник Фреда (Ранее)
  • Факел
  • Компас
  • Золотая перчатка (Ранее)
  • Ядовитый картофель (раннее и определяющий)
  • Крылья (раннее)
  • Дыхательный шлем от Джека (раннее)

Значение данных


Объект Текстовыйидентификатор в JE Текстовыйидентификатор в BE Внутреннийидентификатор в JE Внутреннийидентификатор в BE
Иссушитель 64 52
Череп иссушителя 19 89
Синий череп иссушителя 19 91

Значение объекта

Основная статья: Формат чанка
Иссушитель имеет связанные с ними данные сущностей, которые содержат различные свойства моба.

  • Данные сущности

    • Общие теги для всех сущностей see Шаблон:Nbt наследование/сущность/шаблон
    • Общие теги для всех мобов see Шаблон:Nbt наследование/моб/шаблон
    •  Invul: Количество тиков неуязвимости, оставшихся после первоначального создания. 0, когда неуязвимость истекла

Данные объекта

Черепа иссушителя также являются объектами, которые имеют связанные данные объекта.

  • Данные сущности

    • Общие теги для всех сущностей see Шаблон:Nbt наследование/сущность/шаблон
    •  direction: Список из 3 пар. Должен быть идентичен .
    •  life: Увеличивает каждый тик, когда снаряд не движется; сбрасывается в 0, если он движется. Не имеет никакого эффекта, хотя все еще сохраняется/читается
    •  power: Список 3-х двойных, который добавляет к каждому тику. Действует как ускорение.
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