List of characters

Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Note: The stage BGM names are in parenthesis.

  • Sakura Schoolyard (After School Mix) Yokosuka, Japan
  • Historic Town Square (Zirkus) Germany
  • Moonlit Wilderness * (Moonlit Wilderness ~DTO Mix~) UK
  • Wayang Kulit (Abyss of Time) Indonesia
  • Bountiful Sea (IT’S NOT A TUNA!) South Pacific
  • Dusk After The Rain + (Yun) China
  • Arena (The Strongest Iron Arena ~Silver Mix~) Tokyo, Japan
  • Naraku (Utmost Limits) Nara, Japan
  • Hall of Judgment + [Heihachi/Jinpachi’s Sub-Boss Stage] (Jin Kazama ~Far East Mix~) Nara, Japan
  • Tempest + (Tool Pusher) Norway
  • Eternal Paradise (Fiji ~Paraiso Mix~) Fiji
  • Festive Parade + (Electro Parade) USA
  • Winter Palace * (Snow Castle ~Mundus Arrange~) Canada
  • Arctic Dream (Sadistic X-Mas) Finland
  • Condor Canyon + (Sunny) Colombia
  • Tropical Rainforest + (Siga) Brazil
  • Fontana Di Trevi (Tekstep Fountain) Italy
  • Strategic Space + (Un Deux Trois) Dubai
  • Heavenly Garden (What Will You See) Unknown
  • Fallen Garden (What Will You See ~Hell~) Unknown
  • Snoop Dogg (Knocc Em’ Down) USA
  • Coastline Sunset (Stained Orange) Philippines
  • Tulip Festival (Plucking Flower Fields) Netherlands
  • Extravagant Underground + (Mystic Force) Russia
  • Odeum of Illusions (Fantastic Theatre) Poland
  • Modern Oasis (Glow of The Oil) Saudi Arabia
  • Moai Excavation + (The Big One ~Quiet Strings Mix~) Chile

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Tekken Card Tournament

В 2013 году из Tekken попытались сделать пошаговую карточную игру. Получилась Tekken Card Tournament, где был даже набор настоящих карт, которые можно было отсканировать и ввести в игру. У каждого игрока была колода из 15 карт, используемых для нанесения ударов по сопернику или блокирования их атак. Звучит гораздо сложнее, чем было на самом деле, но здесь требовался определенный уровень стратегического мышления, и это было действительно здорово.

Однако, проблема этой части в том, что в Card Tournament используется модель free-to-play, и за счет микротранзакций достижение достойного уровня в игре требует гораздо больших затрат, чем заслуживает. А учитывая проблемы с соединением, мы имеем неплохую идею, которая не получила необходимой реализации.


  1. ↑
  2. Crunchroll — «Tekken X Street Fighter Not Dead, Only on ‘Pause’ Says Tekken Director».
  5. ↑
  12. VGC: Tekken X Street Fighter becoming ‘harder to justify’, says Harada.
  13. VGC: Harada asks fans if they still really want Tekken X Street Fighter

Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion

Note: The stage BGM names are in parenthesis.

  • Anger of the Earth + ++ (Arisa)
  • Azazel’s Temple Courtyard (Strike Without Warning)
  • Azazel’s Chamber (Sacred Dark)
  • Cemetery + (Cemetery)
  • Central Tower (NANCY)
  • City After Dark (Death Fight At The Neon)
  • Electric Fountain ++ (Karma)
  • Fallen Colony + [G/Console Version, G ver. 2/Arcade,BR and PSP version, G ~Blast Ver.~/OST version]
  • Fiesta Del Tomate ++ +++ (Tomato Festival)
  • Gargoyle’s Perch (Blowing Up The Enemy)
  • Hidden Retreat ++ +++ (Sheep Grassland)
  • High Roller’s Club + (Splashing Casino)
  • Lightning Storm ++ (Midtown Roars)
  • Manji Valley (Yuki)
  • Mystical Forest (Edge of Spring)
  • Noh Theater (Only One Fight)
  • Rustic Asia (Rustic Asia)
  • Temple Grounds + (Techno Evening)
  • Tunnel Disaster ++ (Tunnel Disaster)
  • Urban War Zone (Artificial Ruins)


The main menu of Tekken 5 on PlayStation 2, which had BGM for the first time

Tekken 5 is credited for taking the series back to its roots. It incorporates a faster, more fluid fighting system, improved graphics, returning characters, and some of the Tekken series’ trademark infinite stages. New to Tekken 5 is the Crush System which affects the vulnerability of a character while they attack. For example, a move with jumping properties, such as a hop kick, will be completely invulnerable during most of its animation time to all of an opponent’s low attacks.

Gameplay (Paul vs Hwoarang)

It also retains its wall juggling concept from Tekken 4, but the element is effectively less easy to abuse and easier to defend against. Tekken 5 also introduced a Ranking system for the first time.

The home version is a collector’s edition of sorts, as it includes full arcade emulations of Tekken, Tekken 2, Tekken 3 and StarBlade. Tekken 5 also allowed players to customize their fighter for the first time, allowing them to change the colors of their outfits, buy additional costumes (only available to a few characters), and equip them with items by using money gained from playing the Story, Survival, Time Attack, the side-story Devil Within, and Arcade Battle modes.

A number of characters who were absent from Tekken 3 or Tekken 4 returned, such as Anna Williams, Bruce Irvin, Wang Jinrei and others. This, combined with seven newly introduced characters, gave Tekken 5 a roster of 37 characters, almost as many as the ‘all-stars’ Tekken Tag Tournament game.

Due to the huge imbalance in the original version of the game, most notably concerning the likes of Steve and Kazuya, an arcade-exclusive update was released, known as Tekken 5.1. Aside from attempting to balance the game (ground moves now inflicted 70% damage instead of 100%), 5.1 also changed the health bar from yellow to green.

Devil Within

Main article: Devil Within (Mode)

The Devil Within mode is a fighting minigame in direct lineage to the Tekken Force modes in Tekken 3 and Tekken 4 called Devil Within. This minigame follows the adventures of Jin Kazama as he searches the G Corporation in search for information on his missing mother and other answers. Being somewhat story oriented, the player is not permitted to use their own choice of characters like previous iterations. The game also uses a limited button system, incorporating a Block and Jump button as well as sizing down the attack buttons to simple «Punch» and «Kick» buttons (though, some of Jin’s fighting special moves can still be performed such as his Demon’s Paw). Along with fighting various Jack models in the mini-game, the player must pursue minor key quests to proceed. This mode is one of the two ways to unlock the playable version of Jin’s Devil incarnation.


После нескольких боев в режиме прохождения, игрок сталкивается со своими сюжетными соперниками Fight You Rivals (не распространяется на эксклюзивных персонажей), сражению против которых предшествует показ ролика. В следующем бою игрок сражается с главным героем или злодеем и его напарницей, использующими бесконечную силу пандоры из вселенной, противоположной той, из которой взят первый боец игрока. По тому же принципу определяется финальный босс игры — Акума или Огр, сражающийся один, но с двойным запасом здоровья (что опять же напоминает Неизвестную из Tekken Tag Tournament ).

Несюжетные пары персонажей не имеют Fight You Rivals. У Огра и Акумы Fight You Rivals происходит в последнем бою, так как они являются соперниками друг друга (соответственно, для открытия их концовок, можно взять в напарники любого другого бойца). Таким же образом можно открыть концовки Мегамена и Пакмана, в то время как за Коула, Торо и Куро концовки не предусмотрены.

Ошибка DirectX в Street Fighter X Tekken

«DirectX Runtime Error»




  • Первым делом необходимо установить «чистую» версию драйвера вашей видеокарты (то
    есть не стоит сразу спешить устанавливать тот же GeForce Experience, ничего лишнего
    от AMD и аудио).
  • При наличии второго монитора попробуйте отключить его, а также отключите G-Sync и
    любые другие виды дополнительных/вспомогательных устройств.
  • Воспользуйтесь средством проверки системных файлов для восстановления повреждённых
    или отсутствующих системных файлов.
  • В случае если используете видеокарту от Nvidia, тогда попробуйте включить


    в панели управления видеокартой.
  • Часто причиной ошибки служит перегретая видеокарта, поэтому для проверки её
    работоспособности рекомендуем воспользоваться программой


    . Если это оказалось действительно так, тогда следует
    понизить частоту видеокарты.

  • Если вдруг столкнулись с другими ошибками, тогда рекомендуем переустановить DirectX,
    но перед этим лучше на всякий случай удалить старую версию (при этом обязательно
    удалите в папке перед переустановкой все файлы начиная с






  • Jin, along with Marduk and Guile, is the only character to say profanity in the game. His victory quote against Asuka is «I don’t have time to listen to your bullsh*t».
  • Jin’s behavior and personality is a stark contrast to his normal game counterpart as seen in his pre-fights and win quotes with Xiaoyu over the course of the game. His behavior however is similar to Sasuke Uchiha from the Naruto anime series. This behavior however is also present in his appearance from another crossover game, Project X Zone.
  • His default fighting stance was his Tekken 5 CG pose and after executing most of his moves, he will be seen in his original fighting stance to his normal game counterpart before switching back to his default stance.
  • He and Kazuya’s karate belts are longer from the knee. In their normal game counterparts, their belts are below the knee.
  • In most trailers, Jin is seen in his CEO outfit (minus the trenchcoat) fighting against M. Bison. Later on, he makes an unlikely alliance with his father Kazuya against him.
  • He is the first character to have projectiles in the game the others are Steve, his bodyguard, Nina and later his android, Alisa.
  • When teaming up with Ryu after beating the first stage. Ryu was impressed to his sharp moves as Jin states that he wants to serve him in the Zaibatsu to join him as seen in their victory quotes.
    • Interestingly, some of Jin’s basic attacks are based on Ryu’s basic attacks and his «Shun Masatsu» move is also based on Ryu’s unique attack but slow to execute. His blocking pose also resembles Ryu’s when he blocks the opponents’ moves.
    • When Jin teams up with fellow Tekken characters or from Street Fighter characters, his pre-battle pose resembles Ryu’s pre-battle pose during their pre-fight with his tag partner Ken Masters.
    • He also shares similarities and often compared to Ryu due to their roles as the main protagonists with their respective games and being suffered from their evil beings such as his Devil Gene (In Ryu’s case, The Satsui no Hado). He later changes his role as an «anti-hero» in Tekken 6 and onwards making him as the complete opposite to Ryu.
    • During the mid-boss fight when playing as Ryu and Ken against Jin and Xiaoyu in their Pandora’s state. Both Ryu and Jin shoot their projectiles as both were equally hit from Ryu’s «Hadoken» and Jin’s «Penetrating Fist» respectively from their first attack.
  • Some of Jin’s moves has minor changes to his arsenal as his «Median Line Destruction» is based on the movie «Tekken: Blood Vengeance» where he pummels his grandfather, Heihachi before knocking him outside the castle. His «Over the Shoulder Reverse» and «Tidal Wave» throws became fast to execute rather slow his «Right-Roundhouse Punch however becomes a strong version of his «Demon’s Paw» rather his uppercut and his «Spinning Flare Kick and L.L.R.K to Spinning Flare Kick» is based on his appearance in «Devil Within» as he stands up after execution rather than lying down. 
  • Jin’s «Penetrating Fist» appears to be very tricky against his opponents as seen when his opponents are getting close or behind from his projectile and gets hit from it. This makes it as his strategic move against them.
  • His cross-art was «Avenger» his unblockable move where he punches his opponent first using Thrusting Uppercut and several punches in reversal and pass to his partner by knocking him/her down with one powerful punch.
  • Both Ibuki and Poison are attracted to him in their victory quotes when he was against them. Jin’s victory quote however against Poison was to show his rudeness towards her despite her gender is a transexual as he says «Didn’t you think you would be shown no mercy because you’re a woman? You don’t know me very well, do you?».

Tekken 5

Пятая часть серии игр Tekken продолжила развивать основы серии в плане как разнообразия персонажей, так и новых возможностей. В турнире «Король Железного кулака» появилось три новичка, а интерактивное разрушаемое окружение подарило еще один способ нанести своему противнику серьезный урон.

Благодаря огромному количеству возможностей кастомизации, в том числе с использованием секретных предметов, у игроков появилась причина вести бесчисленные сражения с компьютерными противниками, чтобы навести на своих персонажей блеск.

Однако, эта часть серии игр Tekken стала одной из ее величайших достижений благодаря версии Dark Resurrection, в которой были исправлены проблемы с балансом, добавлены новые уровни и дополнительные персонажи, а также реализовано множество более мелких улучшений и дополнений, что позволяет Dark Resurrection бороться за первые места нашего списка.

Tekken 4

Четвертая часть, вышедшая на PS2 в 2002 году, стала первой игрой серии Теккен на платформе и прекрасно реализовала ее новый потенциал. Графика была заметно улучшена, список персонажей вырос еще больше, а популярный игровой режим Tekken Force из третьей части был сохранен с небольшими улучшениями.

Но пусть все это звучит здорово, игра была слишком похожа на предыдущую часть. Конечно, внешне она была на голову выше, но сама динамика файтинга, сердце любой игры серии Tekken, по сравнению с Tekken 3 осталась практически неизменной. Это определенно говорит об уровне геймплея Tekken 3, но фанаты надеялись, что в четвертой части геймплей будет таким же свежим, обновленным и улучшенным, как визуальная составляющая.


«It’s a little too early for you to be on your back already.«

Poison’s fighting style consists of acrobatic flips, grabs, slaps, violent whip attacks and dirty tactics. Her gameplay in SFxTK is mostly based on her footsies and zoning, and she can mix-up her opponent fairly well.

Poison also has two unique attacks. The first being an elbow drop, where it hits overhead and can be comboed into. The second is a backflip that goes back pretty far and can be used to evade attacks or to get out of a bad situation.


Move Name Input
Elbow Drop +
Slapshot or N + +
Frankensteiner + +
Whip of Love + perform x4
Kissed by a Goddess +
Love Me Tender +
> Love Me Tender Throw during Love Me Tender on hit
Aeolus Edge +
Love Storm +
Cross Art + +


After the conclusion of King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, father Kazuya Mishima and son Jin Kazama, battle each other at Hon-Maru, located within the Mishima estate. Jin quickly beats his father. Jin’s grandfather, Heihachi, reenters the scene to find his son defeated and unconscious. Heihachi and Jin begin battling. During the battle, Jin begins to manifest the Devil he inherited from his father, Kazuya. Just as it appears that Jin will kill Heihachi, Jin suddenly has a vision of his mother, Jun Kazama, and regains himself. He tells Heihachi to «thank his mother» for not killing him. He flies away soon after.

Shortly afterwards, just as Heihachi and Kazuya are coming to, a bunch of  robots sent by G Corporation come crashing through Hon-Maru’s walls and attack. Both Kazuya and Heihachi are surprised at the sight and begin battling as a team against the invasion. During the battle, however, Kazuya betrays his father by throwing him into the path of the army of robots and escapes. Seconds later, the robots self-destruct, destroying Hon-Maru. A mysterious character, Raven, watching on top of a nearby cliff, speaks into his earpiece and reports, «Heihachi Mishima is dead.» Sometime later, a new King of Iron Fist Tournament is announced.

Meanwhile, Jin Kazama’s Devil Gene is going berserk, and he decides to search for the one responsible for the change by entering the new tournament. Kazuya also enters to find out exactly who in G Corporation betrayed him and to find out about the mysterious figure behind the tournament, since the reigning King of Iron Fist, Heihachi, is presumed deceased.

As Jin and Kazuya progress through the tournament, the secret sponsor is finally revealed: Jinpachi Mishima, the father of Heihachi and who has been missing for the past forty-four years. As it turns out, Jinpachi is the founder of the Mishima Zaibatsu and was a respected martial arts master until his greedy son, Heihachi, stole the company from him. Heihachi had imprisoned Jinpachi underneath Hon-Maru after Jinpachi attempted to retake his company in a return coup d’état (Heihachi had been steering the company into the military industry, something Jinpachi believed was not right). Jinpachi died soon afterwards of starvation, but a mysterious entity took over his mind and body, granting him immortality. Jinpachi was finally freed from his prison when the Jack-4’s destroyed Hon-Maru. As of now, the mysterious entity is slowly consuming Jinpachi’s mind, and Jinpachi has announced the tournament in hopes that someone will kill him and put an end to his reign of terror before it even starts.

In the end, Jin makes it to the final, and faces his great-grandfather in combat. Jinpachi becomes monstrous in form, with a demonic entity causing his stomach to grow a mouth of fangs. Ultimately, Jin manages to defeat Jinpachi, who dissolves into dust and disappears, his wish fulfilled. Jin is now the new owner of the Mishima Zaibatsu.


«That was a great fight! Next time, jump in the ring with me!«


Move Name Input
Jumping Knee Lift +
Disgraceful Kick +
Shoulder Tackle + +
Moonsault Body Press + +
Rolling Elbow Rush + > >
Winding Nut or N + +
Suplex + +
Mid-Air Dragon Screw +
Dragon Screw +
Running Jaguar Bomb +
Konvict Kick +
> DDT after Konvict Kick on hit
Giant Swing +
Tomahawk +
Reverse Arm Slam Combo +
Jaguar Step
> Lariat during Jaguar Step
> High Elbow Drop or during Jaguar Step
> Water Surface Kick during Jaguar Step
Wonderful Mexican Special Combo +
> Muscle Buster + after 2nd hit of Wonderful Mexican Special Combo
Cross Art + +


Первая часть серии игр Tekken для PS1, вышедшая больше 20 лет назад, где игроки впервые познакомились с Кингом, Ло, Казуей и Ниной, а также с геймплеем, который теперь стал классическим. Управление было таким же точным и впечатляющим, как сейчас, а благодаря разнообразному и сбалансированному набору персонажей дуэли всегда были интересными и честными.

По сравнению со многими последующими играми серии Tekken первая часть, где всего 10 бойцов и слишком мало игровых режимов, чтобы надолго увлечь одиночных игроков, может показаться слегка примитивной. Но как игра, давшая начало всей серии, первая Tekken – достойный файтинг, один из лучших на момент выхода.

Появляется чёрный экран в Street Fighter X Tekken

  • Драйверы установлены/обновлены, но Street Fighter X Tekken всё равно отказывается работать
    нормально? Тогда нужно проверить ПО, установлены ли вообще необходимые библиотеки? В
    первую очередь проверьте наличие библиотек

    Microsoft Visual C++



    , а также наличие «свежего»


  • Если ничего из вышеописанного не дало нужного результата, тогда пора прибегнуть к
    радикальному способу решения проблемы: запускаете Street Fighter X Tekken и при появлении
    чёрного экрана нажимаете сочетание клавиш «Alt+Enter», чтобы игра переключилась на
    оконный режим. Так, возможно, откроется главное меню игры и удастся определить
    проблема в игре или нет. Если удалось перейти в оконный режим, тогда переходите в
    игровые настройки Street Fighter X Tekken и меняйте разрешение (часто получается так, что
    несоответствие разрешения игры и рабочего стола приводит к конфликту, из-за которого
    появляется чёрный экран).
  • Причиной этой ошибки также могут послужить различные программы, предназначенные для
    захвата видео и другие приложения, связанные с видеоэффектами. А причина простая –
    появляются конфликты.
  • И напоследок – проблема, вероятнее всего, может быть связана с технической
    составляющей «железа». Видеоадаптер может перегреваться, как и мосты на материнской
    плате, что влечёт за собой уменьшенное энергопотребление видеокарты. Мы не будем
    вдаваться в детальные технические подробности, поэтому просто рекомендуем в
    обязательном порядке почистить свою машину от пыли и также поменять термопасту!

Street Fighter X Tekken вылетает. В определенный или случайный момент. Решение

Играете вы себе, играете и тут — бац! — все гаснет, и вот уже перед вами рабочий стол без какого-либо намека на игру. Почему так происходит? Для решения проблемы стоит попробовать разобраться, какой характер имеет проблема.

Если вылет происходит в случайный момент времени без какой-то закономерности, то с вероятностью в 99% можно сказать, что это ошибка самой игры. В таком случае исправить что-то очень трудно, и лучше всего просто отложить Street Fighter X Tekken в сторону и дождаться патча.

Однако если вы точно знаете, в какие моменты происходит вылет, то можно и продолжить игру, избегая ситуаций, которые провоцируют сбой.

Однако если вы точно знаете, в какие моменты происходит вылет, то можно и продолжить игру, избегая ситуаций, которые провоцируют сбой. Кроме того, можно скачать сохранение Street Fighter X Tekken в нашем файловом архиве и обойти место вылета.


Jin performing his Super Art and Cross Art in Street Fighter X Tekken


Move Name Input
Left Right Combo >
Inner Axe > >
Spinning Hook Kick > >
Kazama Style 5 Hit Combo
Kazama Style 6 Hit Combo > > > > > >
Shun Masatsu + >
Tidal Wave or N + +
Over the Shoulder Reverse + +
Special Step N
Thrusting Uppercut (During Special Step)
Right Roundhouse Punch (During Special Step)
L.L.R.K. (During Special Step)
Spinning Flare Kick (During Special Step)
L.L.R.K. to Spinning Flare Kick > (During Special Step)
Power Stance +
Median Line Destruction +
Mental Alertness +
Left Drill Punch after Mental Alertness,
Swaying Willow after Mental Alertness, or
Leaping Side Kick after Mental Alertness,
Right Sweep after Mental Alertness, or
Penetrating Fist +

Devil Beam



Vita trailer screenshot for SFxTK

Prior to EVO 2010 — the annual fighting game world championships in Las Vegas, Nevada — Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono was teasing a yet announced game which was initially believed to be a new Darkstalkers entry. Before EVO 2010’s Super Street Fighter IV finals, Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada confronted his opposite number on stage after teasing more of the game that would officially be announced at the 2010 Comic-Con.

During the Super Street Fighter IV panel at Comic-Con, Harada appeared out of the crowd and went towards the stage while handing out free copies of Tekken 6, which was met with cheers and boos. Ono and Harada then confirmed the existence of Street Fighter X Tekken. Both the teaser trailer and early gaming footage of Street Fighter X Tekken was also shown at Comic-Con. During the announcement, Harada also revealed that he has a related project underway, which is being developed by Namco. As Namco is in charge of production of that game, the gameplay will be similar to that of Tekken.

This is not the first time Namco and Capcom have made a game together as they released a Japan-only crossover game in 2005 for the PlayStation 2 titled Namco X Capcom. However, this game did not exclusively consist of characters from the Street Fighter universe and Tekken universe but instead included various characters from the entire Capcom universe and entire Namco universe. Namco × Capcom was a role-playing game, thus making Street Fighter X Tekken and Tekken X Street Fighter the first games in the fighting game genre to be made by Capcom and Namco. It has been stated by Yoshinori Ono that a 3DS version of the game «should happen» but nothing has been officially revealed, information will be provided at Captivate 2011. The game was announced for PlayStation Vita at E3 2011 and would feature Cole from Infamous as a playable character. A PC/Windows version was supposedly announced, but Capcom VP Christian Svensson later stated that this was simply due to a typographical error. However, the PC version was released on May 11, 2012, in North America/Japan and May 14, 2012, in Europe, thus making Svensson’s statement contradictory.

Other Capcom games are referenced, such as Dino Crisis, which has a stage based around one of its levels.

Capcom expects to sell 2 million copies worldwide by March 31, 2012.

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