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Как противостоять чехарду

Хотя знание того, как работает Leapfrogger, эффективно, если вам предоставляется возможность сыграть в него, столкновение с этой прыгающей угрозой может закончить ваш бег, если вы плохо экипированы. Хотя победить Чехарда на ранней стадии игры с помощью Ара и Предсмертных зверей может быть сложной задачей, если у вашего оппонента уже настроены насмешки, у вас будет больше шансов, чем позже продолжится игра. Команды Leapfrogger полагаются на Барона Ривендера на более поздних этапах игры, чтобы достичь смехотворных показателей, но вы можете использовать таких миньонов, как Зэпп Сливик, чтобы игнорировать насмешки и идти прямо к Барону Ривендэру. Хотя это будет зависеть от того, что 50/50 из вас смогут атаковать первым, эта стратегия также будет отменена, если Барон получит характеристики или защиту (например, Кровавые драгоценности Квилборна или Дар света силы героя Джорджа).

Если вы не можете получить шанс найти карты шестого уровня таверны, утроите своих миньонов с Неистовством ветра в Мега-Неистовство ветра, чтобы получить несколько ударов и положитесь на удачу, чтобы добраться до Барона. Но эта вторая стратегия становится менее надежной, если у вашего оппонента есть несколько спровоцированных зверей или канализационных крыс для защиты Барона и Ара.

Если противостоящий владелец Leapfrogger позиционирует себя неправильно или у него слишком много насмешек, могущественный миньон с кливом, такой как Cave Hydra, Foe Reaper 4000 или Wildfire Elemental (с псевдо-кливом), потенциально может стрелять из Baron Rivendare или Macaw. Если это ваш единственный вариант в поздней игре, то можно рассчитывать на то, что ваш оппонент может неправильно сыграть, потому что это может быть вашей единственной надеждой на победу.

Теперь вы можете попробовать свои силы в владении Чеширом или победить его, так как обновленная версия Hearthstone Battlegrounds уже доступна.

How To Play Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Hearthstone Battlegrounds evolves over a roughly twenty-minute game period. Players take it in turns to battle against each other, split up with buy periods where you can purchase minions that have an impact on your board.

The Different Turns

The turn-timer dictates how long you have to buy minions and shuffle your board around. You earn one extra gold per round, starting with three and ending with ten. Each minion costs three gold to buy and can be sold back to Bob (the guy in charge of the Tavern and minion pool) for one gold.

Leveling Up The Tavern Tier

As well as purchasing minions, you can level up the tavern tier of minions, ranging from tavern tier one to tavern tier six. The minions on each tavern tier are different, although you will be shown minions of all taverns up to the tavern that you’ve leveled to. Power leveling has long been the meta in Battlegrounds: you want to balance how powerful your board is with how quickly you reach the top tavern tier minions. Typically, the higher the tavern tier, the more powerful the minions become.

Attack Order And RNG

Minions attack from left to right, although their targets on the opponent’s board are random. This is why there is a certain amount of RNG to who will win a battle in Battlegrounds. Even with a superior board, if the hits don’t work out, they don’t work out.

Certain tools, like the Hearthstone Deck Tracker, can be used to track the percentage outcome of matches if you want to be reminded of just how unlucky you were in that round.


  • New heroes: Al’Akir, Chenvaala, Rakanishu
  • New minions: Refreshing Anomaly, Sellemental, Molten Rock, Party Elemental, Arcane Assistant, Crackling Cyclone, Stasis Elemental, Deadly Spore, Majordomo Executus, Wildfire Elemental, Whirlwind Tempest, Lil’ Rag, Nomi, Kitchen Nightmare, Tavern Tempest, Gentle Djinni, Lieutenant Garr
  • Returning minions: Micro Mummy
  • Returning heroes: Ragnaros the Firelord
  • Hero power updates:
  • Changes to Battleground rankings:
    • External Battlegrounds ratings will be reset for all players and a new progression system will be introduced. The new system is similar to the progression system players are familiar with from our constructed Ranked mode.
    • Players will see their rating reset to 0, and all new players will start with 0 rating. With every Top 4 placement, players will gain rating—up to 300 per win. A player’s rating will never go below 0, and they cannot lose rating until they’ve climbed above 2000.
    • Between 2000 and 6000 rating, every 500 rating (2500, 3000, etc.) will act as a new rating floor where you cannot lose rating.
    • Below 6500 rating, players will earn a small bonus to their rating gains at the end of each match, which will in turn make for a faster climb.
    • Rating losses will remain consistent.
    • Matchmaking will now be done based on the player’s invisible internal rating. Internal ratings for players will not be reset and will not be affected by the above modifications to external ratings. When your external rating is lower than your internal rating, you will gain rating faster.

Tier 3: Strong but Specific

A.F. Kay’s Hero Power is special. You are guaranteed to lose the first 2 turns, with nothing to show for it, but you then make up for it with the 2 minions you get for free. These are typically far more powerful minions than your opponent has at this point, but you are very much reliant on these minions being any good to build around. If you do, you get a head start, allowing you to build your tavern up sooner and snowballing. If you get bad minions offered then you are behind on everything with little ways to make up ground, as your Hero Power will do nothing the rest of the game, which gets significantly more painful in the later turns.

George the Fallen’s Hero Power would be the best in the game if it were not for it’s cost. 4 gold coins means you will not use this Hero Power early and by the time you get to late game there are often easier (and cheaper!) ways to put Divine Shield on a minion than with this. Divine Shield is still really powerful however so it’s hard to place him much lower.

Gallywix’s Hero Power is one of the more skill testing ones. It demands that you make the right call and decide when you need to save and spend your gold, when it’s wise to roll again for another chance at better minions and when it’s best to save that coin and use it on later turns to perhaps upgrade your tavern sooner. It gets held back by it’s lack of any direct board influence however.

Millificent’s passive Hero Power is one that absolutely rocks the early and mid game. By the time you get to late game however, getting +1/+1 on a minion is not impactful at all. So the choice here is to be very aggressive and bank on winning early. Obviously also pidegonholes you into running mechs, but since that’s one of the stronger early game tribes, that’s perfectly okay.

Patchwerk’s passive Hero Power is a tricky one. If you play the game normally the extra health is nice and it will likely allow you to get a decent ranking, but it won’t do much itself. You have to use your health as a resource, banking on weaker early turns and taking a bit more damage in order to set up more powerful late turns. The obvious way to do this is by going hard on the Tavern upgrades. This is also riskier and might result in not getting the breaks you need or running into a buzzsaw in the early turns and losing too much health. You have to risk something to gain something however… Patchwerk want to play!

Akazamzarak’s Hero Power may seem like a joke, but his secrets are very impactful and can make a significant difference in how your turn plays out. They also last between turns, adding to their value. Use this search filter to see which Secrets are available. There’s something for every archetype!

Dancin Deryl’s Hero Power is far more random than we would like, but, when the main dev on Battlegrounds says that «I like Dancin Daryl the most though because he is incredibly skill testing and goes from worst to best hero depending on how well you understand him and how much experience you have with him.» then we should probably take note, since he probably has the data and experience to back up his statement.

General Information

  • Early Access Release: November 5 (Available for BlizzCon Ticket holders and players who Pre-Order Descent of Dragons)
  • Open Beta Release: November 12
  • Number of Players: 8 players per game.
  • Game will be accessible through Hearthstone client in the new “Modes” section!
  • The game will require HS account, but will be otherwise free. However, Hearthstone players will get some bonuses – for opening packs of the latest set you will get access to more stats, be able to choose from more Heroes each round and will get unique Emotes!
  • Battlegrounds will have no extra rewards. You still can earn gold like in other formats (regular 10g per 3 wins), but there are no extra rewards.

Picking the right hero

Your hero has a lot to do with your chances of success in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. Every major patch, we see new heroes and hero changes. And in every patch, there are the better heroes and heroes that are much below average. The strength of your hero impacts your chances in a match drastically. 

With the number of heroes available at any given time in Hearthstone Battlegrounds, the difference between the worst and best heroes becomes quite significant. Some of the worst heroes available in Battlegrounds have an average placement of 5.5, according to Hsreplay’s data. The “best” heroes, like Elise Starseeker, find themselves with an average placement in the top four positions. Simply said: Picking stronger heroes provides a significant advantage before the game even starts. 


  • New heroes: Lord Barov, Jandice Barov, Forest Warden Omu
  • New minions: Micro Mummy
  • Removed minions: Mecharoo
  • Minion updates:
    • Pack Leader

      • Now a 2/3.
      • Now reads: «Whenever you summon a Beast, give it +2 Attack.»
  • Battlegrounds Parties added, allowing matchmaking with private lobbies.
    • Up to 4 players will be able to queue for a normal ranked Battlegrounds match together.
    • Once the group lobby exceeds 4 players, the game type will automatically switch to a private Battlegrounds match for 5-8 players.
  • (Undocumented) Now, if the player’s next opponent is a dead player, a sidebar on the left will show Kel’Thuzad with a dark turquoise glowing.


Name Minion type Tier Atk Health Description
Acolyte of C’Thun General 1 2 2 Taunt Reborn
Menagerie Mug General 2 2 2 Battlecry: Give 3 random friendly minions of different minion types +1/+1.
Selfless Hero General 2 2 1 Deathrattle: Give a random friendly minion Divine Shield.
Spawn of N’Zoth General 2 2 2 Deathrattle: Give your minions +1/+1.
Unstable Ghoul General 2 1 3 Taunt. Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to all minions.
Arm of the Empire General 3 4 5 Whenever a friendly Taunt minion is attacked, give it +2 Attack permanently.
Budding Greenthumb General 3 1 4 Avenge (3): Give adjacent minions +2/+1 permanently.
Khadgar General 3 2 2 Your cards that summon minions summon twice as many.
Champion of Y’Shaarj General 4 4 4 Whenever a friendly Taunt minion is attacked, gain +1/+1 permanently.
Defender of Argus General 4 3 3 Battlecry: Give adjacent minions +1/+1 and Taunt.
Menagerie Jug General 4 3 3 Battlecry: Give 3 random friendly minions of different minion types +2/+2.
Witchwing Nestmatron General 4 3 5 Avenge (3): Add a random Battlecry minion to your hand.
Baron Rivendare General 5 1 7 Your minions trigger their Deathrattles twice.
Brann Bronzebeard General 5 2 4 Your Battlecries trigger twice.
Deadly Spore General 5 1 1 Poisonous
Lightfang Enforcer General 5 2 2 At the end of your turn, give a friendly minion of each minion type +2/+2.
Strongshell Scavenger General 5 2 3 Battlecry: Give your Taunt minions +2/+2.
Amalgadon All 6 6 6 Battlecry: For each different minion type you have among other minions, Adapt randomly.
Archdruid Hamuul General 6 4 4 Battlecry: Refresh Bob’s Tavern with minions of your most common type.
Zapp Slywick General 6 7 10 Windfury This minion always attacks the enemy minion with the lowest Attack.



Where regular Hearthstone fails, Battlegrounds perfectly transports the charming Mech tribe: Magnetism, summons, as well as Divine Shield and recycling mechanisms!

After a first glimpse at the usual Mech end game setup, one thing stands out: Besides Nightmare Amalgam, no early game units can be found. That alone makes playing a full Mech composition harder as you need to be more greedy in regards to your Tavern Tier. Yes, Micro Machine or Mecharoo can hold the base over the first few turns, but fall behind really fast.

That is one of the reasons why Nightmare Amalgam is a much more important composition piece in comparison to other setups. Rolling into it paves the way for going full Mech, while offering enough stats and tribe flexibility to synergize with other units on the board.

If you happen to encounter Cobalt Guardian and Psycho-o-Torn in the shop, your decision has already been made. These value powerhouses have insane late game potential thanks to its effects. Both units profit from Magnetic minions like Replicating Menace, making it on of the more important buffers for the Mech tribe.

The same goes for Annoy-o-Module. Equipping your heavy-hitters with Taunt as well as Divine Shield not only adds tons of battle value but also protects your precious back line. One part of this back line is Security Rover. Again, Mech summons synergize heavily with Cobalt Guardian, and 2/3 Taunt minions can buy enough time for your win condition to build up.

And that win condition is called Junkbot. Put it on the far right of your board, and you will see a rusty Mech turn into a large piece of metal who will be ready to wipe the opponent’s composition. This unit is so good, it even makes perfect sense to put another copy of it right next to your first one!

Anything besides this core composition is just a bonus. Piloted Sky Golem showcases stellar value trading in the mid to late game, and Foe Reaper 4000 does for Mech comps what Cave Hydra does for Beasts. Kangor’s Apprentice as your last minions can yield excellent results as well; however, you need to be certain of its positioning, so that it triggers its Deathrattle effect at the right time!


  • Removed Darkmoon Prizes
  • Instead of checking for triples after each minion is summoned, all minions will now summon first before any triples are generated.
  • Removed heroes: Captain Hooktusk
  • Hero power updates:
    • Embrace your Rage — Now reads: «Start of Combat: Summon a minion from your Tavern Tier. Add a copy to your hand.»
    • Lead Explorer: Recruitment Map now costs 3.
    • Bananarama: Big Banana’s drop rate increased to 1/3.
    • Prestidigitation — Ice Block can now only be Discovered once per game.
  • Minion updates:
    • Rabid Saurolisk

      • Now a 3/2.
      • Now reads: «After you play a minion with Deathrattle, gain +1/+2.»
    • Waxrider Togwaggle — Now a 1/3.
    • Yo-Ho-Ogre — Now a 2/6.
    • Molten Rock — Now a 2/4.
    • Arm of the Empire — Now reads: «Whenever a friendly Taunt minion is attacked, give it +2 Attack permanently.»
    • Champion of Y’Shaarj — Now a 4/4.
    • Junkbot — Moved to Tavern Tier 4.
    • Kangor’s Apprentice — Now a 4/8.
  • Removed minions: Elistra the Immortal

Сброс рейтинговой системы на полях сражений

-Обновление рейтинга

Рейтинг каждого из игроков будет сброшен и будет введена новая система прогрессии. Она будет похожа на рейтинговую систему игры.

При заходе в игру, у всех игроков рейтинг будет равен 0. И все новые игроки также начнут с 0. С каждым призовым местом (1-4 места), игроки будут получать до 300 очков за победу. Рейтинг никогда не опустится ниже 0, и вы не сможете потерять рейтинг, пока не поднимитесь выше 2000.

Между 2000 и 6000  рейтинга, каждые 500 очков (2500, 3000 и далее) будет новый рейтинговый этаж, где вы не можете опуститься ниже.

До 6500 очков, игроки будут получать небольшой бонус к своему рейтингу, что приведёт к наиболее быстрому подъёму.

Ваш рейтинг не будет сброшен, пока вы не сыграете хотя бы одну партию на полях сражений.


  • New hero: Kurtrus Ashfallen
  • Removed hero: Shudderwock
  • Returning heroes: Galakrond, Trade Prince Gallywix, Maiev Shadowsong
  • New minion: Archdruid Hamuul
  • Minion updates:
    • Deflect-o-Bot: Now reads «Divine Shield. Whenever you summon a Mech during combat, gain +2 Attack and Divine Shield.»
    • Lieutenant Garr: Now an 8/8.
    • Refreshing Anomaly: Now a 1/4.
    • Bigfernal: Now a 6/6.
    • Razorgore, the Untamed: Now a 4/6.
    • Pack Leader: Now a 4/4.
    • Mama Bear: Now a 5/5 and reads «Whenever you summon a Beast, give it +5/+5.»
    • Soul Juggler: Now a 3/5.
    • Nathrezim Overseer: Now a 2/4.
  • Hero Power updates:
    • Galakrond’s Greed: Now costs 1 Gold and reads «Choose a minion in Bob’s Tavern. Discover a higher Tier minion to replace it.»
    • Smart Savings: Now reads «Passive After you sell a minion, get 1 extra Gold next turn. (Can exceed 10)»
    • Imprison: Now reads «Make a minion in Bob’s Tavern Dormant. After 3 turns, get it with +1/+1.»
    • Sharpen Blades: Now reads «Give a minion +2/+1 for each minion you’ve bought this turn.»
    • Battle Brand: Now reads «Passive. After you buy 5 Battlecry minions, add Brann Bronzebeard to your hand. (Once per game)».
    • Wingmen: Now reads «Start of Combat: Your left and right-most minions gain +2 Attack and attack immediately.»
    • Stay Frosty: Now costs 0 Gold and reads «Freeze a minion in Bob’s Tavern. Frozen minions get +2/+1 every turn.»
    • Natural Balance: Now reads «Give a friendly minion of each Tavern Tier +1/+1.»
    • For the Horde!: Now reads «Give +2 Attack to the next minion you buy this turn. (Upgrades each turn!)»
    • Avatar of N’Zoth: Now reads «Start the game with a 2/2 Fish that gains all your Deathrattles in combat.»
    • Menagerist: Now reads «Start the game with a 2/2 Amalgam with all minion types.»
    • Bananarama: Big Banana rate increased to 50% (up from 33%).
  • Darkmoon Prizes updates:
    • Might of Stormwind: Now reads «Give 3 random friendly minions +1/+1.»
    • The Good Stuff: Now gives +2 Health.
    • Great Deal: Now reduces the cost of upgrading Bob’s Tavern by (3).
    • I’m Still Just a Rat in a Cage: Moved from Prize Turn 3 to Prize Turn 2.

Heroes With the Best Dragon Synergies

Any Hero can succeed with any tribe, and many of the most powerful Heroes can use almost all tribes with a high rate of success. However, some Heroes have a greater affinity to specific tribes, and Dragons are no exception.

Dragons are exceptionally good for Heroes who can level up fast and get their first tier-six minions as early as possible: therefore, many of the top-tier Heroes are happy to go for Dragons, although they may as well end up with Elementals, depending on their Discoveries. Behind the absolute top Heroes who have a lot of flexibility in their tribe choices, there are also some Heroes that work better with Dragons than with any other tribe.

A. F. Kay is particularly fond of Dragons in the current meta: Bronze Warden and Hangry Dragon are some of the most powerful tier-three minions that A. F. Kay can Discover, and a Hangry Dragon on turn three can win the battle and start growing immediately.

For Alexstrasza, forcing Dragons is the main way to success. Even though it can be hard to find Kalecgos from the Hero Power, getting two free minions upon reaching tier five means that Alexstrasza can level up quickly, and by forcing Dragons you increase the odds of getting a triple when you hit tier five even if you don’t get the big Dragons immediately.

When your most important minion is from tier six and Infinite Toki has a Hero Power that allows you to look for tier-six minions faster than other Heroes, it is a perfect match. Sure, sometimes you end up with Goldrinn or Lil’ Rag and you don’t feel sorry about them either, but you also have good odds to find Kalecgos and build the dream Dragon board.

You don’t want to play as Ysera, as she is one of the weakest Heroes in the game, but if you have to, going Dragons is the way to go.

Как лучше всего использовать Leapfrogger

В то время как большинство составов Goldrinn / Macaw в прошлом использовалось для избежания запуска Зверей, у которых были предсмертные хрипы (включая Амальгадоны с растениями), новый Leapfrogger игнорирует это ограничение. Чтобы максимально эффективно использовать Leapfrogger, вы должны стремиться подбирать ранние юниты, такие как Monstrous Macaw, чтобы вызвать полученный предсмертный хрип. Пройдя через середину игры, вы подберете Барона Ривендера (найденного как юнит пятого уровня), чтобы завершить вашу композицию.

Чтобы насмехаться над вашими чехардами, на таких картах, как Houndmaster и Defender of Argus, есть полезные боевые кличи, которые могут дать вам насмешку, необходимую для успеха.

Если у вас есть возможность получить все эти инструменты и получить все эти инструменты, изображение ниже — идеальный способ настроить ваше позиционирование для композиций Beast в стиле Leapfrogger.

Изображение предоставлено Blizzard Entertainment.

Как показано на изображении в качестве примера, любые чехарды без насмешек должны быть впереди, чтобы вы могли первыми активировать их предсмертные хрипы. Любые изнасилованные чехарды должны быть сзади, так как ваш противник сможет легко их убить. После того, как ваши чехарды без провокации объявят о своих атаках, Чудовищные ара впоследствии смогут активировать массовый предсмертный хрип и обеспечить невероятный прирост характеристик благодаря способности барона Ривендера.

Если вы Король-лич или найдете оживляющих погремушек, то предоставление вашим ара ключевого слова Reborn позволит им снова качаться, что обеспечит еще один раунд прироста характеристик и предсмертных хрипов.

Изображение предоставлено Blizzard Entertainment.

После того, как все ваши чехарды и чудовищные ара погибнут, звери, порождающие предсмертные хрипы (такие как Саванна Высокогрив и Крысиная стая), смогут вести игру самостоятельно. Даже если они умрут со своим высоким здоровьем и силой, они породят множество жетонов, а затем активируется способность Leapfrogger, которая позволит им достичь астрономических высот, если битва продлится достаточно долго.


Name Minion type Tier Atk Health Description
Micro Mummy Mech 1 1 2 Reborn At the end of your turn, give another random friendly minion +1 Attack.
Pupbot Mech 1 2 1 Divine Shield
Harvest Golem Mech 2 2 3 Deathrattle: Summon a 2/1 Damaged Golem.
Kaboom Bot Mech 2 2 2 Deathrattle: Deal 4 damage to a random enemy minion.
Metaltooth Leaper Mech 2 3 3 Battlecry: Give your other Mechs +2 Attack.
Deflect-o-Bot Mech 3 3 2 Divine Shield Whenever you summon a Mech during combat, gain +2 Attack and Divine Shield.
Replicating Menace Mech 3 3 1 Magnetic Deathrattle: Summon three 1/1 Microbots.
Screwjank Clunker Mech 3 2 5 Battlecry: Give a friendly Mech +2/+2.
Annoy-o-Module Mech 4 2 4 Magnetic Divine Shield Taunt
Grease Bot Mech 4 3 6 After a friendly minion loses Divine Shield, give it +2/+1 permanently.
Mechano-Egg Mech 4 5 Deathrattle: Summon an 8/8 Robosaur.
Mechano-Tank Mech 4 6 3 Avenge (2): Deal 6 damage to the highest Health enemy minion.
Holy Mecherel Mech 5 8 4 After another friendly minion loses Divine Shield, gain Divine Shield.
Kangor’s Apprentice General 5 4 8 Deathrattle: Summon the first 2 friendly Mechs that died this combat.
Foe Reaper 4000 Mech 6 6 9 Also damages the minions next to whomever it attacks.
Omega Buster Mech 6 6 6 Deathrattle: Summon six 1/1 Microbots. For each that doesn’t fit, give your Mechs +1/+1.

Что такое поля битвы Hearthstone?

Hearthstone Battlegrounds — это игровой режим в Hearthstone, в котором восемь игроков сражаются друг с другом один на один один на один. Этот режим представляет собой комбинацию набора миньонов и выбора правильного размещения и стратегии для ваших юнитов, с конечной целью быть последним, кто останется в лобби.

Платит ли Hearthstone Battlegrounds за победу?

У каждого игрока есть выбор героев в начале игры: два, если вы этого не сделаете & # 39 У вас есть подписка на бонусы Battlegrounds, если у вас есть четыре. Вы выбираете одного героя для игры. В настоящее время в пуле 63 героя, каждый со своей уникальной способностью героя. У всех игроков есть шанс сыграть за всех героев, хотя те, у кого есть подписка на перки, могут получить ранний доступ к новым героям.

Вам нужны карты для полей сражений Hearthstone?

Нет! Все & quot; карты & quot; на Полях сражений на самом деле есть миньоны, и все они бесплатны. Миньоны в игре делятся на разные племена миньонов: мурлоки, драконы, демоны, звери, элементалы, пираты, кабаны, мехи и нейтральные карты, не принадлежащие ни к какому племени. Миньоны одного и того же племени часто по-разному взаимодействуют друг с другом. Сложные стратегии вращаются вокруг каждого из племен миньонов.

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  1. Blizzard Entertainment (November 5, 2019). Hearthstone Update – November 5 – Preparing for Descent of Dragons!. Retrieved on 2019-11-12.
  2. Mike Donais on Reddit. (November 6, 2019). Retrieved on 2019-11-10.
  3. Puffin on Twitter. (2020-03-02). 
  4. Mike Donais on Reddit. (November 30, 2019). Retrieved on 2019-12-07.
  5. Blizzard Entertainment (2019-11-27). Developer Insights: Personal Rating in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. Retrieved on 2020-09-10.
  6. Mike Donais on reddit. (November 6, 2019). Retrieved on 2019-11-25.
  7. Chris Sierra (December 5, 2019). BATTLEGROUNDS MMR UPDATES. Retrieved on 2019-12-06.
  8. Dean Ayala on Twitter. (2020-03-08). 
  9. ↑ Dean Ayala on reddit. (2020-09-09). 
  10. ↑ Tian Ding (2020-09-10). Some Numbers for Battlegrounds Group Queue Win-rate. Reddit. Retrieved on 2020-09-11.
  11. Tian Ding on reddit. (2020-09-11). Retrieved on 2020-09-14.
  12. ↑ Imicek (November 15, 2019). Descent of Dragons, Battlegrounds & More — Community Q&A. Retrieved on 2019-11-25.
  13. Mike Donais on Reddit. (November 6, 2019). Retrieved on 2019-11-25.
  14. ↑ Stephen Chang on Twitter. (2019-11-30). 
  15. Mike Donais on Reddit. (November 27, 2019). Retrieved on 2019-12-07.
  16. ↑ Chadd Nervig on Twitter. (2020-02-28). 
  17. Stephen Chang on Twitter. (2019-12-03). 
  18. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment (2020-01-21). Galakrond’s Awakening – 16.2 Patch Notes – January 21. Retrieved on 2020-08-03.
  19. [BUG] [BG] Maiev’s Hero Power can kill Bob’s minions and trigger their Deathrattles on Bob’s side. More details in comment from hearthstone

  20. ↑ Hearthstone Top Decks https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/risky-skipper-will-get-a-pirate-tag-zephrys-changes-reno-jackson-and-new-amalgam-possibly-coming-to-battlegrounds/
  21. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/hearthstone/t/1742-server-hotfix/36036

Игровые режимы

Один из трех игровых режимов будет выбран случайным образом, когда вы войдете в поле битвы:

  • Командный бой насмерть: (Team Deathmatch) — Бойцы всегда любили «Командный бой насмерть»: бесконечная бойня заставит биться чаще любое сердце! Просто выходи на поле и атакуй как можно большее число игроков. Чем больше врагов ты одолеешь, тем больше очков получит твоя команда.
  • Захват реликвии: — одна из наших простейших игр. Главная задача — захватить реликвию врага и донести к себе на базу, защищая при этом собственную реликвию. Командная работа — ключ к победе в этой игре, так как здесь пригодятся и сильная защита, и мощное нападение.
  • Завоевание: — Претендовать на точку захвата может любой, но одержать победу в «Завоевании» сумеет лишь истинный мастер. Следует захватывать и защищать как можно больше точек: побеждает команда, чья территория в конце игры будет больше. Завоевывай врагов, иначе они завоюют тебя!
  • Шар Хаоса: — добавлено в обновлении 15 (первоначально «шар смерти»). Хватаешь шар и удерживаешь его так долго, как можешь. Чем дольше продержишься, тем больше получишь очков. Конечно, на практике все немного сложнее, поскольку нужно постоянно бороться за жизнь, уклоняясь от мечей и заклинаний команды противников.
  • Безумный король: — добавлено в обновлении 16. Необходимо захватывать точки, которые постоянно перемещаются по полю сражения.

Hearthstone Battlegrounds Open Beta — Launch and Card List

It’s Battlegrounds Open Beta launch day and we have everything you need to know, including our Battlegrounds How Does it Work and our Hero Tier List posts as well as Blizzard’s Balance Patch notes from yesterday that we posted about here, which had the awesome news that we will see more NEW Heroes next week!

What is Hearthstone Battlegrounds?

It’s a new 8 player PvP game mode, a combination between Hearthstone and Autobattler games, where you choose a Hero, build a team and then battle opponents, round by round, until only 1 of you is left standing.

What does Battlegrounds cost?

The Battlegrounds game mode is fully free to play (though there are some unlocks to make it more usable) and has no entry fee or rewards. You play just for fun and ratings! You do have the option to buy Descent of Dragon packs (currently only in pre-order, but for later expansions you can simply save up gold to do this) and unlock a few perks. The first one (for 10 packs purchased) is to have a suit of stats available to look through (this is not available yet in game), the second (for 20 packs purchased) is to have the choice of 3 Heroes when you start instead of 2 and the third unlock (for 30 packs) is the use of the game’s custom emotes.

How do I play Hearthstone Battlegrounds?

If you have not had time to look at how this new game mode works, we have a primer which touches on all the important basic bits right HERE.

HearthPwn Card List and Deckbuilder

The keen observer might have already noticed in the Hero Tier list article we did, but it is now time to make it official: We have built a Card List and Deckbuilder specifically for the Battlegrounds game mode. For the people who like to randomly click around and discover things themselves: Enjoy!

For those that like to know what they are getting into, a small introduction:

The Card List

Let us start with a note: The Card List is slightly different than usual. Because Blizzard reused the assets and does not make much distinction in the files between versions of the cards, we have had to separate the Battlegrounds cards into their own set. If you ever need to search for a Battlegrounds card, the easiest way to do it is to do it in this set, or the versions you will find will likely be the normal card game versions.

The Card List can be used in most ways the regular Card list is too. You can search within the set to find a specific card by name, tribe, Tier, health and attack or randomly browse them from the main view. The set also includes the Heroes and their Hero Powers, as well as Akazamzarak’s Secrets and all the related tokens.

The Deckbuilder

If you want to show off the crazy build you had in game or want to show others what kind of build you are aiming for when you are playing, you can use our Deckbuilder tool.

The Deckbuilder has the same functions as usual. You can add and subtract Battlegrounds specific cards and work out the possibilities. Then you can write up an explanatory guide as to how to get to that point, what order to use and tips and tricks that you feel are essential to running your build successfully. And then you can share it far and wide!



Main article: Battlegrounds hero list
Main article: Battlegrounds hero power list

Each player is given a choice between two (or four in case you have obtained the Tavern Pass) of unique heroes to choose from at the start of the game. The playable heroes of Battlegrounds are composed of various legendary minions, bosses and recurring characters throughout Hearthstone‘s history. They all start with 40 health (except Patchwerk, who starts with 55 instead) and are all neutral. Despite their original incarnations being voiced, their Battlegrounds counterparts do not make sounds at all.

Currently, there are 67 heroes. Heroes rotate in and out of the game. Any retired hero may be reintroduced into Battlegrounds in another patch.

Recently released heroes are not available for picking if the player does not have Battlegrounds Perks. They are exclusive to Perks owners for the first two weeks of their release. Note that returning heroes with new Hero Powers are not restricted to Battlegrounds Perks, even though they are functionally new heroes. Also note that Sir Finley can Discover one of the restricted Battleground Perks Hero Powers, even if you don’t own the Perks.

Main article: Battlegrounds spell card list
For a list of Darkmoon Prizes, see Tickatus
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