
Minable resources[]

Minable resources are mined by space stations equipped with a Unrecognized icon name Mining Ring. Each resource supports the construction of ship components, starbase modules, and colony improvements. In they are also useful for missions.

Unrecognized icon name Elerium, Unrecognized icon name Promethion and Unrecognized icon name Thulium are also available from trade resource tiles.

List of Minable Resources

Name Icon Function Found near Appearance
Durantium Unrecognized icon name
  • Unrecognized icon name Kinetic weapon
  • Unrecognized icon name Armor
  • Starbase modules
  • Unrecognized icon name All construction improvements
  • Unrecognized icon name Ship construction improvements
  • In , the Unrecognized icon name Gem Trader, Unrecognized icon name Recruiter and Unrecognized icon name Salvage Mission missions
Elerium Unrecognized icon name
  • Unrecognized icon name Beam weapon
  • Unrecognized icon name Shields
  • Starbase modules
  • The Unrecognized icon name Quantum Power Plant, Unrecognized icon name Singularity Power Plant, and Unrecognized icon name Galactic Bazaar
Antimatter Unrecognized icon name
  • Unrecognized icon name Missile weapon
  • Unrecognized icon name Point defense
  • Starbase modules
  • Unrecognized icon name Fusion Power Plant, Unrecognized icon name Singularity Power Plant, Unrecognized icon name Manufacturing Capital, Unrecognized icon name The Hyperspace Project, Unrecognized icon name Antimatter Power Plant
  • In , Unrecognized icon name Study Infinite Astrocompass
Black Holes
Promethion Unrecognized icon name
  • Engines
  • Life support systems
  • Starbase modules
  • Unrecognized icon name Research improvements, among other types
  • In , the Unrecognized icon name Gem Trader, Unrecognized icon name Xylology Expedition and Unrecognized icon name Pilgrims missions
  • In , citizen promotions
  • In , Unrecognized icon name Study Bernal Sphere and Unrecognized icon name Study Kiln of Worlds
Thulium Unrecognized icon name
  • Unrecognized icon name Kinetic weapon
  • Sensors
  • Starbase modules
  • In , many Unrecognized icon name artifact improvements


  • Never the same game twice: Play in the ultimate sandbox where each game has a unique map, unique worlds, and new challenges to face.
  • Multiple paths to victory: Win through military conquest, cultural domination, technological ascension or political alliance.
  • Story-based campaign: Galactic Civilizations III includes a campaign that brings players up to date on the 20-year story arc behind the rise of humanity in the 23rd century.
  • Massive technology tree: Research a technology tree with immense breadth and depth. Player choices determine the capabilities of their civilization.
  • Custom ship design: Players can design their own ships with total control over how they function as well as how they look. Any ship you’ve ever imagined can be created or downloaded.

Back into space

Either way though, the core game is extremely well-made. It’s not simply a question of rules and options but the general feel that made the series what it is, the biggest being that (with a combination of tech and wrapping, much like Alpha Centauri) playing against the AI has the feel of being up against opponents rather than simply algorithms that happen to have a face on top. Where so many 4X games, particularly space ones, are almost willfully cold, there’s a warmth to GalCiv that’s key to the fun of casual to at least mid-tier play.

Like past games, it does have a few irritations that only really strike mid-way through, such as finding out what’s actually wrong with a planet that looks like it should be performing far better, and otherwise tracking down some numbers in a pinch. By the time you’ve gone from a few systems to a bursting empire, there’s enough of them splashing around to drown in. Individual sections are very well laid out, with the Tech Tree especially making it easy to see what leads to what and what the benefits are, but the lack of a good centralised in-game Civpedia type resource does make looking things up harder than it should be.

The biggest omission from the last game—for now—is that political side has been stripped down. No elections, no governments, no spying. They’re due to return in a later expansion. The sting of that is helped by a few new arrivals though, such as ideologies. Where past games had a Good/Evil system, the civilisations this time are judged as Malevolent, Pragmatic, and Beneficial, with moral decisions providing points in each that can be cashed in for special perks. These range from basics, like a free colony ship or a top-quality planet, to galaxy-affecting boosts like any race who attacks your homeworld being automatically declared war on by everyone but their outright allies, and every planet or starbase within your Influence range joining your empire. Nobody ever said you can’t be both Benevolent and bastardly sneaky at the same time! Other new additions include pirate bases that become more of a problem the longer they’re left alone, a shift to space based ship construction, and new environmental dangers to deal with while exploring the map.

GalCiv is far more focused on the strategy side of conquest than the tactics of individual ship encounters. You don’t get any direct control over your ships at all, though you can watch the very pretty laser-beams and explosions from assorted cinematic angles if you choose. Instead, ships are given classes based on their load-out. A basic hull might be a Guardian, but slap life-support on it and it becomes a Support. Its role determines what it does and who it goes after in combat. How it actually looks though is almost entirely up to you. The design panel includes a huge selection of aesthetic items that can be scaled, moved, stuck onto hardpoints and even given some basic animation, all ‘free’. Ships can also be shared, with Steam Workshop support coming.

Whether new to the series or returning though, GalCiv 3 is easily the best recent 4X of this scale— the whole galaxy as campaign and sandbox. It’s hardly the most dramatic upgrade a game has ever had, but it’s both a more than solid update in the here and now and a great base for expansions and mods for the next few years.

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Ship types[]

The available blueprints cluster into abstract ship types, with one blueprint defining the canonical form and others the variants. We define ship types by their hull size, role and primary weapon.

Support ships

Support ships are unarmed and perform support functions according to their utility module or, in the case of the Unrecognized icon name Carrier, carrier module.

Name Hull Ability DLC
Unrecognized icon name Scout Tiny hull
Unrecognized icon name Explorer Tiny hull Unrecognized icon name Survey
Unrecognized icon name Survey Ship Medium hull Unrecognized icon name Survey
Unrecognized icon name Colony Ship Cargo hull Unrecognized icon name Colonize
Unrecognized icon name Constructor Cargo hull Unrecognized icon name Construct
Unrecognized icon name Freighter Cargo hull Unrecognized icon name Create Trade Route
Unrecognized icon name Transport Cargo hull Unrecognized icon name Invade
Unrecognized icon name Carrier Large hull Unrecognized icon name Carry Fighters
Unrecognized icon name Supply Ship Cargo hull Unrecognized icon name Supply Social
Unrecognized icon name Stellar Architect Cargo hull Unrecognized icon name Build Hypergate
Unrecognized icon name Spore Cargo hull Unrecognized icon name Genocide Planet


Warships are armed with weapons, typically of a single type, and perform a specific role in battle.

Name Hull Role Primary weapon
Unrecognized icon name Sniper Tiny hull Interceptor Unrecognized icon name Beam weapon
Unrecognized icon name Bomber Tiny hull Interceptor Unrecognized icon name Missile weapon
Unrecognized icon name Guardian Tiny hull Guardian Unrecognized icon name Kinetic weapon
Unrecognized icon name Knight Tiny hull Interceptor Unrecognized icon name All Weapons
Unrecognized icon name Cutter Small hull Assault Unrecognized icon name Beam weapon
Unrecognized icon name Defender Small hull Assault Unrecognized icon name Missile weapon
Unrecognized icon name Gunboat Small hull Assault Unrecognized icon name Kinetic weapon
Unrecognized icon name Fury Small hull Assault Unrecognized icon name All Weapons
Unrecognized icon name Corvette Medium hull Escort Unrecognized icon name Beam weapon
Unrecognized icon name Ranger Medium hull Escort Unrecognized icon name Missile weapon
Unrecognized icon name Frigate Medium hull Escort Unrecognized icon name Kinetic weapon
Unrecognized icon name Battle Hammer Medium hull Escort Unrecognized icon name All Weapons
Unrecognized icon name Cruiser Large hull Capital Unrecognized icon name Beam weapon
Unrecognized icon name Destroyer Large hull Capital Unrecognized icon name Missile weapon
Unrecognized icon name Battleship Large hull Capital Unrecognized icon name Kinetic weapon
Unrecognized icon name Overlord Large hull Capital Unrecognized icon name All Weapons
Unrecognized icon name Avatar Huge hull Capital Unrecognized icon name Beam weapon
Unrecognized icon name Fortress Huge hull Capital Unrecognized icon name Missile weapon
Unrecognized icon name Dreadnought Huge hull Capital Unrecognized icon name Kinetic weapon
Unrecognized icon name Titan Huge hull Capital Unrecognized icon name All Weapons


Fighters are tiny hull ships that travel through the galaxy inside a Unrecognized icon name Carrier. They are only deployed during ship combat.

Name Role Primary weapon
Assault Assault Unrecognized icon name Beam weapon, Unrecognized icon name Kinetic weapon
Drone Interceptor Unrecognized icon name Beam weapon
Guardian Guardian Unrecognized icon name Kinetic weapon

Chapter 4: Your second turn

  1. If you built a scout, this is a good time to send it out to explore other stars for good planets.  Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the map. 
  2. Dots on the unexplored map are stars.  Send your ships to those dots to see what is there. 
  3. Rush build a colony ship so that you have one ready to go and when built, send it to a near by star just to be safe.
  4. Click on the VICTORY button at the top left. There are 5 victory conditions.  Conquest, Influence, Technology, Ascension and Diplomatic.  This screen tells you how close you are and how close your opponents are.
  5. Click on CIVILIZATION at the top left of the screen.  You will see your production, your income, expenses, and balance.  At the bottom of that screen is the tax rate which defaults to 25% (yea, if ONLY!).  Your tax rate determines what % of the wealth generated by your civilization you get to steal invest.
  6. Your tax rate affects your approval. Lower approval will result in less production and less influence growth, but will bring in more money.  At the start of the game, you should have a balanced budget — but this won’t last, as you need deficit spending to grow your empire quickly.
  7. You (yes, you) are in the game too.  You are the little crown icon that defaults to being in Social Construction.  If you click on yourself, you return to the unassigned leaders pile.  Click on a different category to see the effect (such as administration). This is an easy way to get an extra administrator early on.

Your economy

Chapter 6: Your first colony

  1. Your first colony, if it’s not Mars, will present you with a moral dilemma.   Each choice will give you ideological points which unlock abilities from the ideology tree.  This is where you decide what type of civilization you want to be.
  2. After you finish colonizing and setting up what you want to do on the planet, you will be asked to form a government (if you have Intrigue). Each government type has strengths and weaknesses, and most cannot be accessed early on.
  3. Your ideology choice will bring up the ideology trait screen.  Each choice makes future choices cost more. Choose carefully.

Name your new planet

Your first ideological choice

New in Galactic Civilizations IV

Building on the strengths of the previous entry in the series, Galactic Civilizations IV includes the biggest changes we’ve ever made to the series. These new features include:

Leader Characters

We abstract game elements such as population, diplomats, leaders, generals, etc. with Leader characters. Each of these characters has their own set of attributes, strengths and weaknesses and relationship with the player. Leader characters give the player a lot more flexibility and agency in how they run their civilization.

Star Sectors

Galactic Civilizations IV introduces star sectors. Each sector is akin to a map in Galactic Civilizations III. Most of these sectors are similar to tiny to large GalCiv III maps that represented a section of the overall galaxy that the player was trying to conquer. Now, there can be anywhere from one to dozens of star sectors to explore.

A New Combat System

Previous GalCiv games resolved combat in a single turn regardless of the scale of forces. Now, once the forces get big enough, a turn of combat may not destroy all of a fleet, allowing players to alter tactics, retreat or call in reinforcements.

A New Invasion System

Depending on the population and defenses of the world, invasions no longer necessarily resolve in a single turn. This allows for more strategic choices for players as a player cannot simply sneak in and conquer a capital world in the middle of an enemy empire.

True Colonies

By default, planets aren’t managed at all. They simply provide resources (tech, minerals, wealth, food) to the nearest “core” world. Players can then decide if they want to manage a world by assigning a governor to it, which turns that colony into a core world. The governor doesn’t manage anything but instead provides a series of bonuses to the planet based on their character. Of course, have too many colonies feeding a core world and that governor may decide he or she doesn’t need you anymore and rebel.

Enhanced Multiplayer

Unlike in Galactic Civilizations III where multiplayer was simply a single player game with other people instead of AI controlling things, GalCiv IV’s multiplayer will include a robust set of features that make it possible to play a GalCiv IV game with multiple people in mind. This includes better support for co-op, as well as scenarios where the game could be won in less than an hour.

Story-Driven Missions

Rather than having a campaign, the sandbox game is instead getting story-driven missions. These are events and anomalies that generate a mission for the player which provides various benefits and challenges, as well as ensures that each game feels like its own epic story.

Deeper Research

Now, the number of technologies to choose from at a given time is limited to the top 5 (which can be upgraded to 7 later on).

During the early game, this won’t be any different than it was in previous games. But later, it requires the player to make some tough choices since every technology has an “innovation rating,” which determines how likely it will be picked as one of those 5 technologies.

Players can press an “inspire” button which will select a new group of 5 techs, but the cost for those techs goes up for each time the inspire button is pressed.

Mixed Populations

Because populations are now abstracted into leader characters (as in, instead of having a population of 5 on a planet you now have 5 citizen characters), it means that when you conquer a planet (or assimilate it, or trade for it, or simply get immigration) you can end up with alien characters on your worlds.

Different species have different strengths and weaknesses, as well as different levels of xenophobia (i.e. living on planets with other species) that allow players more control and flexibility and challenge for dealing with their worlds.


Galactic Civilizations IV has a 4-axis system: Collectivist, Authoritarian, Individualist, and Libertarian. Player choices in the game will give them points in one of these 4 areas, allowing them to unlock new ideology perks that give them new features and bonuses (as well as penalties).

Major Factions in []

Insignia Name Race Type Personality Abilities


Initial war endurance Initial resistance Initial influence Initial colony population AI behavior priorities Requirements
Mil Gro Tech Diplo Expand Wealth Infl Fort Lgstc
Terran Alliance Carbon-based NeutralExpansionistDiplomatic DiplomaticHopeful Productive (+1) Adventuresome (+1)Likeable (+1)Fast (+1)Organized (+1) 90 0.25 10 5 18 14 20 16 22 12 10 8 10 None
Drengin Empire Carbon-based MercilessAggressiveExpansionistCruel SlaversConquerors Productive (+1)Discontent (-1)Economical (+1)Militant (+2)Poor Traders (-2)Brutal (+2)Tough (+2) 150 0.5 10 5 22 16 18 8 20 10 12 14 10 None
Altarian Resistance Carbon-based BenevolentSpiritualPeaceful AncientCertain Clever (+2)Influential (+1)Content (+2)Fragile (-2)Fast (+1)Organized (+1) 85 0.25 10 5 18 10 22 8 14 12 20 16 10 None
Terran Resistance Carbon-based NeutralOpportunisticScientific HeroicDetermined Militant (+1)Handy (+1)Courageous (+1)Organized (+1)Tough (+1) 0.6 10 5 22 14 16 10 18 12 8 20 10 None
Iridium Corporation Carbon-based NeutralGreedyTrader TradersWealthy Productive (+1)Handy (+1)Economical (+2)Infertile (-2)Traders (+2)Adventuresome (+1) 80 0.25 10 5 16 20 18 12 10 22 14 8 10 None
Krynn Syndicate Carbon-based MercilessExpansionistSpiritual BureaucratsDevout Productive (+1)Influential (+1)Content (+1)Militant (+1)Farmers (+1)Adventuresome (+1)Unlikeable (-1) 95 0.25 9 5 16 12 14 8 22 20 18 10 10 None
Onyx Hive Silicon-based NeutralOpportunisticDiplomaticTrader ResourcefulSneaky Productive (+2)Traders (+1)Adventuresome (+1)Organized (+1) 0.6 10 5 22 14 16 10 18 12 8 20 10 None
Yor Singularity Synthetic Life MercilessExpansionistScientific AdaptableCybernetic Productive (+2)Clever (+2)Economical (+2)Dense (+1)Poor Traders (-2) 100 0.8 8 5 22 16 20 8 14 18 10 12 10 None
Iconian Refuge Carbon-based BenevolentPeacefulCultural XenophobicParanoid Fertile (+1)Handy (+1)Farmers (+1)Craven (-1)Accurate (+2)Organized (+1) 100 0.25 10 5 16 12 22 20 10 14 8 18 10
Slyne Silicon-based NeutralScientificExpansionist InventiveEngineers Brutal (+1)Tough (+2)Clever (+1)Resilient (+1) 0.6 10 5 22 14 16 10 8 12 8 20 10 None
Thalan Contingency Carbon-based NeutralScientificXenophobic Time TravelersKnowledgeable Productive (+2)Infertile (-2)Militant (+1)Agile (+2)Resilient (+1)Unlikeable (-1)Organized (+2) 100 0.25 11 5 20 12 22 16 18 14 10 8 10 None
Snathi Revenge Carbon-based MercilessAggressiveCruelExpansionistOpportunisticXenophobic ScavengersUnrelenting Productive (+2)Handy (+2)Dense (+2)Militant (+2)Tough (-2)Resilient (+1)Unlikeable (-2) 120 0.5 10 3 20 8 12 20 14 10 6 10 Revenge of the Snathi DLC
Torian Regime Aquatic Benevolent



Clever (+2)

0.5 10 5 18 20 22 14 10 12 8 16 10
Arcean Empire Carbon-based



Discontent (-1)

0.6 10 5 22 14 16 10 18 12 8 20 10
Tywom Carbon-based



Forgettable (-2)

0.6 10 5 22 14 16 10 18 12 8 20 10 Heroes of Star Control: Origins DLC
Mu’Kay Amphibious



Clever (+1)

0.6 10 5 22 14 16 10 18 12 8 20 10 Heroes of Star Control: Origins DLC
Mowlings Carbon-based


Divine Guardian

Foolish (-1)

0.6 10 5 22 14 16 10 18 12 8 20 10 Heroes of Star Control: Origins DLC
Free Trandals Carbon-based



Courageous (+2)

0.6 10 5 22 14 16 10 18 12 8 20 10 Heroes of Star Control: Origins DLC

Habitable planet traits in Crusade[]

Planet traits are additional special bonuses a habitable planet may have.

Trait Class range Effect
Minimum Maximum Weight
Unrecognized icon name Active Core 4 10 100% +20% Unrecognized icon name All Construction-40% Unrecognized icon name Growth
Unrecognized icon name Bountiful 825 1426 95%5% +10% Unrecognized icon name Gross Income
Unrecognized icon name Bread Basket 8 16 100% +10% Unrecognized icon name Food+10% Unrecognized icon name Growth
Unrecognized icon name Desert Planet 4 10 100% +10% Unrecognized icon name All Construction-15% Unrecognized icon name Food
Unrecognized icon name Ghost World 625 1226 95%5% +10% Unrecognized icon name Research
Unrecognized icon name Low Gravity 8 14 100% +10% Unrecognized icon name All Construction+25% Unrecognized icon name Tourism Income
Unrecognized icon name Scenic World 8 14 100% +25% Unrecognized icon name Tourism Income+10% Unrecognized icon name Morale
Unrecognized icon name Serene 1025 1626 95%5% +10% Unrecognized icon name Influence Growth+10% Unrecognized icon name Morale
Unrecognized icon name Shrouded 8 16 100% 0.1 Unrecognized icon name Resistance-10% Unrecognized icon name Influence Growth
Unrecognized icon name Shielded 8 14 100% +10% Unrecognized icon name Research+0.1 Unrecognized icon name Resistance
Unrecognized icon name Thin Atmosphere 8 14 100% +10% Unrecognized icon name Food-15% Unrecognized icon name Growth
Unrecognized icon name Tidally Locked 8 14 100% +10% Unrecognized icon name All Construction+10% Unrecognized icon name Trade Route Value

Ищите артефакты-предшественники и аномалии в Galactic Civilizations 3

Это может быть не так быстро очевидно, но поиск артефактов и аномалий может быть чрезвычайно полезным для любой цивилизации. Это относится даже не только к артефактам-предшественникам, но даже обычные аномалии, такие как капсулы, могут дать цивилизации небольшой импульс. Обычно они приносят небольшое количество кредитов, могут дать кораблю оружие или даже внести небольшой вклад в завершение исследования. Но независимо от того, что будет найдено, это не меняет того факта, что это по сути бесплатные ресурсы.

Эти аномалии можно найти по всей карте, и в начале игры, особенно эти небольшие запасы бесплатных ресурсов, могут иметь большое значение в продвижении цивилизации игрока вперед. Но даже в более поздних частях игры все еще можно найти аномалии. Даже когда другая цивилизация расширяет свои границы, они не всегда отправляют свои исследовательские корабли, чтобы посмотреть на них. Это означает, что для игрока вполне возможно, чтобы на него напал исследовательский корабль и просто собирал те бесплатные ресурсы, которые в противном случае принадлежали бы другой цивилизации. Вторжение может вызвать у кого-то раздражение, но некоторые расы могут подставить другую щеку в зависимости от ваших отношений с ними.

Однако большая прибыль обычно достигается за счет артефактов и реликвий. Эти конструкции происходят из своего рода предшественников расы, и как таковые часто могут открывать важные технологические, военные или производственные преимущества любой цивилизации, которая их использует. Они тоже разбросаны по карте, и другие цивилизации нередко заявляют о своих правах на них, даже если они технически не находятся на их территории. Каждая цивилизация хочет этих артефактов, поэтому было бы лучше, если бы игрок вырвал как можно больше, прежде чем другие цивилизации получат какие-либо идеи.

Major Updates[]

Version 1.1 Steam Workshop

Version 1.1 of GC3 saw the first step in integration with the Steam Workshop. It allowed players on Steam to share starship templates and custom races.

A Map Pack DLC, which included a map editor was released at the same time as 1.1.

Version 1.2 added Mega Events into the core game.

The Mega Events DLC was released was released at the same time as 1.2.

Version 1.3 General UI

The main focus of Version 1.3 was the game’s user interface. It also saw the release of planetary governors to assist in building planetary improvements.

The Revenge of the Snathi DLC was released was released at the same time as 1.3.

Version 1.4 AI Update

The main focus of Version 1.4 was improvements to the AI. This update saw removal of the planetary wheel as the default way to manage a planet’s individual output with Spending Foci replacing it.

Version 1.5 Diplomacy Update

The main focus of Version 1.5 was improvements to the diplomacy system. This included additional options when talking to the AI, including a request for them to remain outside the player’s zone of influence.

It also added the Coercion mechanic, removed the large empire penalty, and readded the planetary wheel as a race trait (Coercive) and as an unlockable feature through the Bureau of Labor improvement.

Version 1.6 Update

This update was released on the 18th of February 2016. In a post on the official forums in October Brad Wardell listed it as having major updates to the invasion and starbase systems. An interview in December with eXporimate Wardell revealed that the invasion system had been pushed back until a standalone expansion (possibly due in 2017). On Steam the road map was updated with 1.6 is listed has a ‘Starbase micro update’, though the official forums list 1.6 as «Housekeeping».

Version 1.7 Update

This update was released on the 21st of April 2016. The main focus of this update will be a new starbase system to reduce the amount of micromanagement required.

On the 26th of February dev stream, Boyer explained that the the player would be able to select the modules they wanted added from the list of available modules and constructor would be ordered from a sponsored shipyard/s.

Additional changes included a rework of the ship list in the Ship Designer. How the list of ships is displayed would be changed and better sorting options would be available to make it easier to find and select ships.

On the official forums Wardell stated Stardock’s intention that 1.7 would be the last free content update until the release of the standalone expansion («Crusade») possibly in 2017. While free bug patches would still be done any new content would be delivered as paid DLC.

Wardell stated the reason for this change in direction was:

What I can say, however, is that it is really clear that the free FEATURE based updates aren’t creating enough good will to counter the feeling that the DLC does’t provide enough. Therefore, it makes sense to take the budget being used to create new free features and put that into DLC.
~ Frogboy (Brad Wardell)

Conclusions: You are off to a good start

You will soon face the same kinds of tough decisions our own leaders in government face (or choose to avoid).  For example, a fast expanding civilization will be running a deficit. 

How important is it that you run a balanced budget? Only you can decide. 

You can bring in money by sending out treasure hunt missions, or trading technologies for money, or raising taxes or building up your local economy, or sending out freighters, or through tourism, or by conquering wealthier civilizations.

Your particular solution will determine your strategy.

Don’t worry about deficit spending. Just keep an eye on your treasury.

Good luck and ask questions here!

Путь войны в Galactic Civilizations 3 нелегок

В основном это связано с неинтуитивным обучением в игре, но завоевание планеты может быть немного сложнее, чем ожидалось. Игроки не могут просто загрузить транспортный корабль и приблизиться к вражеской планете для быстрого вторжения, требуется некоторое предварительное планирование.

Или, по крайней мере, игрок должен обладать достаточной огневой мощью, чтобы разрушить любую защиту планеты. Это может включать в себя оборонительные звездные базы и линкоры, расположенные рядом с планетой. Только когда эта защита отключена, игрок может начать вторжение на враждебную планету.

Но для эффективной войны потребуются легионы, генералы и материалы для строительства наступательных космических кораблей

Все это потребляет ресурсы и, вероятно, привлечет внимание других цивилизаций, которым может не понравиться то, что игрок собирает армию. Так что имейте это в виду, прежде чем решите полностью разжечь войну в прохождении

При этом каждый игрок захочет иметь какой-то базовый флот. Даже если это только для борьбы с космическими пиратами, которые могут попытаться атаковать корабли игрока.

Каждый игрок должен иметь как минимум одного гражданина, обученного на генерала, одну военную академию для обучения солдат и 1 верфь и / или мир, посвященный строительству и ремонту военных кораблей. Как только этот базовый военный аппарат будет запущен и запущен, игрок сможет иметь несколько небольших флотилий. Эти флоты могут быть сформированы путем наложения кораблей друг на друга, и эта способность может стать чрезвычайно полезной, если игрок хочет убедиться, что его конвои или торговые суда всегда охраняются небольшим контингентом наступательных космических кораблей.

Galactic Civilizations III доступна на ПК.


Галактические граждане

Вырастите вашу цивилизацию с помощью Галактических Граждан
Сформируйте ход судьбы вашей цивилизации с талантливыми личностями — гражданами. Выбирайте из около дюжины уникальных ролей (адмирал, инженер, знаменитость, первопроходец и др.), чтобы помочь процветанию ваших цивилизаций. Оставляйте ваших граждан в их родном мире или пошлите их на опасное межзвёздное путешествие с целью помочь колониям на новых мирах, которые вы покорили.


Вторгайтесь на вражеские планеты, пока защищаете собственные
Покорение мира — не самая простая задача. Обновлённая система вторжений в Crusade позволяет гражданам пройти подготовку в качестве солдат, чтобы захватывать миры. Стратегические и вызывающие, вторжения будут требовать аккуратное планирование, когда вы обучите ваши легионы и определите, какая ячейка будет атаковать первой. Будьте осторожны, а также не забывайте защищать собственные миры от ваших врагов!


Обучите одарённых граждан искусству Шпионажа
Меньшие цивилизации могут не отставать от более крупных двойников, тренируя своих граждан искусству шпионажа. Шпионы могут красть технологии, циркулировать слухи для создания гражданских беспорядков, саботировать вражеские миры, или даже могут пойти так далеко, что убьют вражеских граждан для того, чтобы одержать преимущество над конкурентами.

Редактор цивилизации

Используйте Редактор Цивилизации, чтобы создать и поделиться уникальными творениями в Steam
Создайте пользовательскую фракцию с лидером, идеологией и навыками. Вы можете также настроить собственный галактический военный флот и создать уникальные реплики диалогов для вашей фракции для того, чтобы использовать их при контакте с друзьями или врагами. Редактор цивилизации встроен в Steam Workshop, так что вы сможете загрузить ваши творения для других пользователей ради удовольствия!

Новые расы и цивилизации

Возьмите на себя галактику с новыми расами и цивилизациями
Встречайте членов

Земного Сопротивления

, скрывающихся в недрах живого рока астероидов, как новая фракция

Улей Ониксов

, или посмотрите сверху вниз на другие примитивные расы, такие как кибернетические космические амёбы,


…и многое, многое другое!

Кампания, основанная на истории

Люди нашли мощный «проклятый» артефакт в карманной вселенной и устали от своих попыток дипломатического упрёка. Поклявшись уничтожить дренджинов и всех других врагов, кто выступает против них, граждане Земли готовы выполнить свои угрозы и, возможно, предоставить Таланам осуществить пророчество.


Нанимайте множество новый наёмников, стройте собственные пользовательские базы, и, оставаясь на своих ногах, будьте готовы сделать важные выборы в ходе новых галактических событий и событий Совета Объединённых Планет. Наслаждайтесь новым пользовательским интерфейсом и исследуйте переработанную систему технологического древа, которая сейчас более доступна для моддеров.

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