Civilization vii


Just like in Civilization VI, Civilizations are able to build powerful constructions on Tiles under their control. These Wonders can only be built once in a game, and give strong bonuses. They also have high costs, cannot be bought, and take a long time to build. As such, Civilizations must be careful about what Wonders they choose to pursue.

Wonder Unlock
Alhambra Castles
Big Ben Economics
Boishoi Theatre Finer Arts
Broadway Mass Media
Chichen Itza Guilds
Colosseum Recreation
Colossus Shipbuilding
Cristo Redentor Mass Media
Eiffel Tower Steel
Forbidden Palace Printing
Great Library Recorded History
Great Lighthouse Navigation
Great Pyramids Masonry
Great Zimbabwe Banking
Hagia Sophia Theology
Hanging Gardens Irrigation
Hermitage Natural History
Huey Teocalli Military Tactics
Mont St. Michel Divine Right
Oracle of X Mysticism
Oxford University Education
Petra Mathematics
Potala Palace Astronomy
Stonehenge Astrology
Great Opera House Cultural Heritage
Terracotta Army Construction


Main article: Soundtrack (Civ1)
  • Romans — «Rise of Rome» (original)
  • Babylonians — «Hammurabi’s Code» (original)
  • Germans — DOS version: «Variatio 4: Lo stesso movimento» from Goldberg Variations (Johann Sebastian Bach); Amiga version: «Rondo alla Turca» (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
  • Egyptians — «Harvest Of the Nile» (original)
  • Americans — «Battle Hymn of the Republic«
  • Greek — «Aristotle’s Pupil» (original)
  • Mongols — (original)
  • Russians — «Song of the Volga Boatmen» (traditional)
  • Zulus — (original)
  • French — «La Marseillaise«
  • Aztecs — «Tenochtitlan Revealed» (original)
  • Chinese —«The Shining Path» (traditional)
  • English — «Rondeau» from Symphonies and Fanfares for the King’s Supper (Jean-Joseph Mouret)
  • Indians — «Gautama Ponders» (original)

Give me a sense of place again

I’ve come to hate Civ 6’s district system. It creates late game maps that don’t look at all realistic compared to past Civ games. While the bare maps themselves are quite attractive and memorable, once your empire is splayed out across them you end up with these ugly, fake-looking strips of semi-connected, technicolor urban sprawl. A city-sized, bright red military base here, a colossal, garish marketplace there… I don’t feel transported to history; I feel like I’m looking at a very elaborate board game.

(Image credit: 2K)

Civ 5, in contrast, features tidy urban centers surrounded by attractive farms, mines, and other outlying industries that made for a very organic look from the ancient all the way up to the information age. The concept of districts itself isn’t bad, but I want to be able to look at my civ and feel like I could write a travel guide about it.

I want to be able to see the logic in where major population centers sprang up, how suburbs sprawled out from them, where the fertile farming regions are, and where the hills are dotted by small logging towns. I want it to look less «game-y» and more like an atlas. The fantasy of building a fictional society is more important than making it very clear what each of my color-coded civic LEGOs does.

Уровень II

Цивилизация, потребляющая всю энергию своей звезды

Чтобы перейти ко второму типу, нам понадобятся технологии, способные выстроить вокруг Солнца огромные сооружения. Какие? Я уже рассказывал о них в статье про Сферу Дайсона. Что-то на подобие ее нам и придется построить вокруг нашей звезды, чтобы потреблять ее энергию полностью.

Если вы думаете, что на этом крутость цивилизации второго типа заканчивается, вы еще никогда так не ошибались. Она должна будет населить сферу, чтобы полностью контролировать ее (жить практически на Солнце – неплохо так). Но даже это еще не все – эти люди смогут буквально контролировать орбиты всех планет Солнечной системы с помощью сферы. Ну и, конечно, не стоит забывать о том, что это общество будет потреблять колоссальное количество энергии – страшно даже представить, что оно может с этим сделать.

Цивилизация, потребляющая всю энергию своей звезды


This game has been one of the most popular strategy games of all time, and has a loyal following of fans. The degree of popularity may be discerned from the observation that in an industry where the lifespan of a product typically averages 6 months or less, this game (by means of all its versions and updates), has endured for over a decade and a half, with product being offered for sale the entire time in retail stores. This high level of interest has spawned a number of free software versions, such as Freeciv and C-evo, and inspired similar games by other commercial developers, as well.

CivNet was released in 1995 and was a remake of the original game with added multiplayer, improved graphics and sound, and Windows 95 support. Gameplay was almost identical to the original game. There were several methods of multiplayer, including LAN, primitive Internet play, hotseat, modem, and direct serial link.

In 1992, Civilization won the Origins Award for Best Military or Strategy Computer Game of 1991.

In November 1996 Computer Gaming World’s Anniversary Edition, Civilization was chosen the #1 of the 150 Best Games of All Time, and it was described as follows:

«While some games might be equally addictive, none have sustained quite the level of rich, satisfying gameplay quite like Sid Meier’s magnum opus. The blend of exploration, economics, conquest and diplomacy is augmented by the quintessential research and development model, as you struggle to erect the Pyramids, discover gunpowder, and launch a colonization spacecraft to Alpha Centauri. For its day, Civ had the toughest computer opponents around — even taking into account the «cheats,» that in most instances added rather than detracted from the game. Just when you think the game might bog down, you discover a new land, a new technology, another tough foe — and you tell yourself, «just one more game,» even as the first rays of the new sun creep into your room… the most acute case of game-lock we’ve ever felt.»


Meier admits to «borrowing» many of the technology tree ideas from the board game Civilization, published in the United Kingdom in 1980 by Hartland Trefoil (later by Gibson Games), and in the United States in 1981 by Avalon Hill. The early versions of the game even included a flier of information and ordering materials for the board game. In an ironic twist, there is now a board game based on the computer game version of Civilization. The parallels to the game Empire (1977) are also remarkable.

Intellectual property status

As of late 2004, Atari, the latest publisher of a Civilization game, sold the intellectual property of the Civilization brand to Take-Two Interactive, who distribute Civilization games under the 2K Games label. Take 2 went public with news of the sale on January 26, 2005.

Similar games

In 1994 Meier produced a similar game called Colonization. Colonization, while being very similar to Civilization, never became quite as popular. It has also been criticized for leaving out slavery and other historically important features in the creation of many nations and empires. Civilization IV, however, recognized slavery in the game play, as had imitator CTP earlier.

The game Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri is also by Meier and is in the same genre, but with a futuristic/space theme. Many of the interface and gameplay innovations in this game eventually made their way into Civilization III and IV.

In 1993 MicroProse published Master of Magic, a similar game but embedded in a medieval-fantasy setting where instead of technologies the player (a powerful wizard) develops spells, among other things. The game also shared many things with the popular fantasy card-trading game Magic: The Gathering.

In 1994 Stardock released Galactic Civilizations, a similar turn-based strategy game for OS/2 which became one of the best-selling games for that platform. They released a reprogrammed Windows version in 2003, and a sequel in 2006.

The designers of the historical strategy game Age of Empires received much inspiration from Civilization, with many similar features (e.g. technologies, wonders). The main difference here is that Age of Empires is not turn-based, but plays in real-time.

In 1999 Activision, briefly owning the right to the name, released Civilization: Call to Power, a sequel of sorts to Civilization II but by a completely different design team. Gamers that year had a choice between a new game with the Civilization name but no involvement of Sid Meier; and a «space»-themed civilization game without the name but clearly designed by the same team (Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri). Call to Power spawned a sequel in 2000, but by then Activision had lost the right to the Civilization name and could only call it Call to Power II.


Sponsor Special Ability Capital
American Reclamation Corporation (ARC)

Covert operations are 25% faster and cause 25% more intrigue.

Pan-Asian Cooperative (PAC)

+10% Production towards Wonders+25% Worker speed

People’s African Union (PAU)

+10% Food in growing cities when HealthyAll cities start with an Old Earth Relic

Kavithan Protectorate

Cities and Outposts acquire new tiles twice as fast


Units have a +10% Strength in melee combatUnits have a +5 Heal when fortified


Gain a free Virtue for every 10 Virtues earned normally through Culture

Le Coeur

Plus two trade routes in the capital

Slavic Federation

Orbital units stay in orbit 50% longer+50% Petroleum resources


Недостатки, которые перевешивают преимущества

Естественно, все вышеперечисленное требует постоянного счета количества ходов до окончания того или иного строительства, исследования, возможности изменить правительство и политический курс. Как следствие — быстро устаешь от переключения по самым разным меню и расчета ветвлений и вероятностей. Из-за этой рутиной работы играть стало ощутимо труднее и только на низкой сложности можно пустить все на самотек.

В Sid Meier’s Civilization 6 исследования ведутся в двух областях — научно-технической и социокультурной. Это хорошее улучшение и оно лучше отражает действительность. Но не понятно, почему разработчики не сделали две очереди строительства — для зданий и юнитов.

Этот момент остро ощущается как недостаток, поскольку молодые или просто неразвитые города исключительно долго строятся. В итоге у игрока либо нет зданий и районов, но много юнитов, либо нет юнитов и его просто захватывают соседи — приходится балансировать на грани.

Система дипломатии в который раз не получила решительно никаких изменений. Короткие обсуждения убрали полностью, торговые соглашения из Rising Tide тоже не получится заключить, равно, как и сколотить дипломатический капитал — этого попросту нет. Все, что вы можете — объявить войну или внезапную войну, осуждать, торговать ресурсами и отправлять делегации.

Компьютерный игрок не любит торговаться и редко предлагает честную сделку, зачастую торгуя в свою пользу. Странным образом заключить мир можно, только если вы не трогали вражеские юниты на протяжении 10 ходов, но при военном перевесе в вашу пользу противник сам может запросить пощады… попытавшись выторговать захваченные вами города обратно за пару десятков монет.

Также в Sid Meier’s Civilization 6 сильно преувеличена роль города и получается, что почти все гексы уходят на его обслуживание, а вся карта — это одни сплошные города с кварталами, с редкими вкраплениями сельской местности, лесопилок и рудников. Вот если бы вместо шестиугольников были восьмиугольники, место бы стало хватать и на город, и на другие строения.

Сотрудничество с городами-государствами серьезно упростили — теперь достаточно отправить к ним послов, которые будут автоматически увеличивать влияние цивилизации. Нет возможности купить влияние за деньги, выполнить небольшое поручение, улучшить ресурс или подарить юнит. Число малых государств не велико и очень быстро возникает ситуация, когда все шесть послов всех государств сидят в каждом государстве.


1. An advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences, the extensive use of record-keeping, including writing, and the appearance of complex political and social institutions.

2. The type of culture and society developed by a particular nation or region or in a particular epoch: Mayan civilization; the civilization of ancient Rome.

3. The act or process of civilizing or reaching a civilized state.

4. Cultural or intellectual refinement; good taste.

5. Modern society with its conveniences: returned to civilization after camping in the mountains.

American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



Official Sid Meier’s Civilization Beyond Earth Announce Trailer — «A New Beginning»

Civilization Beyond Earth — Discovery Gameplay Trailer

Official Sid Meier’s Civilization Beyond Earth Intro Cinematic – “The Chosen”

Sid Meier’s Civilization Beyond Earth — Livestream 1 «They’re not barbarians!»

Sid Meier’s Civilization Beyond Earth — Livestream 2 Seeded Start — Choose Your Own Adventure

Sid Meier’s Civilization Beyond Earth — Livestream 3 Techs and Virtues

Sid Meier’s Civilization Beyond Earth — Livestream 4 Covert Ops

Sid Meier’s Civilization Beyond Earth — Livestream 5 — The Tech Web midgame choices

Sid Meier’s Civilization Beyond Earth — Livestream 6 — Faction Strategies with MadDjinn

Civilization Beyond Earth Instant Expert — The Science of Beyond Earth

Let’s Play Civilization: Beyond Earth

Let’s Play Sid Meier’s Civilization Beyond Earth — Official Livestream — Brasilia, Part 1

Let’s Play Sid Meier’s Civilization Beyond Earth — Official Livestream — Brasilia, Part 2


  • The Government in Civ7 is similar in theory to that of Civ6, but has a much different execution
  • Policies are unlocked by completing certain Civics on the Civic Tree
  • New Policies can be implemented into the current Government using Culture or Administration

    Policies may be turned off at any point, but require Administration to restore at a lesser cost than what was required to initially implement them.

  • Different types of Government can be chosen with their own bonuses. Civilizations may switch between them by paying Administration but doing so will increase Unhappiness for a period
    • Tenants are special Policies exclusive to one type of Government; they are more expensive but also have stronger efects.
    • Each Government has a limit on how many Policies it may have actively implemented at one time, normally equal its natural Administration gain doubled.
    • Unlocking every Tenant in a Government will unlock its Legacy Bonus, which applies to the Civilization even when they do not currently have that form
  • Sovereign Choices are random prompts that appear throughout the game that talk about specific situations and give options for how to progress. Based on this choice, new quantifiers will be added; for example, choosing to allow a worker’s union will decrease Worker’s building time but increase their maintenance. These also provide Ideology points

The table below lists all of the Governments as well as their Tenants

+1 Chiefdom Default
-50% cost to implement each Policy
+3 Kingdom Law
+3 Culture in the Capital Legacy: +33% Culture in the Capital
Monarchy +10% Growth and +4 Food in the Capital
Oligarchy +2 Production and -1 Unhappiness for every two Population in the Capital
Aristocracy +10% Gold and a random free Luxury in the Capital
Royalism +10% Administration and +4 in the Capital
+3 Republic Law
+1 Culture in every City Legacy: +7% Culture in every City
Rep. 25% less Policy cost increase from each new City founded
Citizenship -2 Unhappiness in every City
Federation +20% Administration yield in the for every City in the empire
Union Produce Workers and Settlers 50% faster in the Capital
+3 Statocracy Law
+2 building Military Units Legacy: +15% building Military Units
Legalism Policies cost 10% less and Sovereign Choices cannot fail
Tyranny Reduces Razing time to 1 Turn and decreases Unhappiness from Occupied Cities
Imperium +2 Happiness and diminished Resistance for all Cities housing units
Veterancy +20% Combat Strength to all Units and an additional 20% within Occupied Territory.

Corporations and entrepreneurs

For big, new, headline features, this is top of Rich’s list. The implications for the late-game and beyond are obvious: corporate activity has defined the modern world from the late 19th century, from the so-called Robber Barons that necessitated anti-monopoly laws to the vast multinationals that drive globalisation today. But a system representing private enterprise could emerge in a weak, simple form as early as the Classical or Medieval eras with Craftsmanship, Currency, or Guilds, and then gather pace throughout the game.

Civ IV introduced corporations in its Beyond the Sword expansion, and while elements of that approach could be reused, we can go bigger. How about this: a city with high output in a particular yield has a chance to spawn an entrepreneur (and later, a corporation). High cultural output could spawn theatre troupes, record labels, or movie studios, lots of money could create investment banks, high production output obviously opens the door to any number of manufacturing firms, while science equals research consortiums or tech startups. This could also be linked to buildings or districts (we like unstacked cities and the district system – Civ VII should keep it), with more potent corps locked behind higher level buildings and techs.

Once spawned, corporations can have a range of effects on your city, your civ, and later, other civs around the world, and these could be tied to many other game systems. These could reflect historical ties to certain Wonders or Great People – if you can generate Henry Ford, his activation power could be to give you the Ford Motor Company. Corps could obviously raise their relevant yields, but might drain others, or might hurt local amenities if they’re allowed to behave in an exploitative manner.

In the endgame corporate activity could affect the world — Disney-style theme parks could generate huge tourism

And yes, we use the word ‘allowed’. Players would have some control over corps via their government – assuming a system like Civ VI’s, some government types would have intrinsic effects on corps (eg Communism might decrease corp spawn rate), and policy cards (eg Global Warming Mitigation could unlock environmental regulations policies, which could weaken industrial corps’ output while reducing their pollution).

In the very late-game, when all Civ’s systems tend to go a little bit wild anyway as victory looms, corporate activity could fly off the leash and affect civs around the world. Cultural corporations could provide huge boosts to tourism – perhaps unlocking unique districts like Disney’s theme parks – while tech companies could affect city loyalty and amenities, positively or negatively, in a nod to the spread of social media, online shopping, and international news (real and fake). If global financial corporations are sufficiently powerful and unregulated, perhaps they could raise money but also the chance of random events that empty every civ’s coffers to simulate the 2008 financial crisis. The possibilities – and gameplay choices – are endless.


В игре вы просто сможете завоевывать чужие территории, ведя между другими цивилизациями бескомпромиссные войны. А вообще в данной версии игры вам потребуется больше времени уделять дипломатическим отношениям с соседними государствами, чтобы взаимовыгодно развивать потенциал как своей, так и соседней державы. На карте будут обозначены возможные дислокации армий противника, поэтому внимательно отнеситесь к изучению карт – тогда точно вы сможете создать мировую державу – начните с самых древних эпох и закончите современной высокоразвитой державой. В игре Sid Meier’s Civilization 6, скачать торрент которой возможно напрямую с нашего бесплатного игрового сервера, вам предстоит расширять свои владения, если вы хотите создать самое мощное и процветающее государство. В игре вы сможете также обмениваться ресурсами, вести диалоги с другими государствами.

Сетевая игра и баланс

Естественно, все вышеперечисленное вызывает негодование у хороших игроков, которые отправляются искать себе ровню в мультиплеер и находят приключения на свою пятую точку, испытывая характерные для серии проблемы с сетевой частью. И пусть это не самый популярный режим Sid Meier’s Civilization 6, но мы опробовали его и можем заключить — на текущий момент найти хорошую партию будет затруднительно.

Во-первых, многие игроки сейчас изучают все нюансы и аспекты геймплея, так что первые несколько недель сетевая активность будет низкой. Сейчас, например, вечером в регионе активно 10-12 игр. Во-вторых, у многих есть разные проблемы технического и сетевого плана. В-третьих, игровой баланс оставляет желать лучшего и нуждается в доработке.

External links[]

  • Official homepage
  • PC Gamer’s in depth interview with the designer duo
  • A nice visualization of the virtues screen.
  • GameSpot’s 5-day coverage
  • Civilization V Analyst: Beyond Earth Overview
  • AngryJoeShow interview with Anton Strenger the gameplay designer of Beyond Earth
Civilization: Beyond Earth
Games: Base Beyond EarthRising TideStarships

ListsAliens •
Artifacts (Alien, Old Earth, Progenitor) •
Biomes •
Buildings •
Cargo •
Colonists •
Orbital Units •
Personality Traits •
Planets •
Quests •
Resources •
Sponsors •
Spacecraft •
Technologies •
Terrain •
Tile Improvements •
Trade Agreements •
Units •
Virtues •
Wonders •


 Harmony •
 Purity •

ConceptsAlien gameplay •
Aquatic gameplay •
Artifacts System •
Buildings •
Cities •
Covert Operations •
Diplomacy •
Expeditions •
Marvel System •
Miasma •
Orbital Layer •
Stations •
Tech Web •
Trade •
Units •

Yields Culture •
Diplomatic Capital •
Energy •
Food •
Health •
Production •

Misc.Starting a new game •
Starter Guide •
Strategy Guides •
Steam Achievements •
Mods •
Updates •
Soundtrack •
Starships Unlockables •
Exoplanets Map Pack

Introduced in the Rising Tide expansion pack. • † Spin off game based in the same fictional universe
This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from Wikipedia (view authors).


1. (Sociology) a human society that has highly developed material and spiritual resources and a complex cultural, political, and legal organization; an advanced state in social development

2. the peoples or nations collectively who have achieved such a state

3. the total culture and way of life of a particular people, nation, region, or period: classical civilization.

4. the process of bringing or achieving civilization

6. cities or populated areas, as contrasted with sparsely inhabited areas, deserts, etc
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


  1. Smith, Adam. Civilization VI Releases October: Here’s Every Detail  (англ.) // Rock, Paper, Shotgun. — 2016. — 11 May. Проверено 11 мая 2016.
  2. Sid Meier’s Civilization VI announced with first trailer – out this year  (англ.) // Metro. — 2016. — 11 May. Проверено 12 мая 2016.
  3. Stapleton, Dan. HOW FIRAXIS WILL REDEFINE CIVILIZATION’S ART STYLE IN CIV 6 — IGN FIRST  (англ.) // IGN. — 2016. — 13 May. Проверено 13 мая 2016.
  4. Sid Meier’s Civilization VI for PC  (англ.) // GameRankings. — 2016. — 21 October.
  5. Sid Meier’s Civilization VI for PC Reviews  (англ.) // Metacritic. — 2016. — 20 October.
  6. Баранов, Евгений. Атлант расправил плечи. Обзор Sid Meier’s Civilization 6  (рус.) // Игромания. — 2016. — 21 октября. Проверено 27 ноября 2016.
  7. Кузнецов, Илья. Рецензия на Sid Meier’s Civilization 6  (рус.) // Riot Pixels. — 2016. — 3 ноября. Проверено 9 декабря 2016.
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