Titanfall universe

Titanfall 2

Two variations of the Ogre chassis exist in Titanfall 2. Scorch is a dangerous Ogre Titan whose attacks are primarily fire-based. Legion is an Ogre equipped with a large Gatling-styled chain gun and distinguished by his ability to create a shield around it.

At launch, both Ogres had no dash by default and relied on Turbo Engine to have one — this was changed in Operation Frontier Shield, and now both Ogre Titans have a single dash by default (The same as Atlas-class Titans such as Ion or Tone). Turbo Engine now reduces the cooldown of this dash from 10 seconds to 5 seconds, as opposed to granting two dashes.


  • Acolyte PodAn armature capable of launching missiles and laser ordnance.
  • Battery A feature introduced for newer Titans. These power the Titan’s systems and can help provide Bodyshields.
  • Core Ability An ability that must be charged up, but can then unleash a variety of offensive and defensive powers.
  • Countermeasure — Introduced to newer Titans after the popularity of it in older loadouts, Electric Smoke is a smoke screen that disrupts lock-ons and damages enemy troops.
  • Dome Shield Generator — The Dome-Shield is a piece of equipment that provides a shield system to protect Titans that have recently dropped into the battlefield. This shield protects the embarking Pilot and Titan while they are stationary. These generators were standard in the Pre-Demeter designs, though are not standard equipment in newer chassis’.
  • Defensive Ability — A piece of equipment employed by Titans to help shield themselves from incoming fire.
  • Ordnance A Titan’s ordnance is a secondary weapon available to Pilots, allowing them an offensive option to supplement their primary weapon. Many Post-Demeter variants mount their ordnance in Acolyte Pods.
  • Tactical Ability A utility ability available for Titans that serves to augment their other equipment via an indirect means.
  • Bodyshield — A shield generator available for Atlas, Stryder and Ogre designs. These recharging energy shields protect the Titan from small-arms fire and act as a secondary layer of health.

Technology and Combatants


Titans are massive exoskeleton platforms, created for civilian and military roles. They are primarily manufactured by the IMC subsidiary Hammond Robotics. More recently, the Militia have created their own Titan model — the Vanguard-Class — which has in turn been reverse-engineered and upgraded by the IMC’s Vinson Dynamics into the Monarch.


Well-trained, highly-sought and fully-equipped, the Pilot is the apex of modern infantry warfare. Utilising expensive Jump Kits, they are able to wallrun, double-jump and achieve mastery of the futuristic 3D battlefield in which Titanfall takes place. Many Pilots are honed and funded by the IMC, though many more have defected or been recruited by the Militia as special forces or mercenaries.

Robotic Infantry

Both factions in the fight employ vast quantities of robotic infantry to bolster their human forces. Many of these are, in some way, evolved from the MRVN Automated Assistants — passive worker droids used for a variety of maintenance tasks. The «Marvin» paved the way for the BRD-01 Spectre, combat drones equipped to replace traditional humans; the Stalker, a «Super Spectre» designed to fight against Pilots; and the Reaper — robots equipped to fight against Titans in large numbers. Other robots include the Tick, walking fragmentation bombs that seek out enemy targets to self-detonate and Simulacrums, human minds imprinted into robotic bodies who are fully aware of their status.

Jump Kit

The Jump Kit is the portable jump pack employed by Pilots, allowing them to double-jump, wall-run, accelerate up and down Ziplines and perform all manner of other complex parkour skills. The Jump Kit was originally designed for use in salvage and construction, allowing workers to navigate complex 3D work spaces with ease. However, they have since been adapted for military use by special forces.

Data Knife

The Data Knife is a specialised piece of equipment; part deadly carbon-fibre blade and part compact storage device, the Data Knife can be used to Execute opponents or hack vulnerable ports on Spectres and Heavy Turrets and hack consoles to open doors and activate things like extending the bridge in Effect and Cause.


Weaponry in Titanfall takes the form of traditional ballistic weapons and more exotic energy weapon systems. One of the most common weapon platforms employed by combatants on the Frontier is the R-101C Carbine and its variants; the R-201 Assault Rifle, D-101 Longbow-DMR Sniper and R-97 Compact SMG. However, there are many kinds of energy weapon such as «Arc» weaponry like the Arc Cannon and Arc Grenade, Particle Accelerators such as the Splitter Rifle, lasers such as the Charge Rifle and even incendiary weapons making heavy use of thermite.

Titan weapons additionally include railguns, which are also used in Orbital Defense. However, the most exotic weapons technology is «Smart» technology, utilised in arms as small as a handgun to cannons as large as a building. This allows bullets to self-guide after leaving the barrel, ensuring perfect accuracy once a lock has been acquired.

Infantry Weapons of the Titanfall universe
Handguns B3 Wingman (Elite • V2) • Hammond (P2011 • P2016 • P2020) • RE-45 Autopistol • Smart Pistol (MK5 • MK6)
Submachine Guns &Personal Defence Weapons Alternator • C.A.R. SMG • R-97 Compact SMG • R-99 SMG • Prowler Burst PDW • Volt
Assault Rifles,Battle Rifles & Carbines G2A4 Battle Rifle • G2A5 Battle Rifle • G7 Scout • Havoc Rifle • M1A3 Hemlok BF-R • R-101C Carbine • R-201 Assault Rifle • R-301 Carbine • V-47 Flatline (VK-47 Flatline)
Light Machine Guns L-STAR • L-STAR EMG • Spitfire LMG (M600) • X-55 Devotion (Mk3) • Rampage LMG
Sniper Rifles & Designated Marksman Rifles D-101 Longbow DMR • D-2 Double Take • Triple Take • Kraber-AP Sniper • Sentinel ESR • Valkyrie Sniper Rifle
Shotguns EVA-8 Shotgun • Mastiff • Peacekeeper • SA-3 Mozambique
Bows Bocek Compound Bow
Explosives Arc Grenade • Arc Star • Electric Smoke Grenade • Firestar • Gravity Star •Firestar • Frag Grenade • Satchel Charge • Thermite Grenade
Melee Weapons Data Knife • Grappling Hook • Machete • Pulse Blade
Titan Weapons
Primary Weapons 40mm Cannon (Tracker) • Arc Cannon • Broadsword • Leadwall • Maul • Plasma Railgun • Predator Cannon • Quad Rocket • Splitter Rifle • T-203 Thermite Launcher • Triple Threat • XOTBR-16 Chaingun • XO16A2 Chaingun
Ordnance Weapons Arc Wave • Charge Cannon • Cluster Missile • Firewall • Laser Shot • Multi-Target Missile System • Power Shot • Rocket Salvo • Slaved Warheads • Tracking Rockets
Core Weapons Laser Core • Flame Core • Flight Core • Salvo Core • Sword Core • Smart Core


The gameplay in Titanfall is similar to that of many other first-person shooters, with the player wielding a standard weapon and gunning down enemies. Compared to shooters like Halo and Call of Duty, there are points awarded for performing certain actions, such as killing enemy soldiers, Titans, and scoring headshots or unique methods of killing. While not piloting a Titan, players can sprint, double jump through the use of a small, but powerful Jump Kits, climb up structures through the use of said jump pack, and Wall-Run. making it possible to clear whole maps without ever setting foot on the ground. While piloting a Titan, the double jumping and wall-running abilities are removed, as well as the ability to fit into certain spaces only accessible to Pilots, but gameplay is quite similar.

Titanfall is an online-only multiplayer title, with no single player campaign or offline features. As a result the game’s story is told through a series of multiplayer matches with unique setpieces and dialogue to relate context for the fighting going on in the mission.

At the end of a multiplayer match, players will enter the Epilogue , where the losing team has to get to an evacuation dropship within a certain amount of time. If the player is successful in returning to the dropship, they are rewarded with extra XP. The opposing team can pick them off, preventing them from going to the dropship.


В титана можно попасть спереди, сзади и сверху. Внутри титана пилот находится в полной безопасности для своей жизни. Игрок может в любой момент покинуть титана. В этом случае им будет управлять компьютер, и вы можете поставить либо режим следования за вами, либо режим охраны, когда Титан будет автоматически атаковать противников.

Кроме особого оружия, Титаны могут атаковать противников и своими конечностями, используя их как холодное оружие. После получения критического урона пилот катапультируется из кабины. При взрыве Титан может повредить и уничтожить других титанов и пилотов, которые оказались в непосредственной близости от него.



Concept art for Titanfall map Swampland

An unknown Alien civilisation rises on The Frontier, creating the Fold Weapon, the Ark and even technology allowing Time Travel and Phase Shifting. Several primitive civilisations also rise and fall, leaving behind stone structures and temples in swamps and lagoons.

The Rise of the IMC

Before the advent of the Jump Drive, human space exploration was largely limited to the immediate planets in the near-reach of Earth and the Solar System. In this time, Hammond Engineering, led by Doctor Hammond, rose on Earth. Over the next fifteen years, the company grew exponentially, cornering the market with its Titan designs, planetary survey technology and materials science. In this time, the Jump Drive would be invented and a wave of colonists sent to the immediate star systems surrounding Earth. However, habitable worlds are rare and this fledgling region would soon become known as the Core Systems.

Titanfall 2 concept art.

Over the next century, Hammond Engineering would go through a number of mergers and re-brandings, remaking itself in the image of the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation. In this time, the IMC would become the dominant force in the Core Systems, fighting in a series of conflicts and an arms race against foe(s) unknown, due to their production of the first Spectre and their rapid expansion. The IMC would win these conflicts, ruling over the Core Systems with an iron fist.

Рецензии и награды[]

Игра Titanfall стала номинантом престижных игровых премий самых крупных игровых мероприятий 2013-2014 г.

Игровыми ресурами и критиками игра была оценена очень высоко. Оценки, полученные Titanfall, в подавляющем большинстве выше средних:

  • Polygon – 9/10
  • Videogamer – 8/10
  • Xbox Achievements – 90/100
  • NowGamer – 9/10
  • CVG – 9/10
  • Gamespot – 9/10
  • Joystiq – 4.5/5
  • GameReactor — 9/10
  • GamesRadar — 4/5
  • AusGamers – 8.7/10
  • GamePlanet – 9.5/10
  • VentureBeat — 82/100
  • The Escapist — 4/5
  • USgamer — 4/5
  • GameCount — 8.3/10

Такие большие неигровые издания, как he Verge и Wired, посвятили обзору игры отдельные статьи. Журналисты, которые не являются фанатами онлайн шутеров, основной проблемой которых является долгий процесс обучения и набора опыта, после чего игра на самом деле начинает приносить удовольствие, признаются, что за игрой Titanfall даже они провели много времени. В отсутствии одиночной кампании игра уделяет обучающему процессу больше внимания чем остальные шутеры. Новичкам предлагается пройти обучающий курс, в ходе которого игрока учат основам игрового процесса, дают посражаться с ботами для освоения механики игры. Введение в игру больших и персональных роботов, что значит, что никто другой, кроме вызвавшего его игрока, в него сесть не может, так же облегчает игру новичкам, так как роботы имеют большое преймущество перед пехотой, которой в данном случае не помогает больший опыт в онлайн шутерах, — новичок в мехе имеет намного больше шансов выйти победителем, встретившись один на один с даже очень опытным игроком. Даже безнадёжно проигравшей команде игра предоставляет возможность заработать бонусные очки опыта за счёт выполнения дополнительного задания — на карте обозначается зона погрузки и проигравшим предлагается спастись на корабле своей коалиции, что делает игровой процесс более интересным для обеих команд. Проигравшая, но использовавшая дополнительную возможность, команда тоже чувствует себя победителем. Такие небольшие на первый взгляд изменения в механике классического режима deathmatch в корне меняют восприятие игры, делая её более привлекательной для большего количества игроков.


Fauna and Flora

The Frontier is home to a diverse array of Fauna and Flora, including the massive Leviathans, the winged Flyers and the pack-hunter Prowlers. Through the actions of IMC panspermia experiments (And possibly other processes), these forms of life can be encountered on many worlds.

Alien Civilisations

Although never directly observed, evidence for at least three alien civilisations having existed in the past on the Frontier has been found in several different star systems. Two of these appear to have been primitive, stone-age civilisations whose ruins and temples have been found in Swamplands and Lagoons.

The last, and much more technologically advanced than humanity, appears to have manufactured the Fold Weapon.


Большинство Титанов оказывается на поле боя в результате высадки — «Titanfall». Она подразумевает запуск Титана из специального ангара космического корабля, находящегося на орбите планеты. Титан запускается сродни Орбитальным капсулам на сверхзвуковой скорости, что позволяет ему достичь поля боя менее чем за минуту.

Ещё на корабле, Титаны собираются из отдельных частей Этот процесс может занимать до 5 минут, после чего Титан будет, наконец, готов к высадке

После завершения боевых действий IMC использует транспортный корабль «Вдова» для того чтобы поднять Титана обратно на корабль и подготовить к повторной высадке в будущем

Список титанов[]

По всему Фронтиру есть разные вариации титанов. Все ныне существующие варианты титанов за исключением Авангарда и Монарха созданы на базе титанов класса «Атлас», «Огр» и «Страйдер».

Вариации, созданные до битвы за Деметру

До битвы за Деметру титаны имели большое количество вариантов кастомизации и гибкий дизайн, основанный на пожеланиях Пилота. Возможно, это было связано с большей доступностью и меньшими затратами на производство когда линии снабжения с Ядром были целы. Вариации, задействованные после уничтожения врат Деметры более специализированы и менее гибки в их ролях.

  • Атлас — Атлас является «рабочей лошадкой» вселенной Titanfall, и в той или иной форме служил в течение бесчисленных десятилетий, и, вероятно, будет продолжать работать в течение бесчисленных других. «Атлас», оснащенный ядром урона и двумя рывками, представляет собой универсальный Титан-середнячок.

    • Штурмовой Титан — модель Атласа, вооружённая пулемётом ХО-16 и способностью «Выживальщик».
    • Артиллерийский Титан — модель Атласа, вооружённая четверной ракетницей и наземным щитом. Позже, это вооружение появилось у титана класса Тон.
  • Огр — H-KA02/a Огр, обычно называемый «800-фунтовой гориллой Хаммонд Роботикс», является Тяжелым Титаном.  Его тяжелая броня и способность «Усиление щитов» восполняют недостаток скорости, которая важна на поле битвы.

    • Ядерный Титан — Камикадзе, использующий щиты и крепкую броню, чтобы транспортировать Ядерный Заряд на поле битвы и нанести колоссальный урон врагам. Также может быть использован титаном класса Легион.
    • Наступательный Титан — модель Огра, вооружённая 40мм пушкой и щитами.
  • Страйдер — легкий, маневренный Титан, подходящий для быстрых атак и частой смены позиции с помощью Dash Core.

    • Дуговой Титан — модель Страйдера, вооружённая Шквалом свинца и Дуговым щитом. Последний также используется на Титане класса Ронин.
    • Артиллерийский Титан — модель Страйдера, вооружённая четверной ракетницей и способностью «Ускоритель регенерации»

Primary Factions

There are a handful of major players in the Titanfall universe.

Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation

The Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation, or IMC, is a massive megacorporation and the de facto government for humanity in the Core Systems. The IMC have numerous subsidiaries and stakes in almost any industry imaginable, and enforce law and order with their own Armed Services, including a vast Navy and Marine Corps. More recently, the IMC have become bogged down in the war against the Frontier Militia, having become cut off from their Core Systems reinforcements for half a decade.

Remnant Fleet

The Remnant Fleet is the name given to the IMC fleet led by Vice Admiral Spyglass, and abandoned on the Frontier in the wake of the Battle of Demeter. With the refinery planet’s destruction, the Remnant Fleet is completely cut off from their reinforcements and have seen mass defections of human personnel to the Militia cause. As a consequence, the Remnant Fleet is largely comprised of Spectres, Stalkers and Reapers. The Remnant Fleet has been involved in the continued fight against the Militia on the Frontier, and has been known to conduct raids for technology and resources on colonies regardless of affiliation; consequently, the Remnant Fleet is known to fight against other IMC factions alongside its more traditional enemies.

Archaeological Research Division

The Archaeological Research Division (ARES Division) is the division of the IMC’s Frontier forces led by General Marder and dedicated to the progress of the IMC — and humanity — as a whole. To this end, ARES Division is involved in the examination and restoration of alien structures such as the Fold Weapon. ARES Division currently employs many mercenaries alongside its own IMC troops, and has been involved in fighting against the Remnant Fleet.

Vinson Dynamics

Vinson Dynamics is an arms manufacturer and subsidiary of the IMC, contracted for the creation of weapons, Titans and Simulacrums. Nevertheless, their mercenary contractors are known to conduct raids on the Remnant Fleet’s databanks.

Apex Predators

The Apex Predators are a mercenary company founded by South African mercenary Kuben Blisk, contracted to the highest bidder — usually the IMC. The Predators don’t care who they fight for as long as they get paid.

Frontier Militia

The Frontier Militia (Sometimes referred to as the Colonial Militia or The Militia) is a citizen militia operating on the Frontier, made up of disenfranchised farmers, homesteaders, mercenaries, pirates and terrorists. Together, this unruly band of freedom fighters uses guerilla warfare and raids to fight the numerically superior IMC, though their numbers have swelled in recent years thanks to their devastating attack on Demeter.

Marauder Corps

The Marauder Corps (or M-COR) are a subset of the Freeport Brigade, and a key cell responsible for many Militia attacks on the IMC. They are led by Commander Sarah Briggs.

The Angel City Elite (Or ACES) are a Pilot company led by Robert «Barker» Taube, based out of Angel City.

The 6-4

This group of freelance Pilots, led by Commander Gates, are mercenaries contracted by the Militia. Unlike their Apex Predator counterparts, the 6-4 claim to fight with honour, and will not necessarily take the highest-bidding contracts.

The Advocates

The Advocates are a person (or group of people) of unknown allegiance or identity, working to influence the progress of the war to currently unknown means.

The Syndicate are a mysterious organisation founded from its predecessor the Mercenary Syndicate sometime after 2708. They operate and manage the Apex Games and are also known to control a large portion of The Outlands, an untamed region of Frontier space. They are suspected to be a mostly criminal organisation, with bitter rivalries against other such groups constantly vying for control of The Outlands. Kuben Blisk is also believed to be a member of The Syndicate, supposedly even a founding member.


SpeculationThe following information on this article, Titanfall Universe, is speculation, and should not be taken as definitive fact.

Although not confirmed, the timeframe of the rise of the IMC can be roughly estimated by one piece of Grunt dialogue estimating that Doctor Hammond, were he to still be alive, would be around 200 years old. Accepting Hammond as being between between 20 and 40 years old when starting Hammond Engineering, and at which point the Titan platform was in widespread use and descended from modern-day military exoskeleton projects, this likely places the origin of Hammond Engineering as taking place within the 21st century.

Furthermore, Dr. Hammond is known to have at least one son, who is mentioned to be alive and working on human augmentation projects alongside someone named «Mister Hammond» making a speech to IMC Pilots in the intro to «The Battle of Demeter».

Additional information in the Titanfall Companion also states that terraforming of a full planet can take, on average, 60–100 years — suggesting that humans have been exploring deep space for at least as long. An additional factor is the mention of veterans of IMC-backed military campaigns being some of the first Frontier settlers, who now put their skills to use against the IMC as a part of the Militia.

Given that the Titan Wars took place around 20 years ago, and that the IMC were operating on the Frontier at least 25 years ago at Base Golden, this places the IMC’s return to the Frontier at least twenty-thirty years ago, but the initial settlement cannot be much before that due to the need for initial settlers to still be alive at the time that the series is set. Given the mention of «Several generations» of settlers on the Frontier and the assumption that several is used to mean more than two generations, this could place a reasonable settlement for the Frontier around sixty years ago. Given yet another assumption that medicinal technology in Titanfall can reasonably extend a person’s lifespan for several decades, this could allow the initial settlers to still be active in teaching and leading soldiers in the Militia while their grandchildren or great-grandchildren are the primary fighting force today.

Another factor in estimating the timeframe of the Frontier’s settlement is the mention that a planetary evacuation on the scale seen at Fracture has not been seen for over 50 years, and the signs of civilian life look relatively untouched by the time of the Fracture Operation. This could potentially add another few decades to the timeframe of the IMC’s occupation of the Frontier — though the kind of evacuation mentioned could also include disasters occuring in the Core Systems.

Ultimately, this timeline places the initial settlement of the Frontier around sixty years before the events of Titanfall and Titanfall 2, the settlement of the Core Systems around another sixty before that and the initial founding of Hammond Engineering some time in this century. Or, to put it another way, an estimate for the setting of Titanfall could take place around the late 22nd or early 23rd centuries.

Cooper’s Heads-up-Display. Note the Birthdate mention.

One last important detail is in the Deluxe Edition of Titanfall 2 and the mission BT-7274 — the dogtag/ HUD of rifleman Jack Cooper show his birthdate as the year XX87. Given this time frame and a reasonable assumption of Cooper’s age being mid-twenties to mid-thirties at the time of Titanfall 2, this places the timeframe for Titanfall — notably the Battle of Demeter — as taking place around the 2210s.

With the timeframe from the start of Hammond Engineering to Titanfall being estimated at around 175 years, working back from the year 2200 leaves the start of Hammond Engineering and the invention of the Jump Drive as taking place within the next twenty years, and the events portrayed in Titanfall as taking place C. 2210.

As of Apex Legends release, the current year has been confirmed to be canonically 2733, with the Frontier War ending around a decade ago, putting the events of Titanfall around the 2700s. This was reinforced in the Apex Legends Season Four cinematic trailer, which reveals Marcos Andrade, the father of Loba, to have committed a high-profile theft in the year 2702. Considering Marcos was murdered when Loba was still a child, this all but confirms the current timeframe as the mid-28th Century. Revenant is also confirmed to be around 300 years old, with his human consciousness becoming digitised in the year 2420 and transferred into a Simulacrum chassis. Prior to it’s official joining of The Syndicate, Planet Salvo was said to have refused an offer of membership into the organisation in 2722.

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