Tapkin games

In Real Life

Deinosuchus was a crocodilian and an apex predator that inhabited Cretaceous North America. Far larger than any extant crocodilian species today, the largest species could reach a length of 45 feet and a mass of 14 tones, while smaller species reached a length of 28 ft. and a mass of 3.7 tones. With a bite force of approximately 102,803 N (10,483 kgf; 23,111 lb.) estimated for a 3,450 kg specimen, it could crush its prey down to the bone — and then the bone itself.

Some hadrosaurs and ornithopod fossils show bite marks left from a Deinosuchus, suggesting that this massive crocodilian hunted in a similar fashion to today’s crocodiles. The Deinosuchus died out before the Cretaceous-Paleogene Extinction Event.

Сюжетная линия

Сюжетная линия The Isle связана с выживанием главного героя. Согласно сценарию, вы попадаете на необитаемый (людьми) остров, не знаете, как туда попали, и начинаете выживать. Для этого вам необходимо привыкнуть к внутриигровому миру, осмотреться, исследовать его и приготовиться к испытаниям, которые приготовила вам игра. А их будет немало. Остров населен динозаврами, готовыми съесть вас в любую удобную секунду. Поэтому снарядите своего бойца копьём, щитом, ножом, другим оружием, которое поможет вам в бою, сделайте все возможное, чтобы выжить и не умереть. А это задача не из легких, уж поверьте. Открытый мир встречает вас с распростертыми объятиями. Только объятия эти не слишком радужные и счастливые. Пройдите по темным болотам, отыщите самые потаенные места в глубинках острова, найдите уникальные артефакты и предметы, которые пригодятся вам в боях за свободу и собственную жизнь. Охотьтесь, становитесь сильнее, совершенствуйтесь, развивайтесь, тренируйтесь и тогда вы точно преодолеете все проблемы и сможете ужиться с огромными монстрами под названием динозавры. Здесь они еще не вымерли. Ожесточенный игровой процесс, потрясающий геймплей и увлекательное повествование ждут вас. Все это как нельзя лучше описывает вашу будущую жизнь в этих джунглях. Будьте осторожны в густом и темном лесу. Не заходите туда ночью, потому что динозавры видят во тьме и могу напасть. К тому же, на острове есть и другие животные, прямые союзники больших гигантов. Решайте сами — убить или быть убитым. Не думайте о пощаде или жалости. Здесь ее попросту нет. Вам необходимо беспокоиться лишь о своей жизни. И все. Скачайте торрент The Isle на русском языке и приготовьтесь к главному сражению — с боссом всех динозавров.



When you spawn in Survival mode, you will start as a juvenile. (When spawning in a Nest, you spawn as an infant). You will slowly grow to your max size, which is different for other dinosaurs. Some can take as long as 6 hours. As you grow, your health, speed, damage, hunger and thirst all change, changing the gameplay slightly through each stage. Seamless growth is coming to the game soon, but currently, there are stages: Infant, Juvenile, Sub, Adult.

Night Vision

All dinosaurs have night vision, and due to the true darkness of nighttime, it is very useful. Most herbivores have poor night vision, while some predators have extremely good night vision, such as the Dilophosaurus.


All dinosaurs have the ability to scent. For herbivores, using scent allows you to find plants and water. Plants tend to glow green and water glow blue. For carnivores, the scent is your key ability to tracking your prey. Footprints and blood are lit up. Footprints tend to glow yellow and blood/carcasses glow red. Water also glows blue for carnivores.


All dinosaurs have the ability to roar. Each dinosaur has 5 different «calls». (Broadcast, Threaten, Friendly, Danger, Communication).


When you are attacked, you will bleed. All dinosaurs have different bleed damage and some bleed out faster than others. Bleed is an effective way to ensure death upon someone you wounded. Bleeding, however, allows predators to track you far easier.

Bone Break

When you take a fall and it doesn’t kill you, it’s likely you may break your leg. You can now only limp and your speed is seriously low. You must sit down to heal. Some dinosaurs have a far higher chance of causing bone break during combat.


Most predators have the ability to Ambush. Ambushing allows for high speed during a slow duration of time. While crouching, you must wait around 5 seconds, until your icon on the bottom right shows an arrow. Then go into the sprint. Ambush speed doesn’t last long, however, but it allows you to easily out-run prey.


All dinosaurs have hunger, and some are hungrier than others. Carnivores must hunt and kill AI or other players and then eat their carcass for food, while Herbivores must find edible plants.


All dinosaurs have thirst, and some are thirstier than others. You will not loose thirst while it is raining. You can drink out of all the bodies of water and rivers, except the ocean.


Sneaking is an essential part of ambushing. If you are a large predator, like the Tyrannosaurus for example, then anybody would hear you coming. By sneaking, you lower your profile and no thunderous sounds come from your footsteps.


Smaller dinosaurs, such as the Utahraptor, can jump and pounce onto a larger dinosaur, where it can attack it while latched to its back.


All dinosaurs in the game can swim, but it depends on your stamina. If you run out of stamina, you begin to loose health until you die. Some dinosaurs, such as the Suchomimus, can swim far more faster then others, and they have more stamina while swimming.


A feature that is currently being redone. If you are stuck, or want to quickly turn around while in combat, holding down Alt and then turning allows you to turn on an axis, rather then having to walk in a circle. You can not alt-turn with a broken bone.


Stamina is a very essential part of the game. It determines whether or not you’re going to escape a predator or if you’re going to catch your prey. Stamina decreases while sprinting or ambushing, and for some dinosaurs, it will not increase while walking.


Nesting is a feature that allows female dinosaurs to lay eggs. You can invite other players in a server to join your nest, where they will be born out of the eggs as newborn dinosaurs.

Movement and camera


To move use the W, A, S, and D keys. To sprint, hold the Shift key while moving, to change the camera angle, and the direction of the dinosaur the mouse is used. You can also turn around while standing, first press and hold ALT and then the W, A, S, or D keys. Dinosaurs cannot sprint when they have a broken leg.


Space: Some dinosaurs, such as the Gallimimus, Herrerasaurus, Utahraptor, and Austroraptor, can jump by pressing Space.

Crouch / Ambush ( sprint ) :

C: All Carnivores and some herbivores, such as the Gallimimus, Austroraptor, Carnotaurus, and Tyrannosaurus rex can crouch by pressing C.Carnivores can Ambush by waiting some seconds till a little dino run Symbol shows up, at the bottom right of the screen, over the dinosaur’s Thirst.

Walk slowly:

Z: While walking slowly dinosaur’s turning radius is very good.Most dinosaurs can switch between a trot and walk by pressing Z.The 2 dinosaurs Shantungosaurus and Maiasaura do swap between walking on two legs to four.


Q: Scent is accessed by pressing and holding Q for some seconds. ( 2-5 sec if you go, 10 sec if you stand )- Lakes, ponds and rivers will light blue.- Footprints of your and other dinosaurs that they have left will light up in a yellow color allowing you to track them down.- The blood prints will be a red color if that creature is bleeding.Notes:- In the Nightvision ( N ) you always see all footprints.- If you spawn or sit around for some time, you must walk a bit, until you make a footprint. Then you can sniff.


N: In the Nightvision, you can see a defined area in a white lightIn the Nightvision, you always see all footprints.While the night vision range is a little different by each dinosaur, Dilophosaurus has the best Nightvision.

В The Isle не работает управление. The Isle не видит мышь, клавиатуру или геймпад. Решение

Как играть, если невозможно управлять процессом? Проблемы поддержки специфических устройств тут неуместны, ведь речь идет о привычных девайсах — клавиатуре, мыши и контроллере.

Таким образом, ошибки в самой игре практически исключены, почти всегда проблема на стороне пользователя. Решить ее можно по-разному, но, так или иначе, придется обращаться к драйверу. Обычно при подключении нового устройства операционная система сразу же пытается задействовать один из стандартных драйверов, но некоторые модели клавиатур, мышей и геймпадов несовместимы с ними.

Таким образом, нужно узнать точную модель устройства и постараться найти именно ее драйвер. Часто с устройствами от известных геймерских брендов идут собственные комплекты ПО, так как стандартный драйвер Windows банально не может обеспечить правильную работу всех функций того или иного устройства.

Если искать драйверы для всех устройств по отдельности не хочется, то можно воспользоваться программой Driver Updater. Она предназначена для автоматического поиска драйверов, так что нужно будет только дождаться результатов сканирования и загрузить нужные драйвера в интерфейсе программы.

Нередко тормоза в The Isle могут быть вызваны вирусами. В таком случае нет разницы, насколько мощная видеокарта стоит в системном блоке. Проверить компьютер и отчистить его от вирусов и другого нежелательного ПО можно с помощью специальных программ. Например NOD32. Антивирус зарекомендовал себя с наилучшей стороны и получили одобрение миллионов пользователей по всему миру.

ZoneAlarm подходит как для личного использования, так и для малого бизнеса, способен защитить компьютер с операционной системой Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista и Windows XP от любых атак: фишинговых, вирусов, вредоносных программ, шпионских программ и других кибер угроз. Новым пользователям предоставляется 30-дневный бесплатный период.

Nod32 — анитивирус от компании ESET, которая была удостоена многих наград за вклад в развитие безопасности. На сайте разработчика доступны версии анивирусных программ как для ПК, так и для мобильных устройств, предоставляется 30-дневная пробная версия. Есть специальные условия для бизнеса.

Игровой процесс

Как стало ясно выше, главным игровым процессом здесь является выживание. В игре The Isle это показано очень отчетливо и точно. Вы попадете в злобный, мрачный и страшный мир, где вам придется выживать, среди тысяч динозавров, готовых вас разорвать на куски и полакомиться человеческим мясом. Вам предстоит овладеть своим страхом, проявить логику и остроумие, чтобы как можно дольше продержаться в этом внутриигровом мире. Режим “Песочница” дает возможность создавать своих динозавров, локации и даже людей. Так что развивайте фантазию и начинайте играть — впереди много чего интересного. Развивайтесь на острове. Возьмите себе за цель стать непобедимым. Уверены, у вас это получится. Здесь все для этого есть. Единственная просьба — выжить и не умереть раньше времени. Пока исследуете мир, помните, что каждый ваш шаг и каждое открытие — меняет будущее в игре. Так что до конца неизвестно, каким будет финал у главного героя. Постарайтесь сделать его красочным и незабываемым. Но, главное — выжить. Это и есть основная миссия игры.

The Isle скачать торрент на русском бесплатно в последней версии вы можете ниже по прямой ссылке.

General Information


  • Highest base damage of any herbivore.
  • Best stamina of all apexes.
  • Health and weight is above average.
  • Very fast.
  • Can be very intimidating
  • Can hit when it starts to stand up.
  • 3rd fastest trot. (after Herrerasaurus and Acrocanthosaurus).
  • Therizinosaurus can kill almost all dinosaurs with relative ease.
  • Each hit has a 3 or 4 times damage multiplier. If 1 hit is 350 damage, the damage it will deal to the opponent is 3 or 4 times more than 350.


  • No bleed damage
  • Very low bleed heal rate.
  • Low bleed resistance
  • Makes loud obnoxious noises
  • Cannot sniff (Sandbox dinosaur)
  • It has quite low health and weight for an apex.
  • It can break bones very easily, which makes it vulnerable to falling from rocks and cliffs.
  • Big tail makes it easy to tail ride, allowing even small dinosaurs such as Utahraptor or Dilophosaurus to kill it if not careful.

Massive Prehistoric Multiplayer

Become the beast within. When joining The Isle, you can play as one of dozens of unique creatures, from tiny darting herbivores like Dryosaurus to blood-thirsty giants such as T. Rex or Allosaurus (with many more still to come!) As a dinosaur, you’ll be the epitome of majestic, cunning and ferocious. Use your natural abilities and senses to stay off the menu and grow into a stronger, more capable creature.

Engage with a living prehistoric ecosystem as you become either predator or prey on servers featuring up to 100+ players, all of them as hungry and dangerous as you. Form packs/herds, create nests, defend your offspring, hunt, and claim territory. A single mistake can spell your demise.

Notable Locations

Name Description Location Nearby Water Sources
Antenna Tower Tall Radio tower on top of a

mountain. Marks the twin lakes.

Lights up at night

-591, -135 Box of water attached to tower
Twins Complex 3 small buildings in

between Twin Lakes

-445, -175 North Twins

South Twins


Small dock on the Gulf


-500,- 15
Gulf Tower Huge rock in the middle

of the Gulf, marks crossing


-360, 45
Dump Large pile of rocks and trash,


-295, -310 Dump’s Pool

Dump’s Bog


Forest Falls (Info needed) -140, -125 Fields River


Spirit Pond

North End Marks the end of the

Northern river and exist into

North Ocean

100, -600 Northern River
Couple Stones

(Guardian Lion)

(Info needed) -120, -85 Spirit Pond

Jungle River

Sinkhole Large sinkhole where Field River

empties into.

-195, 15 Fields River

West Swamp

Gate Rock Where the Spring River empties

into the Titan Lake

20, -250 Spring River

Titan Lake

The Dam Large Dam that faces into the

Northern Canyon

35, 160 Titan Lake

It is in the middle of a cliff.

-160, 270 Sewer Creek
Treatment Plants (Info needed) -145, 285 Sewer Creek
Aviary A massive bird-cage, has a lake

in the middle.

-25, 280 Sewer Creek


Barracks 8 large buildings in the middle of the


290, 165
Port Massive dock with cranes and 2

water sources.

430, 230 Box water inside the Port
Power Plant (Info needed) 430, 350 PORT water sources
Rocky Falls (Info needed) -400, 545 Mountain Stream

Short Arm

Rocky Pond

Rocky Spring (Info needed) -355, 555 Short Arm

Great River

Great Falls A massive valley with a river in it. The river (Great River) starts at a big rock-like area surrounded by a canyon-like wall. -190, 500 Lazy River

Great River

Estuary Tower (Info needed) 145, 645 Lazy River

Estuary Weir

Dam-like structure, marks the

end of the lazy river and empties

into the south ocean.

145, 645 Lazy River

В The Isle нет звука. Ничего не слышно. Решение

The Isle работает, но почему-то не звучит — это еще одна проблема, с которой сталкиваются геймеры. Конечно, можно играть и так, но все-таки лучше разобраться, в чем дело.

Сначала нужно определить масштаб проблемы. Где именно нет звука — только в игре или вообще на компьютере? Если только в игре, то, возможно, это обусловлено тем, что звуковая карта очень старая и не поддерживает DirectX.

Если же звука нет вообще, то дело однозначно в настройке компьютера. Возможно, неправильно установлены драйвера звуковой карты, а может быть звука нет из-за какой-то специфической ошибки нашей любимой ОС Windows.

In Real Life

Stegosaurus was a fairly large animal, with the largest specimens reaching up to 9 meters (29.5 feet) in length. It was herbivorous, feeding mainly on low-growing vegetation. The head of Stegosaurus was held around a meter off the ground, and the brain was quite small in proportion to the body, with the brain being about 80 g (0.17 lbs) in an animal that weighed 4.5 metric tonnes (9,920 lbs).

It likely wasn’t very quick on it’s feet either; calculations for Stegosaurus give it a top speed of 6-7 km/h (3.7-4.3 m/h). They were predated upon by Allosaurus, Ceratosaurus and Torvosaurus.

Stegosaurus was well-armed to defend itself; the tip of its tail bear four spikes, each between 60-90 cm (2-3 ft) in length. This adaptation, known as a thagomizer, is common in stegosaurs and their ankylosaur relatives, though advanced ankylosaurids had bony clubs instead of spikes.

The plates on Stegosaurus back have been the subject of near-constant debate since it’s a discovery in 1887 with various researchers proposing them as defensive shielding, display structures, or many other uses. Even their placement has been debated, though most modern depictions seem to have agreed upon a paired row of alternating plates. These plates vary in size, with the largest plates above the hip being around 60 cm (2 ft) in width and height.

It is currently only playable in Sandbox mode but has been confirmed to be coming into Survival mode.

In The Isle

Gallimimus is a relatively defenseless dinosaur, relying mainly on its high speed and a large amount of stamina to outrun pursuing predators. They can attack by kicking with their legs; and while this is dangerous for smaller, weaker predators like Herrerasaurus and Austroraptor, it is best to flee when confronted by larger, more durable predators such as Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus. A Gallimimus with a broken leg is easy prey for any carnivore, as it loses the main advantage it has over its predators; speed. Gallimimus is currently the fastest herbivore in the game in a normal sprint, and has the longest lasting stamina, making it very efficient at running away from predators. Some faster Carnivores, such as Utahraptor and Carnotaurus can catch Gallimimus while in an ambush sprint or normal sprint respectively.

For this reason, it is a good idea for Gallimimus to group up into herds with larger and more well-defended herbivores such as Stegosaurus, Triceratops and Shantungosaurus. The speed and high stamina of the Gallimimus make it a good scouter; and while it doesn’t do much damage, the foresight to the herd it provides is valuable for fending off carnivore attacks.

It is one of the only dinosaurs to be able to outpace Hyperendocrins in stamina and also able to outspeed the Type-H Giga (not including ambush) and Type-H Rex (not including ambush). But it is able to out-turn the Type H Carnotaurus so it has the most likely chance of survival against it.

«The Gallimimus relies primarily on it’s high speed and maneuverability to keep itself alive against pursuing threats. While it’s diet primarily consists of vegetation the Gallimimus is an omnivore, allowing it to feed upon the eggs of other dinosaurs.»

-Official The Isle Roadmap

How to (possibly) unlock them

In the Dev Q&A, Dondi (Developer) mentions the island will be occupied by «horrifying things». Some will eat you, or melt you, but the important thing is:

  • Some could change your DNA
  • Some will take parts away that you did not know you had

…and after a few hours as an Adult, you then grow to a Strain.

Interestingly, another Developer, BryanPhillips, claims that you do not «grow» into a Strain, you evolve into it. It has now been confirmed since the release of the roadmap. The player will become an Elder at the end of his dinosaur’s adult stage, and after this, will face two choices. He can either choose to end his dinosaur’s life and gain bonus points for his next dinosaur (we suppose it means growing faster or starting at a more advanced stage) or choose to become a strain.

The Basics

This is some information that I’m not sure which category to put into, so here you go.

  • Crouching will hide your tracks. Staying still will also hide your tracks (of course lol). You should also know that the faster you’re moving the more tracks will appear whenever you or someone else sniffs
  • If it’s day you can turn off nightvision to see better. To turn it on and off press N (don’t do it in the middle of day.. trust me). However, some dinos will have better nightvision than others. You’ll read about that soon.
  • Press tab on your keyboard to view player names, and their IDs. Their username and id can be useful for reporting rulebreakers on rule servers. (You will read about this depending on the servers rules that you’re playing on.) You can also add them to your group by pressing the + icon next to their name.
  • Talking in any way will make your dinosaur make a sound, you can recreate it by pressing ‘F’ while in game. Be careful though, as other dinosaurs might hear this and can kill you.
  • Similar to the last one- calling out will enable people to hear you from far away. and when you roar, you cannot bite. just because you cant hear someone after you call doesnt mean theyre not there.
  • Bigger animals take longer to grow. Take apexes as an example. A utah only takes 2 hours whilst a rex 6 and some more minutes.
  • If your thirst and hunger get to below 0, you still have a few minutes left to find either of those resources before you die.
  • If you’re a herbivore and AI spawns close to you then you should leave that area. AI spawns near hungry carnivores, and most carnivores won’t pity a player.. especially a herbivore, juvi or adult.
  • Day and night each last for about 30 minutes irl. Night usually starts at around 6 pm in game, and ends at 6 am. Day starts at 6 am and ends at around 5/6pm. You can check the in game time under the asset location on your character menu. You’ll see it in the picture I attached below.

Here’s a map where you can check your location in game on ISLEV3. I will also link one for thenyaw.

First, I’ll tell you how to do it. Press esc and go to character menu or press insert on your keyboard to open the character menu. You will see asset location in the top right corner- memorize the first 3 numbers of the lat and long, including the – at the start if there is any. Then, go to whichever website you are on and enter the lat and long into the top of the page. You’ll see where it asks for it.

  • Link to the Thenyaw Map.
  • Link to the Isle v3 Map.


Company: Afterthought LLC

Occupation Employees
3ds Max animator: Bryan Phillips; Twitch, Jerrelle Reddick
3d Model Creator: Jake Baardse; Baardo on Twitch; Models
Environment Modelling: Cristian Lobado
Level Design: Richard Williams
Conceptual Art by: Cole Brooks, Fred Wierum, Marty Kevil
Music by: Anthony Casalena, Dmitrii Miachin
Shader Arts: Christian Lobado, John van Sise
Q.A. lead: Jack Britton
Community Manager: Bruce Wells
U.I. Design: Fred Wierum, Tom Hughes
Sound Design & Visual Effects by: Richard Williams
Software Engineers: Brandon Gandy, Christian Castell
Produced by: Jerrelle Reddick

In Real Life

Carnotaurus lived during the lower Maastrichtian age of the Late Cretaceous, and inhabited what is now Argentina between 72 to 69.9 million years ago.

Carnotaurus is notable for being the fastest known non-avian dinosaur, reaching speeds of up to 56 kilometers per hour. This is due to a massively enlarged caudofemoralis muscle, which allowed the leg to be pulled back faster and, in turn, granted greater speed. This also meant that the Carnotaurus had to turn the hip and tail simultaneously in order to make turns, although turning was probably unnecessary as the Carnotaurus likely ambushed its prey in a straight sprint. Despite these powerful leg and hip muscles, its arms were incredibly small, and probably became vestigial due to lack of purpose.

General overview:


  • Agile Hunter.
  • Fast. Decent damage output, and stamina
  • Best turn radius.
  • Best turn speed.
  • Quick stamina regeneration. 
  • Relatively short grow time and low hunger.
  • Very fast health regeneration.
  • Fast bite rate.
  • A highly skilled player can take on bigger dinosaurs with ease.
  • Extremely powerful full juvenile stage. (some may argue that it is better than the adult stage)
  • 100% grown juvenile stage does more bleed than a full adult.


  • Very low bleed resistance.
  • Very low bleed damage.
  • Mediocre ambush. (1.1x multiplier for 8 seconds), slower than a sprinting Utahraptor.
  • Trips easily over rocks and terrain, prone to leg breaks
  • Can be over powered by Dilophosaurus, Allosaurus, Carnotaurus and Diabloceratops

Появляется чёрный экран в The Isle

  • Драйверы установлены/обновлены, но The Isle всё равно отказывается работать
    нормально? Тогда нужно проверить ПО, установлены ли вообще необходимые библиотеки? В
    первую очередь проверьте наличие библиотек

    Microsoft Visual C++



    , а также наличие «свежего»


  • Если ничего из вышеописанного не дало нужного результата, тогда пора прибегнуть к
    радикальному способу решения проблемы: запускаете The Isle и при появлении
    чёрного экрана нажимаете сочетание клавиш «Alt+Enter», чтобы игра переключилась на
    оконный режим. Так, возможно, откроется главное меню игры и удастся определить
    проблема в игре или нет. Если удалось перейти в оконный режим, тогда переходите в
    игровые настройки The Isle и меняйте разрешение (часто получается так, что
    несоответствие разрешения игры и рабочего стола приводит к конфликту, из-за которого
    появляется чёрный экран).
  • Причиной этой ошибки также могут послужить различные программы, предназначенные для
    захвата видео и другие приложения, связанные с видеоэффектами. А причина простая –
    появляются конфликты.
  • И напоследок – проблема, вероятнее всего, может быть связана с технической
    составляющей «железа». Видеоадаптер может перегреваться, как и мосты на материнской
    плате, что влечёт за собой уменьшенное энергопотребление видеокарты. Мы не будем
    вдаваться в детальные технические подробности, поэтому просто рекомендуем в
    обязательном порядке почистить свою машину от пыли и также поменять термопасту!

The Isle зависает. Картинка застывает. Решение

Ситуация примерно такая же, как и с вылетами: многие зависания напрямую связаны с самой игрой, а вернее с ошибкой разработчика при ее создании. Впрочем, нередко застывшая картинка может стать отправной точкой для расследования плачевного состояния видеокарты или процессора.

Так что если картинка в The Isle застывает, то воспользуйтесь программами для вывода статистики по загрузке комплектующих. Быть может, ваша видеокарта уже давно исчерпала свой рабочий ресурс или процессор греется до опасных температур?

Проверить загрузку и температуры для видеокарты и процессоров проще всего в программе MSI Afterburner. При желании можно даже выводить эти и многие другие параметры поверх картинки The Isle.

Какие температуры опасны? Процессоры и видеокарты имеют разные рабочие температуры. У видеокарт они обычно составляют 60-80 градусов по Цельсию. У процессоров немного ниже — 40-70 градусов. Если температура процессора выше, то следует проверить состояние термопасты. Возможно, она уже высохла и требует замены.

Если греется видеокарта, то стоит воспользоваться драйвером или официальной утилитой от производителя. Нужно увеличить количество оборотов кулеров и проверить, снизится ли рабочая температура.

In The Isle

Its claw attacks can deal massive amounts of damage and it can run very quickly. It has relatively low health and can be killed by a Tyrannosaurus in three bites, so it is best to avoid them along with other apex predators (unless you are an experienced player).

When in combat, it is best when directly facing your opponent. The tail is the most vulnerable spot, so players should make sure that predators don’t get to it. The best way for it to avoid trouble is to be intimidating, threatening to attack and displaying aggressive behaviour if carnivores get close. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work since some predators are not easily intimidated by the screeching, although due to the damage a Therizinosaurus can do, it might lower their chances of attacking.

Most animals will not want to come close to as Therizinosaurrus are extremely fast and do a lot of damage. The only dinosaurs that will try to hunt are mostly apexes. When fighting apexes it is advised to get behind them (without getting hit) and tail-ride them. Although if players do not want direct confrontation or engage in combat with an apex, the option to run away is suitably advised as Therizinosaurus can outrun all apexes. Before attempting to fight Apexes in survival mode, players best practice in sandbox mode.

It is currently playable in Sandbox mode, but can be nested in the Survival mode.

Survival or Sandbox?

The Isle’s core game mode is Survival, a tense and difficult experience where you need to grow fast or die young. Dinosaurs in Survival mode progress through several life stages, starting out small and vulnerable. Use your scent ability, night vision and wits to survive long enough to grow, becoming more powerful and unlock new abilities such as nesting. Because of the time needed to develop a full character life cycle, not every creature is or will be playable in Survival, though more will be added in future updates.

However, sometimes you don’t want to struggle to survive, or you don’t have the time to go through a dinosaur’s whole life story. And that’s okay. For players who want a less intense experience, Sandbox mode lets you play an expanded roster of dinosaurs (and soon humans!). You can jump right in as an adult super predator or a peaceful giant, with no major penalties or consequences from dying. We won’t judge.

Type-H: Hyperendocrin

All current «Hyper» dinosaurs.

Designed to kill with sheer brute force, Hyperendocrin dinosaurs are massive, fast, loud, and starving. Their insatiable hunger drives them to slaughter and consume entire herds of dinosaurs, while their super-regeneration and bulletproof skin makes any form of retaliation useless. The only known reliable way to kill a Hyperendocrin dinosaur is to starve it out.


  • Hyperendocrin Colossus
  • Hyperendocrin Tyrannosaurus
  • Hyperendocrin Giganotosaurus
  • Hyperendocrin Carnotaurus
  • Hyperendocrin Utahraptor
  • Hyperendocrin Spinosaurus

The Endocrine:The endocrine system is an organ system that, among other functions, regulates metabolism, hence the name Hyperendocrin, or hyper-metabolism. It is for this reason that Hyperendocrin creatures must eat almost constantly in order to survive, and have the energy to run at high speeds for extremely prolonged periods of time. Bullet immunity or resistance may also be granted while in this form.

In The Isle

«Stalk the plains as the terrifying Carnotaurus, the absolute nightmare of every small critter as this ravenous mouth-on-legs blitzes across the island. Whilst it lacks maneuverability of the nimble Utahraptor, its insane speed and ability to knock others down more than makes up for it. Be sure to look left and right before crossing the street!»

-Official The Isle Roadmap

Carnotaurus is the fastest running dinosaur in the game, but has great difficulty turning while running. Nonetheless, their great speed allows them to ambush and catch nimble creatures such as the Dryosaurus and Tenontosaurus. A well-aimed charge attack should stun medium-sized prey for roughly 2-3 seconds.

Additionally, the great speed of the Carnotaurus grants them few natural predators; it can quickly outrun anything that poses a threat, although the occasional Deinosuchus may prove deadly, should the Carnotaurus ever drink.


  • Fastest running creature in the game
  • Can stun medium-sized creatures with a charge attack
  • High stamina
  • Strong Bites
  • Good bleed resistance and fairly good bleed heal


  • Is easily killed by larger creatures (especially the Stegosaurus)
  • Has difficulty turning while running
  • Loud — its footsteps can be heard before it is seen
  • Very bad stamina regeneration
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