Horatio carlin


Peeping Toms

Brief: Sometimes, you have to cut loose, and DedSec needs some R&R.

  • Objective:
    • Meet DedSec at the Thalassa Bar
    • Locate who’s spying on DedSec
    • Download data from the spy
    • Abandon the van

Brief: Wrench has a favorite café? Guess it’s a good time to meet him there and formulate a plan.

  • Objective:

Cabbie for Hire

Brief: Marcus needs some time away from prying eyes to talk to Miranda. He decides to take her for a pleasant drive.

  • Objective:
    • Select «Cabbie for Hire» in the Driver SF App
    • Acquire this vehicle to pick up Miranda
    • Pick up Miranda
    • Drive Miranda to her mother’s house

Dellums Towers

Brief: DedSec wants to learn about FBI surveillance starting with the HQ in Dellums Towers, so reach the mysterious contact using a pay phone.

  • Objective:
    • Gain access to Dellums Towers
    • Investigate the FBI
    • Plant a transceiver on the antenna
    • Download spying post data from FBI server
    • Leave the FBI building

Wrench in the Works

Brief: DedSec is on the trail of the not-so-secret FBI surveillance center by using radio triangulation. You and Wrench are all about disrupting FBI activities.

  • Objective:
    • Reach the antenna
    • Plant a transceiver on the antenna
    • Infiltrate the FBI hideout
      • Retrieve Wrench’s mask
      • Download the FBI data
    • Leave the FBI Hideout
    • Return mask to Wrench

Skills and Abilities

  • Artistic Intuition: She is the one who vandalizes various areas of Silicon Valley with DedSec graphics arts as a form of marketing.
  • Athletic Skills: Sitara revealed to Marcus in Looking Glass that she is a track star. She has shown to be quite adept at acrobatics, being able to jump from one building to another with complete grace. In the final mission, Motherload, the player gets to briefly play as her, and during this part of the mission she is depicted to be very adept at parkour.
  • Hacking Skills: Like any member of DedSec, she is highly skilled at using hacking prowess to manipulate data and technology.


Заметно, что Ренч обладает бунтарским и юмористичным характером, особенно во время катсцены, когда он пытается достать чип из тостера: вместо того, чтобы осторожно разобрать и вынуть чип, он бьет устройство молотом. Однако, Ренч является одним из самых агрессивных членов DedSec, что можно заметить в диалоге с Маркусом, когда мужчина говорит, что они воюют против всех, даже с щенками

Его агрессия распространяется и на его стратегическое мышление — во время операции «False Profiles» он предлагает солгать насчет Церкви New Dawn для того, чтобы опозорить их, но Маркус и Ситара отклонили предложение Ренча, объяснив, что это может быть слишком рискованным шагом для их репутации.

Ренч имеет страсть к шипам и панк-стилю, что сказывается на его стиле одежды. Он иногда посещал вечеринки, выпивая пиво под маской. Некоторые люди говорят, что видели Ренча без маски, хотя сам Ренч отрицает такую вероятность.

Судя по аудиологу в игре, ФБР продвинуло психологический профиль Ренча, определив, что у того было сложное, проблемной детство, не исключая возможности насилия. Таким образом, он неуклюж в общении с девушками, замкнут в выражении своих эмоций, из — за чего вынужден носить маску, которая играет роль «показателя» того, как он себя сейчас чувствует.

В другом аудиологе в игре можно услышать, что Гораций утверждает, что Ренч носит маску для того, чтобы обойти системы распознавания лица ctOS, но, возможно, для этого есть более веские причины, например, сокрытие своего прошлого. Но так же Гораций подчеркнул, что Ренч бывает добрым и чутким.

Дополнение Bloodlines раскрывает игроку новые черты характера персонажа. Там он представлен немного наивным и мечтательным, но, в то же время, изобретательным и настойчивым в достижении целей. Его действия логичны и, чаще всего, обдуманы, даже несмотря на эмоциональность. Также Ренч, сочетая высокий интеллект и свойственное ему грубоватое чувство юмора, способен находить достаточно оригинальные и неожиданные решения проблемных ситуаций. Так, например, похитив «Брока-мост», он за короткое время смастерил взрывное устройство, являющееся его точной копией, а настоящий гаджет отправил в полет по Лондону с почтовым дроном; медикаменты для Эйдена предлагает найти путем угона машины «Скорой помощи», но по итогу похищает их со склада с помощью собственного грузового дрона.


  • In addition to being a hacker, the original version of Josh was a popular online star with high energy like Wrench.
  • Ironically, Josh’s actor has admitted in an interview that he is bad with computers and has even broken a few of them.
  • In order to get into Josh’s character, actor Jonathan Dubsky had to do considerable research into Asperger’s syndrome and Autism-spectrum disorders. Dubsky claims that the most helpful item was Look Me In The Eye by John Elder Robison, an autobiography about a man who grew up not knowing he had Asperger’s syndrome until late into his life.
  • After the events of Eye For An Eye, Josh hacked into the Tezcas bank accounts and sent money to Horatio’s family.
  • Josh claims he wanted to be an astronaut when he was a kid.
  • Josh doesn’t seem to like alcohol; when his friends are drinking beers, he can be seen drinking a soda.

Events of Watch Dogs 2

DedSec in San Francisco.

DedSec has given/will give you the truth, do what you will. 
―DedSec’s slogan in Watch Dogs 2

There are at least one million followers/members of DedSec in San Francisco, California. Their belief is technology should not be used to control people; as a result, they are actively fighting against the San Francisco CTOS, spamming messages about themselves and their cause. Unlike the Chicago chapter, the San Francisco DedSec lacks a militaristic side and focuses more on nonlethal pranks and muckraking-in particularly, advertising their app, which allows their fans to lend their computers’ processing power to their operations. The protagonist, Marcus Holloway, is a member of DedSec. One of the goals in the game is to get more people from the area to download their app and join them, so that DedSec can gain more resources and processing power for bigger hacks; such can be done by doing certain missions to get the follower count up.

DedSec Hideouts

In Watch Dogs 2, DedSec has many hideouts, called hackerspaces, which include their main base in the basement of Gary’s Games and Glory, and a seemingly abandoned garage.

Интересные факты

  • У него есть робо-сын — Ренч-младший;
  • Так же, как и Клара Лилл, Ренч имеет татуировки на своем теле;

В русской локализации Ренча озвучивает Николай Быстров;

Возможное имя Ренча — Реджинальд. Это имя всплывает во время побочного задания «Игра в имена», когда Prime Eight сливала информацию об участниках Dedsec через телефонные будки. В конце миссии Ренч спросит о том, что не было ли его имени в том сообщении, на что Маркус назовет имя «Реджинальд». Ренч разозлится, что косвенно подтверждает его имя;

День рождения Ренча 4 апреля (как написали сценаристы Ubisoft), но он любит шутить, что родился 1 апреля.


Before Watch Dogs 2

Dušan Nemec was born in Yugoslavia in the 1990s and moved to America at a young age. He grew up on the internet, loving the experience, and preferring to talk on chat boards over real-life interaction. He preferred learning how to program over sports, and his heroes weren’t sports or athletes but programmers in Silicon Valley. His technology made him the city’s newest young billionaire, while his charm, skill, and transformation turned him into the chief technology officer at Blume. He prefers data over weakness.

Events of Watch Dogs 2

Dušan Nemec conjured up a plan to gain dominion over all who use CTOS 2.0. He encountered Marcus on the beach during a party he was having while Marcus was wasted and wished him luck with his party. He then ironically chose to support DedSec without their knowledge, for them to serve as a boogeyman to help him recruit major companies and even Governments into his plans for a satellite-based web security system (which would ultimately allow Dušan to see, use and sell their data for his personal gain). He went as far as to artificially inflate their number of social media supporters, which he admitted to and rescinded when he first confronted Marcus and even admitted that he admires Marcus, but he also proclaimed that the people do not care for DedSec’s agendas, even if it is true. He even revealed that he has recreated Marcus’ CTOS profile and has put out a warrant for his arrest and then leaves.

He then contracted Galilei to ship his satellites into orbit in order to create his new data backbone. He handed the Auntie Shu Boys access to the Bellwether program to test out its efficiency by them using it to take advantage of the New York Stock Exchange. He even set up a 10-year contract with Tidis Corporation to build Advanced War Machines which can be controlled by CTOS 2.0. so as to suppress all those who choose to oppose him, including civilians, law enforcement, DedSec, and even the military. After Marcus sabotaged the Auntie Shu Boys plot to gain dominion over the Stock Markets, Dušan Nemec issued a press conference and promised the citizens to further strengthen the CTOS 2.0., much to DedSec’s anger. Marcus even exposed Tidis Corporation for creating military technology to be used against civilians, before destroying all of their research data, military technology, and all of their facilities, destroying their long term plans.

DedSec then sabotaged Mark Thruss, the puppet of Mary Catskill and Dušan Nemec by exposing his fraudulence before election day. After these events, Marcus Holloway’s profile was once again added into CTOS 2.0 and a bounty was put on his head by the FBI. With the help of his fellow DedSec members, Marcus Holloway was camouflaged from CTOS 2.0.’s surveillance systems and he used the opportunity to break into Blume’s HQ with the intention to steal all of the data and research Dušan Nemec had for his plans as well as the list of his allies. Marcus and the rest of DedSec eventually gathered more than enough evidence of Dušan’s plot to expose him to the public and the authorities.


Marcus and Ray Kenney then personally visited Dušan Nemec at his penthouse suite and revealed to him that they have finally exposed him for all he has done and now the authorities have put out a warrant for his arrest. While Dušan state that they are bluffing, Marcus stated that the authorities are at his doorstep and Blume is not going to support him now. With DedSec leaving, the authorities broke into Dušan Nemec’s place and arrested him, thus causing Dušan to be permanently incarcerated.



Tobias was originally a CTOS pioneer until the Blume Corporation fired him. He worked on the CTOS project in the bunker along with Raymond Kenney and Rose Washington. It is known that both were pranking Tobias through various ways. After he was fired, Tobias became paranoid, thinking that Blume wanted Tobias dead, just like Kenney. Tobias built his own bridge remote controller to access the Bunker. Tobias also owns a black market shop near the Bunker, which is regularly frequented by DedSec members, as stated by Clara Lille.

Watch Dogs

While looking for a way into the Bunker, Aiden and Clara hacked a camera and found that Tobias has control over the bridges to the island. They visited his shop, but Tobias was nowhere to be found. By hacking a nearby homeless person’s phone, Aiden discovered that Tobias was playing poker in northern Parker Square. He also noted that the call had been traced by two Fixers. Aiden eliminated both before joining the poker game. Tobias was uneasy and stated that he didn’t recognize Aiden. When Aiden asked him if he is Tobias, he became angry and flipped the table before running out of the house. Once caught, Aiden persuaded him to hand over the remote control for the bridges to the Bunker. Before leaving, Tobias tells Aiden about his shop.

After One Foot in the Grave, Tobias’ Shop, located north of the Bunker’s island, becomes available. Aiden can go there at any time and buy fully-crafted tools and one-time hacks.

After Aiden finds 9 Weapons Trade locations, Tobias will call to reveal the location of the final Weapons Trade investigation. He calls again after Aiden finishes that investigation. Aiden then asks Tobias to remove his number, to which Tobias agrees, but later adds that he’ll «…call if there’s anything else.» It’s never explained how Tobias got Aiden’s phone number.

Watch Dogs: Bad Blood

Tobias became a prime target for the Fixers led by Defalt, as he was the best way for him to get to T-Bone. Tobias was first captured and stuffed in the trunk of a car, and managed to call T-Bone for help, who proceeded to rescue him. Tobias later provides most of the information to T-Bone, in order to find the leader of the Fixers.

Watch Dogs 2

Tobias appears in Watch Dogs 2, but as a cameo. He can be seen at the Swelter Skelter festival, inside of the Thunderdome arena, during the mission Looking Glass. Wrench even references him when talking to Marcus. T-Bone also later mentions that he accidentally left Tobias at the event, where he met Marcus Holloway and his DedSec group.



Sitara is originally from Los Angeles, but disliked the hollow celebrity culture and thought that downtown San Francisco would be a healthy change. But instead she found the hollow celebrities being replaced by soulless tech corporations. She was once with a group of artists who helped her improve her skills, but she soon left them as they were more interested in making money then making a statement. She also studied marketing, PR, psychology, and many things related to art. Her primary role in DedSec is that of a public image specialist, with every public message being on-point and with every logo packing a punch. Sitara runs her own DedSec blog.

Her parents are from Kolkata, India. According to one of Horatio’s audio logs, they were very wealthy. They wanted her to apply to multiple Ivy League schools and for a job at Nudle, but Sitara wasn’t interested and was instead motivated to rally against crony capitalism out of resentment for her parents’ business practices. She became a member of DedSec and during the events of Watch Dogs 2, she works with Wrench, Josh, Horatio and T-Bone, from the San Francisco Hackerspace to assist Marcus Holloway in his quests to take down the giant tech corporations.


Watch Dogs: Legion — это приключенческий боевик с видом от третьего лица. Действие игры разворачивается в открытом мире, вымышленном представлении Лондона , который будет включать в себя известные достопримечательности, районы и культурные стили города. Действие игры происходит в Лондоне, который стал государством наблюдения. Личные свободы были значительно ограничены, и за действиями граждан постоянно следит Альбион , частная охранная компания, которая действует как правоохранительные органы города. У игрока будет возможность перемещаться по городу пешком, на транспортных средствах или быстро перемещаться по городской подземке.станций

В отличие от предыдущих игр серии, в которых основное внимание уделялось использованию одного главного героя для повествования сюжета, в Legion есть возможность управлять несколькими персонажами в игровом сеттинге. Каждого из этих персонажей можно нанять с помощью уникальной миссии, хотя это зависит от их статуса в DedSec; например, персонаж, которому помогает группа хакеров, будет в пользу того, чтобы помочь им, когда их попросят, и завершить их миссию по набору, тогда как персонаж, член семьи которого был случайно убит членом DedSec, не потерпит группу и, вероятно, откажется присоединиться

После того, как персонаж попадает в список игроков, ему назначают один из трех классов: боевой, скрытный или взлом. Каждый класс имеет свой собственный набор инструментов и улучшений способностей, когда персонаж повышается до уровня после выполнения миссий и действий. У каждого персонажа также есть собственный фон, который диктует его особые навыки или черты. Например, завербованный персонаж может быть более опытным в обращении с дронами и, таким образом, может нанести им больше урона, в то время как другой — «адреналиновый наркоман», который наносит больше урона, но с возможным риском смерти в любой случайный момент. Все персонажи в игре, набранные в список игроков, имеют свою личную жизнь, когда ими не управляют, могут быть полностью настроены с различными вариантами одежды и могут владеть как смертоносным, так и нелетальным оружием.

Audio Logs

Tobias has three Audio Logs which can be found in the Bad Blood DLC. All three are found inside the BlumeForge building, in the room which Eugene must enter to bypass the first laser security gate.

Tobias Frewer X01

«So Blume’s been looking at investing into our hackerspace and that’s got everybody at each other’s throats. Some of us want to avoid the corporate control—kind of goes against the spirit of what we do here, right? But on the other hand, we’re talking about BIG money and that means the projects get bigger. We could do something real here instead of just playing around. Blume’s promising they won’t take away any of our creative control. They say they want to invest, not dictate. Do I trust them? Not entirely. Is the risk worth the reward? Yes. But I’m in the minority here. These guys would rather discuss starship engineering than our future here. I’m going to have to convince them. Also: Why do people fixate on the aesthetics of a starship? There’s no need to be sleek in space. Functionality is key, not… not form.»

Tobias Frewer X02

«The lab’s all worked up over the Blume branding we got. BlumeForge. Sounds fine to me. Pete quit — said he wasn’t willing to sell his soul to the dark gods for financial gain. He pointed right at me because somehow I’ve now become the unofficial liaison between us. Thing is — I’m not in this for the money. I know, I know. that’s(sic) what everybody says. But really—I’m eager to see what we can do. I feel like I’ve finally been given a shot at something. No more computer repairs and tech support, these guys are giving me a shot to prove myself and I’m going to take it. I’ve decided to tell Sandy tonight. Can’t wait to see her face. She’s been working two jobs to support us this year, and I know she’s been wanting to give the middle finger to her own dark gods and walk like Pete did.»

Tobias Frewer X03

«They moved Rose and I into a proper Blume lab this week and we were introduced to our new project. They’re calling it the Central Operating System — ctOS for short. Software to run an entire city. I knew we were going big, but this is … BIG. We’ll be working on a test site, we’re calling it the Bunker. I met one of my new partners today. Everybody went quiet when he walked in — he’s a hacking legend. Best of the best, they say. Looked like a knuckle-dragger to me. Right away, he started picking on me. Said my parents were, and I quote, «a pair of dirty douchebags» for naming me Tobias and that he’s going to call me Frewer from now on. Nobody’s called me Frewer since gym class back in high school. I’m not going to let this hooligan ruin a good thing for me.»

Personality Traits

He appears to be an easygoing man, with quite a laid-back attitude. He is a good fighter and is relatively smart, having gotten Aiden drunk to have an easier fight with him once. During missions, T-Bone shows that he has humor, somewhat similar to Jordi Chin. Audio Logs around the bunker detail over-the-top pranks that Kenney and Tobias Frewer would play on one another while they worked at Blume.

When encountering Clara for the first time, when she asks him if he is really Kenney, he answers that «We can’t all be pretty in this game». He is also a fan of drinking to relieve himself and can be heard saying «Jesus, I could do with a shot of rum right now«. T-Bone proved his loyalty by sticking with Aiden throughout the latter part of the storyline after their initial meeting.

However behind the jokes and the laid back attitude lies a man filled with great guilt for his role in the deaths of 11 people during the Blackout of 2003, something he was forced to come face to face with when Defalt is revealed to be the brother of one of the victims, he reveals that he never meant to harm anyone during the blackout and that he is still wracked with guilt over what he had done. Even three years after his encounter with Defalt he is shown to still be guilt-ridden; when Wrench suggests causing a massive blackout to hinder Blume T-Bone uses what he did as an example and even asks Wrench if he’s prepared to live with himself if people died, of course, Wrench never went with this plan.


Wrench has a wild and humorous personality, as seen in a cutscene where he is trying to get a chip from a toaster; instead of properly taking it apart he smashes it with a sledgehammer instead. However, he appears to also be one of the more aggressive members of DedSec, as seen in the World Premiere trailer in which one of his dialogue to Marcus says that they are at war with everyone, including puppies. His aggression extends to his strategic thinking — during False Profits, he suggests making up a lie about the New Dawn church to discredit them before Sitara and Marcus counter that the risks would outweigh the rewards. He has an affinity for spikes or a punk aesthetic, as seen by his choice in clothing. He has gone to some parties in his life sipping beer under his mask. Some people say they actually have seen him without the mask but he prefers to deny it.

According to an in-game audio log, the FBI developed a psychological profile of him and determined him to have a troubled, possibly traumatic childhood. As such, he is socially awkward around women, has trouble conveying his emotions, and wears his trademark mask as a «billboard» to show how he feels (one FBI agent even likened this to Roy Orbison’s use of sunglasses). In another in-game audio log found in the original hackerspace, Horatio mentions that Wrench wears his mask to dodge CTOS’s facial recognition, but probably has a deeper reason such as hiding from a dangerous past.

He is also very crude, as in the mission Haum Sweet Haum, he tells Marcus to get the Haum 2.0 Zero-Day before «some do-gooder white hat tells Haum how to… cockblock » and at the very end of his portion of the Motherload mission, upon destroying Blume’s backup servers he tells Marcus «I came, I saw, I blew shit up, I came again.»

In Bloodline, it is revealed that Wrench is bisexual, with him having a former husband, Zane. At this point, Wrench seems to be more open with his feelings and emotions, and also seems to be more comfortable with showing his face.


Self-described as the «world’s foremost innovator of high-tech, high-performance communications and security technology», Blume Corporation specializes in everything from wireless phone operating systems, home computers, to digital imaging processors, and linked-by-network security systems. They take great pride in the fact that they helped create most of the markets they now dominate. Blume stands poised to reshape the way people think about Information Security Architecture (ISA).

Blume had its own security contractors in Watch Dogs to protect the company’s major interests like CTOS Control Centers, Blume property, etc. These security members could be identified with CTOS signs on their gray uniforms. They were notorious for various criminal records of its members. In Watch Dogs 2, Blume hires Umeni Security Corps to provide security to their facilities. It is unknown if this was only for the Bay Area or if Umeni Security Corps were also contracted to replace Blume facilities in Chicago after the events of Watch Dogs.

Blume made many sketchy deals with organizations by giving them access to CTOS data and related technology like the Bellwether system, in exchange for funding and information. This in turn created one of the largest corrupt corporate monopolies that even included U.S. government agencies such as the FBI.


Watch Dogs 2 received «generally favorable» reviews, according to review aggregator Metacritic getting a Metascore of 75/100 on PC, 82/100 on PS4, , and 81/100 on Xbox One.

In his review, Destructoid‘s Zack Furniss praised the sequel’s tonal shift to a lack of seriousness and stated that its protagonist Marcus Holloway boasted a similar charm and wit. He thought well of the hacking component as it was suggestible to multiple fields of use, and enjoyed its nature of compatibility with a non-lethal approach; in fact, Furniss felt that for this reason firearms could have been excluded entirely. The driving was lauded as an improvement from the first game, yet technical issues like glitches and low frame rates were cited as shortcomings.To Matt Buchholtz, writing for EGM, the game signified «less a hacktivist tale and more a beautiful immersion into the San Francisco Bay». The setting, characters, and story were cited as considerable refinements from its predecessor. Buchholtz discerned that the tasks demanded to gain followers were successful in encouraging world exploration. He noted however that – in context of the main character – murder made little sense, which led to an increased usage of stealth. Elise Favis at Game Informer both disparaged and praised elements in comparison to those of Watch Dogs. She enjoyed that hacking was prioritized in the gameplay and the new «smoother» driving mechanic, but saw inconsistencies in the protagonist’s actions versus his personality and thought supporting characters «too obnoxious and petty to be meaningful companions». Favis also experienced low frame rate capabilities on PlayStation 4. Aron Garst of Game Revolution stated that Watch Dogs 2 had redressed «nearly every negative aspect of the original», and as such, marked a favorable change in the franchise.

IGN‘s Dan Stapleton liked Marcus Holloway more than Aiden Pearce of the first game and similarly appreciated the supporting characters of DedSec. Marcus’ penchant for moral integrity was a noticeable contradiction for Stapleton, though, in light of the prospect to have him kill innocent people if one so chooses. Therefore, the character’s personality was observed as the only preclusion to violence and an axiomatic push toward the stealth approach, which Stapleton insisted was the most accommodating of available tools. Writing for Polygon, Philip Kollar saw that Watch Dogs 2 could appeal to those able to connect with «being young, angry at the system and certain that you know what’s best for the world». Its tongue-in-cheek demeanor was said to naturally coincide with the hacker culture and open-world genre. San Francisco – the spaces of which were described as «cleverly designed» – never felt overwhelming in size to Kollar but inspired joy as he took advantage of the immediate ability to explore it entirely. His complaints concerned firearms; their use was considered «a complete failure of imagination» and unbelievable from the members of DedSec—»an Anonymous-esque group of peaceful hacktivists». Alice Bell of VideoGamer.com wrote in her verdict, «Watch Dogs 2 is missing a bit of refinement … but joining DedSec is still a riot and a half. It’s high energy fun with engaging characters, and you can make an entire city your playground».


Nigel keeps a calm and organized demeanor, while also being a cold and unforgiving liar, murdering the Metropolitan Police Commissioner without any sign of remorse and pinning the Commissioner’s death on DedSec to assume more power and justification to Albion. In the mission Inside Albion, it is revealed that Cass experienced a deeply traumatic event when he witnessed his father, Gareth, being murdered by random gangsters. Because of that, he began exhibiting symptoms after what he frequently described as a ‘random’ event. His initial symptoms included insomnia, paranoia, distorted blame and recurring flashbacks, however he channeled his anger and self-described powerlessness into his work, and to ensure Albion become a quote «mechanism for preventing unpredictable violence.»


Following the events of , San Francisco becomes the next city to install the CTOS (central Operating System), which connects everyone with everything. Marcus Holloway, an intelligent hacker from Oakland, California, is punished for a crime he did not commit by the upgraded CTOS 2.0 system, which categorizes him as the suspect. Realizing the system covertly brings harm to the innocent citizens of San Francisco, he decides to work with the hacking group DedSec to take down the city’s CTOS 2.0, and Blume, the main company behind it.

Marcus joins DedSec and works with the fellow hackers Sitara, Wrench, Horatio, and Josh, and they begin using their skills to expose corrupt organizations and corporations that are secretly using stolen personal CTOS data for their own personal gain. The game begins with Marcus’ DedSec initiation test: deleting his own CTOS profile from the database. Being successful, he is accepted into DedSec. He is soon alerted about a fake church called New Dawn that serves as a criminal organization. Eventually, Marcus stumbles upon the existence of Bellwether, a data manipulation program being fed CTOS data by Dušan Nemec, Blume’s CTO, to manipulate world finance and politics. DedSec later manages to recruit the assistance of old-time hacker Raymond «T-Bone» Kenney, who is determined to battle Blume.

With his assistance, DedSec manages to expose the corruption of the FBI and numerous Silicon Valley corporations, such as Nudle, Tidis, and Galilei, and take down the ringleaders of the Tezcas, a violent street gang who kidnapped DedSec member Horatio Carlin and killed him after he refused to cooperate with them. Learning that Blume is planning to install a satellite network designed to bypass undersea data cables, which would effectively give Blume a monopoly on the entire world’s electronic data and stock exchanges, they infiltrate the launch area of one of the satellites to install a backdoor. In order to take down Blume and Dušan for good, Marcus breaks into Blume’s San Francisco headquarters and hacks their servers, exposing the existence of Bellwether and Dušan’s corruption. Dušan is arrested for fraud and Blume is put under investigation, though DedSec resolves to continue their fight against Blume.

In an extended ending scene added in a post-release patch, two unidentified individuals note that more DedSec cells and hacktivist groups have been emerging worldwide in response to the San Francisco Blume scandal and that it is time to put their own plans into motion, hinting at Watch Dogs: Legion and DedSec’s growing global presence.

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