Личный кабинет евольв рп: как регистрироваться, авторизоваться и пользоваться клиентом/лк сетевой игры

The Experiences and Expectations of 538 Business Professionals

Mind-numbing. Agitating. Expensive.

Ask me to describe my commute a few years back and these would be the only words not rooted in Carlin’s infamous 7.

For me, commuting costs were far greater than just gas and car maintenance … it was time. I simply could never recover those 70+ minutes. Every second stuck on I-476 crawled by like the tire on a work-zone trapped semi, reminding me of the hours that should have been spent with my family, on my job, or (God-forbid) fishing.

Saved time, money, and flexibility are the joists supporting our desire to work from home and when the pandemic subsides employees don’t want to go back to the office. In fact, going forward, 64.5% want to work from home at least 3 days / week.

In February 2021, we surveyed 538 people about their remote work experiences and expectations and uncovered some fascinating data. Here are five of our key findings.

KEY FINDING #1: Working from home makes employees less likely to look for a new job.

44% of employees say working remotely has opened up new job opportunities for them but 60.5% say they are less likely to look for a new job. Only 14% say work from home makes them more likely to look. The bottom line is most employees seem to be happier and that translates into job and company satisfaction.

KEY FINDING #2: Over half of businesses expect employees will work remotely the majority of the time post-pandemic.

In what was a surprise to me, 55% of C-suite executives revealed that they expect their employees will work outside of a corporate office the majority of the time after the pandemic had subsided. This is likely due to two factors, increased productivity for many employees working from home, and cost-savings from decreased leases or sub-leasing.

In a recent article in Forbes, March Betesh, a member of the Forbes Real Estate Counsel noted, “The acceleration of remote work has shifted the office environment, resulting in widespread downsizing and a decreased demand in the market.”

In conversations with our clients, we hear similar stories with organizations changing their technology footprint to service part-time ‘collaboration centers’ vs. full-time cube farms.

KEY FINDING #3: Working from home is making employees more productive – much more so than some business leaders think.

75% of employees say they are more effective workers at home averaging a 31% increase in productivity. 34% of C-Suite executives agree noting their employees are more productive at home while 42% aren’t sure or estimate no change.

KEY FINDING #4: Employees are happy with their work from home technology but believe integration (unifying communications, collaboration, virtual desktops etc.), will make them more productive and secure.

77.5% of employees are happy with their company’s work from home tech choices. However, employees feel they could be more productive and secure if their solutions were integrated.

Nearly 7 in ten employees feel that they would be more productive and 6 in ten believe that their work habits would be more secure if their solutions were integrated.

KEY FINDING #5: Most businesses aren’t planning any major adjustments to salaries or compensation due to work from home.

92.5% of respondents say their businesses aren’t making (or planning) any salary / compensation adjustments for remote workers but 13% of employees say working from home has positively increased their compensation.

That makes total sense to me. Going back to my commute, at least before I started driving an EV, commuting was costly. In fact, according to data analyzed by Business Insider from the U.S Bureau of Economic Analysis, American’s spend anywhere from $2,000 – $5,000 / year driving back and forth to work.

Now, add in going out to lunch a few times per week and buying work clothes that don’t include drawstrings, and you’ve got a recipe for increasing take-home pay.

It’s been a year since COVID-19 shut down the world. Millions of lives have been lost, economies have been decimated, and industries permanently altered. Yet, despite the challenges presented by the virus, most businesses have survived – many have even grown.

What’s kept them going? Employees with the ability to work anywhere, cloud services, and dependable, high-speed connectivity. Each component has been critical to sustaining businesses and providing an accelerated path to financial recovery.

Why Outsource your IT Help Desk

Outsourcing IT allows a business to focus on its true priority — growing and supporting the organization — rather than troubleshooting software, hardware, and user issues. But this is just one of the many benefits from handing IT support to an external partner.

Reduced operating costs.

There is a skills shortage today in many areas of IT. By turning to an IT support services provider, you are letting them take over the effort of recruiting, hiring, training, and retraining this type of IT worker.


Letting specialized personnel tackle support issues can also reduce response time. The outsourced IT support is always there, ready to respond, even when there is a sudden spike in demand for help. The supplier is also more likely to have the resources needed to scale up or down rapidly as demand requires.

Possible Pitfalls

A virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is a promising alternative for many businesses. At the same time, as it is implemented on-premises, your business continues to bear the brunt of the costs. Your IT team is also in charge of the complexity of the infrastructure and must continue to monitor, maintain, and upgrade the VDI (in addition to all their other tasks).

That’s why, ultimately, we recommend cloud-based virtual desktop software. A DaaS offers you all of the advantages of virtualization, but lets you hand over the hard work to your external partner. You’ll be signing a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with your provider to secure your network and support your users.

Research shows that having more choices hurts our motivation to decide. This article does you the favor of pointing your business in a specific direction. You’re welcome!


В рознице наушники стоят около 14 000 рублей, чуть дороже AirPods 2 с кейсом для беспроводной зарядки. И я не просто так вспомнил про AirPods, до сих пор для меня это идеальная гарнитура, если говорить про гражданские устройства. Эйрподсы можно быстро вставить на улице, это занимает секунды. Я их перестаю замечать в офисе или в кафе. С их помощью тоже можно поговорить час или даже больше, при нет жалоб на качество звука, меня отлично слышно. Наверняка инженеры Jabra на это сказали бы: «Пфффф, у нас тут куча своих технологий», — но рынок ведь саморегулируется, и для многих именно AirPods стали заменой старой офисной гарнитурой. Особенно в условиях самоизоляции. И особенно когда речь идёт про среднюю ценовую категорию устройств.

Я понимаю, в компанию купят Jabra — и это стоит сделать, к Jabra Evolve2 65 у меня мало вопросов. Всё в порядке с управлением, подключением, донгл классный, сидит незаметно, качество звука прекрасное. Ну а среднее качество звука — ничего страшного, ведь серьёзная вещь! Если вас всё это устраивает — непременно покупайте.

С другой стороны, моя жена, а ей приходится общаться в Skype и Zoom по несколько часов в день, радостно отобрала у меня Evolve2 и пользуется на всю катушку в паре с ноутбуком.

И вроде бы я хотел сказать, что такие устройства отживают своё, но пока есть корпорации, совещания, ноутбуки с инвентарными номерами и вообще вся наша цивилизация, ничего не изменится и профессиональные средства связи никуда не пропадут.

Improving Post Call Survey Responsiveness

#1 Have a Clear Goal

Notice that this was a recommendation to have “a clear goal.” That’s singular. If you are trying to do too many things in the post-transaction survey you’re more likely to overwhelm the respondent and see them drop out of the survey. The greater your focus on a specific goal, the easier it will be for you to design a survey that accomplishes what you want it to do.

#2 Ask Quick Questions

Your caller may already have been on the phone with customer service much longer than they planned. Don’t drive them away from your survey with long, multi-part questions. Keeping questions concise will also help the listener better understand what information you are looking for, which can improve the odds of the resulting data, therefore accurately reflecting the issue you were asking about.

#3 Keep Surveys Short

Time is one of our most limited resources. Don’t waste your customers’ valuable time by expecting them to participate in long-winded surveys asking for input on an exhaustive list of items.

Advantages of Call Back Services

Time is on their side.

By providing the queue callback option you are giving your customer back one of their most important and highly limited resources — time. In 2012, a survey of 2,500 customers found that nearly 60 percent of respondents believed “one-minute is too long to be on hold.” We can only imagine how many seconds have been lopped off that tolerance in the intervening six years of on-demand digital responsiveness.

The appeal of choice.

Call back solutions also empower customer choice. They can elect to stay on hold if they’d like to, but now there is another option. Either way, your agents are going to work hard to meet the customers’ needs. Yet now the customer regains control of the communication and doesn’t feel as if they have been taken hostage by Zamfir music fans.

Better moods = better interactions.

With call back services the customer gets a return call when an agent is available to address the concern or question. This gives your agents a better starting point as they no longer start the call trying to placate people angry about the hold delay or the aural assault of hold music or repeated brand messaging. The technology, too, can use the call back number to link into other customer history records to have the agent begin from a more knowledgeable position from the get-go.

Level out call volume.

Call back solutions help your business defer calls until volumes are more manageable. With this technology helping you better manage call spikes, you can improve call center productivity and to ensure the customers get the best experience possible while agents are buffered more effectively from the onslaught of overwhelming traffic loads.

Readying a runbook

Disaster recovery (DR) recognizes the worst might happen, and that IT downtime interferes with customer service, taking orders, completing transactions, treating patients and more. No matter your industry, you need to be ready for technological or data disruptions, be they due to human error, device or power failure, malevolent attack, or man-made or natural disaster.

The runbook doesn’t have to be set in stone. In fact, it shouldn’t be, as it needs to be regularly updated to reflect changes in your infrastructure, personnel, and new threats. Yet, the runbook should be developed before a crisis occurs. After all, we all think much more clearly when trying to plan ahead as opposed to when we are racing against the clock to get computers and networks back up and running and to regain access to data.

There are many factors to consider in preparing a runbook:

  1. Roles and responsibilities (internally, and also who has ownership of what if you are working with service providers)
  2. Recovery priorities for business IT assets
  3. Definition of a disaster, event thresholds
  4. Disaster scenarios and causes of outage that might affect your business
  5. Infrastructure overview
  6. System configuration
  7. Alert response procedures
  8. Escalation procedures
  9. Restoration processes
  10. Backup configuration

The Disadvantages of Attrition

Losing people is a problem for any industry, but the staff is often the primary cost for contact centers. Losing employees is painful to the bottom line and undermines productivity.

When people leave your company, they take knowledge with them as they leave. Plus, they take away the time and money you invested in recruiting, training, developing, and retaining. At the same time staff attrition hurts contact center management by:

  • Lowering average call handling quality
  • Prolonging queue times due to inexperienced staff
  • Diminishing staff morale.

Of course, some staff attrition is to be expected and can even be advantageous (bringing new life and perspectives to a team). Yet, high attrition rates adds pressure on your existing staff who may have to take on more work or spend more time training new people, and it also takes team leaders’ time away from identifying new opportunities to develop current staff as they have to do more to support the new staff.

According to the 2016 U.S. Contact Center Decision Makers’ Guide, the average term for a customer service representative is 3.3 years. Sixty percent of the turnover rate was from agents quitting.3The mean annual agent attrition rate for 2017 was at 30%, not as awful as 2008’s record 42%, but still keeping up with the steady increases since the rate fell to 27% in 2011. The question, though, is why is call center attrition happening in the first place?

Competitive Advantage with Virtual Call Centers

#1 Workforce Optimization Tools.

The top agents want to work when and where it is convenient for them. With virtual infrastructure, your contact center can have onsite staff as well as employees in different geographical areas — with virtual desktop capabilities, all your team members need is an Internet connection and a VoIP-enabled phone.

In addition to the ability to boost mobility, virtual call center software enables:

  • Prioritizing calls
  • Monitoring agents in real-time
  • Call routing by time of day or IVR menu selection
  • Queue callback.

Additionally, by deploying Evolve IP’s analyst-recognized contact center solution with , your business can experience an average savings of 5-10% of your staffing hours.

More than 60% of call centers employ at-home agents — Customer Contact Strategies

#2 Analytic Capabilities.

Dimension Data in 2015 suggested that analytics is the future of call centers, yet found that 40% of them have no analytics tools. The issues abound. For many call centers, disjointed data is often distributed across the enterprise. The addition of digital and social channels has only made the lack of integration more apparent.

With cloud technology today, the contact center can consolidate information from social media, calls, web chats, etc. in a single customer history, which is easily available to center agents to provide the best, personalized customer experience.

At the same time, virtual call centers are evolving, and it isn’t difficult to imagine a time when they will offer speech pattern analytics to help analyze customer emotional state and provide better support or reduce churn rates.

The Global CRM analytics market, which includes contact center analytics, is expected to grow from $4.18 billion in 2014 to 47.65 billion by 2019. — Research and Markets

#3 Outbound Enablement.

Proactive customer care and outbound capabilities are essential to meeting the customers’ needs at all steps of their journey. Among the many features offered with the virtual call center solution, many are well-suited to reaching out to customers for greater success. These functionalities include:

Customer Service Tips

#2 Start on a positive note.

A positive customer experience begins immediately. Set the tone of what your customers can expect by responding promptly with a professional, polite greeting that gets to the point quickly.

#3 Emphasize courtesy.

Although the customer can’t see the smile through the phone lines, this conscious choice will make a difference in what the customer hears.

Plus, the smile can help boost morale for your call center employees too. After all, smiling increases serotonin in the brain, which helps us feel happier and less stressed.

Saying “please” and “thank you” is a nice courtesy for customers, but can also prompt them to show your agents the same kindness as well, which again can help them feel better about meeting other people’s needs all day long.

#4 Avoid interrupting.

Experienced contact center agents are going to see some issues repeat. Nevertheless, interrupting a complaining customer is not going to make a positive impression. The customer wants to feel heard, and that your agents care about their concerns, so encourage patience even as you emphasize the importance of efficiently addressing customer needs.

#5 Announce intentions.

If an agent needs to place a customer on hold, review documents, check with a manager or anything else that interrupts the flow of the customer interaction, they should tell the customer they will be doing so. Ask first, and listen to whether or not they are willing to wait. Some may not be and the agent should instead schedule a follow-up call, transfer the communication, or take a message.

#6 Make call transfers competently.

Keep in mind, also, that in telephone conversations customers have limited tolerance of being transferred again and again. They hate having to repeat themselves and dislike feeling as if they’re being shuffled among unhelpful agents. When transferring a call:


В Jabra не приводят никаких данных об установленных драйверах — 40 мм, и все. Увы, но качество звука здесь среднее. Во-первых, так как амбушюры открытые, вы не оторваны от жизни коллег, всё прекрасно слышно, пассивная шумоизоляция на базовом уровне. Во-вторых, уж очень странная здесь настройка звука, в паре с iPhone 11 Pro Max музыка в Apple Music звучит смазанно, словно остаётся только серединка. И это касается практически всех треков.

В-третьих, у наушников нет никаких особенных черт, словно изначально делали максимально среднюю модель для масс и про звук задумались в последнюю очередь. Я всё понимаю про суть данной модели, но для прослушивания музыки её можно использовать лишь в формате «что-то играет для фона, и ладно».

What is SIP Trunk?

First, what is a trunk? Think of it as a line or link that can carry simultaneous signals at once. In Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunking, instead of using the conventional telephone trunk, the connections are made via the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) over the Internet. This next generation technology is an internationally standardized way to facilitate interactive multimedia user sessions at once.

The SIP solutions market is a strong, growing one. Demand will drive the market to $20.7 billion by 2024, per Transparency Market Research. That’s an expansion rate of 18.6%. North America was the leader for SIP trunking adoption in 2015, but Asia Pacific is the fastest growing regional segment.

Advantages of SIP Trunk

SIP trunking helps small businesses appear both large and professional. Meanwhile, large businesses can benefit from the enhanced ease of maintaining a local presence.

Seven Ways to Recognize Agents

1. Offer the high achieving agent preferential scheduling. This leverages the idea that “time is money” to provide recognition that rewards the individual with another valuable resource. You might offer the opportunity to submit a paid time off request first. Or the chance to select an ideal work shift for a few weeks.

2. Provide office-related perks. Perhaps the reward for exceeding a target is a month of parking in a spot close to the building or getting to sit at a contact center desktop in a prime location (secluded? best view?). Or perhaps this individual gets to select the snacks for the break room or make the choice of coffee flavors available? These little ways of making the workday more pleasant can show individual agents appreciation.

“Employees who are engaged are more likely to stay with their organization…feel a stronger bond to their organization’s mission and purpose… build stronger relationships with customers.” — Gallup 2017 State of the American Workplace report

3. Invite the agent for an informal chat over a cup of coffee or tea. This face-to-face time with a supervisor, away from the contact center dashboard, can help build relationships. Plus, it helps contact center leadership demonstrate an interest in getting to know agents as individuals.

5. Give out raffle tickets throughout the year as recognition. Then, at the end of the quarter, or the end of the year (perhaps at a holiday party) the people who have earned more tickets will have greater chances of winning your cool prizes.

Engaged teams show dramatically higher job retention rates and lower absenteeism, 17% higher productivity, and contribute 21% greater profitability. — Gallup 2017 State of the American Workplace report

6. Create an agent recognition wall. However, instead of making this a collection of familiar employee photos, have a caricature artist do a rendering of that month’s top agents. These can also become keepsakes for the individual when someone else earns fresh recognition.

7. Send individualized, hand-written letters of appreciation to agents at their home address. So few of us actually get mail that makes us smile. It’s all fliers and bills. Brighten an agent’s day, and show how much your leadership values employee hard work, by taking the time to pen an individual note saying thanks with specific reference to what is appreciated about that person.


Основное функциональное назначение личного кабинета платформы Евольв РП ориентировано на то, что каждый геймер сможет подключаться к игровому миру в любое время и с любого устройства. При этом его пройденный прогресс будет сохранен. Даже если он будет играть с одного устройства 10 минут, этот прогресс все равно сохраняется, и может переноситься на любую другую компьютерную технику.

Вторая опция направлена на ускоренное развитие своего персонажа за счет внесения реальных денег. На них можно купить различные игровые наборы, чтобы быстрее развиваться, обойти других игроков, которые не могут себе позволить соответствующие покупки.

И еще одна возможность – подключение новостной рассылки. Рассылка рекламных материалов позволяет клиентам своевременно получать доступ к актуальной информации, проводимым акциям и бонусным предложениям.

Что касается технической и игровой поддержки, то они предоставляются не напрямую в личном геймерском кабинете Евольв РП. Для их получения потребуется авторизоваться и зарегистрироваться на форуме.


Программа называется Jabra Sound+, самое главное в ней — обновление микропрограммы, только ради этого и стоит устанавливать. Но, если залезете в дебри, найдёте много интересного: автоматический приём вызова, если опускаете штангу, как себя будет вести микрофон в разных положениях, функция Sidetone позволяет прослушивать свой голос во время звонка, есть даже эквалайзер вызова. На главном экране можно быстро выбрать предустановку эквалайзера для музыки, включить «Звуковой ландшафт» — например, это шум морских волн, дождь, вентилятор, водопад и так далее, очень много вариантов. Для работы я обычно включал пение птиц, сразу становится радостно, словно я сижу пьяный на пеньке в лесу.

Make the Runbook Readable

The more comprehensive the runbook, the clearer your organization’s thinking is likely to be in the event of a true situation. At the same time, make sure that the runbook is written in a logical, easy-to-read style. This is not the time to pen the technological equivalent of War and Peace. Keep it simple and direct. When possible, consider using decision trees and charts to help system administrators more immediately identify what they need to know.

Also, make sure that the relevant stakeholders know exactly where to access the runbook (is it on a shared drive or company portal or a hard copy document?) when under duress. Having multiple copies of a runbook is advisable. Ensuring one of those is offsite (so that it can actually be accessed in a disaster situation) is essential.

As we’ve noted in the past, “if testing a disaster recovery plan is a rehearsal, a DR runbook is the script….This script is not only important for the actors on stage in front of the audience, but also for the technology guys who are keeping the show running behind the scenes.”

While your particular runbook will be distinct to your organization, there are certain commonalities you can work from as a starting point. Evolve IP’s Disaster Recovery Runbook Template can jumpstart your preparations. Download the template today!

About Call Back Solutions

We’ve all heard the message “your call is important to us.” It’s often paired with the automated voice telling us that the business we are trying to reach is experiencing unusual call volumes at this time. Utilizing a communications platform that offers queue management informing callers of their estimated wait time can help. Yet today an even greater number of callers want to enjoy the convenience of entering their phone numbers for a call back instead of remaining on hold interminably.

First introduced in the mid-1990s, call back solutions provide customers with the option to leave their number and name for a return contact, without losing their place in queue. It’s a simple way of saying to the customer you value their time and want to provide them with the best customer service possible in a streamlined way. Here are the many advantages of this call center technology feature.

Cloud Migration Trend

When you are considering migrating to the cloud, you’re talking about accessing a pool of computing resources (servers, storage, applications, and voice services) provided as-needed to businesses from a provider’s network, eliminating the need for on-site equipment, maintenance, and management.

Businesses are turning to the cloud in increasing numbers to take advantage of increased speed, agility, stability, and security. Additionally, the business saves on IT infrastructure and sees other capital and space savings from turning to an external service provider.

A Forbes roundup of cloud forecasts suggested research demonstrates, “a maturing global market for cloud services, with proven scale, speed and security to support new business models.” Gartner’s research, for example, suggests:

  • The Worldwide Public Cloud Services Market will grow by 17.3 3% in 2019 to total $206.2B, up from $175.8B in 2018.
  • The fastest-growing segment of the market is cloud system infrastructure services, which is forecast to grow 27.6 percent in 2019 to reach $39.5 billion, up from $31 billion in 2018.
  • Software as a service (SaaS) remains the largest segment of the cloud market, with revenue expected to grow 17.8 percent to reach $85.1 billion in 2019.
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