Codechickencore mod [1.16.1/1.10.2/1.9.4/1.7.10]

What is Included in CodeChickenCore

  • Not Enough Items: This is the successor to the popular “Too Many Items” mod. It is a handy utility mod that works whenever inventory, or other such GUI, are opened. It then allows the player to easily view crafting recipes and item usage options. Unlike similar mods, which require sifting through lengthy crafting books, players can simply type item names into its search bar and then get related recipes.
  • Ender Storage: This mod was actually made before the introduction of the EnderChest. Basically, it gives users a means to stores items at THE END of the game, basically allowing a universal and cross-dimensional storage network. Chests can be dyed, allowing for a simplified storage network across great distances. It also comes with EnderPouch, a mobile version of the chest, which can also be dyed.
  • ChickenChunks: This introduces a new block called the “Chunk Loader”, which allows chunks to be loaded in memory at all times. It is very convenient to use as it comes with a special GUI for configuring chunk loading. Chunks are also free to load.
  • Wireless Redstone: In this mod, a number of different items are introduced so that players can do exactly what the title suggests: use redstone wirelessly rather than having to lay down complex (and easily ruined) wire networks. New items include: wireless transmitter, wireless receiver, wireless jammer, wireless map, and much more.

How it can differ to the other mods?

What creates the CodeChickenCore Mod distinct and unique is the reality that it is very handy and practical for those who write scripts at the same time utilizing Java and make use of mods for Minecraft. Even as it may not be for the typical individual who craves to install mods and witness how they handle to change the game play overall, the mod is certainly appropriate for the power gamers that want as well as like to experiment along with the mods in manners they have never witness before.

The good thing about it is that it runs with countless of Minecraft versions, thus, it definitely creates it as the best opt at all times. Certainly, the CodeChickenCore Mod 1.7.10 is by far the most thrilling and the best version that you can have, for the reason that it’s always up-to-date and loaded with countless of neat stuffs inside but, if you prefer to use the older version, then it is all up to you.

What does it do?

It does a wonderful job in presenting the game with a surplus of ways that they can utilize in order to improve their gaming experience. Although it may be less preventive for the reason that it is concentrated to the set of mods of the developer, it is still a good collection and addition to their Minecraft word.

Bear in mind that it is essential to understand that the mod will receive updates more often, most of which are specialized on repeated bug fixing, even though while this mod also offers a way to manage with the fresh and new content by providing neat stuff to the Minecraft gaming experience in a slower manner.

Thus, if you are one of those addicts that is more ‘unfussy modder’ who just want to install random of mods and witness how it can affect your game play, then maybe adding the mod is perchance is not for you. For the last tip, just remember that it is vital to remember that it requires the Forge/FML to install in order for it to work flawlessly. Aside from that, there are not any sort of special demands, at the same time the process of installation is very simple and easy to deal with.


CodeChickenCore Mod is an convenient and cool modification that will make you Minecraft world more interesting. This mod will work as a main library for other great mods created by ChickenBones. I think all of you will know them because they are really popular such as Not Enough Items, Ender Storage, ChickenChunks, and Wireless Redstone.

So forget trying to manually install all these individual mods, this modifier does it all at once for you.


For people who play Minecraft, mods are a great help to make them progress quicker in any game, and more importantly, to avoid frustration. Any gamer would most probably understand this situation as being stuck on the game and left behind is a really sad situation. Wouldn’t it be nice if you can brag how well you are doing in the game compared to all of your other friends? With this, CodeChickenCore Mod 1.10.2 can be helpful in ways more than one. This modification will make your Minecraft world more interesting and will definitely get you more hooked.

Do not be confused. In spite of its name, It is not exactly the mod most people would expect. Instead, it can be considered as being more of a custom loader and a set of tools that have been created by chicken_bones, one of the well-known creators of mods for Minecraft. The premise of this mod is simple – once you have it installed, you will be able to easily and quickly install any other mods that have been made by the same creator. With such, It is handy only in instances where you plan to use mods by chicken_bones. If you plan to install random mods, this will not work. However, while there are some users who have reported how they loved CodeChickenCore, there are also some people who complained about how you need to contact the owner first and to give credit before you can have it used.

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