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Winners’ Round 1





August 19, 2021

Team Migration







August 20, 2021


Ghost Lake





August 27, 2021


Ghost Lake

Winners’ Round 2





August 30, 2021



Ghost Lake







August 28, 2021



Ghost Lake






August 31, 2021

Ghost Lake



  Iron maiden3

Iron maiden 



September 03, 2021

Ghost Lake

Sea of Worms


Watering Hole


Winners’ Round 3





September 04, 2021


Ghost Lake


Watering Hole





 Iron maiden

September 11, 2021

Ghost Lake

Watering Hole



Winners’ Finals





September 18, 2021

Ghost Lake



Watering Hole



Losers’ Round 1






September 07, 2021


Ghost Lake






August 31, 2021


Ghost Lake






September 11, 2021




Losers’ Round 2





September 17, 2021


Watering Hole







September 18, 2021



Watering Hole


Losers’ Round 3





September 26, 2021

Watering Hole

Ghost Lake




  Iron maiden1

Iron maiden 



September 25, 2021


Watering Hole



Losers’ Round 4


Losers’ Finals


Grand Finals


Ошибка DirectX в Age of Mythology: Extended Edition

«DirectX Runtime Error»




  • Первым делом необходимо установить «чистую» версию драйвера вашей видеокарты (то
    есть не стоит сразу спешить устанавливать тот же GeForce Experience, ничего лишнего
    от AMD и аудио).
  • При наличии второго монитора попробуйте отключить его, а также отключите G-Sync и
    любые другие виды дополнительных/вспомогательных устройств.
  • Воспользуйтесь средством проверки системных файлов для восстановления повреждённых
    или отсутствующих системных файлов.
  • В случае если используете видеокарту от Nvidia, тогда попробуйте включить


    в панели управления видеокартой.
  • Часто причиной ошибки служит перегретая видеокарта, поэтому для проверки её
    работоспособности рекомендуем воспользоваться программой


    . Если это оказалось действительно так, тогда следует
    понизить частоту видеокарты.

  • Если вдруг столкнулись с другими ошибками, тогда рекомендуем переустановить DirectX,
    но перед этим лучше на всякий случай удалить старую версию (при этом обязательно
    удалите в папке перед переустановкой все файлы начиная с





Submitting patches

We manage the submission of patches using the Gerrit code review tool. This tool implements a workflow on top of the Git version control system to ensure that all changes get peer reviewed and tested prior to their distribution.

Login cookie

Browse to AOMedia Git index and login with your account (Gmail credentials, for example). Next, follow the Password link at the top of the page. You’ll be given instructions for creating a cookie to use with our Git repos.

Contributor agreement

You will be required to execute a contributor agreement to ensure that the AOMedia Project has the right to distribute your changes.

Testing your code

The testing basics are covered in the above.

In addition to the local tests, many more (e.g. asan, tsan, valgrind) will run through Jenkins instances upon upload to gerrit.

Commit message hook

Gerrit requires that each submission include a unique Change-Id. You can assign one manually using git commit —amend, but it’s easier to automate it with the commit-msg hook provided by Gerrit.

Copy commit-msg to the directory of your local repo. Here’s an example:

    $ curl -Lo aom/.git/hooks/commit-msg

    # Next, ensure that the downloaded commit-msg script is executable:
    $ chmod u+x aom/.git/hooks/commit-msg

See the Gerrit documentation for more information.

Upload your change

The command line to upload your patch looks like this:

    $ git push HEAD:refs/for/master

Incorporating reviewer comments

If you previously uploaded a change to Gerrit and the Approver has asked for changes, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the files to make the changes the reviewer has requested.
  2. Recommit your edits using the —amend flag, for example:
   $ git commit -a --amend
  1. Use the same git push command as above to upload to Gerrit again for another review cycle.

In general, you should not rebase your changes when doing updates in response to review. Doing so can make it harder to follow the evolution of your change in the diff view.

Submitting your change

Once your change has been Approved and Verified, you can “submit” it through the Gerrit UI. This will usually automatically rebase your change onto the branch specified.

Sometimes this can’t be done automatically. If you run into this problem, you must rebase your changes manually:

    $ git fetch
    $ git rebase origin/branchname

If there are any conflicts, resolve them as you normally would with Git. When you’re done, reupload your change.




Myth units

  • Promethean (Prometheus)
  • Automaton (Leto)
  • Caladria (Oceanus)
  • Behemoth (Rheia)
  • Satyr (Hyperion)
  • Stymphalian Bird (Theia)
  • Heka Gigantes (Helios)
  • Argus (Atlas)
  • Lampades (Hekate)


  • Fishing Ship
  • Transport Ship
  • Bireme
  • Fireship
  • Siege Bireme

Myth units

  • Servant (Oceanus)
  • Nereid (Hyperion)
  • Man O’ War (Helios)


Spider Egg (Leto) (Four summoned by Spider Lair god power)

Citizen and Atlantean human units can be transformed into heroes at any time.

  • Citizen Hero
  • Oracle Hero
  • Murmillo Hero
  • Arcus Hero
  • Contarius Hero
  • Katapeltes Hero
  • Turma Hero
  • Fanatic Hero
  • Destroyer Hero

Myth units

  • Lair Spider (Leto) (Transformation of the Spider Egg 10 seconds, 5 seconds in Extended Edition, after the Spider Egg is summoned)
  • Carnivora (Oceanus) (summoned by Carnivora god power if cast on land)
  • Carnivora (Water) (Oceanus) (summoned by Carnivora if cast on water)
  • Promethean Offspring (Prometheus) (Two raise from Promethean when killed)
  • Tartarian Spawn (Hekate) (spawn from Tartarian Gate summoned by the homonymous god power)


Town Center

  • Laborer
  • Priest (Available once a Temple has been built)
  • Mercenary
  • Mercenary Cavalry
  • Pharaoh (starting unit. Respawns after 90 seconds if killed)



Myth units

  • Anubite (Anubis)
  • Wadjet (Ptah)
  • Sphinx (Bast)
  • Petsuchos (Hathor)
  • Roc (Hathor)
  • Scarab (Sekhmet)
  • Scorpion Man (Nephthys)
  • Avenger (Horus)
  • Mummy (Osiris)
  • Phoenix (Thoth)

Animals of Set
(Set): a fixed number spawns at the Temple once each age has been reached. The Animals of Set are:

  • Ape of Set
  • Gazelle of Set
  • Hyena of Set
  • Giraffe of Set
  • Crocodile of Set
  • Hippo of Set
  • Rhinoceros of Set
  • Fishing Ship
  • Transport Ship
  • Kebenit
  • Ramming Galley
  • War Barge

Myth units

  • Leviathan (Nephthys)
  • War Turtle (Thoth)


Son of Osiris (Osiris) (Transformation of some own Pharaoh casted by Son of Osiris god power)

Myth units

  • Phoenix Egg: (Thot) (Dropped by a Phoenix when killed over land)
  • Phoenix: (Thot) (Transformation from the Phoenix Egg at a lower regular cost)
  • Serpent (Anubis) (9 summoned by Plague of Serpents god power if cast on land)
  • Sea Serpent (Anubis) (9 summoned by Plague of Serpents if cast on water)
  • Minion (Nephthys, Osiris) (13 summoned by Ancestors god power when cast on land or a transformation of some enemy unit casted by the Mummy’s special attack)
  • Lost Ship (Nephthys) (13 summoned by Ancestors god when cast on water)

Animals of Set
(Set): Pharaoh can summon Animals of Set; they appear next to him. See ‘Temple’ for a list.

Звук в Age of Mythology: Extended Edition отсутствует или пропадает в заставках

  • В трее нажмите ПКМ по значку динамика;
  • В открывшемся меню необходимо выбрать пункт


  • Следом необходимо выбрать устройство (это могут быть либо динамики, либо наушники) и
    нажать на


  • Перейти на соседнюю вкладку


  • Отыщите меню под названием

    «Формат по умолчанию»

    , чтобы задать значение, но
    оно должно быть ниже текущего;
  • Нажмите


    , откройте Age of Mythology: Extended Edition и проверьте результат проделанной
  • Вновь в трее ПКМ по значку динамика;
  • В меню отыщите функцию под названием

    «Пространственный звук»

    , чтобы
  • Остаётся лишь перезапустить Age of Mythology: Extended Edition и проверить результат.

Other attributes[]

The Atlanteans are completely themed on «Quality over Quantity». Their units are extremely expensive, but far more powerful and effective than the units from the other civilizations. An example of this would be their villager, which costs 125 food, 25 wood, and 3 population slots, but are far more efficient than other villagers.

One attribute given to the Atlanteans through their superior villagers is the termination of resource dropping points. Instead, the Atlantean Citizens have donkeys, which follow them and act as personal resource gathering points; enabling them to continuously put resources into the stockpile rather than having to drop them off at a building. If a resource should become depleted, the Atlantean citizen will be able to move, by itself, to a similar resource elsewhere.

Another attribute is the ability to use god powers more than once, the amount depending on the power of the God Power being used. Though the Atlanteans can use most of their God Powers more than once, there is a ‘cooldown period’ between the usage of the God Power, which is dependent on the God Power, ranging from around one minute to five. Certain Mythic Age God Powers may only be used once.

Houses for the Atlanteans also have some changes. Unlike the other cultures of Age of Mythology, the Atlanteans have houses which are called ‘Manors’ that can garrison units and serve a population of 20 instead of 10. However, due to this increase in the population cap per building, the Atlanteans are only able to build five Manors. Each Manor costs 80 wood and 25 gold, considerably more expensive than a normal House. However it has more than double the HP of a house and can also garrison up to 5 units for protection.


Unlike the Norse and Greeks, the Egyptian hero is not simply a regular unit with an attack bonus against myth units. Instead the Egyptians have the Pharaoh, a hero that heals and is devastating against myth units, and Priests, which are essentially lesser versions of the Pharaoh. The Egyptian player starts with a Pharaoh and a Priest. Priests are fairly expensive and rather weak against human soldiers.


Main article: Pharaoh (Age of Mythology)

The Pharaoh is a fairly tough warrior, but is still no match for grouped human units. However, he is a powerful support unit due to his strong attacks against enemy Myth units and his ability to heal. Set’s Pharaoh can also summon animals.

If killed, the Pharaoh regenerates at the player’s starting Town Center after one and a half minutes, so he is never out of action for long.


Main article: Priest (Age of Mythology)

Like the Pharaoh, the Priest has a ranged attack with a large attack bonus against mythological units, but is very weak against regular units. It can also heal units. The Priest has the additional ability to summon Obelisks, which are cheap and quickly placed structures that provide a large line of sight. Priests can be trained at the Town Center (once a Temple has been built) or at the Temple. All three major gods have a bonus to their priests — Ra’s can empower buildings like the Pharaoh, Isis’ place obelisks faster and at lower cost, and Set’s can convert wild animals to serve the player.


Age of Mythology The Titans скачать торрент бесплатно можно на нашем сайте, в отличие от других компьютерных игры в жанре, имеет прекрасную графику в формате HD. Большинство считают, что и без неё можно обойтись, в принципе, вы может быть правы. Но вы попробуйте сравнить пару игры с разной графикой, и сразу же заметите разницу и преимущества. Во время прохождения, вам будет казаться, что вы смотрите на реальных героев, которые находятся прямо возле вас, а не на мониторе.

Разработчики игровой процесс игры не стали кардинально менять, в принципе он остался прежним, сохранив верность традициям оригинальной игры. И это, конечно же, хорошо. Самым главным достоинством, безусловно, является упор на мифологию, взаимодействия различных и необычных свойств персонажей. Для того, чтобы выбрать существ в зависимости от нации, необходимо потрудиться и раздобыть специальное средство — благосклонность богов. Кроме богов и вышеупомянутых персонажей, в игре имеются вполне обычные люди самых разных классов, но, к сожалению, они очень слабы и не всегда справляются в противостоянии. Конечно же, все нации уникальны, и они отличаются не только визуально, но и традициями, способами развития, а также структурой боевых действий.

Все решения, которые вы принимаете, очень важны для дальнейших ваших возможностей. Ведь они могут стать решающей цепочкой, и, конечно же, определяют, каких из существ вам будет разрешено использовать.

Графика в игре значительно изменилась, и дополнилась разнообразными эффектами. Благодаря этому, Age of Mythology: Extended Edition как бы омолодилась и обрела совершенно новое лицо, а также стала намного лучше технически. В общем, получился вполне годный и добротный ремейк для поклонников классической игры.

Особенности Age of Mythology: Extended Edition

  • В игре добавлена смена дня и ночи.
  • Значительно улучшена графическая составляющая.
  • Есть возможность поддержки Workshop mod manager.
  • Интегрирование со Steam. Имеются достижения, карточки, мультиплеер, Cloud saves.
  • Интегрированная поддержка Twitch и Treaty Mode.

На этой странице по кнопке ниже вы можете скачать Age of Mythology: Extended Edition через торрент бесплатно.

Отсутствует DLL-файл или ошибка DLL



Ошибка d3dx9_43.dll, xinput1_2.dll,
x3daudio1_7.dll, xrsound.dll и др.

Все ошибки, в названии которых можно увидеть










лечатся одним и тем
же способом – воспользуйтесь

веб-установщиком исполняемых библиотек DirectX


MSVCR120.dll, VCRUNTIME140.dll, runtime-x32.dll и др.

Ошибки с названием




лечатся установкой
библиотек Microsoft Visual C++ (узнать, какая именно библиотека нужна можно в системных

Избавляемся от ошибки MSVCR140.dll / msvcr120.dll / MSVCR110.dll и
других DLL раз и навсегда

Очень часто стал замечать, что люди плачут об ошибках «запуск программы невозможен, так как
на компьютере отсутствует MSVCR120.dll». Это встречается…




Myth units

  • Valkyrie (Freyja)
  • Einherjar (Heimdall)
  • Troll (Forseti)
  • Frost Giant (Skadi, Hel)
  • Mountain Giant (Njord, Hel)
  • Battle Boar (Bragi)
  • Fenris Wolf Brood (Tyr)
  • Fire Giant (Baldr, Hel)
  • Raven (Odin) (Two spawned above the first Temple at the start of the Classical Age or once the Temple is built in the Extended Edition)
  • Nidhogg (Hel) (summoned by Nidhogg god power)
  • Fishing Ship
  • Transport Ship
  • Longboat
  • Drakkar
  • Dragon Ship

Myth units

  • Kraken (Njord)
  • Jormund Elver (Tyr)


  • Hero of Ragnarok (Transformation of own Gatherer or Dwarf casted by Ragnarok god power)
  • Fimbulwinter Wolf (Tyr) (Four packs of nine summoned by Fimbulwinter god power; they appear around enemy or unclaimed Settlements)
  • Myth units (Loki) (Can be summoned by Hersirs appearing next to them. See Temple for a list)


Review scores
Publication Score Comments
9.3 out of 10
9.2 out of 10
9.3 out of 10
Simply divine
Based on 31 reviews
Game Rankings
Based on 47 media outlets

Age of Mythology was well-received by the public, reaching an estimated 1 million units sold within five months of its release.

The game was nominated for the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences’ Interactive Achievement Awards for computer game of the year, and strategy computer game of the year.

Age of Mythology received a score of 9.3 points out of 10 on IGN. Reviewer Steve Butts stated that «Age of Mythology is much more polished and gripping than any of their previous efforts» (referring to the Age of Empires Series). He rated the game’s presentation as 9.5 points out of 10, commenting the campaign provided an almost perfect gaming experience, whilst the code was solid and stable. The game’s graphics scored 9 points out of 10, with Butts declaring that «Some fantastic effects and believable animations make this one a joy to watch.» Although he stated that the music was occasionally repetitive, the reviewer still rated it 9 points out of 10, mainly because of its «first rate voice-acting.» The gameplay was highly applauded (9.5 points out of 10), which Butts simply saying «I haven’t played an RTS this fun in a long, long time.»

Gamespot’s Greg Kasavin gave the game a 9.2 out of 10; gameplay was ranked 9 out of 10, with Kasavin stating that «you’ll get the impression from Age of Mythology that the designers spent their time further adjusting the gameplay conventions that they themselves have already helped pioneer.». The graphics also scored 9 points out of 10, with the comment that «Age of Mythology is a great-looking game, filled with bright colors and carefully detailed animations.» The reviewer was very fond of Age of Mythology‘s sound, stating that «it has a stirring musical score that’s distinctly different for each of the civilizations, and unit voices are done in the three cultures’ native languages,» and ranking it 9 points out of 10.Age of Mythology was rated 10 points out of 10 in the value criteria, with Kasavin stating that «Age of Mythology offers tremendous lasting value in either its single-player or multiplayer mode.» Finally, the game scored 9 points out of 10 in the tilt criteria, for an average of 9.2 points.

Review website Netjak gave Age of Mythology a score of 9.3 points out of 10, praising it as being «simply divine». The gameplay was ranked 10 points out of 10, with the reviewer appreciatively stating that «the single player campaign is the «meat» of the game.» The graphics were also rated highly; 9 points out of 10, and the game’s 3D animation (as opposed to the 2D animation in the Age of Empires series) was applauded highly. The review complimented the sound for not being overly interfering, but instead providing «a pleasant backdrop to the action, while managing to not overpower the ambiance.» The game received a replay value score of 9 points out of 10, for an average of 9.3 points.

Age of Mythology received a metascore of 89 points out of 100 on Metacritic, based on 31 reviews. This score included five reviews which gave the game a 100% ranking. 30 website users gave the game an average score of 8.2 points.Age of Mythology was ranked similarly highly on Game Rankings, with a score of 89% based on 47 media outlets. All of the reviews presented gave the game a score of at least 70%.


Ваш основной персонаж, которого вы сами сможете создать в процессе игры, путешествует по древним мирам, пытаясь защитить народ от коварных мифических существ. Сюжетная линия игры весьма интересна, поскольку вы сами сможете создавать и управлять вашими главными героями. Выбрав себе древний Египет, вы сможете создать ужасающих для врагов кентавров и минотавров. Это довольно опасные существа для противника. В древнем Египте вы сможете создать уникальных скорпионов, а вот в Скандинавии вы создадите удивительных и огромных викингов, которые будут отчаянно бороться за свои территории. Помимо всего, вы сможете строить оборонительные сооружения, есть возможность переманивать крестьян на свою сторону, создавая из них уникальных мифических воинов. Но в данном дополнении появится возможность еще создавать уникальных атлантов и титанов, чья сила просто разрушительна. Именно это отличительная черта данного дополнения. Как полубог вы сможете стать лидером мифических созданий.


Unlike the other cultures in Age of Mythology, the Atlanteans can create Heroes from regular units, simply by clicking a button while the unit is selected. The change is instant, and these new hero units have all of the attributes of heroes from other cultures. However, it isn’t free, the change to a hero costs a significant amount of resources for each unit and adds to the population cap. The heroes are simply created from regular units so they still maintain previous weaknesses while gaining an attack bonus against myth units and a slight increase in any other bonuses they possess. Atlantean heroes are the middle ground in the game. They are more expensive than Egyptian and Norse heroes but are not as weak to human soldiers. They are weaker than Greek heroes but are not limited in number as they are.

Building the library and applications

Basic build

CMake replaces the configure step typical of many projects. Running CMake will
produce configuration and build files for the currently selected CMake
generator. For most systems the default generator is Unix Makefiles. The basic
form of a makefile build is the following:

The above will generate a makefile build that produces the AV1 library and
applications for the current host system after the make step completes
. The compiler chosen varies by host platform, but a general rule
applies: On systems where cc and c++ are present in $PATH at the time CMake is
run the generated build will use cc and c++ by default.

Configuration options

The AV1 codec library has a great many configuration options. These come in two

  1. Build system configuration options. These have the form .
  2. AV1 codec configuration options. These have the form .

Both types of options are set at the time CMake is run. The following example
enables ccache and disables high bit depth:

The available configuration options are too numerous to list here. Build system
configuration options can be found at the top of the CMakeLists.txt file found
in the root of the AV1 repository, and AV1 codec configuration options can
currently be found in the file .

Dylib builds

A dylib (shared object) build of the AV1 codec library can be enabled via the
CMake built in variable BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:

This is currently only supported on non-Windows targets.

Cross compiling

For the purposes of building the AV1 codec and applications and relative to the
scope of this guide, all builds for architectures differing from the native host
architecture will be considered cross compiles. The AV1 CMake build handles
cross compiling via the use of toolchain files included in the AV1 repository.
The toolchain files available at the time of this writing are:

  • arm64-ios.cmake
  • arm64-linux-gcc.cmake
  • armv7-ios.cmake
  • armv7-linux-gcc.cmake
  • armv7s-ios.cmake
  • mips32-linux-gcc.cmake
  • mips64-linux-gcc.cmake
  • x86-ios-simulator.cmake
  • x86-linux.cmake
  • x86-macos.cmake
  • x86_64-ios-simulator.cmake

The following example demonstrates use of the x86-macos.cmake toolchain file on
a x86_64 MacOS host:

To build for an unlisted target creation of a new toolchain file is the best
solution. The existing toolchain files can be used a starting point for a new
toolchain file since each one exposes the basic requirements for toolchain files
as used in the AV1 codec build.

As a temporary work around an unoptimized AV1 configuration that builds only C
and C++ sources can be produced using the following commands:

In addition to the above it’s important to note that the toolchain files
suffixed with gcc behave differently than the others. These toolchain files
attempt to obey the $CROSS environment variable.

Microsoft Visual Studio builds

Building the AV1 codec library in Microsoft Visual Studio is supported. The
following example demonstrates generating projects and a solution for the
Microsoft IDE:

Xcode builds

Building the AV1 codec library in Xcode is supported. The following example
demonstrates generating an Xcode project:


The Greeks can be considered as having the most standardized and easily memorized military in the game. Each class of human units — infantry, archer, and cavalry — is produced and upgraded by its own class-specific building.

In the Classical Age, the Greeks can train the Hoplite, Toxotes, and Hippikon which are infantry, archer, and cavalry units that follow the game’s basic rock-paper-scissors model of unit advantage. These three units are more expensive than their Classical Egyptian and Norse counterparts, but are also stronger, meaning the Greeks have better units in the early game.

In the Heroic Age, hard counter units (Hypaspist, Peltast, and Prodromos) become available. Each of these units does low base damage but has a very large bonus against other units of its own class. For example, the Prodromos is a cavalry unit that has a very high damage multiplier versus other cavalry, and is much stronger against cavalry than the Hoplite. The Greeks are the only culture to have a ranged Heroic Age siege unit — the Petrobolos.

In the Mythic Age, the Greeks can train a unit unique to their major god. These special units cost more than regular units but are also  stronger and have special characteristics. Worshippers of Zeus have Myrmidons, strong infantry units with a bonus attack against units of the other cultures. Worshippers of Hades gain Gastraphetes, long-range archers which deal crush damage, allowing them, en masse, to besiege enemy buildings. Worshippers of Poseidon have the Hetairoi, cavalry units that do additional damage to buildings. All Greek players can also train the Helepolis, a siege unit that can garrison five units within it and shoot bolts that deal high crush damage.

The Greeks possess some of the strongest myth units in the game but they are often expensive and can be hard to mass-produce without focusing an excessive amount of villagers on praying for favour.


Ensemble Studios began work on their first fully 3D engine in parallel to their development of the first Age of Empires. Christened the BANG! Engine, this was announced in January 2001 (And hinted at in 2000) for use in a new game, codenamed RTSIII. RTSIII would eventually become Age of Mythology.

In developing Age of Mythology, Ensemble Studios decided to move away from the heart of the Age of Empires Series; history, to avoid becoming stale and repetitive. This allowed them to work with new ideas.

For the June 2001 Issue, in preparing for E3 2001, Computer Gaming World released Magazine #203 featuring Thor on the front cover, the Age of Mythology Article had a whole 4-5 pages worth of information that can be read here. This article is the first piece of publically revealed Age of Mythology Information. However if one was lucky enough to gain the «Making of Age of Empires II» video, once can see the modelling of a now cut Norse Heavy Cavalry, called simply enough the Heavy Cavalry, making it the first true piece of revealed AoM content, back from sometime in 2000.

Age of Mythology has the most amount of beta/alpha content in the series (Despite a majority of it being inaccessible), hundreds of pre-release screenshots, and several videos exist showing some units such as the Apep, Griffon and the Norse Hirdman. According to Bruce Shelley they released numerous pictures (every week) videos, and other pre-release material because they saw it as «nurturing the community» and to develop hype.

The Story was at least changed several times, the most notable massive change being the switch of main characters, such as Misenus being replaced with Arkantos, other characters such as Mnevis, Achilles, and another unknown Cyclops Antagonist, Siegfried and another bandit called Shaba Ka (being merged with Kemsyt) The campaign structure changed at least 3 times, originally having some 40 scenarios, not including the cut Arena sub-campaign and the tutorials before being changed to 36 and finally 32. It is possible that the campaign was originally intended as an Anthology-based campaign much like The Age of Kings, or the later DS Age of Empires: Mythologies.

Following the announcement of the game for September 2002, a trial version was released to the public. This contained a shortened version of the game’s campaign (5 scenarios) and two random maps. In the trial version, the player could select any of the nine Gods available in the full version of the game.

Age of Mythology underwent a large amount of play-testing during its developmental phase, as Ensemble Studios attempted to create a more balanced and competitive game than its predecessors. Greg T. Street commented that one of the reasons Age of Mythology is so popular is because the development team spent many hours working on the game through active testing, rather than just taking advice from a «faceless drone in another building.»

In July 2002 it was announced that a Multiplayer Alpha would be released, this was given to a random, and chosen 10,000 players, and lasted for a month before closure.

The sounds of Age of Mytholgy were designed in the way of using custom, recorded sounds (instead of pre-recorded archive sounds or the use of synths), such as beating meat with real weapons and sledgehammers to be used as hack sounds, or recording penguins in SeaWorld Texas that was slowed down with other sound effects added to be used as the well known eerie souls in Erebus.

There was much debate during Age of Mythology’s development concerning the unbalanced nature of God powers, and how to make them “fair”, while still maintaining their element of fun. It was concluded that the best way to make it fair for everyone was to limit the use of god powers to one a game, compared to the original Hero that casted Godpowers system.

On September 30, 2003, Ensemble Studios released an expansion to Age of Mythology, entitled Age of Mythology: The Titans. It contained a new culture, the Atlanteans, as well as new units and a new mythological race, the titans. The expansion was received well by critics and fans alike, though its rating was not as high as that of the original.

Testing the AV1 codec

Testing basics

Currently there are two types of tests in the AV1 codec repository:

  1. Unit tests.
  2. Example tests.

The unit tests can be run at build time:

The example tests require a bash shell and can be run in the following manner:

IDE hosted tests

By default the generated projects files created by CMake will not include the
runtests and testdata rules when generating for IDEs like Microsoft Visual
Studio and Xcode. This is done to avoid intolerably long build cycles in the
IDEs— IDE behavior is to build all targets when selecting the build project
options in MSVS and Xcode. To enable the test rules in IDEs the
variable must be enabled at CMake generation time:

Downloading the test data

The fastest and easiest way to obtain the test data is to use CMake to generate
a build using the Unix Makefiles generator, and then to build only the testdata

The above make command will only download and verify the test data.

Coding style

We are using the Google C Coding Style defined by the Google C++ Style Guide.

The coding style used by this project is enforced with clang-format using the configuration contained in the .clang-format file in the root of the repository.

You can download clang-format using your system’s package manager, or directly from You can also view the documentation on Output from clang-format varies by clang-format version, for best results your version should match the one used on Jenkins. You can find the clang-format version by reading the comment in the file linked above.

Before pushing changes for review you can format your code with:

    # Apply clang-format to modified .c, .h and .cc files
    $ clang-format -i --style=file \
      $(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR '*.' '*.cc')

Check the .clang-format file for the version used to generate it if there is any difference between your local formatting and the review system.

Some Git installations have clang-format integration. Here are some examples:

    # Apply clang-format to all staged changes:
    $ git clang-format

    # Clang format all staged and unstaged changes:
    $ git clang-format -f

    # Clang format all staged and unstaged changes interactively:
    $ git clang-format -f -p
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